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IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI), Volume 25
Volume 25, Number 1, January 2003
- Brendan J. Frey, Nebojsa Jojic:
Transformation-Invariant Clustering Using the EM Algorithm. 1-17 - Alireza Khotanzad, Edmund Zink:
Contour Line and Geographic Feature Extraction from USGS Color Topographical Paper Maps. 18-31 - Charles R. Tolle, Timothy R. McJunkin
, David J. Gorisch:
Suboptimal Minimum Cluster Volume Cover-Based Method for Measuring Fractal Dimension. 32-41 - Roland Wilson, Chang-Tsun Li
A Class of Discrete Multiresolution Random Fields and Its Application to Image Segmentation. 42-56 - Scott Konishi, Alan L. Yuille
, James M. Coughlan, Song Chun Zhu:
Statistical Edge Detection: Learning and Evaluating Edge Cues. 57-74 - Randall K. Fish, Mari Ostendorf, Gary D. Bernard
, David A. Castañón:
Multilevel Classification of Milling Tool Wear with Confidence Estimation. 75-85 - Davi Geiger, Tyng-Luh Liu, Robert Kohn:
Representation and Self-Similarity of Shapes. 86-99 - Simon Baker, Terence Sim
, Takeo Kanade:
When Is the Shape of a Scene Unique Given Its Light-Field: A Fundamental Theorem of 3D Vision? 100-109
- Josef Kittler, Fuad M. Alkoot
Sum Versus Vote Fusion in Multiple Classifier Systems. 110-115 - Thomas B. Sebastian, Philip N. Klein, Benjamin B. Kimia:
On Aligning Curves. 116-125 - Y. C. Cheng, Y.-S. Liu:
Polling an Image for Circles by Random Lines. 125-130 - Xiaoyi Jiang
, Daniel Mojon:
Adaptive Local Thresholding by Verification-Based Multithreshold Probing with Application to Vessel Detection in Retinal Images. 131-137
Volume 25, Number 2, February 2003
- Rama Chellappa, David J. Kriegman:
Introduction of New Associate Editors. 145-146
- Kwan-Yee Kenneth Wong
, Paulo R. S. Mendonça
, Roberto Cipolla
Camera Calibration from Surfaces of Revolution. 147-161 - Karsten Hartelius, Jens Michael Carstensen:
Bayesian Grid Matching. 162-173 - Yusuf Sinan Akgul
, Chandra Kambhamettu:
A Coarse-to-Fine Deformable Contour Optimization Framework. 174-186 - João Maciel, João Paulo Costeira
A Global Solution to Sparse Correspondence Problems. 187-199 - Mario E. Munich, Pietro Perona:
Visual Identification by Signature Tracking. 200-217 - Ronen Basri, David W. Jacobs:
Lambertian Reflectance and Linear Subspaces. 218-233 - Jan Flusser
, Jirí Boldys, Barbara Zitová
Moment Forms Invariant to Rotation and Blur in Arbitrary Number of Dimensions. 234-246 - Dimitris Samaras, Dimitris N. Metaxas:
Incorporating Illumination Constraints in Deformable Models for Shape from Shading and Light Direction Estimation. 247-264
- Calvin R. Maurer Jr., Rensheng Qi, Vijay Raghavan:
A Linear Time Algorithm for Computing Exact Euclidean Distance Transforms of Binary Images in Arbitrary Dimensions. 265-270 - Manolis I. A. Lourakis
, Stavros V. Tzurbakis, Antonis A. Argyros
, Stelios C. Orphanoudakis:
Feature Transfer and Matching in Disparate Stereo Views through the Use of Plane Homographies. 271-276 - Daming Shi, Steve R. Gunn, Robert I. Damper:
Handwritten Chinese Radical Recognition Using Nonlinear Active Shape Models. 277-280 - Dorin Comaniciu
An Algorithm for Data-Driven Bandwidth Selection. 281-288
Volume 25, Number 3, March 2003
- Rama Chellappa, David J. Kriegman:
Editorial - State of the Transactions. 289
- Imari Sato, Yoichi Sato, Katsushi Ikeuchi:
