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IEEE Transactions on Communications, Volume 57
Volume 57, Number 1, January 2009
- Bartolomeu F. Uchôa Filho
, Richard Demo Souza
, Cecilio Pimentel
, Marcel Jar:
Convolutional codes under a minimal trellis complexity measure. 1-5 - Hamid Saeedi
, Amir H. Banihashemi:
Design of irregular LDPC codes for BIAWGN channels with SNR mismatch. 6-11 - Mao-Ching Chiu:
Low-density parity-check codes with 2-state trellis decoding. 12-16 - Heunchul Lee
, Jungho Cho, Jong-Kyu Kim, Inkyu Lee:
Real-domain decoder for full-rate full-diversity STBC with multidimensional constellations. 17-21 - Athanasios E. Drougas, Athanasios D. Panagopoulos
, Panayotis G. Cottis:
Packet error statistics of LOS broadband fixed wireless access channels. 22-25 - K. D. Prathapasinghe Dharmawansa
, Nandana Rajatheva, Hlaing Minn:
An exact error probability analysis of OFDM systems with frequency offset. 26-31 - Cillian O'Driscoll
, Colin C. Murphy:
A simplified expression for the probability of error for binary multichannel communications. 32-35 - Dario Fertonani, Giulio Colavolpe
A robust metric for soft-output detection in the presence of class-A noise. 36-40 - Marcin Wiczanowski, Holger Boche, Slawomir Stanczak:
An algorithm for optimal resource allocation in cellular networks with elastic traffic. 41-44 - Dominic A. Schupke:
Lower bounds on the redundancy of link-recovery mechanisms. 45-49 - Mahdi Karimi, Masoumeh Nasiri-Kenari:
An internally coded TH/OCDMA scheme for fiber optic communication systems and its performance analysis-part II: using frame time hopping code. 50-55 - Jae Young Lee, Hwang Soo Lee:
A performance analysis model for IEEE 802.11e EDCA under saturation condition. 56-63 - Matthew Sharp, Anna Scaglione
, Birsen Sirkeci-Mergen:
Randomized cooperation in asynchronous dispersive links. 64-68 - Chau Yuen, Bertrand M. Hochwald:
Achieving near-capacity at low SNR on a multiple-antenna multiple-user channel. 69-74 - Andres I. Vila Casado, Wen-Yen Weng, Stefano Valle, Richard D. Wesel:
Multiple-rate low-density parity-check codes with constant blocklength. 75-83 - Shumei Song, Bo Zhou, Shu Lin, Khaled A. S. Abdel-Ghaffar:
A unified approach to the construction of binary and nonbinary quasi-cyclic LDPC codes based on finite fields. 84-93 - Fredrik Hekland, Pål Anders Floor, Tor A. Ramstad:
Shannon-kotel-nikov mappings in joint source-channel coding. 94-105 - P. Chaturanga Weeraddana, Nandana Rajatheva, Hlaing Minn:
Probability of error analysis of BPSK OFDM systems with random residual frequency offset. 106-116 - Mahmoud A. Smadi
, Vasant K. Prabhu, Saleh O. Al-Jazzar:
Analytical study on the effect of cochannel interference on partially coherent diversity systems. 117-124 - Hongyuan Zhang, Huaiyu Dai, Brian L. Hughes:
Analysis on the diversity-multiplexing tradeoff for ordered MIMO SIC receivers. 125-133 - Jialing Zheng, Maode Ma:
A utility-based joint power and rate adaptive algorithm in wireless ad hoc networks. 134-140 - Shaw Wei Kok, Ying Zhang, Yeng Chai Soh
An optimal chip-level OCDMA detector by using photon counting. 141-149 - William Shieh
, Rongqing Hui
, Xingwen Yi
, Graeme Pendock:
Experimental and theoretical study on the symmetries of orthogonally polarized optical signals. 150-155 - Ahmed Bouzidi Djebbar
, Karim Abed-Meraim, Ali Djebbari
Blind and semi-blind equalization of downlink MC-CDMA system exploiting guard interval redundancy and excess codes. 156-163 - Shuo-Yen Robert Li, Xuesong Jonathan Tan:
On rearrangeability of tandem connection of banyan-type networks. 164-170 - Riccardo Pighi, Michele Franceschini, Gianluigi Ferrari
, Riccardo Raheli
Fundamental performance limits of communications systems impaired by impulse noise. 171-182 - Kiran Kuchi, Vasant K. Prabhu:
Performance evaluation for widely linear demodulation of PAM/QAM signals in the presence of Rayleigh fading and co-channel interference. 183-193 - Vincent Le Nir
, Marc Moonen, Jan Verlinden, Mamoun Guenach:
Full vectoring optimal power allocation in xDSL channels under per-modem power constraints and spectral mask constraints. 194-202 - Zhu Han, H. Vincent Poor
Coalition games with cooperative transmission: a cure for the curse of boundary nodes in selfish packet-forwarding wireless networks. 203-213 - Amine Maaref
, Sonia Aïssa:
Exact error probability analysis of rectangular QAM for single- and multichannel reception in nakagami-m fading channels. 214-221 - Yogananda Isukapalli, Ramesh Annavajjala, Bhaskar D. Rao:
Performance analysis of transmit beamforming for MISO systems with imperfect feedback. 222-231 - Ian C. Wong, Brian L. Evans:
Optimal resource allocation in the OFDMA downlink with imperfect channel knowledge. 232-241 - Firouz Behnamfar, Fady Alajaji, Tamás Linder:
MAP decoding for multi-antenna systems with non-uniform sources: exact pairwise error probability and applications. 242-254
Volume 57, Number 2, February 2009
- Badri N. Vellambi
, Faramarz Fekri
Finite-length rate-compatible LDPC codes: a novel puncturing scheme - [transactions letters]. 297-301 - Telex Magloire Nkouatchah Ngatched, Fambirai Takawira, Martin Bossert:
An improved decoding algorithm for finite-geometry LDPC codes. 302-306 - Guo Tai Chen, Lei Cao, Lun Yu, Chang Wen Chen:
Test-pattern-reduced decoding for turbo product codes with multi-error-correcting eBCH codes. 307-310 - Mao-Ching Chiu, Hsiao-feng Lu:
Accumulate codes based on 1+D convolutional outer codes. 311-314 - Richard Demo Souza
, Marcelo Eduardo Pellenz
, Tamara Rodrigues:
Hybrid ARQ scheme based on recursive convolutional codes and turbo decoding. 315-318 - Venkata Sreekanth Annapureddy, Devdutt Marathe, T. R. Ramya, Srikrishna Bhashyam
Outage probability of multiple-input single-output (MISO) systems with delayed feedback. 319-326 - Mohammad Janani, Aria Nosratinia
Single-block coded modulation for MINO systems. 327-333 - Leonardo Badia
On the impact of correlated arrivals and errors on ARQ delay terms. 334-338 - Mengüç Öner:
Spectral correlation of a digital pulse stream modulated by a cyclostationary sequence in the presence of timing jitter. 339-342 - Yan Li, Pooi Yuen Kam
Space-time trellis codes over rapid Rayleigh fading channels with channel estimation-part ii: performance analysis and code design for non-identical channels. 343-347 - Seyeong Choi, Mohamed-Slim Alouini
, Khalid A. Qaraqe
Finger management schemes for RAKE receivers with a minimum call drop criterion. 348-352 - Wasim Q. Malik:
MIMO capacity convergence in frequency-selective channels. 353-356 - In-Ho Lee, Dongwoo Kim:
Outage probability of multi-hop MIMO relaying with transmit antenna selection and ideal relay gain over Rayleigh fading channels. 357-360 - Gilad Katz, Dan Sadot
Wiener solution of electrical equalizer coefficients in lightwave systems. 361-364 - Jaehong Kim, Aditya Ramamoorthy, Steven W. McLaughlin:
The design of efficiently-encodable rate-compatible LDPC codes - [transactions papers]. 365-375 - Yang Yang, Samuel Cheng, Zixiang Xiong, Wei Zhao
Wyner-Ziv coding based on TCQ and LDPC codes. 376-387 - Marco Di Renzo, Fabio Graziosi
, Fortunato Santucci
Approximating the linear combination of log-normal RVs via pearson type IV distribution for UWB performance analysis. 388-403 - Qiyue Zou, Alireza Tarighat, Ali H. Sayed:
Joint compensation of IQ imbalance and phase noise in OFDM wireless systems. 404-414 - Sara Bavarian, James K. Cavers:
A new framework for soft decision equalization in frequency selective MIMO channels. 415-422 - Baris Özgül, Mutlu Koca, Hakan Deliç:
Double turbo equalization of continuous phase modulation with frequency domain processing. 423-429 - Pete Boyer, Arthur Giordano:
Turbo decoder SNR estimation with RAKE reception. 430-439 - Michael B. Pursley, Thomas C. Royster IV:
Properties and performance of the IEEE 802.11b complementary-code-key signal sets. 440-449 - Makoto Tanahashi, Hideki Ochiai
Near constant envelope trellis shaping for PSK signaling. 450-458 - Michael Maskery, Vikram Krishnamurthy, Qing Zhao:
Decentralized dynamic spectrum access for cognitive radios: cooperative design of a non-cooperative game. 459-469 - Bongyong Song, Rene L. Cruz, Laurence B. Milstein:
Exploiting multiuser diversity for fair scheduling in MIMO downlink networks with imperfect channel state information. 470-480 - Haichang Sui, James R. Zeidler:
Information efficiency and transmission range optimization for coded MIMO FH-CDMA Ad Hoc networks in time-varying environments. 481-491 - Xian Liu:
Free-space optics optimization models for building sway and atmospheric interference using variable wavelength. 492-498 - Mohamed D. A. Mohamed, Steve Hranilovic:
Optical impulse modulation for indoor diffuse wireless communications. 499-508 - Ming Yang, Peter Han Joo Chong
Uplink capacity analysis for multihop TDD-CDMA cellular system. 509-519 - Guansheng Li, Pingyi Fan
, Khaled Ben Letaief
Rayleigh fading networks: a cross-layer way. 520-529 - Konstantinos P. Liolis, Athanasios D. Panagopoulos
, Panayotis G. Cottis, Bhaskar D. Rao:
On the applicability of MIMO principle to 10-66GHz BFWA networks: capacity enhancement through spatial multiplexing and interference reduction through selection diversity. 530-541 - Fernando Ramos-Alarcón, Valeri Y. Kontorovich, M. Mauricio Lara:
On the level crossing duration distributions of nakagami processes. 542-552 - Mohamed Kamoun
, Laurent Mazet, Marc de Courville, Pierre Duhamel:
A multicode approach for high data rate UWB system design. 553-561 - Tareq Y. Al-Naffouri, Masoud Sharif, Babak Hassibi:
How much does transmit correlation affect the sum-rate scaling of MIMO gaussian broadcast channels? 562-572 - Nalin S. Weerasinghe, Suguru Watanabe, Takeshi Hashimoto, Shuichi Itoh:
A coded convolutional spreading CDMA system with turbo equalization for downlink transmission over a frequency selective fading channel. 573-582
Volume 57, Number 3, March 2009
- Nick Letzepis, Alex J. Grant
Bit error rate estimation for turbo decoding. 585-590 - T. Magloire, Telex Magloire Nkouatchah Ngatched, Martin Bossert, Achim Fahrner, Fambirai Takawira:
Two bit-flipping decoding algorithms for low-density parity-check codes. 591-596 - Francisco J. Escribano
, Slobodan Kozic, Luis López, Miguel A. F. Sanjuán
, Martin Hasler:
Turbo-like structures for chaos encoding and decoding. 597-601 - Chadi Abou-Rjeily
Orthogonal space-time block codes for binary pulse position modulation. 602-605 - Luay Azzam, Ender Ayanoglu:
A novel maximum likelihood decoding algorithm for orthogonal space-time block codes. 606-609 - Eun-Chan Park
, Hwangnam Kim:
A dual feedback approach of request-based bandwidth allocation for real-time service in broadband wireless access networks. 610-613 - Nicolas W. Bikhazi, Michael A. Jensen, Adam L. Anderson:
MIMO signaling over the MMF optical broadcast channel with square-law detection. 614-617 - Hyesook Lim
, Hyeong-Gee Kim, Changhoon Yim
IP address lookup for internet routers using balanced binary search with prefix vector. 618-621 - Yunfei Chen
, Norman C. Beaulieu:
Interference analysis of uwb systems for IEEE channel models using first- and second-order moments. 622-625 - Yijia Fan, Abdulkareem Adinoyi, John S. Thompson, Halim Yanikomeroglu
, H. Vincent Poor
A simple distributed antenna processing scheme for cooperative diversity. 626-629 - Payam Dehghani Rahimzadeh, Norman C. Beaulieu:
New simple closed-form BER expressions for MRC diversity BPSK in correlated Rayleigh fading and CCI. 630-634 - Jeremy Turner, Desmond P. Taylor:
Reduced complexity decoding of space time trellis codes in the frequency selective channel. 635-640 - Sarah J. Johnson
Burst erasure correcting LDPC codes. 641-652 - Hoojin Lee
, Jeffrey G. Andrews, Robert W. Heath Jr.
, Edward J. Powers:
The performance of space-time block codes from coordinate interleaved orthogonal designs over nakagami-m fading channels. 653-664 - K. D. Prathapasinghe Dharmawansa
, Nandana Rajatheva, Chinthananda Tellambura:
New series representation for the trivariate non-central chi-squared distribution. 665-675 - Matthew R. McKay
, Alberto Zanella
, Iain B. Collings
, Marco Chiani
Error probability and SINR analysis of optimum combining in rician fading. 676-687 - Jialing Li
, Andrej Stefanov:
Cooperative multiple trellis coded modulation. 688-696 - Arsalan Farrokh, Vikram Krishnamurthy, Robert Schober:
Optimal adaptive modulation and coding with switching costs. 697-706 - Jun He, Pooi Yuen Kam
Performance analysis of orthogonal space-time block codes over time-selective channels, and applications to code design of Gi systems. 707-715 - Mauri Nissila, Subbarayan Pasupathy:
Adaptive iterative detectors for phase-uncertain channels via variational bounding. 716-725 - Michele Franceschini, Gianluigi Ferrari
, Riccardo Raheli
Detection by multiple trellises. 726-737 - Dandan Wang, Hlaing Minn, Naofal Al-Dhahir:
A distributed opportunistic access scheme and its application to OFDMA systems. 738-746 - Vincent K. N. Lau
Asymptotic analysis of SDMA systems with near-orthogonal user scheduling (NEOUS) under imperfect CSIT. 747-753 - Hongbing Cheng, Meng Ma, Bingli Jiao:
On the design of comb spectrum code for multiple access scheme. 754-763 - Syam Menon
A sequential approach for optimal broadcast scheduling in packet radio networks. 764-770 - Chao-Chin Yang:
Bi-directional optical CDMA-based fiber-radio ring networks. 771-778 - Sheng-Tzong Cheng, Mingzoo Wu:
Contention-polling duality coordination function for IEEE 802.11 WLAN family. 779-788 - Patricia Layec, Raphaël Visoz, Antoine O. Berthet
Sum discrete-rate maximization with rate and power control in layered space-time coding. 789-800 - Michael B. Pursley, Jason S. Skinner:
Adaptive coding for frequency-hop transmission in mobile ad hoc networks with partial-band interference. 801-811 - Zan Li, Jueping Cai, Yilin Chang:
Determining the complexity of FH/SS sequence by approximate entropy. 812-820 - Amine Maaref
, Sonia Aïssa:
Optimized rate-adaptive PSAM for MIMO MRC systems with transmit and receive CSI imperfections. 821-830 - Sumanth Jagannathan, Vahbod Pourahmad, Kibeom Seong, John M. Cioffi, Meryem Ouzzif, Rabah Tarafi:
Common-mode data transmission using the binder sheath in digital subscriber lines. 831-840 - Frode Bøhagen, Pål Orten, Geir E. Øien:
On spherical vs. plane wave modeling of line-of-sight MIMO channels. 841-849 - Jian (Andrew) Zhang
, Lin Luo, Zhenning Shi:
Quadrature OFDMA systems based on layered FFT structure. 850-860 - Heunchul Lee
, Seokhwan Park, Inkyu Lee:
A new two-step precoding strategy for closed-loop MIMO systems. 861-870
Volume 57, Number 4, April 2009
- Haider Al-Lawati, Fady Alajaji:
On decoding binary perfect and quasi-perfect codes over markov noise channels. 873-878 - Yongmei Dai, Zhiyuan Yan, Ning Chen:
Memory-efficient and high-throughput decoding of quasi-cyclic LDPC codes. 879-883 - Chadi Khirallah, Vladimir Stankovic
, Lina Stankovic
, Yang Yang, Zixiang Xiong:
Compress-spread-forward with multiterminal source coding and complete complementary sequences. 884-887 - Simon Malinowski, Hervé Jégou, Christine Guillemot
Computation of posterior marginals on aggregated state models for soft source decoding. 888-892 - Marco Di Renzo, Fabio Graziosi
, Fortunato Santucci
Further results on the approximation of log-normal power sum via pearson type IV distribution: a general formula for log-moments computation. 893-898 - Jia Chen, Kai-Kit Wong:
Power minimization of central wishart MIMO block-fading channels. 899-905 - José Cândido Silveira Santos Filho
, Michel Daoud Yacoub
On the simulation and correlation properties of phase-envelope nakagami fading processes. 906-909 - Serguei Primak, Valeri Y. Kontorovich:
On the second order statistics of generalized gamma process. 910-914 - K. D. Prathapasinghe Dharmawansa
, Nandana Rajatheva, Chinthananda Tellambura:
Envelope and phase distribution of two correlated gaussian variables. 915-921 - Majid Khabbazian, Md. Jahangir Hossain, Mohamed-Slim Alouini
, Vijay K. Bhargava:
Exact method for the error probability calculation of three-dimensional signal constellations. 922-925 - Amor Nafkha
, Emmanuel Boutillon, Christian Roland:
Quasi-maximum-likelihood detector based on geometrical diversification greedy intensification. 926-929 - Sungkyu Jung, Jungwoo Lee
A new ML based interference cancellation technique for layered space-time codes. 930-936 - Paolo Giacomazzi:
Variance envelopes of the output traffic of leaky bucket policers. 937-939 - Xuesong Jonathan Tan, Shuo-Yen Robert Li:
Hybrid preservation of conditionally nonblocking switches under 2-stage interconnection. 940-942 - Hichan Moon, Donald C. Cox:
Efficient power allocation for coded OFDM systems. 943-947 - Yair Noam, Amir Leshem
Iterative power pricing for distributed spectrum coordination in DSL. 948-953 - Ashwin Kumar, Kees A. Schouhamer Immink:
Design of close-to-capacity constrained codes for multi-level optical recording. 954-959 - Gil I. Shamir, Kai Xie:
Universal source controlled channel decoding with nonsystematic quick-look-in turbo codes. 960-971 - Hyundong Shin, Moe Z. Win
Gallager's exponent for MIMO channels: a reliability-rate tradeoff. 972-985 - Momin Uppal, Vladimir Stankovic
, Zixiang Xiong:
Code design for MIMO broadcast channels. 986-996 - Yadong Wang, Fady Alajaji, Tamás Linder:
Hybrid digital-analog coding with bandwidth compression for gaussian source-channel pairs. 997-1012 - Dong In Kim:
Multiuser performance of M-ary orthogonal coded/balanced UWB transmitted-reference systems. 1013-1024 - Zhongshan Zhang, Chintha Tellambura:
The effect of imperfect carrier frequency offset estimation on an OFDMA uplink. 1025-1030 - Geert Van Meerbergen, Marc Moonen, Hugo De Man:
Reed-solomon codes implementing a coded single-carrier with cyclic prefix scheme. 1031-1038 - Ali Nezampour, Amir Nasri, Robert Schober, Yao Ma:
Asymptotic BEP and SEP of quadratic diversity combining receivers in correlated ricean fading, non-gaussian noise, and interference. 1039-1049 - Alberto Zanella
, Marco Chiani
, Moe Z. Win
On the marginal distribution of the eigenvalues of wishart matrices. 1050-1060 - Hong Zhang, Ali Abdi:
Cyclostationarity-based doppler spread estimation in mobile fading channels. 1061-1067 - M. M. Galib Asadullah, Gordon L. Stüber:
Joint iterative channel estimation and soft-chip combining for a MIMO MC-CDMA anti-jam system. 1068-1078 - Dhammika Bokolamulla, Teng Joon Lim
, Tor Aulin:
Iterative decoding of serially concatenated CPM in fading channels with noisy channel state information. 1079-1086 - Rekha Menon, Allen B. MacKenzie
, James Edward Hicks, R. Michael Buehrer, Jeffrey H. Reed:
A game-theoretic framework for interference avoidance. 1087-1098 - Yong Liu, Gurusamy Mohan
, Kee Chaing Chua, Jia Lu:
Multipath traffic engineering in WDM optical burst switching networks. 1099-1108 - Qin Zheng, Mohan Gurusamy
LSP partial spatial-protection in MPLS over WDM optical networks. 1109-1118 - Michael L. B. Riediger, Robert Schober, Lutz H.-J. Lampe:
Fast multiple-symbol detection for free-space optical communications. 1119-1128 - Jingli Li, Xiangqian Liu, Ananthram Swami:
Collision analysis for coexistence of multiple bluetooth piconets and WLAN with dual channel transmission. 1129-1139 - Cheng-Shang Chang, Jay Cheng, Tsz-Hsuan Chao, Duan-Shin Lee:
Optimal constructions of fault tolerant optical linear compressors and linear decompressors. 1140-1150 - Xiaofei Dong, Zhi Ding
Downlink wireless channel estimation for linear MIMO transmission precoding. 1151-1161 - Amine Laourine, Mohamed-Slim Alouini
, Sofiène Affes
, Alex Stephenne:
On the performance analysis of composite multipath/shadowing channels using the G-distribution. 1162-1170 - Alkan Soysal
, Sennur Ulukus:
Optimality of beamforming in fading MIMO multiple access channels. 1171-1183 - Daniel J. Ryan, I. Vaughan L. Clarkson, Iain B. Collings
, Dongning Guo, Michael L. Honig:
QAM and PSK codebooks for limited feedback MIMO beamforming. 1184-1196 - Hua Shao, Norman C. Beaulieu:
A novel zonal UWB receiver with superior performance. 1197-1206
Volume 57, Number 5, May 2009
- Marco Ferrari
, Sandro Bellini:
Rate Variable, Multi-Binary Turbo Codes with Controlled Error-Floor. 1209-1214 - Mehmet Aydinlik, Masoud Salehi
Performance Bounds for Unequal Error Protecting Turbo Codes. 1215-1220 - Trieu-Kien Truong, Chong-Dao Lee
, Yaotsu Chang, Wen-Ku Su:
A New Scheme to Determine the Weight Distributions of Binary Extended Quadratic Residue Codes. 1221-1224 - Sarah J. Johnson
, Steven R. Weller:
Practical Interleavers for Repeat--Accumulate Codes. 1225-1228 - Arafat Al-Dweik
, Stéphane Y. Le Goff, Bayan S. Sharif
A Hybrid Decoder for Block Turbo Codes. 1229-1232 - Rachel L. Maw
, Desmond P. Taylor:
High Rate CPFSK Space-Time Trellis Codes. 1233-1236 - Ranjan K. Mallik
, Parul Garg:
Performance of Optimum and Suboptimum Receivers for Space-Time Coded Systems in Correlated Fading. 1237-1241 - Lennert Jacobs, Marc Moeneclaey:
Effect of MMSE Channel Estimation on BER Performance of Orthogonal Space-Time Block Codes in Rayleigh Fading Channels. 1242-1245 - Sylvain Traverso, Myriam Ariaudo, Inbar Fijalkow, Jean-Luc Gautier, Christian Lereau:
Decision-Directed Channel Estimation and High I/Q Imbalance Compensation in OFDM Receivers. 1246-1249 - Fu-Chun Zheng, Alister G. Burr, Sverrir Olafsson:
Signal Detection for Distributed Space-Time Block Coding: 4 Relay Nodes under Quasi-Synchronisation. 1250-1255 - Yi Sun:
Spectral Efficiency and Optimal Medium Access Control of Random Access Systems over Large Random Spreading CDMA. 1256-1260 - Seung Joon Lee, Norman C. Beaulieu:
Performance Comparison of Non-Data-Aided Symbol Timing-Error Detection for the Raised-Cosine and "Better Than" Raised-Cosine Pulses. 1261-1264 - Prashanth Chandran, Erik Perrins:
Symbol Timing Recovery for CPM with Correlated Data Symbols. 1265-1270 - Daniel Benevides da Costa
, Michel Daoud Yacoub
Accurate Approximations to the Sum of Generalized Random Variables and Applications in the Performance Analysis of Diversity Systems. 1271-1274 - Andrea M. Tonello, Francesco Pecile:
Efficient Architectures for Multiuser FMT Systems and Application to Power Line Communications. 1275-1279 - Siavash Ekbatani, Hamid Jafarkhani
Combining Beamforming and Space-Time Coding Using Noisy Quantized Feedback. 1280-1286 - Alberto Zanella
, Mauro Stramazzotti, Flavio Fabbri, Enrica Salbaroli, Davide Dardari
, Roberto Verdone:
Comments on "Probability Distributions for the Number of Radio Transceivers which can Communicate with One Another". 1287-1289 - Robert G. Maunder
, Lajos Hanzo
Genetic Algorithm Aided Design of Component Codes for Irregular Variable Length Coding. 1290-1297 - Bo Zhou, Jingyu Kang, Ying Yu Tai, Shu Lin, Zhi Ding
High Performance Non-Binary Quasi-Cyclic LDPC Codes on Euclidean Geometries LDPC Codes on Euclidean Geometries. 1298-1311 - Yige Wang, Marc P. C. Fossorier:
Doubly Generalized LDPC Codes over the AWGN Channel. 1312-1319 - Enrico Paolini
, Marco Chiani
Construction of Near-Optimum Burst Erasure Correcting Low-Density Parity-Check Codes. 1320-1328 - Fredrik Rusek, John B. Anderson:
Multistream Faster than Nyquist Signaling. 1329-1340 - Pablo Piantanida, Seyed Mohammad Sajad Sadough
, Pierre Duhamel:
On the Outage Capacity of a Practical Decoder Accounting for Channel Estimation Inaccuracies. 1341-1350 - Leszek Szczecinski, Andres Ceron, Rodolfo Feick
Mapping Rearrangement for HARQ Based on Low-Order Modulation. 1351-1358 - Meixia Tao:
Effects of Non-Identical Rayleigh Fading on Differential Unitary Space-Time Modulation. 1359-1369 - Pedro Tejera, Wolfgang Utschick
, Josef A. Nossek
, Gerhard Bauch:
Rate Balancing in Multiuser MIMO OFDM Systems. 1370-1380 - Chi Wan Sung
, Kenneth W. Shum, Cho Yiu Ng:
Fair Resource Allocation for the Gaussian Broadcast Channel with ISI. 1381-1389 - Ying Li, Mung Chiang, A. Robert Calderbank, Suhas N. Diggavi:
Optimal Rate-Reliability-Delay Tradeoff in Networks with Composite Links. 1390-1401 - Ming Xiao
, Tor Aulin:
Optimal Decoding and Performance Analysis of a Noisy Channel Network with Network Coding. 1402-1412 - Fulvio Babich
, Massimiliano Comisso
Throughput and Delay Analysis of 802.11-Based Wireless Networks Using Smart and Directional Antennas. 1413-1423 - Babak M. Ghaffari, Jawad A. Salehi:
Multiclass, Multistage, and Multilevel Fiber-Optic CDMA Signaling Techniques Based on Advanced Binary Optical Logic Gate Elements. 1424-1432 - Peng-Jun Wan, Chih-Wei Yi
, Lixin Wang, F. Frances Yao, Xiaohua Jia
Asymptotic Critical Transmission Radii for Greedy Forward Routing in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks. 1433-1443 - Xiaolong Jin, Geyong Min
