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SIAM Review, Volume 38
Volume 38, Number 1, 1996
- Alan H. Karp:
Bit Reversal on Uniprocessors. 1-26 - Paul Binding, Hans Volkmer:
Eigencurves for Two-Parameter Sturm-Liouville Equations. 27-48 - Lieven Vandenberghe, Stephen P. Boyd:
Semidefinite Programming. 49-95 - Eivind Stensholt:
Circle Pictograms for Vote Vectors. 96-119 - Mansour Eslami:
On the Extension of a Stability Bound: The Multiple Large-Parameter Variations Case. 120-127 - D. L. Bosley:
A Technique for the Numerical Verification of Asymptotic Expansions. 128-135 - Yves Nievergelt:
Intersections of Planes and Helices, or Lines and Sinusoids. 136-145 - Tae Chalker, Joshua Radcliff:
An Integral Arising in the Study of a Random Graph. 146 - Riccardo Fazio
Existence and Uniqueness for a Boundary Value Problem. 146-147 - Kam Chuen Ng:
Sequences with Unique Sums and Differences. 147 - Glenn Ledder:
An Integral from a Stefan Problem. 147 - Dennis S. Bernstein:
Some Matrix Integral Identities. 147-148 - D. R. Breach, Christian Krattenthaler, Marcus Schorn:
Two Combinatorial Identities (Ma Xin-Bong and Wang Tian-Ming). 148-152 - J. Boersma, Robin Chapman:
Exciton Tranport (M. L. Glasser). 152-153 - Hans E. De Meyer, Carl C. Grosjean:
Nonsymmetric Cyclic Pursuit on a Sphere (M. S. Klamkin). 153-155 - Carl C. Grosjean:
Infinite Series of Binomial Coefficients (L. A. Skinner). 155-158 - Lowell W. Beineke:
Pearls in Graph Theory: A Comprehensive Introduction (Nora Hartsfield and Gerhard Ringel). 159 - Charles K. Chui:
Adapted Wavelet Analysis from Theory to Software (Mladen Victor Wickerhauser). 160 - J. M. Cushing:
The Theory of the Chemostat: Dynamics of Microbial Competition (Hal L. Smith and Paul Waltman). 160-161 - Wayne Eberly:
Polynomial and Matrix Computations Volume 1: Fundamental Algorithms (Dario Bini and Victor Pan). 161-165 - Alan Genz:
Lattice Methods for Multiple Integration (I. H. Sloan and S. Joe). 165-166 - Ronald Getoor:
Dirichlet Forms and Symmetric Markov Processes (Masatoshi Fukushima, Yoichi Oshima, and Masayoshi Takeda). 166-167 - Arjun K. Gupta:
Applied Discriminant Analysis (Carl J. Huberty). 167-168 - Evans M. Harrell II:
The Complex WKB Method for Nonlinear Equations 1: Linear Theory (Victor P. Maslov). 168-171 - Michael S. Jolly:
Exponential Attractors for Dissipative Evolution Equations (A. Eden, C. Foias, B. Nicolaenko, and R. Témam). 171-172 - Arthur J. Krener:
Theory of Chattering Control (M. I. Zelikin and V. F. Borisov). 172-173 - Marialuisa N. McAllister:
Fuzzy Logic: A Practical Approach (M. McNeill and E. Thro). 173-174 - Marialuisa N. McAllister:
Fuzzy Logic with Engineering Applications (Timothy Ross). 174-175 - William Q. Meeker:
System Reliability Theory: Models and Statistics Methods (Arnljot Høyland and Marvin Rausand). 175-177 - Philip Protter:
Numerical Solution of SDE through Computer Experiments (P. E. Kloeden, E. Platen, and H. Schurz). 177-178 - Jean Serra:
Morphological Image Operators (Henk J. A. M. Heijmans). 178-179 - Jayant Shah:
Variational Methods in Image Segmentation (Jean-Michel Morel and Sergio Solimini). 179-180 - Richard Swanson:
Introduction to the Modern Theory of Dynamical Systems (Anatole Katok and Boris Hasselblatt). 180-181 - Gennadi Vainikko:
Approximation Procedures in Nonlinear Oscillation Theory (Nikolai A. Bobylev, Yuri M. Burman, and Sergey K. Korovin). 181-182 - Errata. 184
Volume 38, Number 2, 1996
- Catherine Bandle, M. Flucher:
Harmonic Radius and Concentration of Energy; Hyperbolic Radius and Liouville's Equations Δ U = eU and Δ U = Un+2/n-2. 191-238 - Fayez A. Alhargan:
A Complete Method for the Computations of Mathieu Characteristic Numbers of Integer Orders. 239-255 - Robert Stephen Cantrell, Chris Cosner:
Models for Predator-Prey Systems at Multiple Scales. 256-286 - Ronald B. Guenther, J. A. Gottsch, D. B. Kramer:
The Herglotz Algorithm for Constructing Canonical Transformations. 287-293 - Kirsten A. Morris, K. J. Taylor:
A Variational Calculus Approach to the Modelling of Flexible Manipulators. 294-305 - R. R. Burnside, P. B. Guest:
A Simple Proof of the Transposed QR Algorithm. 306-308 - William F. Ford:
Clarification of "Turn Performance of Aircraft". 309-312 - M. L. Glasser:
An Integral from Electron Gas Theory. 313 - Robert E. Terrell:
Matrix Exponentials. 313-314 - Bradley K. Alpert:
Condition Number of a Vandermonde Matrix. 314 - Bo Yuan, George J. Klir, Jiri Fridrich:
A Projection Inequality. 315 - Edward Neuman:
Three Inequalities for the Arithmetic, Identric, and Geometric Means. 315 - J. Ernest Wilkins Jr.:
An Integral Inequality. 315-319 - Quan-Ru Zuo:
Extensions of Routh's Theorem to Spherical Triangles (A. Sharma and Murray S. Klamkin). 319-320 - Walter Böhm, Carl C. Grosjean, W. Weston Meyer, David M. Lazoff:
Expected Wire Length Between Two Randomly Chosen Terminals (David M. Lazoff). 321-324 - Mourad E. H. Ismail:
An Integral Arising in Computing the Energy of Crystals (M. L. Glassar). 324 - R. R. Burnside, William C. Waterhouse:
A Conditional Trace Inequality (Paul A. Roediger). 324-326 - Hongwei Chen:
Periodic Solutions of a Differential Equation (Philip Korman). 326-328 - Robin Chapman, Norbert Ortner, Peter Wagner:
A Series of Bessel Functions (Norbert Ortner and Peter Wagner). 328-332 - Jonathan M. Borwein, Robert M. Corless
The Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences (N. J. A. Sloane and Simon Plouffe). 333-337 - Carlo Cercignani:
Transport Simulation in Microelectronics (Alfred Kersch and William J. Morokoff). 337-341 - Ellis Cumberbatch:
Industrial Mathematics: A Course in Solving Real-World Problems (Avner Friedman and Walter Littman). 341-342 - Jürgen Gerlach:
Mathematical Analysis in Engineering (Chiang C. Mei). 342 - Mary C. Hill:
Inverse Problems in Groundwater Modeling (Ne-Zheng Sun). 342-347 - Mikhael Kovalyov:
Global Classical Solutions for Quasilinear Hyperbolic Systems (Li Ta-Tsien). 347-348 - Roger L. Kraft:
Hyperbolicity & Sensitive Chaotic Dynamics at Homoclinic Bifurcations (J. Palis and F. Taken). 348-349 - H. N. Nagaraja:
The Inverse Gaussian Distribution: A Case Study in Exponential Families (V. Seshadri). 350 - Richard H. Rand:
Applied Nonlinear Dynamics: Analytical, Computational and Experimental Methods (Ali H. Nayfeh and Balakumar Balachandran). 350-352 - Srdjan Stojanovic:
Optimal Control Theory for Infinite Dimensional Systems (Xunjing Li and Jiongmin Yong). 352-353 - Thomas P. Svobodny:
Adjoint Equations and Analysis of Complex Systems (Guri I. Marchuk). 353-355
Volume 38, Number 3, 1996
- Heinz H. Bauschke
, Jonathan M. Borwein:
On Projection Algorithms for Solving Convex Feasibility Problems. 367-426 - Raymond H. Chan, Michael K. Ng:
Conjugate Gradient Methods for Toeplitz Systems. 427-482 - Claus Philipsen, Steen Markvorsen
, Wolfhard Kliem:
Modelling the Stem Curve of a Palm in a Strong Wind. 483-484 - Donald F. Winter:
Erratum and Reformulation: On the Stem Curve of a Tall Palm in a Strong Wind. 485-486 - Barry S. Thornton, W. T. Hung:
Catastrophe Theory Implications for Rightsizing when Planning Interim Solutions for Progressing from a Partial Mainframe to Client-Server Distributed Databases: 3D Previewing of Possible Problems. 487-495 - Stephen P. Huestis:
The Use of Linear Programming in the Construction of Extremal Solutions to Linear Inverse Problems. 496-506 - I. E. Leonard:
The Matrix Exponential. 507-512 - Matthew Roughan, Kenneth Pope:
The Determinant of a Triangular-Block Matrix. 513-514 - Joris Van der Jeugt, Carl C. Grosjean:
A Hermite Polynomial Identity. 514 - M. Aslam Chaudhry, Asghar Qadir, M. Rafique, S. M. Zubair:
A Definite Integral in Probability Theory. 514-515 - Roy North:
An Integral. 515 - Anthony Sofo:
Real Roots of Polynomials. 515 - Carl C. Grosjean:
Extreme Gravitational Attraction (M. S. Klamkin). 515-520 - Norbert Ortner:
Analytic Study of the Post Attenuation Correction Algorithm (William G. Hawkins and Stephen Glick). 520-522 - Carl C. Grosjean:
Integrals of Bessel and Elliptic Functions from Heat Conduction (Ping Hui). 523-524 - Philip J. Aston, M. V. Bartuccelli, Stephen A. Gourley:
A Conjecture Concerning an Integral Arising in Population Modelling (M. V. Bartuccelli and S. A. Gourley). 524-525 - Michael Renardy, W. B. Jordan:
A Characterization of Uniformly Accelerated Motion (Murray S. Klamkin). 525-526 - Wlodzimierz Bryc:
Limit Theorems of Probability Theory: Sequences of Independent Random Variables (Valentin V. Petrov). 527 - Morris L. Eaton:
Parametric Statistical Theory (Johann Pfanzagl). 527-529 - Daniel F. Heitjan:
Observational Studies (Paul R. Rosenbaum. Springer-Verlag). 529 - Weizhang Huang
Moving Finite Elements (M. J. Baines). 530-531 - Yuji Kodama:
Optimization and Dynamical Systems (Uwe Helmke and John B. Moore). 531-533 - Jean Mawhin:
Asymptotics of Nonlinearities and Operator Equations (Alexander M. Krasnosel'skii). 533-535 - Kenneth R. Meyer:
Math into LATEX: An Introduction to LATEX and AMs-LATEX (George Grötzes). 535 - Kirsten A. Morris:
An Introduction to Infinite-Dimensional Linear System Theory (R. F. Curtain and H. J. Zwart). 536-537 - Serge Nicaise:
Modeling, Analysis and Control of Dynamic Elastic Multi-Link Structures (J. E. Lagnese, G. Leugeuring, and E. J. P. G. Schmidt. Birkhauser). 537-538 - Robert E. O'Malley Jr.:
Introduction to Perturbation Methods (M. H. Holmes). 538 - Kenneth J. Palmer:
Global Dynamics, Phase Space Transport, Orbits Homoclinic to Resonances, and Applications (Stephen Wiggins). 538-539 - Richard H. Rand:
Perturbation Methods in the Computer Age (David C. Wilcox). 539-540 - Michael E. Taylor:
The Technique of Pseudodifferential Operators (H. O. Cordes). 540-542 - Jinchao Xu:
Multigrid Methods for Finite Elements (V. V. Shaidurov). 542-543 - Jinchao Xu:
Multigrid Methods for Process Simulation (W. Joppich and S. Mijalkovic). 543 - Zhiping You, James A. Yorke:
Mathematical Go Chilling Gets the Last Point (Elwyn Berlekamp and David Wolfe). 543-544
Volume 38, Number 4, 1996
- Manuel Núñez:
The Decay of Axisymmetric Magnetic Fields: A Review of Cowling's Theorem. 553-564 - Hans Koch, Alain Schenkel, Peter Wittwer:
Computer-Assisted Proofs in Analysis and Programming in Logic: A case Study. 565-604 - Joel Langer, David A. Singer
Lagrangian Aspects of the Kirchhoff Elastic Rod. 605-618 - Jane M. Pearson, Noel G. Lloyd, C. J. Christopher:
Algorithmic Derivation of Centre Conditions. 619-636 - T. E. Wood:
Vertex Latitudes on Ellipsoid Geodesics. 637-644 - William C. Waterhouse:
Some Boundary Problems with Even or Odd Solutions. 645-646 - B. U. Nguyen, D. Nguyen:
Optimal Intercept Course of Vessels to a Nonzero Range. 647-649 - Marvin D. Troutt, Hussein H. Elsaid:
The Potential Value of Saaty's Eigenvector Scaling Method for Short-Term Forecasting of Currency Exchange Rates. 650-654 - J. Duncan, D. Khavinson, H. Shapiro:
Rectangular Parallelepipeds in Ellipsoids. 655-657 - William F. Ford, James A. Pennline:
Accelerated Convergence in Newton's Method. 658-659 - Hassan Sedaghat
Geometric Properties of Factorable Planar Systems of Differential Equations. 660-665 - James G. Simmonds:
Analytic Functions, Ideal Fluid Flow, and Bernoulli's Equation. 666-667 - Glenn R. Ierley:
A Combinatorial Expression from Oceanography. 668 - Ping Hui:
Integrals from Heat Conduction. 668-669 - M. L. Glasser:
Parlon Integrals. 669 - Liqun Xu:
The Volume of the Intersection of a Cube and a Ball in N-Space. 669 - M. Aslam Chaudhry, S. M. Zubair:
A Semi-Infinite Integral Involving the Macdonald Function. 669-670 - Carl C. Grosjean:
Optimal Sensor Placement (Hong Zhang and Xiaohuan Wang). 670-671 - J. Boersma:
A Function Arising in One-Dimensional Percolation (M. L. Glasser). 671-675 - Joe Keane:
Expansions for Elementary Functions (Joe Keane). 675-678 - Robin Chapman:
A Problem from Integral Geometry (Marc Chamberland). 678-679 - Ovide Arino:
Oscillation Theory for Functional Differential Equations (L. H. Erbe, Q. K. Kong, and B. G. Zhang). 680-681 - John R. Brige:
Stochastic Programming (Peter Kall and Stein W. Wallace.). 681-682 - Helmut Brakhage:
Conjugate Gradient Type Methods for Ill-Posed Problems (Martin Hanke). 682-683 - Michael D. Collins:
Ocean Acoustic Tomography (W. Munk, P. Worcester, and C. Wunsch). 683-684 - T. Constantinescu:
Time-Varying Discrete Linear Systems (Aristide Halanay and Vlad Ionescu ). 684-685 - H. Scott Dumas:
Intermediate Classical Dynamics with Applications to Beam Physics (Leo Michelotti). 685-687 - Reinhard Farwig:
Navier-Stokes Equations and Nonlinear Functional Analysis (Roger Temam). 687-689 - A. Feinberg:
Markov Decision Processes: Discrete Stochastic Dynamic Programming (Martin L. Puterman). 689 - Péter Hajnal:
Davenport-Schinzel Sequences and Their Geometric Applications (Micha Sharir and Pankaj K. Agarwal). 689-691 - Lucas Jódar:
Lyapunov Matrix Equation in System Stability and Control (Zoran Gajic and Muhammad Tahir Javed Qureshi). 691 - R. Bruce Kellogg:
CRC Standard Mathematical Tables and Formulae (Daniel Zwillinger, ed.). 691-692 - Howard A. Levine:
Blow-Up in Quasilinear Parabolic Equations (A. A. Samarskii, V. A. Galaktionov, S. P. Kurdyumov, and A. P. Mikhailov). 692-694 - Volker Mehrmann:
Algebraic Riccati Equations (Peter Lancaster and Leiba Rodman). 694-695 - Edward Ott:
Chaotic Behavior of Deterministic Dissipative Systems (Milos Marek and Igor Schreiber). 695-696 - N. Reid:
Saddlepoint Approximations (Jens Ledet Jensen). 696-697 - Robert C. Rogers:
Mathematical Methods for Geo-Electromagnetic Induction (J. T. Weaver). 697-698 - Donald G. Saari:
Game Theory and Strategy (Philip D. Straffin); Mathematics and Politics (Alan D. Taylor). 698-700 - P. G. Saffman:
Fluid Dynamics for Physicists (T. E. Faber). 700-702 - John Sylvester:
Geometric Scattering Theory (Richard B. Melrose). 702-703 - R. W. Thatcher:
Infinite Element Methods (Lung-an Ying). 703-705 - Walter Van Assche:
Polynomials and Polynomial Inequalities (P. Borwein and T. Erdélyi). 705-706 - Jet Wimp:
Asymptotic Analysis: A Distributional Approach (R. Estrada and R. P. Kanwal). 706-711 - Armen H. Zemanian:
The Transmission-Line Modeling Method TLM (Christos Christopolous). 711 - Yin Zhang:
Linear Programming: A Modern Integrated Analysis (Romesh Saigal). 711-712

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