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IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems, Volume 7
Volume 7, Number 1, March 2020
- Ioannis Ch. Paschalidis
Editorial The IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems and the Evolution of the Field. 2-5 - Christian A. Rösinger
, Carsten W. Scherer
A Flexible Synthesis Framework of Structured Controllers for Networked Systems. 6-18 - Changkun Du, Xiangdong Liu
, Wei Ren
, Pingli Lu, Haikuo Liu:
Finite-Time Consensus for Linear Multiagent Systems via Event-Triggered Strategy Without Continuous Communication. 19-29 - Songfu Cai
, Vincent K. N. Lau
A Stability Analysis Framework for Multiantenna Multisensor Cyber-Physical Systems With Rank-Deficient Measurement Matrices. 30-41 - Huifen Hong
, Xinghuo Yu
, Wenwu Yu
, Dong Zhang
, Guanghui Wen
Distributed Convex Optimization on State-Dependent Undirected Graphs: Homogeneity Technique. 42-52 - Feng Lin
, Weilin Wang
, Leitao Han, Bin Shen:
State Estimation of Multichannel Networked Discrete Event Systems. 53-63 - Madi Zholbaryssov
, Alejandro D. Domínguez-García
Convex Relaxations of the Network Flow Problem Under Cycle Constraints. 64-73 - Xiuxian Li
, Lihua Xie
, Yiguang Hong
Distributed Continuous-Time Nonsmooth Convex Optimization With Coupled Inequality Constraints. 74-84 - Mangal Prakash
, Saurav Talukdar
, Sandeep Attree
, Vikas Yadav
, Murti V. Salapaka
Distributed Stopping Criterion for Consensus in the Presence of Delays. 85-95 - Negar Mehr
, Roberto Horowitz
How Will the Presence of Autonomous Vehicles Affect the Equilibrium State of Traffic Networks? 96-105 - Qing Cai
, Sameer Alam
, Jiming Liu
On the Robustness of Complex Systems With Multipartitivity Structures Under Node Attacks. 106-117 - Yuezu Lv
, Guanghui Wen
, Tingwen Huang
Adaptive Protocol Design For Distributed Tracking With Relative Output Information: A Distributed Fixed-Time Observer Approach. 118-128 - Andrew R. Romano, Lacra Pavel
Dynamic NE Seeking for Multi-Integrator Networked Agents With Disturbance Rejection. 129-139 - Junyan Hu
, Parijat Bhowmick
, Alexander Lanzon
Distributed Adaptive Time-Varying Group Formation Tracking for Multiagent Systems With Multiple Leaders on Directed Graphs. 140-150 - Faheem Zafari
, Jian Li
, Kin K. Leung
, Don Towsley
, Ananthram Swami:
Optimal Energy Consumption for Communication, Computation, Caching, and Quality Guarantee. 151-162 - Atreyee Kundu
, Daniel E. Quevedo
Stabilizing Scheduling Policies for Networked Control Systems. 163-175 - Pan Xu
, Shaolong Shu
, Feng Lin
Verification of Delay Co-Observability for Discrete Event Systems. 176-186 - Sandip Roy
, Mengran Xue
, Giorgio Battistelli
, Pietro Tesi
Comment on "Detecting Topology Variations in Networks of Linear Dynamical Systems". 187-188 - Hao Chen
, Daniel Zelazo
, Xiangke Wang, Lincheng Shen:
Convergence Analysis of Signed Nonlinear Networks. 189-200 - Bowen Li
, Jianquan Lu
, Yang Liu
, Zheng-Guang Wu
The Outputs Robustness of Boolean Control Networks via Pinning Control. 201-209 - Kyle Lawson Crandall
, Adam M. Wickenheiser
