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IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Volume 33
Volume 33, Number 1, January 1995
- David M. Jackson, Albin J. Gasiewski:
Millimeter-wave radiometric observations of the troposphere: a comparison of measurements and calculations based on radiosonde and Raman lidar. 3-14 - Stephen T. T. Ha, Hua-Wei Zhou, John A. McDonald:
Determination of reflector angular position using directional phase-encoded wavefield. 15-25 - Glen P. Abousleman, Michael W. Marcellin, Bobby R. Hunt:
Compression of hyperspectral imagery using the 3-D DCT and hybrid DPCM/DCT. 26-34 - Anthony C. Copeland, Gopalan Ravichandran, Mohan M. Trivedi:
Localized Radon transform-based detection of ship wakes in SAR images. 35-45 - Donna Haverkamp, Leen-Kiat Soh, Costas Tsatsoulis:
A comprehensive, automated approach to determining sea ice thickness from SAR data. 46-57 - B. Kartikeyan, Kantilal L. Majumder, A. R. Dasgupta:
An expert system for land cover classification. 58-66 - Jean-Pierre Djamdji, Albert Bijaoui:
Disparity analysis: a wavelet transform approach. 67-76 - Fabio Maselli, Claudio Conese, Tiziana De Filippis, Stefano Norcini:
Estimation of forest parameters through fuzzy classification of TM data. 77-84 - Simon H. Yueh, William J. Wilson, Fuk K. Li, Son V. Nghiem, William B. Ricketts:
Polarimetric measurements of sea surface brightness temperatures using an aircraft K-band radiometer. 85-92 - Chengxian Tang, Kultegin Aydin:
Scattering from ice crystals at 94 and 220 GHz millimeter wave frequencies. 93-99 - Masanobu Shimada, Anthony Freeman:
A technique for measurement of spaceborne SAR antenna patterns using distributed targets. 100-114 - Robert E. McIntosh, Stephen J. Frasier
, James B. Mead:
FOPAIR: a focused array imaging radar for ocean remote sensing. 115-124 - Christopher S. Ruf
, Stephen J. Keihm, Michael A. Janssen:
TOPEX/Poseidon Microwave Radiometer (TMR). I. Instrument description and antenna temperature calibration. 125-137 - Michael A. Janssen, Christopher S. Ruf
, Stephen J. Keihm:
TOPEX/Poseidon Microwave Radiometer (TMR). II. Antenna pattern correction and brightness temperature algorithm. 138-146 - Stephen J. Keihm, Michael A. Janssen, Christopher S. Ruf
TOPEX/Poseidon microwave radiometer (TMR). III. Wet troposphere range correction algorithm and pre-launch error budget. 147-161 - Danièle Hauser, Gérard Caudal, L. K. Shay:
Behavior of the ocean radar cross-section at low incidence, observed in the vicinity of the Gulf Stream. 162-171 - Rand E. Feind, Ronald M. Welch:
Cloud fraction and cloud shadow property retrievals from coregistered TIMS and AVIRIS imagery: the use of cloud morphology for registration. 172-184 - Douglas J. Goering, Hao Chen, Larry D. Hinzman, Douglas L. Kane:
Removal of terrain effects from SAR satellite imagery of Arctic tundra. 185-194 - Kun-Shan Chen, Adrian K. Fung:
A comparison of backscattering models for rough surfaces. 195-200 - Jean-Pierre Wigneron
, Jean-Christophe Calvet, André Chanzy, Olivier Grosjean, Laurent Laguerre:
A composite discrete-continuous approach to model the microwave emission of vegetation. 201-211 - Phillip A. Mlsna, Jeffrey J. Rodríguez:
A multivariate contrast enhancement technique for multispectral images. 212-216 - Qing X. Wu, David Pairman
A relaxation labeling technique for computing sea surface velocities from sea surface temperature. 216-220 - H. T. Chuah, K. Y. Lee, T. W. Lau:
Dielectric constants of rubber and oil palm leaf samples at X-band. 221-223 - Anthony K. Szeto:
On the direct determination of reflectivity spectrum from synthetic aperture radar data. 224-228 - Y. Dong, John A. Richards:
Studies of the cylinder-ground double bounce scattering mechanism in forest backscatter models. 229-231
