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IEEE Transactions on Communications, Volume 51
Volume 51, Number 1, January 2003
- Francesca Vatta
, Guido Montorsi, Fulvio Babich
Achievable performance of turbo codes over the correlated Rician channel. 1-4 - Youhan Kim, Kyungwhoon Cheun
Performance of soft metrics for convolutional coded asynchronous fast FHSS-MA networks using BFSK under Rayleigh fading. 5-7 - Qinghua Shi, Matti Latva-aho:
Spreading sequences for asynchronous MC-CDMA revisited: accurate bit error rate analysis. 8-11 - Xiaosong Tang, Ian Li-Jin Thng, Xinrong Li:
A new digital approach to design 3D CAP waveforms. 12-16 - Cheolwoo You, Daesik Hong:
Multicarrier CDMA systems using time-domain and frequency-domain spreading codes. 17-21 - Madhavi W. Chandra, Brian L. Hughes:
Optimizing information efficiency in a direct-sequence mobile packet radio network. 22-24 - Beeta Tarokh, Hamid R. Sadjadpour:
Construction of OFDM M-QAM sequences with low peak-to-average power ratio. 25-28 - P. M. Soni, A. Chockalingam:
Analysis of link-layer backoff schemes on point-to-point Markov fading links. 29-32 - Arafat Al-Dweik
, Fuqin Xiong:
Frequency-hopped multiple-access communications with noncoherent M-ary OFDM-ASK. 33-36 - Stefano Buzzi, Marco Lops:
Performance analysis for the improved linear multiuser detectors in BPSK-modulated DS-CDMA systems. 37-42 - Weihua Ye, Pramod K. Varshney:
An equicorrelation-based multiuser communication scheme for DS-CDMA systems. 43-47 - George N. Karystinos, Dimitrios A. Pados:
New bounds on the total squared correlation and optimum design of DS-CDMA binary signature sets. 48-51 - Adbul Karim S. Al-Bayati
, Shankar Prakriya, Surendra Prasad:
Block modulus precoding for blind multiuser detection of DS-CDMA signals. 52-56 - Laurie L. Joiner
, John J. Komo:
Errors and erasures decoding of BCH and Reed-Solomon codes for reduced M-ary orthogonal signaling. 57-62 - Lihao Xu:
Resource-efficient delivery of on-demand streaming data using UEP codes. 63-71 - Masoud Sharif, Mohammad Gharavi-Alkhansari, Babak Hossein Khalaj:
On the peak-to-average power of OFDM signals based on oversampling. 72-78 - Javier Garcia-Frías
, John D. Villasenor:
Combined turbo detection and decoding for unknown ISI channels. 79-85 - Haralabos C. Papadopoulos, Carl-Erik W. Sundberg:
Postcanceling techniques for simultaneous broadcasting of analog FM and digital data. 86-93 - Xiaowen Wang, K. J. Ray Liu:
Performance analysis for adaptive channel estimation exploiting cyclic prefix in multicarrier modulation systems. 94-105 - Yongzhe Xie, Costas N. Georghiades:
Two EM-type channel estimation algorithms for OFDM with transmitter diversity. 106-115 - Michael L. McCloud, Louis L. Scharf, Mahesh K. Varanasi:
Beamforming, diversity, and interference rejection for multiuser communication over fading channels with a receive antenna array. 116-124
Volume 51, Number 2, February 2003
- Sze Yan Tan, Yong Huat Chew, Tjeng Thiang Tjhung, Mingwei Wu:
A two-dimensional impulse noise model and error probability of QAM in DSL. 129-134 - Luc Deneire
, Patrick Vandenameele, Liesbet Van der Perre
, Bert Gyselinckx, Marc Engels
A low-complexity ML channel estimator for OFDM. 135-140 - Nikolai Nefedov, Markku Pukkila, Raphaël Visoz, Antoine O. Berthet
Iterative data detection and channel estimation for advanced TDMA systems. 141-144 - Giacinto Gelli
, Francesco Verde:
Blind FSR-LPTV equalization and interference rejection. 145-150 - Khairi Ashour Hamdi
Packet-error probability analysis for FH-CDMA unslotted packet networks. 151-154 - Andrea M. Tonello:
MIMO MAP equalization and turbo decoding in interleaved space-time coded systems. 155-160 - Feng Rice, Mark Rice, Bill Cowley:
A new bound and algorithm for Star 16-QAM carrier phase estimation. 161-165 - Xiaoyi Qin, Hansheng Wang, Lieguang Zeng, Fuqin Xiong:
An all-digital clock-smoothing technique - counting-prognostication. 166-169 - Behrouz Farhang-Boroujeny
, Yan Wu, Samir Attallah:
Fast estimation of BER in PAR-limited DMT systems using noise injection method. 170-174 - Emmanuel Boutillon, Warren J. Gross, P. Glenn Gulak:
VLSI architectures for the MAP algorithm. 175-185 - Aria Nosratinia
, Jin Lu, Behnaam Aazhang:
Source-channel rate allocation for progressive transmission of images. 186-196 - Idin Motedayen-Aval, Achilleas Anastasopoulos:
Polynomial-complexity noncoherent symbol-by-symbol detection with application to adaptive iterative decoding of turbo-like codes. 197-207 - Debang Lao, Alexander M. Haimovich:
Multiple-symbol differential detection with interference suppression. 208-217 - José Tellado, Louise M. C. Hoo, John M. Cioffi:
Maximum-likelihood detection of nonlinearly distorted multicarrier symbols by iterative decoding. 218-228 - Carlo Luschi, Bernard Mulgrew
Nonparametric trellis equalization in the presence of non-Gaussian interference. 229-239 - Anders A. Hansson, Tor M. Aulin:
Iterative diversity detection for correlated continuous-time Rayleigh fading channels. 240-246 - Dong In Kim, Ekram Hossain, Vijay K. Bhargava:
Dynamic rate adaptation based on multidimensional multicode DS-CDMA in cellular wireless networks. 247-260 - Vincent K. N. Lau
, Yu-Kwong Kwok:
On generalized optimal scheduling of high data-rate bursts in CDMA systems. 261-266 - James A. Bucklew, Rico Radeke:
On the Monte Carlo simulation of digital communication systems in Gaussian noise. 267-274 - François Horlin
, Luc Vandendorpe:
CA-CDMA: channel-adapted CDMA for MAI/ISI-free burst transmission. 275-283 - Wen Gao, Shiauhe (Shawn) Tsai, James S. Lehnert:
Diversity combining for DS/SS systems with time-varying, correlated fading branches. 284-295 - Marco Chiani
, Moe Z. Win
, Alberto Zanella
, Ranjan K. Mallik
, Jack H. Winters:
Bounds and approximations for optimum combining of signals in the presence of multiple cochannel interferers and thermal noise. 296-307 - Kenan Aksoy, Ümit Aygölü:
Comments on "Combined turbo codes and interleaver design". 308
Volume 51, Number 3, March 2003
- Cecilio Pimentel
On the computation of weight enumerators for convolutional codes. 313-317 - Marcel Ambroze
, Graham Wade, Martin Tomlinson:
Dependence of dfree in MPCCC systems. 318-325 - Kees A. Schouhamer Immink, Jin-Yong Kim, Sang-Woon Suh, Seong Keun Ahn:
Efficient dc-free RLL codes for optical recording. 326-331 - Naresh Sharma, Constantinos B. Papadias
Improved quasi-orthogonal codes through constellation rotation. 332-335 - Norbert Görtz, Pornchai Leelapornchai:
Optimization of the index assignments for multiple description vector quantizers. 336-340 - Jie Luo, Krishna R. Pattipati, Peter Willett
, Georgiy M. Levchuk:
Optimal grouping algorithm for a group decision feedback detector in synchronous CDMA communications. 341-346 - Achilleas Anastasopoulos:
Sequence error probability lower bounds for joint detection and estimation. 347-351 - Marco Chiani
, Andrea Conti
, Cesare Fontana:
Improved performance in TD-CDMA mobile radio system by optimizing energy partition in channel estimation. 352-355 - Wei Kuang Lai, Chin Chao Liu:
SWFA: a new buffer management mechanism for TCP over ATM-GFR. 356-358 - Qingchong Liu:
Frequency synchronization in global satellite communications systems. 359-365 - Kai Yen, Lajos Hanzo
Antenna-diversity-assisted genetic-algorithm-based multiuser detection schemes for synchronous CDMA systems. 366-370 - John J. Metzner:
Vector symbol decoding with list inner symbol decisions. 371-380 - Trieu-Kien Truong, Jyh-Horng Jeng, T. C. Cheng:
A new decoding algorithm for correcting both erasures and errors of Reed-Solomon codes. 381-388 - Bertrand M. Hochwald, Stephan ten Brink:
Achieving near-capacity on a multiple-antenna channel. 389-399 - Glen Takahara, Fady Alajaji, Norman C. Beaulieu, Hongyan Kuai:
Constellation mappings for two-dimensional signaling of nonuniform sources. 400-408 - Fumihito Sasamori, Fumiaki Maehara, Shiro Handa, Shinjiro Oshita, Fumio Takahata:
Approximate equation of average bit-error rate in DS-CDMA systems over fading channels. 409-415 - Zhiqiang Liu, Yan Xin, Georgios B. Giannakis
Linear constellation precoding for OFDM with maximum multipath diversity and coding gains. 416-427 - Char-Dir Chung
Coherent and differentially coherent detections of orthogonally multiplexed orthogonal phase-modulated signals. 428-440 - Avi Steiner, Michael Peleg
, Shlomo Shamai:
SVD iterative detection of turbo-coded multiantenna unitary differential modulation. 441-452 - Petros Nicopolitidis, Georgios I. Papadimitriou, Andreas S. Pomportsis:
Learning automata-based polling protocols for wireless LANs. 453-463 - Andrea Bianco
, Marcella Guido, Emilio Leonardi
Incremental scheduling algorithms for WDM/TDM networks with arbitrary tuning latencies. 464-475 - Dennis R. Morgan:
Downlink adaptive array algorithms for cellular mobile communications. 476-488 - Jian-Qiang Hu
Diverse routing in optical mesh networks. 489-494 - Quan-Long Ding, Lin He:
Performance of a hybrid multilevel error control with an early-stop ARQ protocol for wireless ATM networks. 495-508 - Xiaoming Zhu, Joseph M. Kahn:
Markov chain model in maximum-likelihood sequence detection for free-space optical communication through atmospheric turbulence channels. 509-516
Volume 51, Number 4, April 2003
- Murat Uysal
, Costas N. Georghiades:
An efficient implementation of a maximum-likelihood detector for space-time block coded systems. 521-524 - Il-Min Kim, Hyung-Myung Kim, Daniel Grobe Sachs:
Power-distortion optimized mode selection for transmission of VBR videos in CDMA systems. 525-529 - Yunjing Yin, John P. Fonseka, Israel Korn:
Sensitivity to timing errors in EGC and MRC techniques. 530-534 - Robert Schober, Yao Ma, Subbarayan Pasupathy:
On the error probability of decision-feedback differential detection. 535-538 - Chinthananda Tellambura, Annamalai Annamalai, Vijay K. Bhargava:
Closed form and infinite series solutions for the MGF of a dual-diversity selection combiner output in bivariate Nakagami fading. 539-542 - Xiaojing Huang