Controlling Parent Systems Through Swarms Using Abstraction. 210-220 - Tommaso Coletta
, Philippe Jacquod
Performance Measures in Electric Power Networks Under Line Contingencies. 221-231 - Marcos M. Vasconcelos
, Urbashi Mitra
Observation-Driven Scheduling for Remote Estimation of Two Gaussian Random Variables. 232-244 - Xiaolei Li
, Xiaoyuan Luo
, Shiyu Zhao
Globally Convergent Distributed Network Localization Using Locally Measured Bearings. 245-253 - Peijun Wang
, Guanghui Wen
, Xinghuo Yu
, Wenwu Yu
, Yuezu Lv
Consensus Disturbance Rejection for Linear Multiagent Systems With Directed Switching Communication Topologies. 254-265 - Vaibhav Katewa
, Aranya Chakrabortty
, Vijay Gupta
Differential Privacy for Network Identification. 266-277 - Daniel Alberto Burbano Lombana
, Randy A. Freeman
, Kevin M. Lynch
Distributed Inference of the Multiplex Network Topology of Complex Systems. 278-287 - Francesca Boem
, Alexander J. Gallo
, Davide Martino Raimondo
, Thomas Parisini
Distributed Fault-Tolerant Control of Large-Scale Systems: An Active Fault Diagnosis Approach. 288-301 - Tommaso Menara
, Giacomo Baggio
, Danielle S. Bassett
, Fabio Pasqualetti
Stability Conditions for Cluster Synchronization in Networks of Heterogeneous Kuramoto Oscillators. 302-314 - Luca Faramondi, Gabriele Oliva
, Roberto Setola
, Christoforos N. Hadjicostis
Distributed C-Means Clustering Via Broadcast-Only Token Passing. 315-325 - Xiaowen Gong
, Ness B. Shroff
Truthful Data Quality Elicitation for Quality-Aware Data Crowdsourcing. 326-337 - Ruochi Zhang
, Parv Venkitasubramaniam
False Data Injection and Detection in LQG Systems: A Game Theoretic Approach. 338-348 - Masaki Ogura
, Victor M. Preciado
Stability of SIS Spreading Processes in Networks With Non-Markovian Transmission and Recovery. 349-359 - Qiqiang Hou
, Andrew Clark
Sensor Placement for Optimal Control of Infinite-Dimensional Systems. 360-371 - Sabato Manfredi
, David Angeli
Robust Distributed Estimation of the Maximum of a Field. 372-383 - Federico Rossi
, Ramón Iglesias, Mahnoosh Alizadeh
, Marco Pavone
On the Interaction Between Autonomous Mobility-on-Demand Systems and the Power Network: Models and Coordination Algorithms. 384-397 - Juntao Chen
, Corinne Touati
, Quanyan Zhu
Optimal Secure Two-Layer IoT Network Design. 398-409 - Yong Zhuang
, Osman Yagan
Multistage Complex Contagions in Random Multiplex Networks. 410-421 - Marcello Colombino
, Emiliano Dall'Anese
, Andrey Bernstein
Online Optimization as a Feedback Controller: Stability and Tracking. 422-432 - Asad Ullah Awan
, Majid Zamani
From Dissipativity Theory to Compositional Abstractions of Interconnected Stochastic Hybrid Systems. 433-445 - Curtis McDonald
, Fady Alajaji
, Serdar Yüksel
Two-Way Gaussian Networks With a Jammer and Decentralized Control. 446-457 - Valery A. Ugrinovskii
Distributed $H_\infty$ Estimation Resilient to Biasing Attacks. 458-470 - Yuan Wang
, Hideaki Ishii
Resilient Consensus Through Event-Based Communication. 471-482 - Ivano Notarnicola
, Giuseppe Notarstefano
Constraint-Coupled Distributed Optimization: A Relaxation and Duality Approach. 483-492 - Leonardo J. Colombo