Volume 33, Number 2, March 1995
- K. Golestani, T. Chandrasekar, R. Jeffrey Keeler:
Dual polarized staggered PRT scheme for weather radars: analysis and applications. 239-246 - Andrey A. Ioltukhovski:
Retrieval of the atmospheric compounds using a spectral optical thickness information. 247-251 - Peter Bauer, Norman C. Grody:
The potential of combining SSM/I and SSM/T2 measurements to improve the identification of snowcover and precipitation. 252-261 - Stephen T. T. Ha, Hua-Wei Zhou, John A. McDonald, Robert E. Sheriff:
Artificial generation of a directional phase-encoded wavefield. 262-267 - Jeffrey L. Frolik, Andrew E. Yagle:
Reconstruction of multilayered lossy dielectrics from plane wave impulse responses at two angles of incidence. 268-279 - Paul W. Fieguth, William Clement Karl
, Alan S. Willsky, Carl Wunsch:
Multiresolution optimal interpolation and statistical analysis of TOPEX/POSEIDON satellite altimetry. 280-292 - Andrea Baraldi, Flavio Parmiggiani:
An investigation of the textural characteristics associated with gray level cooccurrence matrix statistical parameters. 293-304 - Andrea Baraldi, Flavio Parmiggiani:
A neural network for unsupervised categorization of multivalued input patterns: an application to satellite image clustering. 305-316 - K. Rajalakshmi Menon, N. Balakrishnan, M. Janakiraman, K. Ramchand:
Characterization of fluctuation statistics of radar clutter for Indian terrain. 317-324 - Anders Stjernman, Jothiram Vivekanandan
, Anders Nystrom:
Dual-channel and multifrequency radar system calibration. 325-330 - Jan O. Hagberg, Lars M. H. Ulander
, Jan I. H. Askne
Repeat-pass SAR interferometry over forested terrain. 331-340 - Marc L. Imhoff:
A theoretical analysis of the effect of forest structure on synthetic aperture radar backscatter and the remote sensing of biomass. 341-352 - Sami Sharif:
Chemical and mineral composition of dust and its effect on the dielectric constant. 353-359 - Paolo Ferrazzoli, Leila Guerriero:
Radar sensitivity to tree geometry and woody volume: a model analysis. 360-371 - Guoqing Sun, K. Jon Ranson:
A three-dimensional radar backscatter model of forest canopies. 372-382 - Søren Nørvang Madsen, Jan M. Martin, Howard A. Zebker:
Analysis and evaluation of the NASA/JPL TOPSAR across-track interferometric SAR system. 383-391 - Ronald Kwok, D. Andrew Rothrock, Harry L. Stern, Glenn F. Cunningham:
Determination of the age distribution of sea ice from Lagrangian observations of ice motion. 392-400 - Didier Massonnet, Hélène Vadon:
ERS-1 internal clock drift measured by interferometry. 401-408 - David R. Stevens, Ian G. Cumming, A. Laurence Gray:
Options for airborne interferometric SAR motion compensation. 409-420 - Yoshio Yamaguchi
, Toru Nishikawa, Masakazu Sengoku, Wolfgang-Martin Boerner:
Two-dimensional and full polarimetric imaging by a synthetic aperture FM-CW radar. 421-427 - Stephen J. Frasier
, Yong Liu, Delwyn Moller, Robert E. McIntosh, Charles Long:
Directional ocean wave measurements in a coastal setting using a focused array imaging radar. 428-440 - Henry Leung, Titus K. Y. Lo:
A spatial temporal dynamical model for multipath scattering from the sea. 441-448 - Dennis Holliday
, Lester L. DeRaad, Gaetan J. St-Cyr:
Wedge scattering by the method of iteration. 449-456 - Hui Qing Liu, Alfredo R. Huete
A feedback based modification of the NDVI to minimize canopy background and atmospheric noise. 457-465 - Xiaowen Li, Alan H. Strahler, Curtis E. Woodcock
A hybrid geometric optical-radiative transfer approach for modeling albedo and directional reflectance of discontinuous canopies. 466-480 - Ranga B. Myneni
, Forrest G. Hall, Piers J. Sellers, Alexander Marshak:
The interpretation of spectral vegetation indexes. 481-486 - François-Marie Bréon, Didier Tanré, Pierre Lecomte, Maurice Herman:
Polarized reflectance of bare soils and vegetation: measurements and models. 487-499 - Thierry Toutin:
Airborne SAR stereo restitution in a mountainous area of Costa Rica: first results. 500-504 - Clifford Rufenach, Harald Johnsen, Kjell Arild Høgda:
An approximate analytical method for correcting distortion in synthetic-aperture-radar ocean wave spectral peaks. 504-509 - Kusiel S. Shifrin, Ilja G. Zolotov:
Efficiencies for extinction and backscattering of a microwave pulse incident on water drops. 509-511 - Marc L. Imhoff:
Radar backscatter and biomass saturation: ramifications for global biomass inventory. 511-518
Volume 33, Number 3, May 1995
- Xiaoyun Xiong, Songnian Zhao, Feng Wen:
Detection of the Doppler frequency shift in acoustic remote sensing systems. 523-527 - Ken-ichi Sakamoto, Yoshiya Kasahara
, Iwane Kimura:
K-vector determination of whistler mode signals by using amplitude data obtained by a spacecraft borne instrument. 528-534 - Grant A. Ellis
, Irene C. Peden:
An analysis technique for buried inhomogeneous dielectric objects in the presence of an air-Earth interface. 535-540 - Yongmin Zhang, Ce Richard Liu:
A space marching inversion algorithm for pulsed borehole radar in the time-domain. 541-550 - Pawan Chaturvedi, Richard G. Plumb:
Electromagnetic imaging of underground targets using constrained optimization. 551-561 - Sebastiano B. Serpico, Fabio Roli
Classification of multisensor remote-sensing images by structured neural networks. 562-578 - Umberto Spagnolini
2-D phase unwrapping and instantaneous frequency estimation. 579-589 - Stephan R. Yhann, James J. Simpson:
Application of neural networks to AVHRR cloud segmentation. 590-604 - Jacqueline Le Moigne, James C. Tilton:
Refining image segmentation by integration of edge and region data. 605-615 - Marijke F. Augusteijn, Laura E. Clemens, Kelly A. Shaw:
Performance evaluation of texture measures for ground cover identification in satellite images by means of a neural network classifier. 616-626 - Sivaprasad Gogineni, Kenneth C. Jezek, Leon Peters, Jonathan D. Young, Scott G. Beaven, E. M. Nassar:
Application of plane waves for accurate measurement of microwave scattering from geophysical surfaces. 627-633 - Jean-Christophe Calvet, Jean-Pierre Wigneron
, André Chanzy, Suresh Raju, Laurent Laguerre:
Microwave dielectric properties of a silt-loam at high frequencies. 634-642 - Eric S. Kasischke, Norman L. Christensen Jr., Laura L. Bourgeau-Chavez
Correlating radar backscatter with components of biomass in loblolly pine forests. 643-659 - Martti Kemppinen:
Airborne imaging radiometer scan simulation. 660-669 - Denis Thomas, Jean Philippe Duvel, Robert Kandel:
Diurnal bias in calibration of broad-band radiance measurements from space. 670-683 - Yoshiki Ninomiya
Quantitative estimation of SiO2 content in igneous rocks using thermal infrared spectra with a neural network approach. 684-691 - Michael Abrams, Simon J. Hook:
Simulated Aster data for geologic studies. 692-699 - Ellen J. Ferraro, Calvin T. Swift:
Comparison of retracking algorithms using airborne radar and laser altimeter measurements of the Greenland ice sheet. 700-707 - Son V. Nghiem, Fuk K. Li, Shu-Hsiang Lou, Gregory Neumann, Robert E. McIntosh, Steven C. Carson, James R. Carswell, Edward J. Walsh, Mark A. Donelan, William M. Drennan
Observations of radar backscatter at Ku and C bands in the presence of large waves during the Surface Wave Dynamics Experiment. 708-721 - Richard Bamler:
Optimum look weighting for burst-mode and ScanSAR processing. 722-725 - Nick Marechal:
Tomographic formulation of interferometric SAR for terrain elevation mapping. 726-739 - Yoshihisa Hara, Robert G. Atkins, Robert T. Shin, Jin Au Kong, Simon H. Yueh, Ronald Kwok:
Application of neural networks for sea ice classification in polarimetric SAR images. 740-748 - Lucas L. F. Janssen, Martien Molenaar:
Terrain objects, their dynamics and their monitoring by the integration of GIS and remote sensing. 749-758 - Neil R. S. Simons, Abdel Razik Sebak, Greg E. Bridges:
Application of the TLM method to half-space and remote-sensing problems. 759-767 - Peter M. Atkinson
, Paul J. Curran:
Defining an optimal size of support for remote sensing investigations. 768-776 - Jing M. Chen, Josef Cihlar:
Quantifying the effect of canopy architecture on optical measurements of leaf area index using two gap size analysis methods. 777-787 - Christine A. Hlavka, Michael A. Spanner:
Unmixing AVHRR imagery to assess clearcuts and forest regrowth in Oregon. 788-795 - D. J. McLaughlin, Z. Ren, Y. Wu:
A bistatic polarimeter calibration technique. 796-799 - Manish D. Kulkarni, Alexander B. Kostinski:
A simple formula for monitoring quadrature phase error with arbitrary signals. 799-802 - Neil R. Peplinski, Fawwaz T. Ulaby, Myron Craig Dobson:
Dielectric properties of soils in the 0.3-1.3-GHz range. 803-807 - Stephen L. Durden, Leslie A. Morrissey, Gerald P. Livingston:
Microwave backscatter and attenuation dependence on leaf area index for flooded rice fields. 807-810 - Yinchao Chen, Benjamin Beker:
Numerical analysis of elliptic reflector radiating into lossy dielectric half-space. 810-813
Volume 33, Number 4, July 1995
- Ellen R. Stofan, Diane L. Evans, Christiane Schmullius, Benjamin Holt
, Jeffrey J. Plaut, Jakob J. van Zyl, Stephen D. Wall, JoBea Way:
Overview of results of Spaceborne Imaging Radar-C, X-Band Synthetic Aperture Radar (SIR-C/X-SAR). 817-828 - Rolando L. Jordan, Bryan L. Huneycutt, Marian Werner:
The SIR-C/X-SAR Synthetic Aperture Radar system. 829-839 - Manfred Zink, Richard Bamler:
X-SAR radiometric calibration and data quality. 840-847 - Anthony Freeman, Marcos Alves, Bruce Chapman
, J. Cruz, Y. Kim, Scott Shaffer, J. Sun, E. Turner, Kamal Sarabandi:
SIR-C data quality and calibration results. 848-857 - Kamal Sarabandi, Leland E. Pierce, M. Craig Dobson, Fawwaz T. Ulaby, James M. Stiles, Tsenchieh Chiu, Roger D. De Roo
, Ron Hartikka, Andrew Zambetti, Anthony Freeman:
Polarimetric calibration of SIR-C using point and distributed targets. 858-866 - K. Jon Ranson, Sassan Saatchi, Guoqing Sun:
Boreal forest ecosystem characterization with SIR-C/XSAR. 867-876 - M. Craig Dobson, Fawwaz T. Ulaby, Leland E. Pierce, Terry L. Sharik, Kathleen M. Bergen, Josef Kellndorfer
, John R. Kendra, Eric S. Li, Yi-Cheng Lin, Adib Y. Nashashibi, Kamal Sarabandi, Paul Siqueira:
Estimation of forest biophysical characteristics in Northern Michigan with SIR-C/X-SAR. 877-895 - Laura L. Hess, John Melack, Solange Filoso
, Yong Wang
Delineation of inundated area and vegetation along the Amazon floodplain with the SIR-C synthetic aperture radar. 896-904 - Jiancheng Shi, Jeff Dozier
Inferring snow wetness using C-band data from SIR-C's polarimetric synthetic aperture radar. 905-914 - Pascale C. Dubois, Jakob J. van Zyl, Ted Engman:
Measuring soil moisture with imaging radars. 915-926 - Ronald Greeley, Dan G. Blumberg
Preliminary analysis of Shuttle Radar Laboratory (SRL-1) data to study aeolian features and processes. 927-933 - Peter J. Mouginis-Mark:
Preliminary observations of volcanoes with the SIR-C radar. 934-941 - Frank M. Monaldo, Robert C. Beal:
Real-time observations of Southern Ocean wave fields from the Shuttle Imaging Radar. 942-949 - João R. Moreira, Marcus Schwäbisch, Gianfranco Fornaro, Riccardo Lanari, Richard Bamler, Dieter Just, Ulrich Steinbrecher, Helko Breit, Michael Eineder, Giorgio Franceschetti, Dirk Geudtner, Heike Rinkel:
X-SAR interferometry: first results. 950-956 - Gail M. Skofronick-Jackson, Albin J. Gasiewski:
Nonlinear statistical retrievals of ice content and rain rate from passive microwave observations of a simulated convective storm. 957-970 - Patrick M. Wong
, Tamás D. Gedeon, Ian J. Taggart:
An improved technique in porosity prediction: a neural network approach. 971-980 - Justin D. Paola, Robert A. Schowengerdt:
A detailed comparison of backpropagation neural network and maximum-likelihood classifiers for urban land use classification. 981-996 - Stephen E. Reichenbach, Daniel E. Kohler, Dennis W. Strelow:
Restoration and reconstruction of AVHRR images. 997-1007 - Lev Shemer
An analytical presentation of the monochromatic ocean wave image by a regular or an interferometric synthetic aperture radar. 1008-1013 - Paris W. Vachon, Johnny A. Johannessen, Dylan P. Browne:
ERS-1 SAR images of atmospheric gravity waves. 1014-1025 - Jean-Claude Souyris, Pierre Borderies, Paul-François Combes, Henri-José Mametsa:
Evaluation of several shaped dihedrals useful for polarimetric calibration. 1026-1036 - Anatol D. Rozenberg, Derek C. Quigley, W. Kendall Melville:
Laboratory study of polarized scattering by surface waves at grazing incidence. I. Wind waves. 1037-1046 - Geir Engen, Harald Johnsen:
SAR-ocean wave inversion using image cross spectra. 1047-1056 - Shigeo Ito, Tomohiro Oguchi, Toshio Iguchi, Hiroshi Kumagai, Robert Meneghini:
Depolarization of radar signals due to multiple scattering in rain. 1057-1062 - Yi-Cheng Lin, Kamal Sarabandi:
Electromagnetic scattering model for a tree trunk above a tilted ground plane. 1063-1070 - Jonathan W. Bredow, Ronald L. Porco, Michael S. Dawson, Christopher L. Betty, Stephen Self, Thorvaldur Thordarson
A multifrequency laboratory investigation of attenuation and scattering from volcanic ash clouds. 1071-1082 - Yujun Fang, Richard K. Moore:
Inflight vertical antenna patterns for X-SAR from Amazon rain-forest observations. 1083-1085 - Yuri G. Trokhimovski, Galina A. Bolotnikova, Valentin S. Etkin, Svetlana I. Grechko, Alexey V. Kuzmin
The dependence of S-band sea surface brightness and temperature on wind vector at normal incidence. 1085-1088 - K. Tomiyasu, Paul Dorian, P. Eitner:
Limitations of triple-angle radiometric geosurface measurements from high altitude to mitigate low-absorption atmospheric effects. 1088-1092 - Takashi Kurosu, Masaharu Fujita, Kazuo Chiba:
Monitoring of rice crop growth from space using the ERS-1 C-band SAR. 1092-1096
Volume 33, Number 5, September 1995
- Curt H. Davis:
Growth of the Greenland ice sheet: a performance assessment of altimeter retracking algorithms. 1108-1116 - Thomas L. Ainsworth, Scott R. Chubb, Robert A. Fusina, Richard M. Goldstein, Robert W. Jansen, Jong-Sen Lee, Gaspar R. Valenzuela:
INSAR imagery of surface currents, wave fields, and fronts. 1117-1123 - Peter Ashcroft, Benoit Morel:
Limits of space-based remote sensing for methane source characterization. 1124-1134 - Philip W. Rosenkranz
A rapid atmospheric transmittance algorithm for microwave sounding channels. 1135-1140 - Tsan Mo:
A study of the microwave sounding unit on the NOAA-12 satellite. 1141-1152 - Urs Wegmüller, Charles Werner:
SAR interferometric signatures of forest. 1153-1161 - Eric J. M. Rignot, Reiner Zimmermann, Jakob J. van Zyl:
Spaceborne applications of P band imaging radars for measuring forest biomass. 1162-1169 - Hassan Anys, Dong-Chen He:
Evaluation of textural and multipolarization radar features for crop classification. 1170-1181 - Daniel T. Davis, Zhengxiao Chen, Jenq-Neng Hwang, Leung Tsang, Eni G. Njoku:
Solving inverse problems by Bayesian iterative inversion of a forward model with applications to parameter mapping using SMMR remote sensing data. 1182-1193 - Jón Atli Benediktsson
, Johannes R. Sveinsson
, Kolbeinn Amason:
Classification and feature extraction of AVIRIS data. 1194-1205 - Ruimin Chen, James C. West:
Analysis of scattering from rough surfaces at large incidence angles using a periodic-surface moment method. 1206-1213 - Jonathan W. Bredow, Ronald L. Porco, Adrian K. Fung, Saibun Tjuatja, Kenneth C. Jezek, Sivaprasad Gogineni, Anthony J. Gow:
Determination of volume and surface scattering from saline ice using ice sheets with precisely controlled roughness parameters. 1214-1221 - Christopher S. Ruf
Digital correlators for synthetic aperture interferometric radiometry. 1222-1229 - Nikolaus Faller, Erich H. Meier:
First results with the airborne single-pass DO-SAR interferometer. 1230-1237 - João R. Moreira, Wolfgang Keydel:
A new MTI-SAR approach using the reflectivity displacement method. 1238-1244 - Andrea Baraldi, Flavio Parmiggiani:
A refined gamma MAP SAR speckle filter with improved geometrical adaptivity. 1245-1257 - Sune R. J. Axelsson:
Frequency and azimuthal variations of radar cross section and their influence upon low-frequency SAR imaging. 1258-1265 - Ursula C. Benz, Klaus Strodl, Alberto Moreira
A comparison of several algorithms for SAR raw data compression. 1266-1276 - Jinfei Wang, Kaizhong Zhang, Shouwen Tang:
Spectral and spatial decorrelation of Landsat-TM data for lossless compression. 1277-1285 - Miguel Moctezuma Flores
, Flavio Parmiggiani:
Sea-ice velocity fields estimation on Ross Sea with NOAA-AVHRR. 1286-1289 - Mahta Moghaddam
, Sassan Saatchi:
Analysis of scattering mechanisms in SAR imagery over boreal forest: results from BOREAS '93. 1290-1296 - Riccardo Lanari
A new method for the compensation of the SAR range cell migration based on the chirp z-transform. 1296-1299
Volume 33, Number 6, November 1995
- Stanford B. Hooker, James W. Brown, A. D. Kirwan Jr.:
Detecting "dipole ring" separatrices with zebra palettes. 1306-1312 - James Darrell McCauley, Bernard A. Engel:
Comparison of scene segmentations: SMAP, ECHO, and maximum likelihood. 1313-1316 - Hiroshi Kumagai, Toshiaki Kozu, Makoto Satake, Hiroshi Hanado, Ken'ichi Okamoto:
Development of an active radar calibrator for the TRMM precipitation radar. 1316-1318 - Lorenzo Bruzzone
, Fabio Roli
, Sebastiano B. Serpico:
An extension of the Jeffreys-Matusita distance to multiclass cases for feature selection. 1318-1321 - Hsing-Yi Chen, I-Young Tarn, Yeou-Jou Hwang:
Infrared extinction of the powder of brass 70Cu/30Zn calculated by the FDTD and turning bands methods [military smoke screening applications]. 1321-1324 - Carlos R. Cabrera-Mercader, David H. Staelin:
Passive microwave relative humidity retrievals using feedforward neural networks. 1324-1328 - Neil C. Mitchell
Representing backscatter fluctuations with a PDF convolution equation and its application to study backscatter variability in side-scan sonar images. 1328-1331 - Peter P. Silvester, Dievat Omeragic:
Sensitivity of metal detectors to spheroidal targets. 1331-1335 - Jon D. Eastment, Merhala Thurai, Darcy N. Ladd, I. N. Moore:
A vertically-pointing Doppler radar to measure precipitation characteristics in the tropics. 1336-1340 - Neil R. Peplinski, Fawwaz T. Ulaby, Myron Craig Dobson:
Corrections to "Dielectric Properties of Soils in the 0.3-1.3-GHz Range". 1340 - Pascale C. Dubois, Jakob J. van Zyl, Ted Engman:
Corrections to "Measuring Soil Moisture with Imaging Radars". 1340 - Jiancheng Shi, Jeff Dozier:
Corrections to "Inferring Snow Wetness Using C-Band Data from SIR-C's Polarimetric Synthetic Apertur. 1340

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