, Yunxin Li:
The PAM decomposition of CPM signals with integer modulation index. 543-546 - Zhiyu Xu
, Roger S. Cheng
A robust rank estimation algorithm of group-blind MMSE multiuser detectors for CDMA systems. 547-552 - Georgios I. Papadimitriou, Andreas S. Pomportsis:
Adaptive MAC protocols for broadcast networks with bursty traffic. 553-557 - Huagang Xiong, Jianzhen Wang, Zhiqiang Luo, Qishan Zhang:
Determination of LTPB parameters to guarantee message deadlines. 558-560 - Milos Milosevic, Takao Inoue, Peter Molnar, Brian L. Evans:
Fast unbiased echo canceller update during ADSL transmission. 561-565 - Marvin K. Simon, Mohamed-Slim Alouini
Average bit-error probability performance for optimum diversity combining of noncoherent FSK over Rayleigh fading channels. 566-569 - Zhongfeng Wang, Keshab K. Parhi
High performance, high throughput turbo/SOVA decoder design. 570-579 - Erik Haas, Stefan Kaiser:
Two-dimensional differential demodulation for OFDM. 580-586 - Meixia Tao, Roger S. Cheng
Trellis-coded differential unitary space-time modulation over flat fading channels. 587-596 - Saman S. Abeysekera:
Analysis of true jitter arising from pulse-stuffing schemes. 597-606 - Xiaowen Chu
, Bo Li, Imrich Chlamtac:
Wavelength converter placement under different RWA algorithms in wavelength-routed all-optical networks. 607-617 - Susanto Rahardja, Wee Ser, Zinan Lin:
UCHT-based complex sequences for asynchronous CDMA system. 618-626 - Yukihiro Kamiya, Olivier Besson
Interference rejection for frequency-hopping communication systems using a constant power algorithm. 627-633 - Itsik Bergel, Anthony J. Weiss:
Cramer-Rao bound on timing recovery of linearly modulated signals with no ISI. 634-640 - Thomas Hunziker, Dirk Dahlhaus:
Iterative detection for multicarrier transmission employing time-frequency concentrated pulses. 641-651 - Jérôme Louveaux, Laurent Cuvelier, Luc Vandendorpe, Thierry Pollet:
Baud rate timing recovery scheme for filter bank-based multicarrier transmission. 652-663 - Mong-Suan Yee, Bee Leong Yeap, Lajos Hanzo
Radial basis function-assisted turbo equalization. 664-675 - John Orriss, Stephen K. Barton:
Probability distributions for the number of radio transceivers which can communicate with one another. 676-681 - Emre Aktas, Urbashi Mitra:
Single-user sparse channel acquisition in multiuser DS-CDMA systems. 682-693 - Parag A. Dighe, Ranjan K. Mallik
, Sudhanshu Shekhar Jamuar:
Analysis of transmit-receive diversity in Rayleigh fading. 694-703
Volume 51, Number 5, May 2003
- Ming Jin, Kees A. Schouhamer Immink, Behrouz Farhang-Boroujeny
Design techniques for weakly constrained codes. 709-714 - James S. K. Tee, Desmond P. Taylor:
Suboptimal SISO decoding of systematic binary algebraic block codes. 715-718 - Lisa Welburn, James K. Cavers, Kevin W. Sowerby:
Accurate error-rate calculations through the inversion of mixed characteristic functions. 719-721 - Norman C. Beaulieu, Xiaofei Dong:
Level crossing rate and average fade duration of MRC and EGC diversity in Ricean fading. 722-726 - Juraci Ferreira Galdino, Ernesto Leite Pinto
, Marcelo Sampaio de Alencar
Using denoising at the receiver front-end for frequency-selective channels. 727-729 - Hai Chen, Richard Perry, Kevin Buckley:
On MLSE algorithms for unknown fast time-varying channels. 730-734 - Milan Vojnovic, Jean-Yves Le Boudec:
Bounds for independent regulated inputs multiplexed in a service curve network element. 735-740 - John F. Shortle:
Dynamic call-blocking algorithms for telecommunications networks. 741-747 - Lie-Liang Yang, Lajos Hanzo
Performance of generalized multicarrier DS-CDMA using various chip waveforms. 748-752 - Andrea Conti
, Moe Z. Win
, Marco Chiani
On the inverse symbol-error probability for diversity reception. 753-756 - Jongtae Lim, David L. Neuhoff:
Joint and tandem source-channel coding with complexity and delay constraints. 757-766 - Usa Vilaipornsawai, Mohammad Reza Soleymani:
A novel turbo coding scheme for satellite ATM using Reed-Muller codes. 767-773 - Andreas Bury, Jochem Egle, Jürgen Lindner:
Diversity comparison of spreading transforms for multicarrier spread spectrum transmission. 774-781 - Hong-Chuan Yang, Mohamed-Slim Alouini
Performance analysis of multibranch switched diversity systems. 782-794 - Shu-Ming Tseng
, Yibin Zheng, Mark R. Bell:
An optical error-correction code with spectrum domain decoding. 795-799 - Armin Dekorsy
, Volker Kühn, Karl-Dirk Kammeyer:
Low-rate channel coding with complex-valued block codes. 800-809 - Il-Min Kim, Hyung-Myung Kim, Dong Seung Kwon:
Optimum rate allocation for two-class services in CDMA smart antenna systems. 810-816 - Guoliang Xue:
Minimum-cost QoS multicast and unicast routing in communication networks. 817-824 - Hansheng Wang, Xiaoyi Qin, Lieguang Zeng, Fuqin Xiong:
Coding, decoding, and recovery of clock synchronization in digital multiplexing system. 825-831 - Stephen J. Grant, James K. Cavers:
A method for increasing downlink capacity by coded multiuser transmission with a base station antenna array. 832-840
Volume 51, Number 6, June 2003
- Jun Tan, Gordon L. Stüber:
New SISO decoding algorithms. 845-848 - Xiaodai Dong, Norman C. Beaulieu:
New analytical probability of error expressions for classes of orthogonal signals in Rayleigh fading. 849-853 - Defne Aktas, Hesham El Gamal, Michael P. Fitz:
On the design and maximum-likelihood decoding of space-time trellis codes. 854-859 - Jill K. Nelson, Andrew C. Singer
, Ralf Koetter:
Linear turbo equalization for parallel ISI channels. 860-864 - John E. Smee, Stuart C. Schwartz:
Adaptive compensation techniques for communications systems with Tomlinson-Harashima precoding. 865-869 - Daniel C. Lee:
Packets seen by an arriving packet versus packets waited for in multiuser polling systems. 870-872 - Yingwei Yao, H. Vincent Poor:
A two-layer spreading code scheme for dual-rate DS-CDMA systems. 873-879 - Ethan Davis, Norman C. Beaulieu, Mark Rollins:
A MAP blind bit-rate detector for variable-gain multiple-access systems. 880-884 - Katleen Van Acker, Geert Leus
, Marc Moonen, Thierry Pollet:
RLS-based initialization for per-tone equalizers in DMT receivers. 885-889 - Robert Schober, Lutz H.-J. Lampe, Yao Ma, Subbarayan Pasupathy:
DF-DD for channels with phase noise. 890-893 - Bhaskar D. Rao, Ming Yan:
Performance of maximal ratio transmission with two receive antennas. 894-895 - Wing Seng Leon, Desmond P. Taylor:
Generalized polynomial-based receiver for the flat fading channel. 896-899 - Xin Wang, Michael T. Orchard:
On reducing the rate of retransmission in time-varying channels. 900-910 - Mohamed Oussama Damen, Norman C. Beaulieu:
On diagonal algebraic space-time block codes. 911-919 - Yahong Rosa Zheng
, Chengshan Xiao:
Simulation models with correct statistical properties for Rayleigh fading channels. 920-928 - John D. Terry, Douglas B. Williams:
Convergence analysis of finite alphabet beamformers for digital cochannel signals. 929-939 - Antoine O. Berthet
, Raphaël Visoz:
Iterative decoding of concatenated layered space-time trellis codes on MIMO block fading multipath AWGN channel. 940-952 - Rza Nuriyev, Achilleas Anastasopoulos:
Pilot-symbol-assisted coded transmission over the block-noncoherent AWGN channel. 953-963 - Sriram Vishwanath, Andrea Goldsmith:
Adaptive turbo-coded modulation for flat-fading channels. 964-972 - Tahereh Fazel, Thomas E. Fuja:
Robust transmission of MELP-compressed speech: an illustrative example of joint source-channel decoding. 973-982 - Ioannis N. Psaromiligkos, Stella N. Batalama, Michael J. Medley:
Rapid combined synchronization/demodulation structures for DS-CDMA systems. I. Algorithmic developments. 983-994 - Debang Lao, Alexander M. Haimovich:
Exact closed-form performance analysis of optimum combining with multiple cochannel interferers and Rayleigh fading. 995-1003 - Marvin K. Simon:
Multiple-bit differential detection of offset QPSK. 1004-1011 - Moe Z. Win
, Norman C. Beaulieu, Lawrence A. Shepp, Benjamin F. Logan Jr., Jack H. Winters:
On the SNR penalty of MPSK with hybrid selection/maximal ratio combining over i.i.d. Rayleigh fading channels. 1012-1023
Volume 51, Number 7, July 2003
- António Gusmão, Rui Dinis
, Nelson L. Esteves:
On frequency-domain equalization and diversity combining for broadband wireless communications. 1029-1033 - Padam L. Kafle, Abu B. Sesay:
Iterative semi-blind multiuser detection for coded MC-CDMA uplink system. 1034-1039 - Moh Lim Sim
, Hean-Teik Chuah:
Received signal statistics in DS-CDMA channels with flat Rayleigh fading and fast closed-loop power control. 1040-1045 - Oh-Soon Shin, Kwang Bok Lee:
Differentially coherent combining for double-dwell code acquisition in DS-CDMA systems. 1046-1050 - Dae-Ki Hong, Dong-Joo Kim, Young-Jo Lee, Sukhyon Yoon, Daesik Hong, Changeon Kang:
A simple interpolation technique for the DFT for joint system parameters estimation in burst MPSK transmissions. 1051-1056 - Rafael Asorey-Cacheda
, Francisco J. González-Castaño
, Cristina López-Bravo
, José M. Pousada Carballo, Pedro S. Rodríguez-Hernández
On the behavior of PHM distributed schedulers for input buffered packet switches. 1057-1060 - Hans-Dieter Lüke:
Mismatched filtering of periodic quadriphase and 8-phase sequences. 1061-1063 - Hua Zhang, Geoffrey Ye Li:
Optimum frequency-domain partial response encoding in OFDM system. 1064-1068 - Andre Tkacenko, Palghat P. Vaidyanathan:
A low-complexity eigenfilter design method for channel shortening equalizers for DMT systems. 1069-1072 - Ta-Hsiang Hu, Shu Lin:
An efficient hybrid decoding algorithm for Reed-Solomon codes based on bit reliability. 1073-1081 - Qi Pan, Marc P. C. Fossorier:
Code invariances and self-synchronized Viterbi decoding. 1082-1092 - Eugenio Chiavaccini, Giorgio Matteo Vitetta
Further results on differential space-time modulations. 1093-1101 - David James Love, Robert W. Heath Jr.