, Dimos V. Dimarogonas
Motion Feasibility Conditions for Multiagent Control Systems on Lie Groups. 493-502 - Ya Zhang, Lucheng Sun
, Guoqiang Hu
Distributed Consensus-Based Multitarget Filtering and Its Application in Formation-Containment Control. 503-515 - Zhihua Zhang
, Thomas Leifeld
, Ping Zhang
Reconstructibility Analysis and Observer Design for Boolean Control Networks. 516-528
Volume 7, Number 2, June 2020
- Hossein Rastgoftar
, Ella M. Atkins
Physics-Based Freely Scalable Continuum Deformation for UAS Traffic Coordination. 532-544 - Yan-Wu Wang
, Ming-Jie Zhao, Wu Yang
, Nan Zhou
, Christos G. Cassandras
Collision-Free Trajectory Design for 2-D Persistent Monitoring Using Second-Order Agents. 545-557 - Cailu Wang
, Yuegang Tao
, Ling Shi
Time Decision for Multi-Input and Multi-Output Networked Control Systems. 558-567 - Mayank Manjrekar
, Vinod Ramaswamy, Vamseedhar Reddyvari Raja
, Srinivas Shakkottai
A Mean Field Game Approach to Scheduling in Cellular Systems. 568-578 - Shuang Wu
, Xiaoqiang Ren
, Qing-Shan Jia
, Karl Henrik Johansson
, Ling Shi
Learning Optimal Scheduling Policy for Remote State Estimation Under Uncertain Channel Condition. 579-591 - Xue Lin
, Qiang Jiao
, Long Wang
Information Propagation Over Networks With Antagonistic Interactions: The Equilibrium Analysis. 592-602 - Andreas Kasis
, Nima Monshizadeh
, Ioannis Lestas
Secondary Frequency Control With On-Off Load Side Participation in Power Networks. 603-613 - Yang Zheng
, Maryam Kamgarpour
, Aivar Sootla
, Antonis Papachristodoulou
Distributed Design for Decentralized Control Using Chordal Decomposition and ADMM. 614-626 - Sean L. Bowman
, Cameron Nowzari
, George J. Pappas
Consensus of Multiagent Systems Via Asynchronous Cloud Communication. 627-637 - Kin Cheong Sou
Protection Placement for Power System State Estimation Measurement Data Integrity. 638-647 - Jie Mei
Distributed Consensus for Multiple Lagrangian Systems With Parametric Uncertainties and External Disturbances Under Directed Graphs. 648-659 - Dan Wu
, Tiantian Nie, Konstantin S. Turitsyn
, Seth Blumsack
Estimating Loadability Region of Natural Gas System via Monotone Inner Polytope Sequence. 660-672 - Guoqi Li
, Xumin Chen, Pei Tang, Gaoxi Xiao
, Changyun Wen
, Luping Shi
Target Control of Directed Networks based on Network Flow Problems. 673-685 - Zhi Feng
, Guoqiang Hu
, Christos G. Cassandras
Finite-Time Distributed Convex Optimization for Continuous-Time Multiagent Systems With Disturbance Rejection. 686-698 - Kazumune Hashimoto
, Michelle S. Chong
, Dimos V. Dimarogonas
Distributed $\ell _1$-State-and-Fault Estimation for Multiagent Systems. 699-710 - Manish Kumar Singh
, Vassilis Kekatos
Optimal Scheduling of Water Distribution Systems. 711-723 - Antoine Lesage-Landry
, Siyu Chen
, Joshua A. Taylor
Estimating the Frequency Coupling Matrix From Network Measurements. 724-733 - Sami El-Ferik
, Yazan Mohammad Al-Rawashdeh
, Frank L. Lewis
A Framework of Multiagent Systems Behavioral Control Under State-Dependent Network Protocols. 734-746 - Jezdimir Milosevic
