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IEEE Transactions on Communications, Volume 36
Volume 36, Number 1, January 1988
- George H. Freeman, Jon W. Mark, Ian F. Blake:
Trellis source codes designed by conjugate gradient optimization. 1-12 - M. Vedat Eyuboglu, Shahid U. H. Qureshi:
Reduced-state sequence estimation with set partitioning and decision feedback. 13-20 - Frederick D. Garber, Michael B. Pursley:
Performance of differentially coherent digital communications over frequency-selective fading channels. 21-31 - Ramin Sadr, Jim K. Omura:
Generalized minimum shift-keying modulation techniques. 32-40 - James F. Kurose, Mischa Schwartz, Yechiam Yemini:
Controlling window protocols for time-constrained communication in multiple access networks. 41-49 - H. Vincent Poor, Sergio Verdú:
Single-user detectors for multiuser channels. 50-60 - Carl W. Helstrom:
Computing the performance of optical receivers with avalanche diode detectors. 61-66 - Henrique S. Malvar, David H. Staelin:
Optimal FIR pre- and postfilters for decimation and interpolation of random signals. 67-74 - Limin Wang, Morris Goldberg:
Progressive image transmission by transform coefficient residual error quantization. 75-87 - Behnaam Aazhang, H. Vincent Poor:
Performance of DS/SSMA communications in impulsive channels. II. Hard-limiting correlation receivers. 88-97 - Per K. Enge, Dilip V. Sarwate:
Spread-spectrum multiple-access performance of orthogonal codes: impulsive noise. 98-106 - Susumu Yoshida, Fumio Ikegami, Tsutomu Takeuchi:
Causes of burst errors in multipath fading channel [mobile radio]. 107-113 - Fazal Noor
, Ahmed K. Elhakeem, Tho Le-Ngoc:
Performance of FH/QPR signals under frequency selective fading and partial band tone jamming. 113-118 - David E. Reed, Mark A. Wickert:
Minimization of detection of symbol-rate spectral lines by delay and multiply receivers. 118-120 - You-Sheng Liu, Timothy Cole, D. Skellern, Anthony Kalcina:
Modeling and analysis of QPSK/TDMA burst-mode link analyzer by computer simulation. 120-126 - San-qi Li, Jon W. Mark:
Simulation study of a network of voice/data integrated TDMs. 126-132
Volume 36, Number 2, February 1988
- Imrich Chlamtac, Aura Ganz, Zahava Koren:
Prioritized demand assignment protocols and their evaluation. 133-143 - Alan E. Baratz, Adrian Segall:
Reliable link initialization procedures. 144-152 - Rouch Guerin:
Queueing-blocking system with two arrival streams and guard channels. 153-163 - Onno J. Boxma, Wim P. Groenendijk:
Waiting times in discrete-time cyclic-service systems. 164-170 - Izhak Rubin, Jong-Kyu Lee:
Performance analysis of interconnected metropolitan area circuit-switched telecommunications networks. 171-185 - Robert M. Gagliardi, Youngky Kim:
System design for optical PPM communications with diode combining. 186-190 - Sergio F. Heker, Gerald J. Herskowitz, Haim Grebel, Howard Wickansky:
Video transmission in optical fiber communication systems using pulse frequency modulation. 191-194 - Yong-Cheng Wang, Laurence B. Milstein:
Rejection of multiple narrow-band interference in both BPSK and QPSK DS spread-spectrum systems. 195-204 - Patrick R. Trischitta, Peddapullaiah Sannuti, Christodoulos Chamzas:
A circulating loop experimental technique to simulate the jitter accumulation of a chain of fiber-optic regenerators. 205-213 - Michael R. Garey, Frank K. Hwang, Gaylord W. Richards:
Asymptotic results for partial concentrators. 214-217 - Michael L. Honig:
On constructing embedded multilevel trellis codes. 218-221 - Ephraim Zehavi
, Jack Keil Wolf:
On saving decoder states for some trellis codes and partial response channels. 222-224 - Anura P. Jayasumana:
Comments on 'Performance of single access classes on the IEEE 802.4 token bus' by M.A. Colvin and A.C. Weaver. 224-225 - Duei Tsai, Jin-Fu Chang:
A hybrid contention-based TDMA technique for data transmissions. 225-228 - Byung G. Kim:
Integrated voice/data multiplexers with slotted and nongated packet services. 228-231 - C. H. C. Leung, Y. Kikumoto, Søren-Aksel Sørensen:
The throughput efficiency of the go-back-N ARQ scheme under Markov and related error structures. 231-234 - P. C. Wong, Tak-Shing Yum:
Design and analysis of a contention-based lookahead reservation protocol on a multichannel local area network. 234-238 - William J. Hurd, Sergio Aguirre:
A method to dramatically improve subcarrier tracking. 238-243
Volume 36, Number 3, March 1988
- Mansoor Shafi:
Influence of terrain-induced reflections on the performance of high-capacity digital radio systems. 245-251 - Imrich Chlamtac, Aura Ganz:
Design and analysis of very high-speed network architectures. 252-262 - Israel Cidon, Harel Kodesh, Moshe Sidi:
Erasure, capture, and random power level selection in multiple-access systems. 263-271 - Elvino S. Sousa, John A. Silvester:
Spreading code protocols for distributed spread-spectrum packet radio networks. 272-281 - Bobby Ngok-Wah Ma, Jon W. Mark:
Performance analysis of burst switching for integrated voice/data services. 282-297 - Subrahmanyam Dravida, Maneck J. Master, Christopher H. Morton:
A method to analyze performance of digital connections. 298-305 - Gerard J. Foschini, Larry J. Greenstein, Giovanni Vannucci:
Noncoherent detection of coherent lightwave signals corrupted by phase noise. 306-314 - Kentaro Hara, Tadashi Shimomura, Takaaki Hasegawa, Masao Nakagawa:
An improved method of embedding data into pictures by modulo masking. 315-331 - Bernd Girod, Håkan Almer, Leif Bengtsson, Björn Christensson, Peter Weiss:
A subjective evaluation of noise-shaping quantization for adaptive intra-/interframe DPCM coding of color television signals. 332-346 - Masahiro Tanimoto, Nobuhiro Chiba, Hirotomo Yasui, Masayuki Murakami:
TAT (time-axis transform) bandwidth compression system of picture signals. 347-354 - Chin-Tau Lea:
Crossover minimization in directional-coupler-based photonic switching systems. 355-363 - Jin-Der Wang, Jean-Jacques Werner:
Performance analysis of an echo-cancellation arrangement that compensates for frequency offset in the far echo. 364-372 - Chung H. Lu:
Comment on 'algorithm for construction of variable length code with limited maximum word length' by H. Murakami et al. 373-375 - M. Polacek, Shlomo Shamai (Shitz), Israel Bar-David:
On FM threshold extension by click noise elimination. 375-380 - Alex W. Lam, Dilip V. Sarwate:
On optimum time-hopping patterns. 380-382 - Nevio Benvenuto, William R. Daumer:
Two approaches for waveform coding of 9.6 kbit/s voiceband data signals through 32 kbit/s ADPCM. 382-385
Volume 36, Number 4, April 1988
- Joachim Hagenauer:
Rate-compatible punctured convolutional codes (RCPC codes) and their applications. 389-400 - M. Vedat Eyuboglu:
Detection of coded modulation signals on linear, severely distorted channels using decision-feedback noise prediction with interleaving. 401-409 - Dariush Divsalar, Marvin K. Simon:
Multiple trellis coded modulation (MTCM). 410-419 - Steven H. Goldberg, Ronald A. Iltis:
PN code synchronization effects on narrow-band interference rejection in a direct-sequence spread-spectrum receiver. 420-429 - Imrich Chlamtac, Aura Ganz:
Channel allocation protocols in frequency-time controlled high speed networks. 430-440 - Timothy A. Gonsalves, Fouad A. Tobagi:
On the performance effects of station locations and access protocol parameters in Ethernet networks. 441-449 - Hasan Pirkul, Sridhar Narasimhan, Prabuddha De:
Locating concentrators for primary and secondary coverage in a computer communications network. 450-458 - John K. Jackman, Deborah J. Medeiros:
A graphical methodology for simulating communication networks. 459-464 - Hsueh-Ming Hang, Barry G. Haskell:
Interpolative vector quantization of color images. 465-470 - Jhong S. Lee, Robert H. French, Leonard E. Miller:
Error-correcting codes and nonlinear diversity combining against worst case partial-band noise jamming of frequency-hopping MFSK systems. 471-478 - Roger C. F. Tucker:
Accurate method for analysis of a packet-speech multiplexer with limited delay. 479-483 - Søren B. Jacobsen:
The rearrangement process in a two-stage broadcast switching network. 484-491 - G. C. Kessler:
A comparison between CCITT Recommendation X.25 and international standards 8208 and 7776. 492-498 - Samir S. Soliman
, Robert A. Scholtz:
Synchronization over fading dispersive channels. 499-505 - Said E. El-Khamy, Shawkii E. Shaaban:
Matched chirp modulation: detection and performance in dispersive communication channels. 506-509 - Robert F. Pawula:
Refinements to the theory of error rates for narrow-band digital FM. 509-513 - Nader Mehravari:
On Poisson contention resolution problem with feedback based on conflict intensity. 513-516 - Douglas R. Shier:
A new algorithm for performance analysis of communication systems. 516-519 - Savo G. Glisic:
Automatic decision threshold level control (ADTLC) in direct-sequence spread-spectrum systems based on matched filtering. 519-527
Volume 36, Number 5, May 1988
- James W. Modestino, David H. Sargrad, Robert E. Bollen:
Use of coding to combat impulse noise on digital subscriber loops. 529-537 - Veljko Milutinovic:
A comparison of suboptimal detection algorithms applied to the additive mix of orthogonal sinusoidal signals. 538-543 - Oreste Andrisano, Giorgio Corazza, Gianni Immovilli:
Adjacent channel and cochannel interferences in CPFSK systems with nonlinear transmitters and limiter-discriminator detection. 544-552 - Steven L. Beuerman, Edward J. Coyle
The delay characteristics of CSMA/CD networks. 553-563 - Jeffery H. Fischer, John H. Cafarella, Charles A. Bouman, Gerard T. Flynn, Victor S. Dolat, Rene Boisvert:
Wide-band packet radio for multipath environments. 564-576 - Nersi Nazari, Rodger E. Ziemer:
Computationally efficient bounds for the performance of direct-sequence spread-spectrum multiple-access communications systems in jamming environments. 577-587 - Neil J. Bershad:
Error probabilities for DS spread-spectrum systems using an ALE for narrow-band interference rejection. 588-595 - Unjeng Cheng:
Performance of a class of parallel spread-spectrum code acquisition schemes in the presence of data modulation. 596-604 - Martin Oerder, Heinrich Meyr:
Digital filter and square timing recovery. 605-612 - Don J. Torrieri:
Information-bit, information-symbol, and decoded-symbol error rates for linear block codes. 613-617 - Alan L. McBride:
Application of renewal theory to unslotted ALOHA in VSAT networks. 617-621 - Rungroj Kositpaiboon, Nicolas D. Georganas:
Isochronous communications in an integrated circuit/packet metropolitan area network. 621-626 - Nevio Benvenuto, Guido Bertocci:
Enhancement in the 32-kbit/s ADPCM algorithm for FSK voice-band data signals. 626-628 - Morris Goldberg, Huifang Sun:
Frame-adaptive vector quantization for image sequence coding. 629-635 - Anthony S. Acampora, Kai Y. Eng:
A fast decoupled approach for optimum TDM assignment in constrained hierarchical switching systems. 636-640
Volume 36, Number 6, June 1988
- Abbas Yongaçoglu, Dimitrios Makrakis, Kamilo Feher:
Differential detection of GMSK using decision feedback. 641-649 - Enric Vilar, Augusto Burgueño, Manuel Puigcerver, John Austin:
Analysis of joint rainfall rate and duration statistics: microwave system design implications. 650-661 - Stelios C. A. Thomopoulos
A simple and versatile decentralized control for slotted ALOHA, reservation ALOHA, and local area networks. 662-674 - Yves De Serres, Lorne G. Mason:
A multiserver queue with narrow- and wide-band customers and wide-band restricted access. 675-684 - George A. Cunningham III, James S. Meditch:
Distributed retransmission controls for slotted, nonpersistent, and virtual time CSMA. 685-691 - Ilias Iliadis
, Luke Yeong-Chang Lien:
Resequencing delay for a queueing system with two heterogeneous servers under a threshold-type scheduling. 692-702 - Mustafa K. Mehmet Ali, Jeremiah F. Hayes, Ahmed K. Elhakeem:
Traffic analysis of a local area network with a star topology. 703-712 - Peter H. Westerink, Dick E. Boekee, Jan Biemond, John W. Woods:
Subband coding of images using vector quantization. 713-719 - Michael Georgiopoulos:
Packet error probabilities in frequency-hopped spread-spectrum packet radio networks-memoryless frequency-hopping patterns considered. 720-723 - Yu Ted Su:
Rapid code acquisition algorithm employing PN matched filters. 724-733 - Jonathan S. Turner:
Design of a broadcast packet switching network. 734-743 - Michael Cooperman, Richard W. Sieber, Rob Moolenbeek:
Low-power digital communication with unterminated transmission lines. 744-751 - Fumiyuki Adachi, John David Parsons:
Random FM noise with selection combining. 752-750 - Christoff K. Pauw, Donald L. Schilling:
Probability of error of M-ary PSK and DPSK on a Rayleigh fading channel. 755-756 - Pierce E. Cantrell, Gary R. Beall:
Transient M/M/1 queue variance computation using generalized Q functions. 756-758 - Michael G. Perkins:
A comparison of the Hartley, Cas-Cas, Fourier, and discrete cosine transforms for image coding. 758-761 - Patrick R. Trischitta, Peddapullaiah Sannuti:
The accumulation of pattern-dependent jitter for a chain of fiber optic regenerators. 761-765 - József Dénes, A. Donald Keedwell:
Frequency allocation for a mobile radio telephone system. 765-767 - M. D. Knowles:
Bit error rate estimation for channels with memory. 767-769
Volume 36, Number 7, July 1988
- Samir Kallel, David Haccoun:
Sequential decoding with ARQ and code combining: a robust hybrid FEC/ARQ system. 773-780 - Ross G. McKay, Mansoor Shafi:
Multipath propagation measurements on an overwater path in New Zealand. 781-788 - Alan Hewitt, Enric Vilar:
Selective fading on LOS microwave links: classical and spread-spectrum measurement techniques. 789-796 - Patrick S.-K. Leung, Kamilo Feher:
Block-inversion-coded QAM systems. 797-805 - Philippe Nain, Nicolas D. Georganas, William J. Stewart:
Analysis of a hybrid multiple access protocol with free access of new arrivals during conflict resolution. 806-815 - Samuel P. Morgan:
Window flow control on a trunked byte-stream virtual circuit. 816-825 - San-qi Li, Magda El Zarki:
Dynamic bandwidth allocation on a slotted ring with integrated services. 826-833 - Basil S. Maglaris
, Dimitris Anastassiou, Prodip Sen, Gunnar Karlsson, John D. Robbins:
Performance models of statistical multiplexing in packet video communications. 834-844 - Charles H. Reilly:
A satellite system synthesis model for orbital arc allotment optimization. 845-849 - Haruo Akimaru, Hiroshi Kuribayashi, Takeshi Inoue:
Approximate evaluation for mixed delay and loss systems with renewal and Poisson inputs. 850-854 - Donald M. Topkis:
A k shortest path algorithm for adaptive routing in communications networks. 855-859 - Ariel Orda, Raphael Rom:
Routing with packet duplication and elimination in computer networks. 860-866 - Marc Moeneclaey, Stanislaw Starzak, Heinrich Meyr:
Cycle slips in synchronizers subject to smooth narrow-band loop noise. 867-874 - Jin-Der Wang, H. Joel Trussell:
Adaptive harmonic noise cancellation with an application to distribution power line communications. 875-884 - Mark A. Herro, Laizhao Hu, Joseph M. Nowack:
Bit error probability calculations for convolutional codes with short constraint lengths on very noisy channels. 885-888 - Y. C. Kay, Chong-Kwan Un:
Realization of IIR LDM digital filters. 888-891 - Farshad Mohamadi, David L. Lyon:
Effects of solar transit in Ku-band VSAT systems. 892-894
Volume 36, Number 8, August 1988
- William A. Gardner:
Signal interception: a unifying theoretical framework for feature detection. 897-906 - Andreas M. Maras:
Locally optimum detection in moving average non-Gaussian noise. 907-912 - Jeffrey E. Wieselthier, Anthony Ephremides, Julie Ann B. Tarr:
A distributed reservation-based CDMA protocol that does not require feedback information. 913-923 - Krishan K. Sabnani:
An algorithmic technique for protocol verification. 924-931 - Tetsuya Takine, Yutaka Takahashi, Toshiharu Hasegawa:
An approximate analysis of a buffered CSMA/CD. 932-941 - Nicholas F. Maxemchuk:
Twelve random access strategies for the fiber optic networks. 942-950 - Satoki Kawanishi, Norikai Yoshikai, Jun-Ichi Yamada, Kiyoshi Nakagawa:
DmB1M code and its performance in a very high-speed optical transmission system. 951-956 - Nasser M. Nasrabadi, Robert A. King:
Image coding using vector quantization: a review. 957-971 - Vladimir Friedman:
The structure of the limit cycles in sigma delta modulation. 972-979 - R. A. Coco:
Symbol error rate curves for M-QAM signals with multiple cochannel interferers. 980-983 - George Thomas:
Application of multiuser coding to random access protocols. 983-986 - John R. Heath:
Analysis of gateway congestion in interconnected high-speed local networks. 986-989 - Manjunath V. Hegde, Wayne E. Stark:
Asymptotic performance of M-ary orthogonal signals in worst case partial-band interference and Rayleigh fading. 989-992
Volume 36, Number 9, September 1988
- Frederic M. Davidson, Yutai T. Koh:
Interleaved convolutional coding for the turbulent atmospheric optical communication channel. 993-1003 - Dariush Divsalar, Marvin K. Simon:
The design of trellis coded MPSK for fading channels: performance criteria. 1004-1012 - Dariush Divsalar, Marvin K. Simon:
The design of trellis coded MPSK for fading channels: set partitioning for optimum code design. 1013-1021 - Masayuki Murata
, Hideaki Takagi:
Two-layer modeling for local area networks. 1022-1034 - Hikmet Sari, Said Moridi:
New phase and frequency detectors for carrier recovery in PSK and QAM systems. 1035-1043 - Thomas T. Fang:
I and Q decomposition of self-noise in square-law clock regenerators. 1044-1052 - Henry M. Jablecki, Ram B. Misra, Iraj Saniee:
A call-processing traffic study for integrated digital loop carrier applications. 1053-1061 - Ramanarayanan Viswanathan, Kashfieh Taghizadeh:
Diversity combining in FH/BFSK systems to combat partial band jamming. 1062-1069 - Glenn E. Prescott, Joseph L. Hammond, David R. Hertling:
Adaptive estimation of transmission distortion in a digital communications channel. 1070-1073 - Hikmet Sari, Georges Karam:
Asymmetric baseband equalization. 1073-1078 - Carlos A. Pomalaza-Raez
A note on efficient SS/TDMA assignment algorithms. 1078-1082 - Bruce F. McGuffin, Paulman Kwong:
I/Q channel reversal correcting properties of an SQPSK Costas loop with integrated symbol synchronization. 1082-1086
Volume 36, Number 10, October 1988
- Jun Du, Masao Kasahara, Toshihiko Namekawa:
Separate codes on type-II hybrid ARQ systems. 1089-1097 - Yoshio Karasawa, Takayasu Shiokawa:
A simple prediction method for L-band multipath fading in rough sea conditions. 1098-1104 - Paul W. Baier, Peter Rausch:
Discrimination between mainlobe and sidelobe reception by signal distortion analysis. 1105-1109 - Matteo Campanella, Umberto Lo Faso, Giovanni Mamola:
Optimum bandwidth-distance performance in full response CPM systems. 1110-1118 - Tetsuya Takine, Yutaka Takahashi, Toshiharu Hasegawa:
Exact analysis of asymmetric polling systems with single buffers. 1119-1127 - Chin-Tau Lea
A new broadcast switching network. 1128-1137 - Anujan Varma, Cauligi S. Raghavendra:
Rearrangeability of multistage shuffle/exchange networks. 1138-1147 - John D. Provence, Someshwar C. Gupta:
Systolic arrays for Viterbi processing in communication systems with a time-dispersive channel. 1148-1156 - Eduard F. Stikvoort:
Some remarks on the stability and performance of the noise shaper or sigma-delta modulator. 1157-1162 - Kees A. Schouhamer Immink:
Coding techniques for partial-response channels. 1163-1165 - J. M. Tennant, Nick G. Kingsbury:
Use of the Viterbi algorithm to compute error events of trellis phase coding in order of increasing distance. 1166-1170 - Pil Joong Lee:
Constructions of rate (n-1)/n punctured convolutional codes with minimum required SNR criterion. 1171-1174 - Jorma T. Virtamo:
Reciprocity of blocking probabilities in multiservice loss systems. 1174-1175 - Madihally J. Narasimha:
The Batcher-banyan self-routing network: universality and simplification. 1175-1178 - Victor-Emil Neagoe:
Predictive ordering and linear approximation for image data compression. 1179-1182 - Lin-Shan Lee, Jung-Hui Chiu:
An improved sequential estimation scheme for PN acquisition. 1182-1184
Volume 36, Number 11, November 1988
- Frederic M. Davidson, Xiaoli Sun:
Gaussian approximation versus nearly exact performance analysis of optical communication systems with PPM signaling and APD receivers. 1185-1192 - Stephen C. Hall, Hugh S. Bradlow:
The design of a hybrid adaptive quantizer for speech coding applications. 1193-1199 - Laurence B. Milstein:
Interference suppression to aid acquisition in direct-sequence spread-spectrum communications. 1200-1207 - Vladan M. Jovanovic
Analysis of strategies for serial-search spread-spectrum code acquisition-direct approach. 1208-1220 - Naoaki Yamanaka, Michihiro Hirata, Masao Suzuki, Takao Yano:
Novel structure for high-speed multihighway serial-to-parallel converter. 1221-1225 - Lee D. Davisson, Paul G. Flikkema
Fast single-element PN acquisition for the TDRSS MA system. 1226-1235 - David E. Dodds, Si-Ming Pan, Arthur G. Wacker:
Statistical distribution of PCM framing times. 1236-1241 - Peter J. McLane, Paul H. Wittke, Paul K. M. Ho, Chun Loo:
PSK and DPSK trellis codes for fast fading, shadowed mobile satellite communication channels. 1242-1246 - Paul J. Crepeau:
Asymptotic performance of M-ary orthogonal modulation in generalized fading channels. 1246-1248 - Norman C. Beaulieu:
On the performance of digital detectors with dependent samples. 1248-1254 - Bernard C. Picinbono, Patrick Duvaut:
Optimum quantization for detection. 1254-1258 - Yoon K. Hong:
Error performance of a digitally processed binary ESK frequency hopping receiver in the presence of large Doppler. 1258-1262 - Jong-Soo Seo, Kamilo Feher:
Performance of 16-state SQAM in a nonlinearly amplified multichannel interference environment. 1263-1267
Volume 36, Number 12, December 1988
- Gordon L. Stüber, Jon W. Mark, Ian F. Blake:
An adaptive rate algorithm for FH/BFSK signaling. 1269-1276 - Biswanath Mukherjee, James S. Meditch:
The pi-persistent protocol for unidirectional broadcast bus networks. 1277-1286 - Biswanath Mukherjee, James S. Meditch:
Integrating voice with the pi-persistent protocol for unidirectional broadcast bus networks. 1287-1295 - Jean S. Doyle, Cathy S. McMahon:
The intelligent network concept. 1296-1301 - H. C. Ratz:
Extreme value engineering for local network traffic. 1302-1308 - Israel Bar-David, Jack Salz:
On dual optical detection: homodyne and transmitted-reference heterodyne reception. 1309-1315 - Doron Kurtz, Moshe Sidi:
Multiple access algorithms via group testing for heterogeneous population of users. 1316-1323 - Robert A. DiFazio:
An approximation for the phase offset sensitivity of Viterbi detected continuous phase modulation signals. 1324-1326 - Pooi Yuen Kam
, Hsi Chong Ho:
Viterbi detection with simultaneous suboptimal maximum likelihood carrier phase estimation. 1327-1330 - Liang-Neng Wong, Peter J. McLane:
Performance of trellis codes for a class of equalized ISI channels. 1330-1336 - Arne Svensson:
Simulated symbol error probability for a matched filter differential detector with variable delay for continuous phase modulation. 1336-1339 - Herwig Bruneel:
Queueing behavior of statistical multiplexers with correlated inputs. 1339-1341

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