Modelling and Analysis of Priority Queueing Systems with Multi-Class Self-Similar Network Traffic: A Novel and Efficient Queue-Decomposition Approach. 1444-1452 - Yonglan Zhu, Pooi Yuen Kam
, Yan Xin:
On the Mutual Information Distribution of MIMO Rician Fading Channels. 1453-1462 - Stefano Savazzi
, Umberto Spagnolini:
Design Criteria of Two-Hop Based Wireless Networks with Non-Regenerative Relays in Arbitrary Fading Channels. 1463-1473 - Zahra Ahmadian, Lutz H.-J. Lampe:
Performance Analysis of the IEEE 802.15.4a UWB System. 1474-1485 - Osamah Alamri, Jin Wang, Soon Xin Ng, Lie-Liang Yang, Lajos Hanzo
Near-Capacity Three-Stage Turbo Detection of Irregular Convolutional Coded Joint Sphere-Packing Modulation and Space-Time Coding. 1486-1495 - Francisco J. Simois, José I. Acha
Linear IIR Precoding for Non-Redundant Transmission over Minimum-Phase Channels in Wireline Multitone Systems. 1496-1504 - Ersin Sengul, Hong Ju Park, Ender Ayanoglu:
Bit-Interleaved Coded Multiple Beamforming with Imperfect CSIT. 1505-1513 - Chun Kin Au-Yeung, Seung Young Park
, David James Love:
A Simple Dual-Mode Limited Feedback Multiuser Downlink System. 1514-1522 - Shenghui Song, Qi Tu Zhang:
Mutual Information of Multipath Channels with Imperfect Channel Information. 1523-1531 - Serdar Sezginer, Hikmet Sari, Ezio Biglieri
On High-Rate Full-Diversity 2×2 Space-Time Codes with Low-Complexity Optimum Detection. 1532-1541
Volume 57, Number 6, June 2009
- Arafat Al-Dweik
, Bayan S. Sharif
Non-sequential decoding algorithm for hard iterative turbo product codes - [transactions letters]. 1545-1549 - Hua Xiao, Amir H. Banihashemi:
Error rate estimation of low-density parity-check codes on binary symmetric channels using cycle enumeration. 1550-1555 - W. David Pan
, Antonio Ortega:
Adaptive computation control of variable complexity fano decoders. 1556-1559 - Jie Huang, Shengli Zhou, Jinkang Zhu, Peter Willett
Group-theoretic analysis of cayley-graph-based cycle gf(2p) codes. 1560-1565 - Yifei Zhang, William E. Ryan:
Toward low LDPC-code floors: a case study. 1566-1573 - Rodrigue Imad
, Guillaume Sicot, Sébastien Houcke:
Blind frame synchronization for error correcting codes having a sparse parity check matrix. 1574-1577 - K. M. Zahidul Islam, Payam Rabiei, Naofal Al-Dhahir, Suhas N. Diggavi, A. Robert Calderbank:
Linear diversity-embedding STBC: design issues and applications. 1578-1583 - Shayan Garani Srinivasa, Steven W. McLaughlin:
Capacity bounds for two-dimensional asymmetric M-ary (0, kappa) and (d, alpha) runlength-limited channels. 1584-1587 - Tsung-Ching Lin, Pe-Din Chen, Trieu-Kien Truong:
Simplified procedure for decoding nonsystematic reed-solomon codes over gf(2m) using euclid's algorithm and the fast fourier transform. 1588-1592 - Francesc Rey
, Meritxell Lamarca
, Gregori Vázquez
Adaptive interleaver based on rate-compatible punctured convolutional codes. 1593-1598 - Wenyu Li, Norman C. Beaulieu, Yunfei Chen
Generalized receiver selection combining schemes for alamouti MIMO systems with MPSK. 1599-1602 - Amine Laourine, Alex Stephenne, Sofiène Affes
On the capacity of log-normal fading channels. 1603-1607 - Abolfazl Ghassemi, T. Aaron Gulliver:
Intercarrier interference reduction in OFDM systems using low complexity selective mapping. 1608-1611 - Hamid Behroozi, M. Reza Soleymani:
On the optimal power-distortion tradeoff in asymmetric gaussian sensor network. 1612-1617 - Guoqiang Hu, Carla Raffaelli
, Andrea Perin:
Deterministic delay guarantee in OBS edge node for premium services. 1618-1621 - Wilfried Gappmair, Roberto López-Valcarce
, Carlos Mosquera
Cramer-Rao lower bound and EM algorithm for envelope-based SNR estimation of nonconstant modulus constellations. 1622-1627 - David W. Matolak:
Probability density functions for SNIR in DS-CDMA. 1628-1633 - Lu Wu, Xian-Da Zhang, Pei-Sheng Li, Yongtao Su:
A closed-form blind CFO estimator based on frequency analysis for OFDM systems. 1634-1637 - Filippo Giannetti
, Vincenzo Lottici, Ivan Stupia:
Theoretical performance of bandlimited MC-CDMA systems over nonlinear channels. 1638-1642 - Eun-Hee Shin, Dongwoo Kim:
On the optimal sum-capacity growth of ZFBF with quality based channel reporting in multiuser downlink channels. 1643-1647 - Sang-Rim Lee, Seokhwan Park, Sung Won Kim, Inkyu Lee:
Enhanced detection with new ordering schemes for V-BLAST systems. 1648-1651 - Bo Zhou, Jingyu Kang, Shumei Song, Shu Lin, Khaled A. S. Abdel-Ghaffar, Meina Xu:
Construction of non-binary quasi-cyclic LDPC codes by arrays and array dispersions - [transactions papers]. 1652-1662 - Yang Han, William E. Ryan:
Low-floor decoders for LDPC codes. 1663-1673 - Christian Cardinal, Eric Roy, David Haccoun:
Simplified convolutional self-doubly orthogonal codes: search algorithms and codes determination. 1674-1682 - Thorsten Hehn, Johannes B. Huber:
LDPC codes and convolutional codes with equal structural delay: a comparison. 1683-1692 - Niklas Wernersson, Johannes Karlsson, Mikael Skoglund:
Distributed quantization over noisy channels. 1693-1700 - Hang Nguyen, Pierre Duhamel
Iterative joint source-channel decoding of VLC exploiting source semantics over realistic radio-mobile channels. 1701-1711 - Yunfei Chen
, Norman C. Beaulieu:
Maximum likelihood receivers for space-time coded MIMO systems with gaussian estimation errors. 1712-1720 - Fang-Ming Han, Xian-Da Zhang:
Wireless multicarrier digital transmission via weyl-heisenberg frames over time-frequency dispersive channels. 1721-1733 - Antonia Oya
, Jesús Navarro-Moreno, Juan Carlos Ruiz-Molina:
A numerical solution for multichannel detection. 1734-1742 - Yi Sun:
A family of likelihood ascent search multiuser detectors: an upper bound of bit error rate and a lower bound of asymptotic multiuser efficiency. 1743-1752 - Inanc Inan, Feyza Keceli, Ender Ayanoglu:
Analysis of the 802.11e enhanced distributed channel access function. 1753-1764 - Farhad Khozeimeh, Steve Hranilovic:
Dynamic spot diffusing configuration for indoor optical wireless access. 1765-1775 - Mohammad M. Rad, Leslie A. Rusch
, Jean-Yves Chouinard
Performance degradation of source matching in optical CDMA due to source coherence effects. 1776-1783 - Yonghong Zeng
, Ying-Chang Liang
Eigenvalue-based spectrum sensing algorithms for cognitive radio. 1784-1793 - Yair Linn:
Robust M-PSK phase detectors for carrier synchronization PLLs in coherent receivers: theory and simulations. 1794-1805 - Wei-Ho Chung
, Kung Yao:
Modified hidden semi-markov model for modelling the flat fading channel. 1806-1814 - Zoran Hadzi-Velkov
, Nikola Zlatanov
, George K. Karagiannidis
On the second order statistics of the multihop rayleigh fading channel. 1815-1823 - Caijun Zhong
, Shi Jin, Kai-Kit Wong:
MIMO rayleigh-product channels with co-channel interference. 1824-1835 - Raju Hormis, Xiaodong Wang:
Low-complexity coded-modulation for ISI-constrained channels. 1836-1846 - Seokhwan Park, Heunchul Lee
, Sang-Rim Lee, Inkyu Lee:
A new beamforming structure based on transmit-MRC for closed-loop MIMO systems. 1847-1856 - The-Hanh Pham, Ying-Chang Liang
, Arumugam Nallanathan
A joint channel estimation and data detection receiver for multiuser MIMO IFDMA systems. 1857-1865 - Gan Zheng, Kai-Kit Wong, Tung-Sang Ng:
Energy-efficient multiuser SIMO: achieving probabilistic robustness with gaussian channel uncertainty. 1866-1878
Volume 57, Number 7, July 2009
- Michael Kerner, Ofer Amrani:
Iterative decoding using optimum soft input - hard output module. 1881-1885 - Enver Cavus
, Charles L. Haymes, Babak Daneshrad:
Low BER performance estimation of LDPC codes via application of importance sampling to trapping sets. 1886-1888 - Jianfeng Liu, Hilde Vanhaute, Marc Moonen, André Bourdoux, Hugo De Man:
Efficient computation of symbol statistics from bit a priori information in turbo receivers. 1889-1891 - Wu Chang, J. R. Cruz:
Optimal channel detection for nonbinary coded partial response channels. 1892-1895 - Kostas Peppas
, Nikos C. Sagias
A trivariate nakagami-m distribution with arbitrary covariance matrix and applications to generalized-selection diversity receivers. 1896-1902 - Chin-Liang Wang, Sheng-Ju Ku:
Novel conversion matrices for simplifying the IFFT computation of an SLM-based PAPR reduction scheme for OFDM systems. 1903-1907 - T. Anil Kumar, Korrai Deergha Rao:
A new m-estimator based robust multiuser detection in flat-fading non-gaussian channels. 1908-1913 - Jae Young Lee, Hwang Soo Lee, Joong Soo Ma:
Model-based QoS parameter control for IEEE 802.11e EDCA. 1914-1918 - Justin P. Coon
Generalized precoded block-spread CDMA. 1919-1923 - Lu Wu, Xian-Da Zhang, Pei-Sheng Li, Yongtao Su:
A blind CFO estimator based on smoothing power spectrum for OFDM systems. 1924-1927 - Yonghong Zhang, Cyril Leung:
Resource allocation in an OFDM-based cognitive radio system. 1928-1931 - Youngpil Song, Hyundong Shin, Een-Kee Hong
MIMO cooperative diversity with scalar-gain amplify-and-forward relaying. 1932-1938 - Jisheng Dai, Chunqi Chang
, Zhongfu Ye, Yeung Sam Hung:
An efficient greedy scheduler for zero-forcing dirty-paper coding. 1939-1943 - Yunfei Chen
, Norman C. Beaulieu:
Performance of collaborative spectrum sensing for cognitive radio in the presence of gaussian channel estimation errors. 1944-1947 - Ioannis Chatzigeorgiou
, Miguel R. D. Rodrigues, Ian J. Wassell, Rolando A. Carrasco:
The augmented state diagram and its application to convolutional and turbo codes. 1948-1958 - Leonardo Badia
, Marco Levorato, Michele Zorzi:
A channel representation method for the study of hybrid retransmission-based error control. 1959-1971 - Ali Sanaei, Mahdi Ramezani, Masoud Ardakani:
Identical-capacity channel decomposition for design of universal LDPC codes. 1972-1981 - Ilan Dimnik, Yair Be'ery
Improved random redundant iterative HDPC decoding. 1982-1985 - Gregory Dubney, Irving S. Reed, Trieu-Kien Truong, Jun Yang:
Decoding the (47, 24, 11) quadratic residue code using bit-error probability estimates. 1986-1993 - Sang Hyun Lee, Kwang Soon Kim:
Design of low-rate irregular LDPC codes using trellis search. 1994-2004 - Ragnar Thobaben, Jörg Kliewer:
An efficient variable-length code construction for iterative source-channel decoding. 2005-2013 - Salma Ben Jamaa, Michel Kieffer
, Pierre Duhamel
Improved sequential MAP estimation of CABAC encoded data with objective adjustment of the complexity/efficiency tradeoff. 2014-2023 - Dario Fertonani, Giulio Colavolpe
On reliable communications over channels impaired by bursty impulse noise. 2024-2030 - Pavel Loskot, Norman C. Beaulieu:
A unified approach to computing error probabilities of diversity combining schemes over correlated fading channels. 2031-2041 - Daniel N. Liu, Michael P. Fitz:
Iterative map equalization and decoding in wireless mobile coded OFDM. 2042-2051 - Vidhyacharan Bhaskar, Laurie L. Joiner
Performance of convolutional codes in asynchronous CDMA communications under imperfect phase-tracking conditions. 2052-2059 - Juan I. Montojo, Laurence B. Milstein:
Effects of imperfections on the performance of OFDM systems. 2060-2070 - Alex Alvarado
, Leszek Szczecinski, Rodolfo Feick
, Luciano Ahumada:
Distribution of L-values in gray-mapped M2-QAM: closed-form approximations and applications. 2071-2079 - Chee Wei Tan
, A. Robert Calderbank:
Multiuser detection of alamouti signals. 2080-2089 - Bogdan Cristea, Daniel Roviras, Benoît Escrig
Turbo receivers for interleave-division multiple-access systems. 2090-2097 - Efstathios Katranaras, Muhammad Ali Imran
, Costas Tzaras:
Uplink capacity of a variable density cellular system with multicell processing. 2098-2108 - Guocong Song, Geoffrey Ye Li, Leonard J. Cimini Jr.:
Joint channel- and queue-aware scheduling for multiuser diversity in wireless OFDMA networks. 2109-2121 - Marco Di Renzo, Fabio Graziosi
, Fortunato Santucci
On the cumulative distribution function of quadratic-form receivers over generalized fading channels with tone interference. 2122-2137 - Sasan Haghani, Norman C. Beaulieu:
On decorrelation in dual-branch diversity systems. 2138-2147 - Shaolei Ren
, Khaled Ben Letaief
Maximizing the effective capacity for wireless cooperative relay networks with QoS guarantees. 2148-2159 - Masoud Sharif, Vahid Tarokh, Babak Hassibi:
Peak power reduction of OFDM signals with sign adjustment. 2160-2166
Volume 57, Number 8, August 2009
- Li Chen, Rolando A. Carrasco, Martin Johnston:
Soft-decision list decoding of hermitian codes. 2169-2176 - Xiaofu Wu, Cong Ling, Ming Jiang, Enyang Xu, Chunming Zhao, Xiaohu You
New insights into weighted bit-flipping decoding. 2177-2180 - Justus Ch. Fricke, Peter A. Hoeher:
Reliability-based retransmission criteria for hybrid ARQ. 2181-2184 - Rui Dinis
, Paulo Silva
, Teresa Araujo
Turbo equalization with cancelation of nonlinear distortion for CP-assisted and zero-padded MC-CDM schemes. 2185-2189 - Aaron Callard, Amir K. Khandani, Aladdin Saleh:
Trellis precoding for MIMO broadcast signaling. 2190-2192 - Hua Fu, Pooi Yuen Kam
A simple bit error probability analysis for square QAM in rayleigh fading with channel estimation. 2193-2197 - Seungkeun Park, Byeong-Gwon Kang:
Upper bounds on the symbol-error probability of MPSK with phase error using pawula F-function IV. 2198-2203 - Jihoon Kim, Wonjun Lee, Jong-Kook Kim
, Inkyu Lee:
On the symbol error rates for signal space diversity schemes over a rician fading channel. 2204-2209 - Jeebak Mitra, Lutz H.-J. Lampe:
Design and analysis of robust detectors for TH IR-UWB systems with multiuser interference. 2210-2214 - Yi Sun:
A family of likelihood ascent search multiuser detectors: approaching optimum performance via random multicodes with linear complexity. 2215-2220 - Ching-Fang Hsu, Fang-Sheng Lin:
On dynamic wavelength assignment in wavelength-convertible multi-granular optical networks. 2221-2224 - Carlo Fischione
, Matteo Butussi, Karl Henrik Johansson
, M. D'Angelo:
Power and rate control with outage constraints in CDMA wireless networks. 2225-2229 - Guangliang Ren, Huining Zhang, Yilin Chang:
SNR estimation algorithm based on the preamble for OFDM systems in frequency selective channels. 2230-2234 - Pavel Loskot, Norman C. Beaulieu:
Approximate performance analysis of coded OSTBC-OFDM systems over arbitrary correlated generalized ricean fading channels. 2235-2238 - Rujiang Wang, Gilles Y. Delisle:
Mitigating error propagation of MMSE-DFE by joint parameter optimization. 2239-2243 - Min-Chul Ju, Il-Min Kim:
Error probabilities of noncoherent and coherent FSK in the presence of frequency and phase offsets for two-hop relay networks. 2244-2250 - Nils Graef, Joachim S. Hammerschmidt, Carl-Erik W. Sundberg:
A low-complexity max-log-MAP detector. 2251-2254 - Jiangyuan Li, Q. T. Zhang, Shenghui Song:
Optimization of transmit-beam number and power allocation for generic correlated MIMO rayleigh channels. 2255-2259 - Luay Azzam, Ender Ayanoglu:
Real-valued maximum likelihood decoder for quasi-orthogonal space-time block codes. 2260-2263 - Wei Peng, Shaodan Ma, Tung-Sang Ng, Jiangzhou Wang:
A novel analytical method for maximum likelihood detection in MIMO multiplexing systems. 2264-2268 - Leif Sandstrom, Kevin W. Schneider, Laurie L. Joiner
, Arlynn Wilson:
Spatial correlation of alien crosstalk in MIMO DSL systems. 2269-2271 - Dejan Vukobratovic
, Vojin Senk:
Transactions papers evaluation and design of irregular LDPC codes using ACE spectrum. 2272-2279 - Alexandre Graell i Amat
, Guido Montorsi, Francesca Vatta
Design and performance analysis of a new class of rate compatible serially concatenated convolutional codes. 2280-2289 - Karen Su, Inaki Berenguer, Ian J. Wassell, Xiaodong Wang:
Efficient maximum-likelihood decoding of spherical lattice codes. 2290-2300 - Mahdi Zamani, Farshad Lahouti:
A flexible rate slepian-wolf code construction. 2301-2308 - Christian Feldbauer, W. Bastiaan Kleijn
Scalable coding with side information for packet loss recovery. 2309-2319 - Hanbyul Seo, Daeyoung Park, Byeong Gi Lee:
Capacity region of multiuser shared channel with time-varying transmission power. 2320-2329 - Philippa A. Martin
, Marcel Ambroze
, Desmond P. Taylor, Martin Tomlinson:
Coding for shared satellite channel communications. 2330-2338 - Juan José Murillo-Fuentes
, Fernando Pérez-Cruz
Gaussian process regressors for multiuser detection in DS-CDMA systems. 2339-2347 - Raymond H. Y. Louie
, Matthew R. McKay
, Iain B. Collings
New performance results for multiuser optimum combining in the presence of rician fading. 2348-2358 - Erik Perrins, Balachandra Kumaraswamy