, Henrik Sandberg
, Karl Henrik Johansson
Estimating the Impact of Cyber-Attack Strategies for Stochastic Networked Control Systems. 747-757 - Upeka Premaratne
, Saman K. Halgamuge
, Ying Tan
, Iven M. Y. Mareels
Extremum Seeking Control With Sporadic Packet Transmission for Networked Control Systems. 758-769 - Francesca Parise
, Basilio Gentile
, John Lygeros
A Distributed Algorithm For Almost-Nash Equilibria of Average Aggregative Games With Coupling Constraints. 770-782 - Hong-xiang Hu
, Guanghui Wen
, Wei Xing Zheng
Collective Behavior of Heterogeneous Agents in Uncertain Cooperation-Competition Networks: A Nussbaum-Type Function Based Approach. 783-796 - Shun-Pin Hsu
Laplacian Controllability of Interconnected Graphs. 797-806 - Linying Xiang
, Peiru Wang
, Fei Chen
, Guanrong Chen
Controllability of Directed Networked MIMO Systems With Heterogeneous Dynamics. 807-817 - Mohsen Ghodrat
, Horacio J. Marquez
Robust Stabilization of Input-Affine Nonlinear Systems Under Network Constraints. 818-828 - Alexander Rogozin
, César A. Uribe
, Alexander V. Gasnikov, Nikolay Malkovsky, Angelia Nedic
Optimal Distributed Convex Optimization on Slowly Time-Varying Graphs. 829-841 - Daniel Bienstock
, Mauro Escobar
Stochastic Defense Against Complex Grid Attacks. 842-854 - Christian Commault
, Alain Y. Kibangou
Generic Controllability of Networks With Identical SISO Dynamical Nodes. 855-865 - Lorenzo Zino
, Alessandro Rizzo
, Maurizio Porfiri
Consensus Over Activity-Driven Networks. 866-877 - Cesar O. Aguilar
Strongly Uncontrollable Network Topologies. 878-886 - Majid Khonji
, Sid Chi-Kin Chau
, Khaled M. Elbassioni
Combinatorial Optimization of AC Optimal Power Flow With Discrete Demands in Radial Networks. 887-898 - Peng Jia
, Noah E. Friedkin
, Francesco Bullo
Opinion Dynamics and Social Power Evolution: A Single-Timescale Model. 899-911 - Kun Cao
, Zhirong Qiu
, Lihua Xie
Relative Docking and Formation Control via Range and Odometry Measurements. 912-922 - Yongxin Chen
, Tryphon T. Georgiou
, Michele Pavon
, Allen R. Tannenbaum
Relaxed Schrödinger Bridges and Robust Network Routing. 923-931 - Hassan Jaleel
, Jeff S. Shamma
Distributed Submodular Minimization and Motion Planning Over Discrete State Space. 932-943 - Yunhan Huang
, Quanyan Zhu
A Differential Game Approach to Decentralized Virus-Resistant Weight Adaptation Policy Over Complex Networks. 944-955 - Chao Zhai
, Hehong Zhang
, Gaoxi Xiao
, Tso-Chien Pan:
An Optimal Control Approach to Identify the Worst-Case Cascading Failures in Power Systems. 956-966 - Xianwei Li
, Fangzhou Liu
, Martin Buss
, Sandra Hirche
Fully Distributed Consensus Control for Linear Multiagent Systems: A Reduced-Order Adaptive Feedback Approach. 967-976 - Yuanzhe Wang
, Mao Shan
, Danwei Wang
Motion Capability Analysis for Multiple Fixed-Wing UAV Formations With Speed and Heading Rate Constraints. 977-989 - Mattia Zorzi
Distributed Kalman Filtering Under Model Uncertainty. 990-1001 - Andrea Alessandretti
, A. Pedro Aguiar
An Optimization-Based Cooperative Path-Following Framework for Multiple Robotic Vehicles. 1002-1014 - Arpan Chattopadhyay