Equal gain transmission in multiple-input multiple-output wireless systems. 1102-1110 - Thomas Strohmer, Scott Beaver:
Optimal OFDM design for time-frequency dispersive channels. 1111-1122 - David Wiegandt, Zhiqiang Wu
, Carl R. Nassar:
High-throughput, high-performance OFDM via pseudo-orthogonal carrier interferometry spreading codes. 1123-1134 - Kwang Soon Kim, Dan M. Marom, Laurence B. Milstein, Yeshaiahu Fainman:
Hybrid pulse position modulation/ultrashort light pulse code-division multiple-access systems - part II: time-space processor and modified schemes. 1135-1148 - Ashwin Ganesan
, Akbar M. Sayeed:
A virtual input-output framework for transceiver analysis and design for multipath fading channels. 1149-1161 - Ioannis N. Psaromiligkos, Stella N. Batalama:
Rapid combined synchronization/demodulation structures for DS-CDMA systems - part II: finite data-record performance analysis. 1162-1172 - Kai Tang, Laurence B. Milstein, Paul H. Siegel:
MLSE receiver for direct-sequence spread-spectrum systems on a multipath fading channel. 1173-1184 - Qingchong Liu, Jia Li:
User registration in broadband slotted Aloha networks. 1185-1194 - Jiang Xie, Chin-Tau Lea
Speedup and buffer division in input/output queuing ATM switches. 1195-1203 - Guozhen Zang, Cong Ling:
Performance evaluation for band-limited DS-CDMA systems based on simplified improved Gaussian approximation. 1204-1213 - Cong Ling, Kwok Hung Li
, Alex C. Kot, Q. T. Zhang:
Multisampling decision-feedback linear prediction receivers for differential space-time modulation over Rayleigh fast-fading channels. 1214-1223
Volume 51, Number 8, August 2003
- Gabriella Bosco, Guido Montorsi, Sergio Benedetto
A new algorithm for "hard" iterative decoding of concatenated codes. 1229-1232 - Xiaoming Zhu, Joseph M. Kahn:
Performance bounds for coded free-space optical communications through atmospheric turbulence channels. 1233-1239 - George K. Karagiannidis
, Dimitris A. Zogas, Stavros A. Kotsopoulos:
On the multivariate Nakagami-m distribution with exponential correlation. 1240-1244 - George K. Karagiannidis
, Dimitris A. Zogas, Stavros A. Kotsopoulos:
Performance analysis of triple selection diversity over exponentially correlated Nakagami-m fading channels. 1245-1248 - Jordi Pérez-Romero
, Ramón Agustí
, Oriol Sallent
Analysis of a type II hybrid ARQ strategy in a DS-CDMA packet transmission environment. 1249-1253 - Matthew C. Bromberg, Brian G. Agee:
Optimization of spatially adaptive reciprocal multipoint communication networks. 1254-1257 - Gabriella Bosco, Guido Montorsi, Sergio Benedetto
Soft decoding in optical systems. 1258-1265 - Carmela Cozzo, Brian L. Hughes:
Joint channel estimation and data detection in space-time communications. 1266-1270 - Israel Korn, John P. Fonseka:
GMSK with limiter-discriminator detector in Nakagami fading channel with and without selection combining. 1271-1273 - Christian Cardinal, David Haccoun, François Gagnon
Iterative threshold decoding without interleaving for convolutional self-doubly orthogonal codes. 1274-1282 - Krishna R. Narayanan, Ibrahim Altunbas
, R. Sekhar Narayanaswami:
Design of serial concatenated MSK schemes based on density evolution. 1283-1295 - Igal Sason, Shlomo Shamai, Dariush Divsalar:
Tight exponential upper bounds on the ML decoding error probability of block codes over fully interleaved fading channels. 1296-1305 - Zhengguo Li, Kun Li, Changyun Wen
, Yeng Chai Soh
A new chaotic secure communication system. 1306-1312 - Ravi Narasimhan:
Adaptive channel partitioning and modulation for linear time-varying channels. 1313-1324 - Mauri Nissilä, Subbarayan Pasupathy:
Adaptive Bayesian and EM-based detectors for frequency-selective fading channels. 1325-1336 - Monica Nicoli
, Osvaldo Simeone
, Umberto Spagnolini
Multislot estimation of frequency-selective fast-varying channels. 1337-1347 - Aik Chindapol, James A. Ritcey:
Performance analysis of coded modulation with generalized selection combining in Rayleigh fading. 1348-1357 - Raphaël Visoz, Antoine O. Berthet
