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IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI), Volume 21
Volume 21, Number 1, January 1999
- Kevin W. Bowyer:
Editorial. 1-2 - Kevin W. Bowyer:
Associate Editors Join PAMI. 3 - Mohamad A. Akra, Louay Bazzi, Sanjoy K. Mitter:
Sampling of Images for Efficient Model-Based Vision. 4-11 - Amit Chakraborty, James S. Duncan:
Game-Theoretic Integration for Image Segmentation. 12-30 - Daniel Keren, Craig Gotsman
Fitting Curves and Surfaces With Constrained Implicit Polynomials. 31-41 - Bruce Fischl, Eric L. Schwartz:
Adaptive Nonlocal Filtering: A Fast Alternative to Anisotropic Diffusion for Image Enhancement. 42-48 - Tat-Jen Cham
, Roberto Cipolla
Automated B-Spline Curve Representation Incorporating MDL and Error-Minimizing Control Point Insertion Strategies. 49-53 - Gang Xu, Noriko Sugimoto:
A Linear Algorithm for Motion From Three Weak Perspective Images Using Euler Angles. 54-57 - Gabriela Csurka, Olivier D. Faugeras:
Algebraic and Geometric Tools to Compute Projective and Permutation Invariants. 58-65 - Éric Marchand
, François Chaumette
Active Vision for Complete Scene Reconstruction and Exploration. 65-72 - Yuichi Nakatani, Daisuke Sasaki, Youji Iiguni, Hajime Maeda:
Online Recognition of Handwritten Hiragana Characters Based Upon a Complex Autoregressive Model. 73-76 - Wen-Tsong Chen, Paul D. Gader, Hongchi Shi:
Lexicon-Driven Handwritten Word Recognition Using Optimal Linear Combinations of Order Statistics. 77-82 - Stefan Pittner, Sagar V. Kamarthi:
Feature Extraction From Wavelet Coefficients for Pattern Recognition Tasks. 83-88 - Amjad Hajjar, Tom Chen:
VLSI Architecture for Real-Time Edge Linking. 89-94
Volume 21, Number 2, February 1999
- Kevin W. Bowyer:
New Members of PAMI Editorial Board. 97-98 - Krishnamoorthy Sivakumar, John Goutsias:
Morphologically Constrained GRFs: Applications to Texture Synthesis and Analysis. 99-113 - Kalle Åström
, Fredrik Kahl:
Motion Estimation in Image Sequences Using the Deformation of Apparent Contours. 114-127 - Régis Clouard, Abderrahim Elmoataz, Christine Porquet, Marinette Revenu:
Borg: A Knowledge-Based System for Automatic Generation of Image Processing Programs. 128-144 - Fu Chang, Ya-Ching Lu, Theodosios Pavlidis:
Feature Analysis Using Line Sweep Thinning Algorithm. 145-158 - Ajit V. Rao, David J. Miller, Kenneth Rose, Allen Gersho:
A Deterministic Annealing Approach for Parsimonious Design of Piecewise Regression Models. 159-173 - Man Leung Wong, Wai Lam, Kwong-Sak Leung:
Using Evolutionary Programming and Minimum Description Length Principle for Data Mining of Bayesian Networks. 174-178 - Tapas Kanungo, Robert M. Haralick:
An Automatic Closed-Loop Methodology for Generating Character Groundtruth for Scanned Documents. 179-183 - Cheng-Yuan Liou
, Hsin-Chang Yang
Selective Feature-to-Feature Adhesion for Recognition of Cursive Handprinted Characters. 184-191
Volume 21, Number 3, March 1999
- Robert Davis, Armand Prieditis:
Designing Optimal Sequential Experiments for a Bayesian Classifier. 193-201 - Dov Dori, Liu Wenyin:
Sparse Pixel Vectorization: An Algorithm and Its Performance Evaluation. 202-215 - Carlos F. Borges:
On the Estimation of Markov Random Field Parameters. 216-224 - Peter Hall, Berwin A. Turlach
On the Estimation of a Convex Set With Corners. 225-234 - Harpreet S. Sawhney, Rakesh Kumar:
True Multi-Image Alignment and Its Application to Mosaicing and Lens Distortion Correction. 235-243 - Gideon P. Stein, Amnon Shashua:
On Degeneracy of Linear Reconstruction From Three Views: Linear Line Complex and Applications. 244-251 - Ilan Shimshoni, Ronen Basri, Ehud Rivlin:
A Geometric Interpretation of Weak-Perspective Motion. 252-257 - Nei Kato, Masato Suzuki, Shinichiro Omachi, Hirotomo Aso, Yoshiaki Nemoto:
A Handwritten Character Recognition System Using Directional Element Feature and Asymmetric Mahalanobis Distance. 258-262 - Jinhai Cai, Zhi-Qiang Liu:
Integration of Structural and Statistical Information for Unconstrained Handwritten Numeral Recognition. 263-270 - Hui Wang, David A. Bell, Fionn Murtagh:
Axiomatic Approach to Feature Subset Selection Based on Relevance. 271-277 - Afonso Ferreira, Stéphane Ubéda:
Computing the Medial Axis Transform in Parallel With Eight Scan Operations. 277-282 - Jefferey A. Shufelt:
Performance Evaluation and Analysis of Vanishing Point Detection Techniques. 282-288
Volume 21, Number 4, April 1999
- P. Jonathon Phillips, Kevin W. Bowyer:
Introduction to the Special Section on Empirical Evaluation of Computer Vision Algorithms. 289-290 - Trygve Randen, John Håkon Husøy:
Filtering for Texture Classification: A Comparative Study. 291-310 - Jefferey A. Shufelt:
Performance Evaluation and Analysis of Monocular Building Extraction From Aerial Imagery. 311-326 - Antonio M. López
, Felipe Lumbreras
, Joan Serrat
, Juan José Villanueva:
Evaluation of Methods for Ridge and Valley Detection. 327-335 - Thomas Martini Jørgensen
, Christian Linneberg:
Theoretical Analysis and Improved Decision Criteria for the n-Tuple Classifier. 336-347 - Anil K. Jain, Salil Prabhakar, Lin Hong:
A Multichannel Approach to Fingerprint Classification. 348-359 - Christopher Raphael:
Automatic Segmentation of Acoustic Musical Signals Using Hidden Markov Models. 360-370 - Michael T. Goodrich
, Joseph S. B. Mitchell, Mark W. Orletsky:
Approximate Geometric Pattern Matching Under Rigid Motions. 371-379 - Francesco Ricci
, Paolo Avesani
Data Compression and Local Metrics for Nearest Neighbor Classification. 380-384
Volume 21, Number 5, May 1999
- Multiple Submission: Professionalism, Ethical Issues, and Copyright Legalities. 385
- Daniel L. Swets, Juyang Weng:
Hierarchical Discriminant Analysis for Image Retrieval. 386-401 - Raffaele Cappelli
, Alessandra Lumini
, Dario Maio, Davide Maltoni:
Fingerprint Classification by Directional Image Partitioning. 402-421 - Bernard Chalmond, Stéphane Girard
Nonlinear Modeling of Scattered Multivariate Data and Its Application to Shape Change. 422-432 - Andrew E. Johnson, Martial Hebert:
Using Spin Images for Efficient Object Recognition in Cluttered 3D Scenes. 433-449 - Hichem Frigui, Raghu Krishnapuram:
A Robust Competitive Clustering Algorithm With Applications in Computer Vision. 450-465 - Dinggang Shen, Horace Ho-Shing Ip
, Kent K. T. Cheung, Eam Khwang Teoh:
Symmetry Detection by Generalized Complex (GC) Moments: A Close-Form Solution. 466-476 - Andrew W. Fitzgibbon, Maurizio Pilu, Robert B. Fisher:
Direct Least Square Fitting of Ellipses. 476-480
Volume 21, Number 6, June 1999
- PAMI Editorial Board Changes. 481
- Xavier Descombes, Frithjof Kruggel:
A Markov Pixon Information Approach for Low-Level Image Description. 482-494 - Issam Bazzi, Richard M. Schwartz, John Makhoul:
An Omnifont Open-Vocabulary OCR System for English and Arabic. 495-504 - Ronald-Bryan O. Alferez, Yuan-Fang Wang:
Geometric and Illumination Invariants for Object Recognition. 505-536 - Jesse Bennett, Alireza Khotanzad:
Maximum Likelihood Estimation Methods for Multispectral Random Field Image Models. 537-543 - Jiming Liu, Yuan Yan Tang:
Adaptive Image Segmentation With Distributed Behavior-Based Agents. 544-551 - Patrick C. Teo, Yacov Hel-Or:
Design of Multiparameter Steerable Functions Using Cascade Basis Reduction. 552-556 - Haiyuan Wu, Qian Chen, Masahiko Yachida:
Face Detection From Color Images Using a Fuzzy Pattern Matching Method. 557-563 - Natan Peterfreund:
Robust Tracking of Position and Velocity With Kalman Snakes. 564-569 - Y. S. Hung, H. T. Ho:
A Kalman Filter Approach to Direct Depth Estimation Incorporating Surface Structure. 570-575
Volume 21, Number 7, July 1999
- A. N. Rajagopalan
, Subhasis Chaudhuri:
An MRF Model-Based Approach to Simultaneous Recovery of Depth and Restoration from Defocused Images. 577-589 - Wonho Oh, W. Brent Lindquist:
Image Thresholding by Indicator Kriging. 590-602 - Grinnell Jones, Bir Bhanu
Recognition of Articulated and Occluded Objects. 603-613 - Mikhail J. Atallah, Yann Génin, Wojciech Szpankowski:
Pattern Matching Image Compression: Algorithmic and Empirical Results. 614-627 - Atsushi Marugame, Jiro Katto
, Mutsumi Ohta:
Structure Recovery with Multiple Cameras from Scaled Orthographic and Perspective Views. 628-633 - Pascal Matsakis, Laurent Wendling:
A New Way to Represent the Relative Position between Areal Objects. 634-643 - András Antos, Luc Devroye, László Györfi:
Lower Bounds for Bayes Error Estimation. 643-645 - Klaus Voss, Herbert Süße:
A New One-Parametric Fitting Method for Planar Objects. 646-651 - Nick Bennett, Robert Burridge, Naoki Saito
A Method to Detect and Characterize Ellipses Using the Hough Transform. 652-657 - Isabelle Bloch:
Fuzzy Relative Position Between Objects in Image Processing: A Morphological Approach. 657-664 - John Oliensis, Venu Govindu:
An Experimental Study of Projective Structure From Motion. 665-671
Volume 21, Number 8, August 1999
- Sven J. Dickinson, David Wilkes, John K. Tsotsos
A Computational Model of View Degeneracy. 673-689 - Ruo Zhang, Ping-Sing Tsai, James Edwin Cryer, Mubarak Shah
Shape from Shading: A Survey. 690-706 - Marc Pollefeys
, Luc Van Gool:
Stratified Self-Calibration with the Modulus Constraint. 707-724 - Ian Craw, Nicholas Costen
, Takashi Kato, Shigeru Akamatsu:
How Should We RepresentFaces for Automatic Recognition? 725-736 - Tanveer Fathima Syeda-Mahmood:
Indexing of Technical Line Drawing Databases. 737-751 - Mounim A. El-Yacoubi
, Michel Gilloux, Robert Sabourin, Ching Y. Suen:
An HMM-Based Approach for Off-Line Unconstrained Handwritten Word Modeling and Recognition. 752-760 - Yan Solihin, C. G. Leedham:
Integral Ratio: A New Class of Global Thresholding Techniques for Handwriting Images. 761-768 - Whoi-Yul Kim, Young-Sung Kim:
Robust Rotation Angle Estimator. 768-773 - Long Quan, Zhong-Dan Lan:
Linear N-Point Camera Pose Determination. 774-780 - A. C. Cem Say
Making Use of Contradictory Behavior Information in Qualitative Reasoning. 781-786 - Trevor J. Davis:
Fast Decomposition of Digital Curves into Polygons Using the Haar Transform. 786-790 - Hsin-Teng Sheu, Wu-Chih Hu:
Multiprimitive Segmentation of Planar Curves-A Two-Level Breakpoint Classification and Tuning Approach. 791-797 - Yuntao Cui, Juyang Weng:
A Learning-Based Prediction-and-Verification Segmentation Scheme for Hand Sign Image Sequence. 798-804 - Zhengwei Yang
, Fernand S. Cohen:
Cross-Weighted Moments and Affine Invariants for Image Registration and Matching. 804-814
Volume 21, Number 9, September 1999
- Michael Elad, Arie Feuer:
Super-Resolution Reconstruction of Image Sequences. 817-834 - Mourad Zerroug, Ramakant Nevatia:
Part-Based 3D Descriptions of Complex Objects from a Single Image. 835-848 - Ihsin T. Phillips, Atul K. Chhabra:
Empirical Performance Evaluation of Graphics Recognition Systems. 849-870 - Simone Santini, Ramesh C. Jain:
Similarity Measures. 871-883 - Andrew D. Wilson, Aaron F. Bobick:
Parametric Hidden Markov Models for Gesture Recognition. 884-900 - Xilin Yi, Octavia I. Camps:
Line-Based Recognition Using A Multidimensional Hausdorff Distance. 901-916 - Horst Bunke:
Error Correcting Graph Matching: On the Influence of the Underlying Cost Function. 917-922 - Djamel Bouchaffra, Venu Govindaraju, Sargur N. Srihari:
A Methodology for Mapping Scores to Probabilities. 923-927 - Sriganesh Madhvanath, Gyeonghwan Kim, Venu Govindaraju:
Chaincode Contour Processing for Handwritten Word Recognition. 928-932 - Yu-Ping Wang, Ruibin Qu:
Fast Implementation of Scale-Space by Interpolatory Subdivision Scheme. 933-939 - Jérôme Monteil, Azeddine Beghdadi:
A New Interpretation and improvement of the Nonlinear Anisotropic Diffusion for Image Enhancement. 940-946 - Oscar Yáñez-Suárez
, Mahmood R. Azimi-Sadjadi:
Unsupervised Clustering in Hough Space for Identification of Partially Occluded Objects. 946-950 - Daniel P. Huttenlocher, Ryan H. Lilien, Clark F. Olson:
View-Based Recognition Using an Eigenspace Approximation to the Hausdorff Measure. 951-955 - Guy Smith:
Comments on 'Design of Supervised Classifiers Using Boolean Neural Neworks'. 956 - Mansur R. Kabuka:
Reply to: Comments on 'Design of Supervised Classifiers Using Boolean Neural Networks'. 957-958
Volume 21, Number 10, October 1999
- Hyeon-Kyu Lee, Jin-Hyung Kim:
An HMM-Based Threshold Model Approach for Gesture Recognition. 961-973 - Gianluca Donato, Marian Stewart Bartlett, Joseph C. Hager, Paul Ekman, Terrence J. Sejnowski:
Classifying Facial Actions. 974-989 - Djamel Bouchaffra, Venu Govindaraju, Sargur N. Srihari:
Postprocessing of Recognized Strings Using Nonstationary Markovian Models. 990-999 - Jeffrey S. Beis, David G. Lowe:
Indexing without Invariants in 3D Object Recognition. 1000-1015 - Richard Pito:
A Solution to the Next Best View Problem for Automated Surface Acquisition. 1016-1030 - Venu Govindu, Chandra Shekhar:
Alignment Using Distributions of Local Geometric Properties. 1031-1043 - Rosa Rodríguez-Sánchez
, Jose A. García, Joaquín Fernández-Valdivia
, Xosé R. Fernández-Vidal:
The RGFF Representational Model: A System for the Automatically Learned Partitioning of 'Visual Patterns' in Digital Images. 1044-1073 - Harold S. Stone, Jacqueline Le Moigne, Morgan McGuire:
The Translation Sensitivity of Wavelet-Based Registration. 1074-1081 - Olivier Y. de Vel, Stefan Aeberhard:
Line-Based Face Recognition under Varying Pose. 1081-1088 - Il-Seok Oh, Jin-Seon Lee, Ching Y. Suen:
Analysis of Class Separation and Combination of Class-Dependent Features for Handwriting Recognition. 1089-1094 - Ke Liu, Yea S. Huang, Ching Y. Suen:
Identification of Fork Points on the Skeletons of Handwritten Chinese Characters. 1095-1100 - Y. S. Hung, H. T. Ho:
Errata: Corrections to "A Kalman Filter Approach to Direct Depth Estimation Incorporating Surface Structure". 1101
Volume 21, Number 11, November 1999
- Marcello Pelillo, Kaleem Siddiqi
, Steven W. Zucker:
Matching Hierarchical Structures Using Association Graphs. 1105-1120 - Dorothea Blostein, Lippold Haken:
Using Diagram Generation Software to Improve Diagram Recognition: A Case Study of Music Notation. 1121-1136 - So Young Sohn:
Meta Analysis of Classification Algorithms for Pattern Recognition. 1137-1144 - Christophe Chesnaud, Philippe Réfrégier, Vlady Boulet:
Statistical Region Snake-Based Segmentation Adapted to Different Physical Noise Models. 1145-1157 - Song Chun Zhu:
Stochastic Jump-Diffusion Process for Computing Medial Axes in Markov Random Fields. 1158-1169 - Song Chun Zhu:
Embedding Gestalt Laws in Markov Random Fields. 1170-1187 - Jun Sato, Roberto Cipolla
Affine Reconstruction of Curved Surfaces from Uncalibrated Views of Apparent Contours. 1188-1197 - Mario Ferraro, Giuseppe Boccignone
, Terry Caelli
On the Representation of Image Structures via Scale Space Entropy Conditions. 1199-1203 - Liyuan Li, Weinan Chen:
Corner Detection and Interpretation on Planar Curves Using Fuzzy Reasoning. 1204-1210 - Guillermo Sapiro:
Color and Illuminant Voting. 1210-1215 - Hassan Qjidaa
, L. Radouane:
Robust Line Fitting in a Noisy Image by the Method of Moments. 1216-1223 - Victor Wu, R. Manmatha, Edward M. Riseman:
TextFinder: An Automatic System to Detect and Recognize Text In Images. 1224-1229 - Chu-Song Chen, Yi-Ping Hung, Jen-Bo Cheng:
RANSAC-Based DARCES: A New Approach to Fast Automatic Registration of Partially Overlapping Range Images. 1229-1234 - Chin-Chun Chang, Wen-Hsiang Tsai:
Reliable Determination of Object Pose from Line Features by Hypothesis Testing. 1235-1241 - Quin Cai, Jake K. Aggarwal:
Tracking Human Motion in Structured Environments Using a Distributed-Camera System. 1241-1247
Volume 21, Number 12, December 1999
- Kevin W. Bowyer:
Editorial. 1249 - Philip L. Worthington, Edwin R. Hancock
New Constraints on Data-Closeness and Needle Map Consistency for Shape-from-Shading. 1250-1267 - Ashok N. Srivastava, Renjeng Su, Andreas S. Weigend:
Data Mining for Features Using Scale-Sensitive Gated Experts. 1268-1279 - Yihong Xu, George Nagy:
Prototype Extraction and Adaptive OCR. 1280-1296 - Alberto Suárez
, James F. Lutsko:
Globally Optimal Fuzzy Decision Trees for Classification and Regression. 1297-1311 - Yoram Gdalyahu, Daphna Weinshall:
Flexible Syntactic Matching of Curves and Its Application to Automatic Hierarchical Classification of Silhouettes. 1312-1328 - Anastasios L. Kesidis, Nikos Papamarkos:
On the Inverse Hough Transform. 1329-1343 - Sriganesh Madhvanath, Evelyn Kleinberg, Venu Govindaraju:
Holistic Verification of Handwritten Phrases. 1344-1356 - Michael J. Lyons
, Julien Budynek, Shigeru Akamatsu:
Automatic Classification of Single Facial Images. 1357-1362 - Benoit Huet
, Edwin R. Hancock:
Line Pattern Retrieval Using Relational Histograms. 1363-1370 - Paul Runkle, Lawrence Carin, Luise Couchman, Timothy J. Yoder, Joseph A. Bucaro:
Multiaspect Target Identification with Wave-Based Matched Pursuits and Continuous Hidden Markov Models. 1371-1378

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