, Urbashi Mitra
Security Against False Data-Injection Attack in Cyber-Physical Systems. 1015-1027 - Victor G. Lopez
, Yan Wan
, Frank L. Lewis
Bayesian Graphical Games for Synchronization in Networks of Dynamical Systems. 1028-1039 - Changhuang Wan
, Gangshan Jing
, Sixiong You, Ran Dai
Sensor Network Localization via Alternating Rank Minimization Algorithms. 1040-1051
Volume 7, Number 3, September 2020
- Juntao Chen
, Quanyan Zhu
Control of Multilayer Mobile Autonomous Systems in Adversarial Environments: A Games-in-Games Approach. 1056-1068 - Souradip De
, Soumya Ranjan Sahoo
, Pankaj Wahi
Communication-Delay-Dependent Rendezvous With Possible Negative Controller Gain in Cyclic Pursuit. 1069-1079 - Philip James McCarthy
, Christopher Nielsen
Global Synchronization of Sampled-Data Invariant Systems on Exponential Lie Groups. 1080-1089 - Timothy Anglea
, Yongqiang Wang
Decentralized Heading Control With Rate Constraints Using Pulse-Coupled Oscillators. 1090-1102 - Sabato Manfredi
, Enrico Natalizio
, Claudio Pascariello, Nicola Roberto Zema
Stability and Convergence of a Message-Loss-Tolerant Rendezvous Algorithm for Wireless Networked Robot Systems. 1103-1114 - Fangzhou Liu
, Martin Buss
Optimal Control for Heterogeneous Node-Based Information Epidemics Over Social Networks. 1115-1126 - Yuezu Lv
, Junjie Fu
, Guanghui Wen
, Tingwen Huang
, Xinghuo Yu
On Consensus of Multiagent Systems With Input Saturation: Fully Distributed Adaptive Antiwindup Protocol Design Approach. 1127-1139 - Shi Pu
, José Joaquín Escudero Garzás, Alfredo García
, Shahin Shahrampour
An Online Mechanism for Resource Allocation in Networks. 1140-1150 - Shen Wang
, Ahmad F. Taha
, Nikolaos Gatsis
, Marcio H. Giacomoni
Receding Horizon Control for Drinking Water Networks: The Case for Geometric Programming. 1151-1163 - Shana Moothedath
, Prasanna Chaporkar
, Madhu N. Belur
Optimal Network Topology Design in Composite Systems for Structural Controllability. 1164-1175 - Yi Ouyang
, Richard Y. Zhang
, Javad Lavaei
, Pravin Varaiya
Large-Scale Traffic Signal Offset Optimization. 1176-1187 - Shuang Wu
, Kemi Ding
, Peng Cheng
, Ling Shi
Optimal Scheduling of Multiple Sensors Over Lossy and Bandwidth Limited Channels. 1188-1200 - Tao Yu
, Junlin Xiong
Distributed Networked Controller Design for Large-Scale Systems Under Round-Robin Communication Protocol. 1201-1211 - Xinghua Liu
, Guoqi Ma
, Prabhakar R. Pagilla
, Shuzhi Sam Ge
Dissipativity-Based Asynchronous Repetitive Control for Networked Markovian Jump Systems: 2-D System Approach. 1212-1224 - Sungho Shin
, Victor M. Zavala
, Mihai Anitescu
Decentralized Schemes With Overlap for Solving Graph-Structured Optimization Problems. 1225-1236 - Dhrubajit Chowdhury
, Hassan K. Khalil
Scalable Consensus in Networks of Multiagent Systems Using High-Gain Observers. 1237-1247 - Christoforos Somarakis
, Nader Motee
Aggregate Fluctuations in Networks With Drift-Diffusion Models Driven by Stable Non-Gaussian Disturbances. 1248-1258 - Guanglei Zhao
, Changchun Hua
, Xinping Guan