Iterative decoding and channel estimation for space-time BICM over MIMO block fading multipath AWGN channel. 1358-1367 - Michael L. Honig, Rapeepat Ratasuk:
Large-system performance of iterative multiuser decision-feedback detection. 1368-1377 - Yu Zhang, Scott L. Miller:
Code acquisition in transmit diversity DS-CDMA systems. 1378-1388 - Zhengdao Wang
, Georgios B. Giannakis
A simple and general parameterization quantifying performance in fading channels. 1389-1398 - Thimma V. J. Ganesh Babu, Tho Le-Ngoc, Jeremiah F. Hayes:
Performance evaluation of a switch using priority-based dynamic capacity allocation scheme. 1399-1408
Volume 51, Number 9, September 2003
- Sarah J. Johnson
, Steven R. Weller:
Resolvable 2-designs for regular low-density parity-check codes. 1413-1419 - Koduvayur P. Subbalakshmi
, Jacques Vaisey:
On the joint source-channel decoding of variable-length encoded sources: the additive-Markov case. 1420-1425 - Lei Cao, Chang Wen Chen:
A novel product coding and recurrent alternate decoding scheme for image transmission over noisy channels. 1426-1431 - Valentina Lomi, Daniele Tonetto, Lorenzo Vangelista
False alarm probability-based estimation of multipath channel length. 1432-1434 - Israel Korn, John P. Fonseka, Shaohui Xing:
Optimal binary communication with nonequal probabilities. 1435-1438 - Chiu Yeung Ngo, Victor O. K. Li:
Centralized broadcast scheduling in packet radio networks via genetic-fix algorithms. 1439-1441 - Tung-Wah Frederick Chang, Edward H. Sargent
Optimizing spectral efficiency in multiwavelength optical CDMA system. 1442-1445 - Zhenyu Liu, Dimitrios A. Pados:
Near-ML multiuser detection with linear filters and reliability-based processing. 1446-1450 - Yan Wang, Erchin Serpedin
, Philippe Ciblat:
An alternative blind feedforward symbol timing estimator using two samples per symbol. 1451-1455 - Marvin K. Simon, Mohamed-Slim Alouini
Probability of error for noncoherent M-ary orthogonal FSK with postdetection switched combining. 1456-1462 - Yaotsu Chang, Trieu-Kien Truong, Irving S. Reed, H. Y. Cheng, Chong-Dao Lee
Algebraic decoding of (71, 36, 11), (79, 40, 15), and (97, 49, 15) quadratic residue codes. 1463-1473 - Masato Tajima, Keiji Shibata, Zenshiro Kawasaki:
Relation between encoder and syndrome former variables and symbol reliability estimation using a syndrome trellis. 1474-1484 - Marc Handlery, Rolf Johannesson, Victor V. Zyablov
Boosting the error performance of suboptimal tailbiting decoders. 1485-1491 - Gaetano Giunta
, Luc Vandendorpe:
A "Rayleigh-ness" test for DS/SS code acquisition. 1492-1501 - Angelos D. Liveris, Costas N. Georghiades:
Exploiting faster-than-Nyquist signaling. 1502-1511 - Wolfgang H. Gerstacker, Robert Schober, Alexander Lampe:
Receivers with widely linear processing for frequency-selective channels. 1512-1523 - Yu Cheng
, Weihua Zhuang
Effective bandwidth of multiclass Markovian traffic sources and admission control with dynamic buffer partitioning. 1524-1535 - David Akopian
, Jarmo Takala
, Jukka Saarinen, Jaakko Astola:
Multistage interconnection networks for parallel Viterbi decoders. 1536-1545 - Surachet Kanprachar, Ira Jacobs:
Diversity coding for subcarrier multiplexing on multimode fibers. 1546-1553 - Yazan A. Alqudah
, Mohsen Kavehrad:
MIMO characterization of indoor wireless optical link using a diffuse-transmission configuration. 1554-1560 - Naresh Sharma, Evaggelos Geraniotis:
Soft multiuser demodulation and iterative decoding for FH/SSMA with a block turbo code. 1561-1570 - Yan Wang, Erchin Serpedin
, Philippe Ciblat:
Optimal blind carrier recovery for MPSK burst transmissions. 1571-1581 - Katleen Van Acker, Marc Moonen, Thierry Pollet:
Per-tone echo cancellation for DMT-based systems. 1582-1590 - Mohamed-Slim Alouini
, Marvin K. Simon:
Postdetection switched combining - a simple diversity scheme with improved BER performance. 1591-1602 - Hesham El Gamal, A. Roger Hammons Jr., Andrej Stefanov:
Space-time overlays for convolutionally coded systems. 1603-1612 - David James Love, Robert W. Heath Jr.