Decision feedback detectors for SOQPSK. 2359-2368 - Tomaso Erseghe, Stefano Tomasin
UWB WPAN receiver optimization in the presence of multiuser interference. 2369-2379 - Min-Chul Ju, Hyoung-Kyu Song, Il-Min Kim:
Exact BER analysis of distributed alamouti's code for cooperative diversity networks. 2380-2390 - Stefano Tomasin
, Marco Levorato, Michele Zorzi:
Steady state analysis of coded cooperative networks with HARQ protocol. 2391-2401 - Chao-Chin Yang:
Compact optical CDMA passive optical network with differentiated services. 2402-2409 - Francesco Benedetto
, Gaetano Giunta
A self-synchronizing method for asynchronous code acquisition in band-limited spread spectrum communications. 2410-2419 - Yanming Shen, Shivendra S. Panwar, H. Jonathan Chao:
Design and performance analysis of a practical load-balanced switch. 2420-2429 - Marco Villanti, Matteo Iubatti, Alessandro Vanelli-Coralli
, Giovanni Emanuele Corazza
Design of distributed unique words for enhanced frame synchronization. 2430-2440 - Michele Morelli
, Luca Sanguinetti
, H. Vincent Poor
A robust ranging scheme for OFDMA-based networks. 2441-2452 - Jake Gunther, Todd K. Moon:
Burst mode synchronization of QPSK on AWGN channels using kurtosis. 2453-2462 - Andrea Zanella
A mathematical framework for the performance analysis of bluetooth with enhanced data rate. 2463-2473 - Minh Hanh Ngo, Vikram Krishnamurthy:
Optimality of threshold policies for transmission scheduling in correlated fading channels. 2474-2483 - Hieu T. Do, Sae-Young Chung:
Linear beamforming and superposition coding with common information for the gaussian MIMO broadcast channel. 2484-2494 - Daniel Catrein, Rudolf Mathar:
Segregating in- and other-cell interference with applications to decentralized admission control. 2495-2502
Volume 57, Number 9, September 2009
- Claude Berrou, Alexandre Graell i Amat
, Youssouf Ould-Cheikh-Mouhamedou, Yannick Saouter:
Improving the distance properties of turbo codes using a third component code: 3D turbo codes - [transactions letters]. 2505-2509 - Dino Sejdinovic
, Dejan Vukobratovic
, Angela Doufexi
, Vojin Senk, Robert J. Piechocki
Expanding window fountain codes for unequal error protection. 2510-2516 - Philippa A. Martin
, Desmond P. Taylor:
Comments regarding Âon the performance/complexity tradeoff in block turbo decoder designÂ. 2517 - Nastaran Mobini, Amir H. Banihashemi, Saied Hemati:
A differential binary message-passing LDPC decoder. 2518-2523 - Christian Spagnol, William P. Marnane
A class of quasi-cyclic LDPC codes over GF(2m). 2524-2527 - Siavash Ekbatani, Farzad Etemadi, Hamid Jafarkhani
Throughput maximization over slowly fading channels using quantized and erroneous feedback. 2528-2533 - Jun Chen, Dake He
, Ashish Jagmohan:
The equivalence between slepian-wolf coding and channel coding under density evolution. 2534-2540 - Santosh V. Nagaraj:
Improving power efficiency of coded OFDM with feedback. 2541-2544 - Valeri Y. Kontorovich, Serguei Primak:
Some comments on the use of markov models in communications. 2545 - Mustafa Cenk Gursoy:
Error rate analysis for peaky signaling over fading channels. 2546-2550 - Marco Di Renzo, Fabio Graziosi
, Fortunato Santucci
A unified framework for performance analysis of CSI-assisted cooperative communications over fading channels. 2551-2557 - Leszek Szczecinski, Alex Alvarado
, Rodolfo Feick
Distribution of max-log metrics for QAM-based BICM in fading channels. 2558-2563 - Luay Azzam, Ender Ayanoglu:
Reduced complexity sphere decoding via a reordered lattice representation. 2564-2569 - Quanyan Zhu, Lacra Pavel
Enabling differentiated services using generalized power control model in optical networks. 2570-2575 - Sang Wu Kim:
Substream-based soft handoff in CDMA cellular networks. 2576-2579 - Mohamed Elfituri, Ali Ghrayeb
, Walaa Hamouda:
Antenna/relay selection for coded cooperative networks with AF relaying. 2580-2584 - Peng Lu, Hong-Chuan Yang:
Sum-rate analysis of multiuser MIMO system with zero-forcing transmit beamforming. 2585-2589 - Zhihang Yi, Il-Min Kim:
Relay ordering in a multi-hop cooperative diversity network. 2590-2596 - Jin-Woo Lee, Jae-Yun Ko, Yong-Hwan Lee:
Effect of transmit correlation on the sum-rate capacity of two-user broadcast channels. 2597-2599 - Niklas Wernersson, Mikael Skoglund, Tor A. Ramstad:
Polynomial based analog source-channel codes - [transactions papers]. 2600-2606 - Anand Oka, Lutz H.-J. Lampe:
Data extraction from wireless sensor networks using distributed fountain codes. 2607-2618 - Frédéric Lehmann:
A gaussian sum approach to blind carrier phase estimation and data detection in turbo coded transmissions. 2619-2632 - Daniel J. Ryan, Iain B. Collings
, I. Vaughan L. Clarkson, Robert W. Heath Jr.
Performance of vector perturbation multiuser MIMO systems with limited feedback. 2633-2644 - Matteo Trivellato, Stefano Tomasin
, Nevio Benvenuto:
On channel quantization and feedback strategies for multiuser MIMO-OFDM downlink systems. 2645-2654 - Petros S. Bithas
, Nikos C. Sagias
, P. Takis Mathiopoulos
The bivariate generalized-Kappa (KappaG) distribution and its application to diversity receivers. 2655-2662 - Roberto Bosisio, Luca Reggiani, Umberto Spagnolini
Collision model for performance analysis of coded transmission in time hopping impulse radio over multipath nakagami-m channels. 2663-2673 - Andrea Conti
, Wesley M. Gifford, Moe Z. Win
, Marco Chiani
Optimized simple bounds for diversity systems. 2674-2685 - Ulrich G. Schuster, Giuseppe Durisi
, Helmut Bölcskei, H. Vincent Poor
Capacity bounds for peak-constrained multiantenna wideband channels. 2686-2696 - Usa Vilaipornsawai, Harry Leib:
Data detection and kalman estimation for multiple space-time trellis codes. 2697-2712 - Hooman Shirani-Mehr, Giuseppe Caire:
Channel state feedback schemes for multiuser MIMO-OFDM downlink. 2713-2723 - Gino T. Peeters, R. Bocklandt, Benny Van Houdt:
Multiple access algorithms without feedback using combinatorial designs. 2724-2733 - Huiling Zhu, Jiangzhou Wang:
Chunk-based resource allocation in OFDMA systems - part I: chunk allocation. 2734-2744 - Shailesh Patil, Gustavo de Veciana:
Measurement-based opportunistic scheduling for heterogenous wireless systems. 2745-2753 - Lan Zhang, Yan Xin, Ying-Chang Liang
, H. Vincent Poor
Cognitive multiple access channels: optimal power allocation for weighted sum rate maximization. 2754-2762 - Peng Sun, Majeed M. Hayat, Abhik K. Das:
Bit error rates for ultrafast APD based optical receivers: exact and large deviation based asymptotic approaches. 2763-2770 - Chee-Cheon Chui, Robert A. Scholtz:
Time transfer in impulse radio networks. 2771-2781 - Rui Fa
, Pei Xiao:
Joint data detection and phase recovery for downlink MC-2D-CDMA systems. 2782-2789 - Scott L. Talbot, Behrouz Farhang-Boroujeny
Time-varying carrier offsets in mobile OFDM. 2790-2798 - Dae-Young Seol, Ui-Kun Kwon, Gi-Hong Im:
Performance of single carrier transmission with cooperative diversity over fast fading channels. 2799-2807 - Shenghui Song, Keith Q. T. Zhang:
Design collaborative systems with multiple AF-relays for asynchronous frequency-selective fading channels. 2808-2817 - Chris Snow, Lutz H.-J. Lampe, Robert Schober:
Impact of WiMAX interference on MB-OFDM UWB systems: analysis and mitigation. 2818-2827 - Yang-wen Liang, Robert Schober, Wolfgang H. Gerstacker:
Time-domain transmit beamforming for MIMO-OFDM systems with finite rate feedback. 2828-2838
Volume 57, Number 10, October 2009
- Rong-Rong Chen, Ronghui Peng:
Performance of channel coded noncoherent systems: modulation choice, information rate, and Markov chain Monte Carlo detection. 2841-2845 - Hua Xiao, Amir H. Banihashemi:
Comments on successive relaxation for decoding of LDPC codes. 2846-2848 - Johannes B. Huber, Thorsten Hehn:
The lowest-possible BER and FER for any discrete memoryless channel with given capacity. 2849-2852 - Ruey-Yi Wei, Chang-Chih Huang:
Bandwidth-efficient noncoherent Trellis-coded MPSK. 2853-2856 - Morteza Esmaeili, Mohammad Hesam Tadayon:
A lattice-based systematic recursive construction of quasi-cyclic LDPC codes. 2857-2863 - Christophe Jégo, Warren J. Gross:
Turbo decoding of product codes using adaptive belief propagation. 2864-2867 - Ruchira Yasaratna, Pradeepa Yahampath:
Design of scalable decoders for sensor networks via Bayesian network learning. 2868-2871 - Santosh V. Nagaraj:
Symbol-level adaptive modulation for coded OFDM on block fading channels. 2872-2875 - Philippe Mary, Mischa Dohler, Jean-Marie Gorce
, Guillaume Villemaud, Marylin Arndt:
M-ary symbol error outage over Nakagami-m fading channels in shadowing environments. 2876-2879 - Jiliang Zhang, Kah Chan Teh, Kwok Hung Li
Error probability analysis of FFH/MFSK receivers over frequency-selective Rician-fading channels with partial-band-noise jamming. 2880-2885 - Cindy Zhu, Simon Yiu, Robert Schober:
On noncoherent receivers for DSTM in spatially correlated fading. 2886-2890 - Adbul Karim S. Al-Bayati
, O. M. Aloquili:
Constellation-switching precoding for blind detection of co-channel signals: application to 8-ary signaling. 2891-2894 - Ruey-Yi Wei, Yu-Wei Hsu, Chih-Chong Pan:
A low-complexity noncoherent iterative space-time demodulator. 2895-2898 - Nick Letzepis, Albert Guillen i Fabregas
Outage probability of the free-space optical channel with doubly stochastic scintillation. 2899-2902 - Fengji Ye, Haiming Yang, Hua Yang, Biplab Sikdar
A distributed coordination scheme to improve the performance of IEEE 802.11 in multi-hop networks. 2903-2908 - Xin Wang, Norman C. Beaulieu:
Switching rates of dual selection diversity in noisy fading channels. 2909-2913 - Rui Zhang
On achievable rates of two-path successive relaying. 2914-2917 - Reza Nikjah, Norman C. Beaulieu:
Strict suboptimality of selection amplify-and-forward relaying under global channel information. 2918-2922 - Dwight K. Hutchenson, Daniel L. Noneaker
New closed-form bounds on the performance of coding in correlated Rayleigh fading. 2923-2931 - Niklas Wernersson, Mikael Skoglund:
Nonlinear coding and estimation for correlated data in wireless sensor networks. 2932-2939 - Mostafa El-Khamy
, Haris Vikalo, Babak Hassibi, Robert J. McEliece:
Performance of sphere decoding of block codes. 2940-2950 - Alan Barbieri, Dario Fertonani, Giulio Colavolpe
Time-frequency packing for linear modulations: spectral efficiency and practical detection schemes. 2951-2959 - Haewoon Nam, Mohamed-Slim Alouini
Optimization of multi-branch switched diversity systems. 2960-2970 - Jihoon Kim, Kyoung-Jae Lee
, Chang-Kyung Sung, Inkyu Lee:
A simple SNR representation method for AMC schemes of MIMO systems with ML detector. 2971-2976 - Tao Cui, Feifei Gao, Chintha Tellambura:
Differential modulation for two-way wireless communications: a perspective of differential network coding at the physical layer. 2977-2987 - Andrew S. Ling, Laurence B. Milstein:
The effects of spatial diversity and imperfect channel estimation on wideband MC-DS-CDMA and MC-CDMA. 2988-3000 - Dong In Kim:
Near-optimal and suboptimal receivers for multiuser UWB impulse radio systems in multipath. 3001-3011 - Guowang Miao, Geoffrey Ye Li, Ananthram Swami:
Decentralized optimization for multichannel random access. 3012-3023 - Feifei Gao, Rui Zhang
, Ying-Chang Liang
Optimal channel estimation and training design for two-way relay networks. 3024-3033 - Xiaolu Zhang, Meixia Tao, Wenhua Jiao, Chun Sum Ng:
End-to-end outage minimization in OFDM based linear relay networks. 3034-3044 - Tsang-Yi Wang, Li-Yuan Chang, Pei-Yin Chen
A Collaborative sensor-fault detection scheme for robust distributed estimation in sensor networks. 3045-3058 - Vikram Chandrasekhar, Jeffrey G. Andrews:
Spectrum allocation in tiered cellular networks. 3059-3068 - Changkyu Seol, Kyungwhoon Cheun
A statistical inter-cell interference model for downlink cellular OFDMA networks under log-normal shadowing and multipath Rayleigh fading. 3069-3077 - Rekha Menon, Allen B. MacKenzie
, R. Michael Buehrer, Jeffrey H. Reed:
Interference avoidance in networks with distributed receivers. 3078-3091 - Hojoong Kwon, Byeong Gi Lee:
Cooperative power allocation for broadcast/multicast services in cellular OFDM systems. 3092-3102 - Arun Padakandla, Rajesh Sundaresan:
Power minimization for CDMA under colored noise. 3103-3112 - Shun-Te Tseng, James S. Lehnert:
LMSE-based parameter acquisition for multicarrier CDMA systems. 3113-3122 - Lei Xiao, Thomas E. Fuja, Jörg Kliewer, Daniel J. Costello Jr.:
Error performance analysis of signal superposition coded cooperative diversity. 3123-3131 - Tao Cui, Tracey Ho, Jörg Kliewer:
Memoryless relay strategies for two-way relay channels. 3132-3143 - Simon Yiu, Mai Vu, Vahid Tarokh:
Interference and noise reduction by beamforming in cognitive networks. 3144-3153 - Shun-Te Tseng, James S. Lehnert:
Windowing for multicarrier CDMA systems. 3154-3163 - Holger Boche, Martin Schubert:
Perron-root minimization for interference-coupled systems with adaptive receive strategies. 3173-3164 - Hossein R. Sarrafzadeh:
Correction to "State Transparent Convolutional Codes and Their Novel Maximum-likelihood Decoding Algorithm" [Oct 07 1837-1844]. 3174
Volume 57, Number 11, November 2009
- Jinshi Qiu, Amir H. Banihashemi:
Policy allocation for transmission of embedded bit streams over noisy channels with feedback - [Transactions letters]. 3197-3182 - Raman Yazdani, Masoud Ardakani:
Waterfall performance analysis of finite-length LDPC codes on symmetric channels. 3183-3187 - Mohammad M. Mansour:
Parallel lookahead algorithms for pruned interleavers. 3188-3194 - Ruey-Yi Wei, Shi-Shan Gu, Tzu-Ching Sue:
Noncoherent block-coded TAPSK. 3195-3198 - Khairi Ashour Hamdi
On the statistics of signal-to-interference plus noise ratio in wireless communications. 3199-3204 - Robert F. H. Fischer, Christian Siegl:
Performance of peak-to-average power ratio reduction in single- and multi-antenna OFDM via directed selected mapping. 3205-3208 - Stefano Savazzi
, Umberto Spagnolini:
On the pilot spacing constraints for continuous time-varying fading channels. 3209-3213 - Seyeong Choi, Hong-Chuan Yang, Mohamed-Slim Alouini
, Khalid A. Qaraqe
Joint adaptive modulation and diversity combining with feedback error compensation. 3214-3219 - Yuh-Ren Tsai
M-ary spreading-code-phase-shift-keying modulation for DSSS multiple access systems. 3220-3224 - Luca Sanguinetti
, Michele Morelli
, H. Vincent Poor
An ESPRIT-based approach for initial ranging in OFDMA systems. 3225-3229 - Zafiro G. Papadimitriou, P. Takis Mathiopoulos
, Nikos C. Sagias
The trivariate and quadrivariate weibull fading distributions with arbitrary correlation and their applications to diversity reception. 3230-3234 - Chadi Abou-Rjeily
, Zeina Baba:
Achieving full transmit diversity for PPM constellations with any number of antennas via double position and symbol permutations. 3235-3238 - Qinghua Jia, Yongsang Kim, Changkyu Seol, Kyungwhoon Cheun
Improving the performance of SM-MIMO/BICM-ID systems with LLR distribution matching. 3239-3243 - Somasundaram Niranjayan, Norman C. Beaulieu:
On the integrated cross-noise term in correlation detectors. 3244-3248 - Lennert Jacobs, Marc Moeneclaey:
Comments on "exact error performance of square orthogonal space-time block coding with channel estimation". 3249-3251 - Felip Riera-Palou
, Guillem Femenias
Improved linear group detection for combined spatial multiplexing/STBC systems. 3252-3257 - Zhengya Zhang
, Lara Dolecek, Borivoje Nikolic
, Venkat Anantharam, Martin J. Wainwright
Design of LDPC decoders for improved low error rate performance: quantization and algorithm choices. 3258-3268 - Zhong Cheng, Jeff Castura, Yongyi Mao
On the design of raptor codes for binary-input gaussian channels. 3269-3277 - Raman Yazdani, Masoud Ardakani:
Linear LLR approximation for iterative decoding on wireless channels. 3278-3287 - Hrishikesh Tapse, Deva K. Borah:
Hybrid optical/RF channels: characterization and performance study using low density parity check codes. 3288-3297 - Jinhong Wu, Zhengdao Wang, Branimir R. Vojcic:
Partial iterative decoding for binary turbo codes via cross-entropy based bit selection. 3298-3306 - Patrick Amihood, Elias Masry, Laurence B. Milstein, John G. Proakis:
The effects of channel estimation errors on a nonlinear precoder for multiple antenna downlink channels. 3307-3315 - Amir Nasri, Robert Schober:
Performance of BICM-SC and BICM-OFDM systems with diversity reception in non-gaussian noise and interference. 3316-3327 - Giuseppe Thadeu Freitas de Abreu