A Hybrid Event-Triggered Approach to Consensus of Multiagent Systems With Disturbances. 1259-1271 - Rosario Aragues
, Antonio González
, Gonzalo López-Nicolás
, Carlos Sagüés
Distributed Relative Localization Using the Multidimensional Weighted Centroid. 1272-1282 - Manish Kumar Singh
, Vassilis Kekatos
Natural Gas Flow Solvers Using Convex Relaxation. 1283-1295 - Tatsuya Miyano
, Shunya Yamashita, Takeshi Hatanaka
, Kazuki Shibata
, Tomohiko Jimbo
, Masayuki Fujita
Continuous-Time Optimization Dynamics Mirroring ADMM Architecture and Passivity-Based Robustification Against Delays. 1296-1307 - Chao Deng
, Changyun Wen
Distributed Resilient Observer-Based Fault-Tolerant Control for Heterogeneous Multiagent Systems Under Actuator Faults and DoS Attacks. 1308-1318 - Hao Liu
, Yanhu Wang
, Frank L. Lewis
, Kimon P. Valavanis
Robust Formation Tracking Control for Multiple Quadrotors Subject to Switching Topologies. 1319-1329 - Bin Du
, Ruijiu Mao, Nan Kong
, Dengfeng Sun
Distributed Data Fusion for On-Scene Signal Sensing With a Multi-UAV System. 1330-1341 - Hao Yu
, Tongwen Chen
, Fei Hao
Output-Based Periodic Event-Triggered Control for Nonlinear Plants: An Approximate-Model Method. 1342-1354 - Xiao Liang
, Juanjuan Xu
, Huanshui Zhang
Optimal Control and Stabilization for Networked Control Systems With Asymmetric Information. 1355-1365 - Yongyang Xiong
, Jinming Xu
, Keyou You
, Jianxing Liu
, Ligang Wu
Privacy-Preserving Distributed Online Optimization Over Unbalanced Digraphs via Subgradient Rescaling. 1366-1378 - Keyou You
, Qizhu Chen, Pei Xie
, Shiji Song
Range-Based Coordinate Alignment for Cooperative Mobile Sensor Network Localization. 1379-1390 - Deepjyoti Deka
, Michael Chertkov
, Scott Backhaus:
Joint Estimation of Topology and Injection Statistics in Distribution Grids With Missing Nodes. 1391-1403 - Cassiano O. Becker
, Sérgio Pequito, George J. Pappas
, Victor M. Preciado
Network Design for Controllability Metrics. 1404-1415 - Osama En-Nasr
, Xiaobo Tan:
Time-Difference-of-Arrival (TDOA)-Based Distributed Target Localization by A Robotic Network. 1416-1427 - Sejun Park
, Deepjyoti Deka
, Scott Backhaus, Michael Chertkov
Learning With End-Users in Distribution Grids: Topology and Parameter Estimation. 1428-1440 - Shizhen Zhao
, Yihan Zou
, Xiaojun Lin
, Dionysios Aliprantis
, Hugo N. Villegas, Minghua Chen
, Anya Castillo
Leveraging Generators With Complementary Capabilities for Robust Multistage Power Grid Operations. 1441-1452 - Hui Zhao
, Xuewu Dai
, Ping Zhou
, Tao Yang
Distributed Robust Event-Triggered Control Strategy for Multiple High-Speed Trains With Communication Delays and Input Constraints. 1453-1464 - Erika Mackin
, Stacy Patterson
Optimizing the Coherence of a Network of Networks. 1465-1475 - Yifu Zhang
, Jorge Cortés
Distributed Bilayered Control for Transient Frequency Safety and System Stability in Power Grids. 1476-1488 - Yamei Ju, Guoliang Wei
, Derui Ding
, Shuai Liu
A Novel Fault Detection Method Under Weighted Try-Once-Discard Scheduling Over Sensor Networks. 1489-1499 - Manuel Garcia
, Harsha Nagarajan
, Ross Baldick