Illumination from Shadows. 290-300 - David Hasler, Luciano Sbaiz, Sabine Süsstrunk, Martin Vetterli
Outlier Modeling in Image Matching. 301-315 - Anke Neumann
Graphical Gaussian Shape Models and Their Application to Image Segmentation. 316-329 - Hieu Tat Nguyen, Marcel Worring, Rein van den Boomgaard:
Watersnakes: Energy-Driven Watershed Segmentation. 330-342 - David Windridge
, Josef Kittler:
A Morphologically Optimal Strategy for Classifier Combination: Multiple Expert Fusion as a Tomographic Process. 343-353 - Philip H. S. Torr, Colin Davidson:
IMPSAC: Synthesis of Importance Sampling and Random Sample Consensus. 354-364
- Bon-Woo Hwang, Seong-Whan Lee:
Reconstruction of Partially Damaged Face Images Based on a Morphable Face Model. 365-372 - Jennifer G. Dy, Carla E. Brodley, Avinash C. Kak, Lynn S. Broderick, Alex M. Aisen:
Unsupervised Feature Selection Applied to Content-Based Retrieval of Lung Images. 373-378 - Hong Shen, Charles V. Stewart, Badrinath Roysam, Gang Lin, Howard L. Tanenbaum:
Frame-Rate Spatial Referencing Based on Invariant Indexing and Alignment with Application to Online Retinal Image Registration. 379-384
Volume 25, Number 4, April 2003
- David W. Jacobs, Michael Lindenbaum:
Guest Editors' Introduction to the Special Section on Perceptual Organization in Computer Vision. 385-386 - Jonas August, Steven W. Zucker:
Sketches with Curvature: The Curve Indicator Random Field and Markov Processes. 387-400 - Ohad Ben-Shahar
, Steven W. Zucker:
The Perceptual Organization of Texture Flow: A Contextual Inference Approach. 401-417 - Tinne Tuytelaars
, Andreas Turina, Luc Van Gool:
Noncombinatorial Detection of Regular Repetitions under Perspective Skew. 418-432 - Shyjan Mahamud, Lance R. Williams, Karvel K. Thornber, Kanglin Xu:
Segmentation of Multiple Salient Closed Contours from Real Images. 433-444 - Erik A. Engbers, Arnold W. M. Smeulders:
Design Considerations for Generic Grouping in Vision. 445-457 - Anthony Hoogs, Roderic Collins, Robert Kaucic, Joseph L. Mundy:
A Common Set of Perceptual Observables for Grouping, Figure-Ground Discrimination, and Texture Classification. 458-474 - Eric Saund:
Finding Perceptually Closed Paths in Sketches and Drawings. 475-491 - Mircea Nicolescu, Gérard G. Medioni:
Layered 4D Representation and Voting for Grouping from Motion. 492-501 - Andrés Almansa
, Agnès Desolneux, Sébastien Vamech:
Vanishing Point Detection without Any A Priori Information. 502-507 - Agnès Desolneux, Lionel Moisan, Jean-Michel Morel
A Grouping Principle and Four Applications. 508-513 - Bernd Fischer, Joachim M. Buhmann:
Path-Based Clustering for Grouping of Smooth Curves and Texture Segmentation. 513-518
- Michelangelo Diligenti, Paolo Frasconi, Marco Gori:
Hidden Tree Markov Models for Document Image Classification. 519-523 - Eric Granger
, Yvon Savaria, Pierre Lavoie:
A Pattern Reordering Approach Based on Ambiguity Detection for Online Category Learning. 524-528
Volume 25, Number 5, May 2003
- Rama Chellappa, David J. Kriegman:
Introduction of New Associate Editor. 529
- Gísli R. Hjaltason, Hanan Samet:
Properties of Embedding Methods for Similarity Searching in Metric Spaces. 530-549 - Jörg Bredno, Thomas Martin Lehmann, Klaus Spitzer:
A General Discrete Contour Model in Two, Three, and Four Dimensions for Topology-Adaptive Multichannel Segmentation. 550-563 - Dorin Comaniciu
, Visvanathan Ramesh, Peter Meer:
Kernel-Based Object Tracking. 564-575 - Adnan Ansar, Konstantinos Daniilidis:
Linear Pose Estimation from Points or Lines. 578-589 - Chi-Man Pun
, Moon-Chuen Lee:
Log-Polar Wavelet Energy Signatures for Rotation and Scale Invariant Texture Classification. 590-603 - Daniel Freedman:
Effective Tracking through Tree-Search. 604-615
- Bir Bhanu
, Xuejun Tan:
Fingerprint Indexing Based on Novel Features of Minutiae Triplets. 616-622 - Sebastian Mika, Gunnar Rätsch
, Jason Weston, Bernhard Schölkopf, Alexander J. Smola, Klaus-Robert Müller
Constructing Descriptive and Discriminative Nonlinear Features: Rayleigh Coefficients in Kernel Feature Spaces. 623-633 - Wai Lam, Yiqiu Han:
Automatic Textual Document Categorization Based on Generalized Instance Sets and a Metamodel. 628-633 - Wojciech Pieczynski:
Pairwise Markov Chains. 634-639
Volume 25, Number 6, June 2003
- David W. Jacobs, Michael Lindenbaum:
Guest Editors' Introduction to the Special Section on Perceptual Organization in Computer Vision. 641 - Padmanabhan Soundararajan, Sudeep Sarkar
An In-Depth Study of Graph Partitioning Measures for Perceptual Organization. 642-660 - James H. Elder, Amnon Krupnik, Leigh A. Johnston
Contour Grouping with Prior Models. 661-674 - Song Wang
, Jeffrey Mark Siskind
Image Segmentation with Ratio Cut. 675-690 - Song Wang, Jeffrey Mark Siskind:
Image Segmentation with Ratio Cut - Supplemental Material. - Song Chun Zhu:
Statistical Modeling and Conceptualization of Visual Patterns. 691-712
- Srinivasa G. Narasimhan
, Shree K. Nayar:
Contrast Restoration of Weather Degraded Images. 713-724 - Chengjun Liu:
A Bayesian Discriminating Features Method for Face Detection. 725-740 - Assaf Zomet, Doron Feldman, Shmuel Peleg, Daphna Weinshall:
Mosaicing New Views: The Crossed-Slits Projection. 741-754 - Xiao Han, Chenyang Xu, Jerry L. Prince:
A Topology Preserving Level Set Method for Geometric Deformable Models. 755-768
- Zu Whan Kim, Ramakant Nevatia:
Expandable Bayesian Networks for 3D Object Description from Multiple Views and Multiple Mode Inputs. 769-774 - Alan L. Yuille
, James M. Coughlan, Scott Konishi:
The Generic Viewpoint Assumption and Planar Bias. 775-778 - Frank J. Iannarilli Jr., Paul A. Rubin
Feature Selection for Multiclass Discrimination via Mixed-Integer Linear Programming. 779-783
Volume 25, Number 7, July 2003
- James M. Rehg
, Vladimir Pavlovic
, Thomas S. Huang, William T. Freeman:
Guest Editors' Introduction to the Special Section on Graphical Models in Computer Vision. 785-786 - Jian Sun, Nanning Zheng, Heung-Yeung Shum:
Stereo Matching Using Belief Propagation. 787-800 - Siome Goldenstein, Christian Vogler, Dimitris N. Metaxas:
Statistical Cue Integration in DAG Deformable Models. 801-813 - Yang Song, Luis Goncalves, Pietro Perona:
Unsupervised Learning of Human Motion. 814-827 - Matthew J. Beal, Nebojsa Jojic, Hagai Attias:
A Graphical Model for Audiovisual Object Tracking. 828-836 - Thomas O. Binford, Tod S. Levitt:
Evidential Reasoning for Object Recognition. 837-851 - Maurício Marengoni
, Allen R. Hanson, Shlomo Zilberstein
, Edward M. Riseman:
Decision Making and Uncertainty Management in a 3D Reconstruction System. 852-858
- Amos J. Storkey, Christopher K. I. Williams:
Image Modeling with Position-Encoding Dynamic Trees. 859-871 - Yanting Dong, Lawrence Carin
Rate-Distortion Analysis of Discrete-HMM Pose Estimation via Multiaspect Scattering Data. 872-883 - Mei Han, Takeo Kanade:
Multiple Motion Scene Reconstruction with Uncalibrated Cameras. 884-894 - Peter J. Giblin, Benjamin B. Kimia:
On the Intrinsic Reconstruction of Shape from Its Symmetries. 895-911
- Andrea Prati
, Ivana Mikic, Mohan M. Trivedi, Rita Cucchiara
Detecting Moving Shadows: Algorithms and Evaluation. 918-923 - Michalis K. Titsias, Aristidis Likas:
Class Conditional Density Estimation Using Mixtures with Constrained Component Sharing. 924-928
Volume 25, Number 8, August 2003
- Rama Chellappa, David J. Kriegman:
Introduction of New Associate Editor. 929
- Xiao-Shan Gao, Xiaorong Hou, Jianliang Tang, Hang-Fei Cheng:
Complete Solution Classification for the Perspective-Three-Point Problem. 930-943 - Ana L. N. Fred
, José M. N. Leitão:
A New Cluster Isolation Criterion Based on Dissimilarity Increments. 944-958 - Gareth Loy, Alexander Zelinsky:
Fast Radial Symmetry for Detecting Points of Interest. 959-973 - Adrian G. Bors
, Edwin R. Hancock
, Richard C. Wilson:
Terrain Analysis Using Radar Shape-from-Shading. 974-992 - Myron Z. Brown, Darius Burschka, Gregory D. Hager:
Advances in Computational Stereo. 993-1008
- Marius Tico, Pauli Kuosmanen:
Fingerprint Matching Using an Orientation-Based Minutia Descriptor. 1009-1014 - Eric Hayman, David William Murray:
The Effects of Translational Misalignment when Self-Calibrating Rotating and Zooming Cameras. 1015-1020 - Petko Faber:
A Theoretical Framework for Relaxation Processes in Pattern Recognition: Application to Robust Nonparametric Contour Generalization. 1021-1027 - Yitzhak Yitzhaky
, Eli Peli
A Method for Objective Edge Detection Evaluation and Detector Parameter Selection. 1027-1033 - Juyang Weng, Yilu Zhang, Wey-Shiuan Hwang:
Candid Covariance-Free Incremental Principal Component Analysis. 1034-1040
Volume 25, Number 9, September 2003
- David Zhang
, Adams Wai-Kin Kong, Jane You
, Michael Wong:
Online Palmprint Identification. 1041-1050 - Max-Olivier Hongler, Yuri López de Meneses, Antoine Beyeler, Jacques Jacot:
The Resonant Retina: Exploiting Vibration Noise to Optimally Detect Edges in an Image. 1051-1062 - Volker Blanz, Thomas Vetter:
Face Recognition Based on Fitting a 3D Morphable Model. 1063-1074 - Jia Li, James Ze Wang
Automatic Linguistic Indexing of Pictures by a Statistical Modeling Approach. 1075-1088 - Florence Forbes, Nathalie Peyrard:
Hidden Markov Random Field Model Selection Criteria Based on Mean Field-Like Approximations. 1089-1101 - Deepu Rajan, Subhasis Chaudhuri:
Simultaneous Estimation of Super-Resolved Scene and Depth Map from Low Resolution Defocused Observations. 1102-1117 - Yuan Yan Tang, Xinge You:
Skeletonization of Ribbon-Like Shapes Based on a New Wavelet Function. 1118-1133 - Pedro M. Q. Aguiar
, José M. F. Moura:
Rank 1 Weighted Factorization for 3D Structure Recovery: Algorithms and Performance Analysis. 1134-1049 - Mário A. T. Figueiredo:
Adaptive Sparseness for Supervised Learning. 1150-1159
- Kyong I. Chang, Kevin W. Bowyer
, Sudeep Sarkar
, Barnabas Victor:
Comparison and Combination of Ear and Face Images in Appearance-Based Biometrics. 1160-1165 - Ross A. J. Everitt, Peter W. McOwan:
Java-Based Internet Biometric Authentication System. 1166-1172 - Wojciech Chojnacki
, Michael J. Brooks
, Anton van den Hengel
, Darren Gawley:
Revisiting Hartley's Normalized Eight-Point Algorithm. 1172-1177 - Sarunas Raudys:
Experts' Boasting in Trainable Fusion Rules. 1178-1182 - Ralf Plänkers, Pascal Fua
Articulated Soft Objects for Multiview Shape and Motion Capture. 1182-1187 - Hanchuan Peng, Fuhui Long, Zheru Chi
Document Image Recognition Based on Template Matching of Component Block Projections. 1188-1192 - Jovisa D. Zunic, Paul L. Rosin:
Rectilinearity Measurements for Polygons. 1193-1200
Volume 25, Number 10, October 2003
- Rama Chellappa, David J. Kriegman:
Introduction of New Associate Editors. 1201
- Onno Zoeter, Tom Heskes
Hierarchical Visualization of Time-Series Data Using Switching Linear Dynamical Systems. 1202-1214 - Ragini Choudhury, Cordelia Schmid, Krystian Mikolajczyk:
Face Detection and Tracking in a Video by Propagating Detection Probabilities. 1215-1228 - Hisham Othman, Tyseer Aboulnasr:
A Separable Low Complexity 2D HMM with Application to Face Recognition. 1229-1238 - Svetlana Barsky, Maria Petrou:
The 4-Source Photometric Stereo Technique for Three-Dimensional Surfaces in the Presence of Highlights and Shadows. 1239-1252 - Mark A. Girolami
, Chao He:
Probability Density Estimation from Optimally Condensed Data Samples. 1253-1264 - Miguel Segui Prieto, Alastair R. Allen:
A Similarity Metric for Edge Images. 1265-1273 - Ingo Steinwart
On the Optimal Parameter Choice for v-Support Vector Machines. 1274-1284 - Asi Elad (Elbaz), Ron Kimmel:
On Bending Invariant Signatures for Surfaces. 1285-1295 - Allan D. Jepson, David J. Fleet
, Thomas F. El-Maraghi:
Robust Online Appearance Models for Visual Tracking. 1296-1311
- Marco Bressan, Jordi Vitrià
On the Selection and Classification of Independent Features. 1312-1317 - Stanislav Sheynin, Alexander Tuzikov
Moment Computation for Objects with Spline Curve Boundary. 1317-1322 - Isidro Robledo Vega
, Sudeep Sarkar
Statistical Motion Model Based on the Change of Feature Relationships: Human Gait-Based Recognition. 1323-1328 - Yihong Wu, Zhanyi Hu:
The Invariant Representations of a Quadric Cone and a Twisted Cubic. 1329-1332 - Hiroshi Ishikawa:
Exact Optimization for Markov Random Fields with Convex Priors. 1333-1336 - Rita Cucchiara
, Costantino Grana
, Massimo Piccardi
, Andrea Prati
Detecting Moving Objects, Ghosts, and Shadows in Video Streams. 1337-1342 - Guang Jiang, Hung-Tat Tsui, Long Quan, Andrew Zisserman:
Geometry of Single Axis Motions Using Conic Fitting. 1343-1348 - Pavel Laskov, Chandra Kambhamettu:
Curvature-Based Algorithms for Nonrigid Motion and Correspondence Estimation. 1349-1354 - Sohaib Khan, Mubarak Shah
Consistent Labeling of Tracked Objects in Multiple Cameras with Overlapping Fields of View. 1355-1360
Volume 25, Number 11, November 2003
- Mário A. T. Figueiredo, Edwin R. Hancock
, Marcello Pelillo, Josiane Zerubia
Guest Editors' Introduction to the Special Section on Energy Minimization Methods in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. 1361-1363 - Jens Keuchel, Christoph Schnörr, Christian Schellewald
, Daniel Cremers
Binary Partitioning, Perceptual Grouping, and Restoration with Semidefinite Programming. 1364-1379 - José L. Marroquín, Edgar Arce Santana, Salvador Botello:
Hidden Markov Measure Field Models for Image Segmentation. 1380-1387 - Rein-Lien Hsu, Anil K. Jain:
Generating Discriminating Cartoon Faces Using Interacting Snakes. 1388-1398 - Sennay Ghebreab, Arnold W. M. Smeulders:
Strings: Variational Deformable Models of Multivariate Continuous Boundary Features. 1399-1410 - Bernd Fischer