Jensen-cotes upper and lower bounds on the gaussian Q-function and related functions. 3328-3338 - Cong Shen, Tie Liu, Michael P. Fitz:
On the average rate performance of hybrid-ARQ in quasi-static fading channels. 3339-3352 - Ali Nezampour, Robert Schober, Yao Ma:
Asymptotic analysis of coherent and differential space-time codes in non-gaussian noise and interference. 3353-3365 - Kishor Barman, Onkar Dabeer:
Capacity of MIMO systems with asynchronous PAM. 3366-3375 - Ping Wang, Tho Le-Ngoc:
A low-complexity generalized sphere decoding approach for underdetermined linear communication systems: performance and complexity evaluation. 3376-3388 - Tao Jia, Alexandra Duel-Hallen
Improved channel allocation for multicarrier CDMA with adaptive frequency hopping and multiuser detection. 3389-3396 - Guowang Miao, Geoffrey Ye Li, Nageen Himayat, Shilpa Talwar:
Cochannel interference avoidance MAC in wireless cellular networks. 3897-3405 - Farhad Meshkati, H. Vincent Poor
, Stuart C. Schwartz, Radu V. Balan:
Energy-efficient resource allocation in wireless networks with quality-of-service constraints. 3406-3414 - Ehsan Bayaki, Robert Schober, Ranjan K. Mallik
Performance analysis of MIMO free-space optical systems in gamma-gamma fading. 3415-3424 - Jacob C. Brandenburg, John Q. Liu:
Signal detection for optical communications through the turbulent atmosphere. 3425-3432 - Inanc Inan, Feyza Keceli, Ender Ayanoglu:
A capacity analysis framework for the IEEE 802.11e contention-based infrastructure basic service set. 3433-3445 - T. H. Szymanski
A low-jitter guaranteed-rate scheduling algorithm for packet-switched ip routers. 3446-3459 - Barbara M. Masini
, Andrea Conti
Adaptive TORC detection for MC-CDMA wireless systems. 3460-3471 - Leila Musavian
, Sonia Aïssa:
Fundamental capacity limits of cognitive radio in fading environments with imperfect channel information. 3472-3480 - Wei-Ho Chung
, Ralph E. Hudson, Kung Yao:
A unified approach for generating cross-correlated and auto-correlated MIMO fading envelope processes. 3481-3488 - Hakjea Sung, Sang-Rim Lee, Inkyu Lee:
Generalized channel inversion methods for multiuser MIMO systems. 3489-3499 - Raymond H. Y. Louie
, Matthew R. McKay
, Iain B. Collings
Maximum sum-rate of MIMO multiuser scheduling with linear receivers. 3500-3510
Volume 57, Number 12, December 2009
- Phillip A. Regalia:
A modified belief propagation algorithm for code word quantization. 3513-3517 - Alexandre Graell i Amat
, Raphaël Le Bidan
Minimum distance and convergence analysis of hamming-accumulate-accumulate codes. 3518-3523 - Hyeong-Gun Joo, Song-Nam Hong
, Dong-Joon Shin:
Design of rate-compatible RA-type low-density parity-check codes using splitting. 3524-3528 - Dajana Cassioli, Antonio Mecozzi
Minimum-phase impulse response channels. 3529-3532 - Shenghui Song, Keith Q. T. Zhang:
Input-distribution optimization for channels with estimation errors. 3533-3537 - Sebastian S. Szyszkowicz, Halim Yanikomeroglu
Limit theorem on the sum of identically distributed equally and positively correlated joint lognormals. 3538-3542 - José Cândido Silveira Santos Filho
, Michel Daoud Yacoub
On the second-order statistics of Nakagami fading simulators. 3543-3546 - Federico Boccardi, Kai Yu, Angeliki Alexiou:
High data rate relay transmissions with multiple antennas. 3547-3551 - Swaroop Venkatesh, Jihad Ibrahim, David R. McKinstry, R. Michael Buehrer:
A spatio-temporal channel model for ultra-wideband indoor NLOS communications. 3552-3555 - Chien-Chang Li, Yuan-Pei Lin, Shang-Ho Tsai, P. P. Vaidyanathan:
Optimization of transceivers with bit allocation to maximize bit rate for MIMO transmission. 3556-3560 - Mahmoud Farhang
, Jawad A. Salehi:
Optimum and suboptimum memoryless nonlinearities for the detection of ultrashort light pulses in Gaussian noise. 3561-3565 - Kainam Thomas Wong
, Yue Ivan Wu
Spatial-polarizational correlation-coefficient function between receiving-antennas in radiowave communications - geometrically modeled, analytically derived, simple, closed-form, explicit formulas. 3566-3570 - Zhihang Yi, Il-Min Kim:
Approximate BER expressions of distributed Alamouti's code in dissimilar cooperative networks with blind relays. 3571-3578 - Baris Özgül, Mutlu Koca, Hakan Deliç:
Orthogonal space-time block coding for continuous phase modulation with frequency-domain equalization. 3579-3584 - Somasundaram Niranjayan, Norman C. Beaulieu:
The BER optimal linear rake receiver for signal detection in symmetric alpha-stable noise. 3585-3588 - Michail Matthaiou
, Yannis Kopsinis, David I. Laurenson
, Akbar M. Sayeed:
Ergodic capacity upper bound for dual MIMO Ricean systems: simplified derivation and asymptotic tightness. 3589-3596 - Qin Huang, Jingyu Kang, Li Zhang, Shu Lin, Khaled A. S. Abdel-Ghaffar:
Two reliability-based iterative majority-logic decoding algorithms for LDPC codes. 3597-3606 - Huiming Wang, Xiang-Gen Xia, Qinye Yin, Bin Li:
A family of space-time block codes achieving full diversity with linear receivers. 3607-3617 - Todd K. Moon, J. S. Crockett, Jacob H. Gunther, O. S. Chauhan:
Iterative Decoding using Eigenmessages. 3618-3628 - Jaspreet Singh, Onkar Dabeer, Upamanyu Madhow:
On the limits of communication with low-precision analog-to-digital conversion at the receiver. 3629-3639 - Ashok K. Karmokar, Vijay K. Bhargava:
Performance of cross-layer optimal adaptive transmission techniques over diversity Nakagami-m fading channels. 3640-3652 - Gerasimos Mileounis, Nicholas Kalouptsidis, Panos Koukoulas:
Blind identification of Hammerstein channels using QAM, PSK, and OFDM inputs. 3653-3661 - Ming Li, Stella N. Batalama, Dimitrios A. Pados, John D. Matyjas:
Minimum total-squared-correlation quaternary signature sets: new bounds and optimal designs. 3662-3671 - Zheng Li, Xiang-Gen Xia, Bin Li:
Achieving full diversity and fast ML decoding via simple analog network coding for asynchronous two-way relay networks. 3672-3681 - Nick Letzepis, Albert Guillen i Fabregas
Outage probability of the Gaussian MIMO free-space optical channel with PPM. 3682-3690 - Jing Chen, Jianping Wang
, Hui Yu, Ashwin Gumaste, S. Q. Zheng:
Fully distributed work-conserving MAC protocols for opportunistic optical hyperchannels. 3691-3702 - Wouter Rogiest, Dieter Fiems, Koenraad Laevens, Herwig Bruneel:
Modeling the performance of FDL buffers with wavelength conversion. 3703-3711 - Xiaoliang Wang, Xiaohong Jiang, Achille Pattavina, Susumu Horiguchi:
A construction of 1-to-2 shared optical buffer queue with switched delay lines. 3712-3723 - Grzegorz Danilewicz:
Wide-sense nonblocking multicast logd (N, m, p) switching networks under the window algorithm. 3724-3731 - Bin Lin, Isaac Keslassy
The interleaved matching switch architecture. 3732-3742 - Lars Häring, Stefan Bieder, Andreas Czylwik:
Fine frequency synchronization in the uplink of multiuser OFDM systems. 3743-3752 - Ben He, Robert Schober:
Bit-interleaved coded modulation for hybrid RF/FSO systems. 3753-3763 - Minghua Xia, Wenkun Wen, Soo-Chang Kim:
Opportunistic cophasing transmission in MISO systems. 3764-3770 - Shizheng Li, Aditya Ramamoorthy:
Rate and power allocation under the pairwise distributed source coding constraint. 3771-3781 - Tarik Ait-Idir, Samir Saoudi
Turbo packet combining strategies for the MIMO-ISI ARQ channel. 3782-3793 - Vasu Chakravarthy, Xue Li, Zhiqiang Wu
, Michael A. Temple, F. Garber, Rajgopal Kannan, Athanasios V. Vasilakos
Novel overlay/underlay cognitive radio waveforms using SD-SMSE framework to enhance spectrum efficiency- part i: theoretical framework and analysis in AWGN channel. 3794-3804 - Yongle Wu, Beibei Wang, K. J. Ray Liu, T. Charles Clancy:
A scalable collusion-resistant multi-winner cognitive spectrum auction game. 3805-3816 - Tobias J. Oechtering
, Eduard A. Jorswieck
, Rafael F. Wyrembelski, Holger Boche:
On the optimal transmit strategy for the MIMO bidirectional broadcast channel. 3817-3826 - Maralle J. Fakhereddin, Masoud Sharif, Babak Hassibi:
Reduced feedback and random beamforming for OFDM MIMO broadcast channels. 3827-3835 - Kalle Ruttik, Konstantinos Koufos, Riku Jäntti
Spectrum reuse at the border of a primary user cell. 3836-3846

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