Generalized Convex Hull Pricing for the AC Optimal Power Flow Problem. 1500-1510 - Amritha Prasad
, Han-Lim Choi
, Shreyas Sundaram
Min-Max Tours and Paths for Task Allocation to Heterogeneous Agents. 1511-1522 - Fangfei Li
, Di Wang
, Yang Tang
Pinning Controllability of $k$-ValuedLogical Systems. 1523-1533 - Mingming Shi
, Claudio De Persis
, Pietro Tesi
, Nima Monshizadeh
Bias Estimation in Sensor Networks. 1534-1546 - Ali Moradi Amani
, Guanrong Chen
, Mahdi Jalili
, Xinghuo Yu
, Lewi Stone
Distributed Rigidity Recovery in Distance-Based Formations Using Configuration Lattice. 1547-1558 - Lantao Xing
, Qianwen Xu
, Changyun Wen
, Yu-Chu Tian
, Yateendra Mishra
, Gerard Ledwich
, Yongduan Song:
Robust Event-Triggered Dynamic Average Consensus Against Communication Link Failures With Application to Battery Control. 1559-1570 - Xiangyu Meng
, Christos G. Cassandras
Trajectory Optimization of Autonomous Agents With Spatio-Temporal Constraints. 1571-1581
Volume 7, Number 4, December 2020
- Mustafa Abdallah
, Parinaz Naghizadeh
, Ashish Ranjan Hota
, Timothy N. Cason
, Saurabh Bagchi
, Shreyas Sundaram
Behavioral and Game-Theoretic Security Investments in Interdependent Systems Modeled by Attack Graphs. 1585-1596 - Akhil Sundararajan
, Bryan Van Scoy
, Laurent Lessard
Analysis and Design of First-Order Distributed Optimization Algorithms Over Time-Varying Graphs. 1597-1608 - Seong-Ho Kwon
, Yoo-Bin Bae
, Ji Liu
, Hyo-Sung Ahn
From Matrix-Weighted Consensus to Multipartite Average Consensus. 1609-1620 - Liwei An
, Guang-Hong Yang
Adaptive Secure State Estimation for Cyber-Physical Systems With Low Memory Cost. 1621-1632 - Torbjörn Wigren
, Katrina Lau, Ramón A. Delgado
, Richard H. Middleton
Globally Stable Delay Alignment for Feedback Control Over Wireless Multipoint Connections. 1633-1642 - Philip N. Brown
, Jason R. Marden
Can Taxes Improve Congestion on All Networks? 1643-1653 - Quoc Van Tran
, Hyo-Sung Ahn
Distributed Formation Control of Mobile Agents via Global Orientation Estimation. 1654-1664 - Ming Zhang
, Zizhan Zheng
, Ness B. Shroff
Defending Against Stealthy Attacks on Multiple Nodes With Limited Resources: A Game-Theoretic Analysis. 1665-1677 - Fabio Della Rossa
, Pietro DeLellis
Stochastic Pinning Controllability of Noisy Complex Networks. 1678-1687 - Hossein K. Mousavi
, Nader Motee
Explicit Characterization of Performance of a Class of Networked Linear Control Systems. 1688-1699 - Amber Srivastava
, Srinivasa M. Salapaka
Simultaneous Facility Location and Path Optimization in Static and Dynamic Networks. 1700-1711 - Kazunori Sakurama
Clique-Based Distributed PI Control for Multiagent Coordination With Heterogeneous, Uncertain, Time-Varying Orientations. 1712-1722 - Marcos M. Vasconcelos
, Mukul Gagrani
, Ashutosh Nayyar
, Urbashi Mitra
Optimal Scheduling Strategy for Networked Estimation With Energy Harvesting. 1723-1735 - Muhammad Umar B. Niazi
, Carlos Canudas-de-Wit
, Alain Y. Kibangou
Average State Estimation in Large-Scale Clustered Network Systems. 1736-1745 - Yao-Wei Wang
, Wen-an Zhang
, Li Yu