Corrections to "Equal gain transmission in multiple-input multiple-output wireless systems". 1613
Volume 51, Number 10, October 2003
- Fengqin Zhai, Ivan J. Fair:
Techniques for early stopping and error detection in turbo decoding. 1617-1623 - Inkyu Lee, Jeff L. Sonntag:
A new architecture for the fast Viterbi algorithm. 1624-1628 - Carmela Cozzo, Brian L. Hughes:
Space diversity in presence of discrete multipath fading channel. 1629-1632 - Ping Xiong, Ioannis N. Psaromiligkos, Stella N. Batalama:
On the relative output SINR of full and partial decorrelators. 1633-1637 - Fuqin Xiong:
M-ary amplitude shift keying OFDM system. 1638-1642 - Ye-Shun Shen, Szu-Lin Su:
Performance analysis of an FFH/BFSK receiver with ratio-statistic combining in a fading channel with multitone interference. 1643-1648 - Tsung-Hsien Liu:
Linearly constrained minimum variance filters for blind multiuser detection. 1649-1652 - Wei Yu, Dimitris Toumpakaris, John M. Cioffi, Daniel Gardan, Frédéric Gauthier:
Performance of asymmetric digital subscriber lines in an impulse noise environment. 1653-1657 - Rose Y. Shao, Shu Lin, Marc P. C. Fossorier:
Two decoding algorithms for tailbiting codes. 1658-1665 - James S. K. Tee, Desmond P. Taylor, Philippa A. Martin
Multiple serial and parallel concatenated single parity-check codes. 1666-1675 - Rong-Rong Chen, Ralf Koetter, Upamanyu Madhow, Dakshi Agrawal:
Joint noncoherent demodulation and decoding for the block fading channel: a practical framework for approaching Shannon capacity. 1676-1689 - Zhemin Ding, Mounir Hamdi
On the application of the blocking island paradigm in all-optical networks. 1690-1699 - Haoli Qian, Stella N. Batalama:
Data record-based criteria for the selection of an auxiliary vector estimator of the MMSE/MVDR filter. 1700-1708 - Alexander Kocian
, Bernard H. Fleury:
EM-based joint data detection and channel estimation of DS-CDMA signals. 1709-1720 - Ranjan K. Mallik
, Deepti Singh, Anita Kumari:
Analysis of Rake reception with multiple symbol weight estimation for antipodal signaling. 1721-1729 - Frank K. Hwang, Bey-Chi Lin:
Wide-sense nonblocking multicast Log2(N, m, p) networks. 1730-1735 - Pavel V. Nikitin
, Daniel D. Stancil
, Ozan K. Tonguz, Ariton E. Xhafa, Ahmet G. Cepni, Dagfin Brodtkorb:
Impulse response of the HVAC duct as a communication channel. 1736-1742
Volume 51, Number 11, November 2003
- Q. T. Zhang:
A generic correlated Nakagami fading model for wireless communications. 1745-1748 - Jonqyin Sun, Irving S. Reed:
Linear diversity analyses for M-PSK in Rician fading channels. 1749-1753 - Jie Luo, Krishna R. Pattipati, Peter K. Willett
, Fumihiro Hasegawa:
Optimal user ordering and time labeling for ideal decision feedback detection in asynchronous CDMA. 1754-1757 - Johan Lassing, Erik G. Ström
, Erik Agrell, Tony Ottosson
Computation of the exact bit-error rate of coherent M-ary PSK with Gray code bit mapping. 1758-1760 - Jacqueline Walker
, Antonio Cantoni:
A new reconstruction approach in the SRTS method. 1761-1764 - Frank K. Hwang, Sheng-Chyang Liaw, Li-Da Tong:
Strictly nonblocking three-stage Clos networks with some rearrangeable multicast capability. 1765-1767 - Seong Taek Chung, John M. Cioffi:
Rate and power control in a two-user multicarrier channel with no coordination: the optimal scheme versus a suboptimal method. 1768-1772 - Jong-Ee Oh, Kyeongcheol Yang:
Space-time codes with full antenna diversity using weighted nonbinary repeat-accumulate codes. 1773-1778 - Peter J. Voltz:
Characterization of the optimum transmitter correlation matrix for MIMO with antenna subset selection. 1779-1782 - Hairuo Zhuang, Lin Dai
, Shidong Zhou, Yan Yao:
Low complexity per-antenna rate and power control approach for closed-loop V-BLAST. 1783-1787 - Vladimir Stankovic
, Raouf Hamzaoui, Dietmar Saupe:
Fast algorithm for rate-based optimal error protection of embedded codes. 1788-1795 - Yimin Jiang, Feng-Wen Sun:
User identification for convolutionally/turbo-coded systems and its applications. 1796-1808 - Alexei Gorokhov:
Bit sharing for layered space-time architectures with ordered signal retrieval. 1809-1819 - Ada S. Y. Poon, David N. C. Tse, Robert W. Brodersen:
An adaptive multiantenna transceiver for slowly flat fading channels. 1820-1827 - Pengfei Xia, Shengli Zhou, Georgios B. Giannakis
Bandwidth- and power-efficient multicarrier multiple access. 1828-1837 - Pär Moqvist, Tor M. Aulin:
Orthogonalization by principal components applied to CPM. 1838-1845 - Yang Yang, Tak-Shing Peter Yum:
Delay distributions of slotted ALOHA and CSMA. 1846-1857 - Chien-Hwa Hwang, Chang-Su Kim, C.-C. Jay Kuo