, Joachim M. Buhmann:
Bagging for Path-Based Clustering. 1411-1415 - Alain Crouzil, Xavier Descombes, Jean-Denis Durou:
A Multiresolution Approach for Shape from Shading Coupling Deterministic and Stochastic Optimization. 1416-1421
- In-Jung Kim
, Jin Hyung Kim:
Statistical Character Structure Modeling and Its Application to Handwritten Chinese Character Recognition. 1422-1436 - Charles S. Kenney, B. S. Manjunath, Marco Zuliani, Gary A. Hewer, Alan Van Nevel
A Condition Number for Point Matching with Application to Registration and Postregistration Error Estimation. 1437-1454 - Michael D. Grossberg, Shree K. Nayar:
Determining the Camera Response from Images: What Is Knowable? 1455-1467 - David J. Miller, John Browning:
A Mixture Model and EM-Based Algorithm for Class Discovery, Robust Classification, and Outlier Rejection in Mixed Labeled/Unlabeled Data Sets. 1468-1483 - Andrea Bottino
, Aldo Laurentini:
Introducing a New Problem: Shape-from-Silhouette when the Relative Positions of the Viewpoints is Unknown. 1484-1493
- Anil K. Jain, Umut Uludag:
Hiding Biometric Data. 1494-1498 - Ahmed M. Elgammal
, Ramani Duraiswami
, Larry S. Davis:
Efficient Kernel Density Estimation Using the Fast Gauss Transform with Applications to Color Modeling and Tracking. 1499-1504
Volume 25, Number 12, December 2003
- Liang Wang, Tieniu Tan, Huazhong Ning, Weiming Hu:
Silhouette Analysis-Based Gait Recognition for Human Identification. 1505-1518 - Li Ma, Tieniu Tan, Yunhong Wang, Dexin Zhang:
Personal Identification Based on Iris Texture Analysis. 1519-1533 - Sameer Singh:
Multiresolution Estimates of Classification Complexity. 1534-1539 - Volker Roth
, Julian Laub, Motoaki Kawanabe, Joachim M. Buhmann:
Optimal Cluster Preserving Embedding of Nonmetric Proximity Data. 1540-1551 - Zhihong Pan
, Glenn Healey, Manish Prasad, Bruce J. Tromberg:
Face Recognition in Hyperspectral Images. 1552-1560 - Sergey V. Beiden, Marcus A. Maloof, Robert F. Wagner:
A General Model for Finite-Sample Effects in Training and Testing of Competing Classifiers. 1561-1569 - Masashi Inoue
, Naonori Ueda:
Exploitation of Unlabeled Sequences in Hidden Markov Models. 1570-1581 - Kenji Suzuki
, Isao Horiba, Noboru Sugie:
Neural Edge Enhancer for Supervised Edge Enhancement from Noisy Images. 1582-1596 - Jorge Lobo
, Jorge Dias
Vision and Inertial Sensor Cooperation Using Gravity as a Vertical Reference. 1597-1608 - Marco Carcassoni, Edwin R. Hancock
Correspondence Matching with Modal Clusters. 1609-1615 - Terence Sim
, Simon Baker, Maan Bsat:
The CMU Pose, Illumination, and Expression Database. 1615-1618 - Ronan Fablet, Patrick Bouthemy:
Motion Recognition Using Nonparametric Image Motion Models Estimated from Temporal and Multiscale Cooccurrence Statistics. 1619-1624 - Ming Ye, Robert M. Haralick, Linda G. Shapiro:
Estimating Piecewise-Smooth Optical Flow with Global Matching and Graduated Optimization. 1625-1630 - Kwang In Kim, Keechul Jung, Jin Hyung Kim:
Texture-Based Approach for Text Detection in Images Using Support Vector Machines and Continuously Adaptive Mean Shift Algorithm. 1631-1639 - Mausumi Acharyya, Rajat K. De, Malay Kumar Kundu:
Extraction of Features Using M-Band Wavelet Packet Frame and Their Neuro-Fuzzy Evaluation for Multitexture Segmentation. 1639-1644

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