A Linear Active Disturbance Rejection Control Approach to Position Synchronization Control for Networked Interconnected Motion System. 1746-1756 - Liangxiao Xin
, David Starobinski
, Guevara Noubir
Cascading Attacks on Wi-Fi Networks: Theory and Experiments. 1757-1768 - Shiyong Zhu
, Jianquan Lu
, Tingwen Huang
, Yang Liu
Output Robustness of Probabilistic Boolean Control Networks With Respect to One-Bit Perturbation. 1769-1777 - Giacomo Casadei
, Carlos Canudas-de-Wit
, Sandro Zampieri
Model Reduction Based Approximation of the Output Controllability Gramian in Large-Scale Networks. 1778-1788 - Dandan Zhang
, Yang Tang
, Wenbing Zhang
, Xiaotai Wu
Hierarchical Design for Position-Based Formation Control of Rotorcraft-Like Aerial Vehicles. 1789-1800 - Zhiyu Liu
, Bo Wu
, Jin Dai
, Hai Lin
Distributed Communication-Aware Motion Planning for Networked Mobile Robots Under Formal Specifications. 1801-1811 - Dillon R. Foight
, Mathias Hudoba de Badyn
, Mehran Mesbahi
Performance and Design of Consensus on Matrix-Weighted and Time-Scaled Graphs. 1812-1822 - Ceyhun Eksin
, Keith Paarporn
Control of Learning in Anticoordination Network Games. 1823-1835 - Luca Furieri
, Yang Zheng
, Antonis Papachristodoulou
, Maryam Kamgarpour
Sparsity Invariance for Convex Design of Distributed Controllers. 1836-1847 - Alexander Engelmann, Yuning Jiang
, Boris Houska
, Timm Faulwasser
Decomposition of Nonconvex Optimization via Bi-Level Distributed ALADIN. 1848-1858 - Lin Lin
, Jinde Cao
, Shiyong Zhu
, Leszek Rutkowski
, Guoping Lu
Sampled-Data Set Stabilization of Impulsive Boolean Networks Based on a Hybrid Index Model. 1859-1869 - Lintao Ye
, Sandip Roy
, Shreyas Sundaram
Resilient Sensor Placement for Kalman Filtering in Networked Systems: Complexity and Algorithms. 1870-1881 - Junqi Yang
, Wei Qian
, Zhiqiang Li:
Redefined Reconstructibility and State Estimation for Boolean Networks. 1882-1890 - Waseem Abbas
, Mudassir Shabbir
, Ahmet Yasin Yazicioglu
, Aqsa Akber
Tradeoff Between Controllability and Robustness in Diffusively Coupled Networks. 1891-1902 - Markus Klügel
, Mohammad H. Mamduhi
, Onur Ayan
, Mikhail Vilgelm
, Karl Henrik Johansson
, Sandra Hirche
, Wolfgang Kellerer
Joint Cross-Layer Optimization in Real-Time Networked Control Systems. 1903-1915 - Lars Lindemann
, Dimos V. Dimarogonas
Barrier Function Based Collaborative Control of Multiple Robots Under Signal Temporal Logic Tasks. 1916-1928 - John A. W. B. Costanzo
, Osman Yagan
Data-Driven I/O Structure Learning With Contemporaneous Causality. 1929-1939 - Qinshuang Wei
, Ramtin Pedarsani
, Samuel Coogan
Mixed Autonomy in Ride-Sharing Networks. 1940-1950 - Jiaqi Yan
, Changyun Wen
Resilient Containment Control in Adversarial Environment. 1951-1959 - Zhaojian Wang
, Laijun Chen
, Feng Liu
, Peng Yi
, Ming Cao
, Sicheng Deng, Shengwei Mei
Asynchronous Distributed Power Control of Multimicrogrid Systems. 1960-1973 - Bo Wang
, Shan Sun, Wei Ren
Distributed Continuous-Time Algorithms for Optimal Resource Allocation With Time-Varying Quadratic Cost Functions. 1974-1984

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