A graphic approach to performance analysis of multistage linear interference canceller in long-code CDMA systems. 1858-1870 - Ye-Hoon Lee, Yeheskel Bar-Ness:
Power adaptation for BPSK signaling with average and peak power constraints in Rayleigh fading channels. 1871-1876 - Frederick J. Block, Carl W. Baum:
Parallel acquisition of multicarrier direct-sequence spread-spectrum signals in fading and partial-band interference. 1877-1884 - Joonyoung Cho, Youhan Kim, Kyungwhoon Cheun
A novel frequency-hopping spread-spectrum multiple-access network using M-ary orthogonal Walsh sequence keying. 1885-1896 - Mingxi Fan, Ceilidh Hoffmann, Kai-Yeung Siu:
Error-rate analysis for multirate DS-CDMA transmission schemes. 1897-1909 - Petre Stoica, Olivier Besson
Training sequence design for frequency offset and frequency-selective channel estimation. 1910-1917 - Yingxue Li, Costas N. Georghiades, Garng M. Huang:
Transmit diversity over quasi-static fading channels using multiple antennas and random signal mapping. 1918-1926 - Andrew Sendonaris, Elza Erkip
, Behnaam Aazhang:
User cooperation diversity. Part I. System description. 1927-1938 - Andrew Sendonaris, Elza Erkip
, Behnaam Aazhang:
User cooperation diversity. Part II. Implementation aspects and performance analysis. 1939-1948 - Marco Chiani
, Moe Z. Win
, Alberto Zanella
Error probability for optimum combining of M-ary PSK signals in the presence of interference and noise. 1949-1957
Volume 51, Number 12, December 2003
- Norman C. Beaulieu:
Editorial "exceedingly well read". 1961 - Joseph B. Soriaga, Henry D. Pfister
, Paul H. Siegel:
On the low-rate Shannon limit for binary intersymbol interference channels. 1962-1964 - Ming Yan, Bhaskar D. Rao:
Soft decision-directed MAP estimate of fast Rayleigh flat fading channels. 1965-1969 - Jie Luo, Krishna R. Pattipati, Peter K. Willett
A sliding window PDA for asynchronous CDMA, and a proposal for deliberate asynchronicity. 1970-1974 - Mohammad Saquib:
Near-far resistance of linear receivers in chip-asynchronous CDMA systems with random signatures. 1975-1978 - Zihua Guo, Khaled Ben Letaief
Performance of multiuser detection in multirate DS-CDMA systems. 1979-1983 - Jie Lai, Narayan B. Mandayam:
Performance analysis of convolutionally coded DS-CDMA systems with spatial and temporal channel correlations. 1984-1990 - Jinhong Yuan
, Zhuo Chen, Branka Vucetic, Welly Firmanto:
Performance and design of space-time coding in fading channels. 1991-1996 - Lin Yang, Mohamed-Slim Alouini
Average level crossing rate and average outage duration of generalized selection combining. 1997-2000 - Rza Nuriyev, Achilleas Anastasopoulos:
Rotationally invariant and rotationally robust codes for the AWGN and the noncoherent channel. 2001-2010 - Dariush Divsalar, Ezio Biglieri:
Upper bounds to error probabilities of coded systems beyond the cutoff rate. 2011-2018 - Yi Gong
, Khaled Ben Letaief
An efficient space-frequency coded OFDM system for broadband wireless communications. 2019-2029 - Pavan K. Vitthaladevuni, Mohamed-Slim Alouini
Exact BER computation of generalized hierarchical PSK constellations. 2030-2037 - Ashish Pandharipande
, Soura Dasgupta:
Optimum DMT-based transceivers for multiuser communications. 2038-2046 - Xiaodong Cai, Georgios B. Giannakis
Bounding performance and suppressing intercarrier interference in wireless mobile OFDM. 2047-2056 - Behrouz Farhang-Boroujeny
Multicarrier modulation with blind detection capability using cosine modulated filter banks. 2057-2070 - Tor M. Aulin:
Breadth-first maximum-likelihood sequence detection: geometry. 2071-2080 - Zygmunt J. Haas, Jing Deng:
On optimizing the backoff interval for random access schemes. 2081-2090 - R. Michael Buehrer, Rahul Mahajan:
On the usefulness of outer-loop power control with successive interference cancellation. 2091-2102 - Abdullah G. Al-Ghamdi, Jaafar M. H. Elmirghani
Optimization of a triangular PFDR antenna in a fully diffuse OW system influenced by background noise and multipath propagation. 2103-2114 - Lang Lin, Roy D. Yates, Predrag Spasojevic
Adaptive transmission with discrete code rates and power levels. 2115-2125 - Rickard Nilsson
, Frank Sjöberg, James P. LeBlanc:
A rank-reduced LMMSE canceller for narrowband interference suppression in OFDM-based systems. 2126-2140 - Vahid Tarokh, Ayman F. Naguib, Nambi Seshadri, A. Robert Calderbank:
Errata to "space-time codes for high data rate wireless communications: performance criteria in the presence of channel estimation errors, mobility, and multiple paths". 2141

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