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IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, Volume 18
Volume 18, Number 1, January 2014
- Guang-Zhong Yang:
From the New Editor. 3 - Zhengxing Huang, Wei Dong, Huilong Duan, Haomin Li
Similarity Measure Between Patient Traces for Clinical Pathway Analysis: Problem, Method, and Applications. 4-14 - Justin R. Boyle
, Kathryn Zeitz, Richard Hoffman, Sankalp Khanna
, John Beltrame:
Probability of Severe Adverse Events as a Function of Hospital Occupancy. 15-20 - Babak Taati
, Jasper Snoek, Dionne M. Aleman, Ardeshir Ghavamzadeh:
Data Mining in Bone Marrow Transplant Records to Identify Patients With High Odds of Survival. 21-27 - Takehiro Yamakoshi
, Kenta Matsumura
, Peter Rolfe, Shota Hanaki, Akira Ikarashi, Jihyoung Lee, Ken-ichi Yamakoshi:
Potential for Health Screening Using Long-Term Cardiovascular Parameters Measured by Finger Volume-Oscillometry: Pilot Comparative Evaluation in Regular and Sleep-Deprived Activities. 28-35 - Pieter Van Gorp
, Marco Comuzzi
Lifelong Personal Health Data and Application Software via Virtual Machines in the Cloud. 36-45 - Abdelghani Benharref, Mohamed Adel Serhani:
Novel Cloud and SOA-Based Framework for E-Health Monitoring Using Wireless Biosensors. 46-55 - Yogachandran Rahulamathavan
, Suresh Veluru, Raphael C.-W. Phan
, Jonathon A. Chambers, Muttukrishnan Rajarajan:
Privacy-Preserving Clinical Decision Support System Using Gaussian Kernel-Based Classification. 56-66 - Eirini Kostopoulou, Eleni Zacharia, Dimitris Maroulis
An Effective Approach for Detection and Segmentation of Protein Spots on 2-D Gel Images. 67-76 - Wen-Bo Wu, Jin Xue, Ping Liang, Zhigang Cheng, Min Zhang, Mengjuan Mu, Cai Qi:
The Assistant Function of Three-Dimensional Information for I$^{\bf 125}$ Particle Implantation. 77-82 - Gabriele Becattini, Leonardo S. Mattos
, Darwin G. Caldwell
A Fully Automated System for Adherent Cells Microinjection. 83-93 - Yung-fu Chen, Po-Chi Huang, Ker-Cheng Lin, Hsuan-Hung Lin, Li-En Wang, Chung-Chuan Cheng, Tsung-Po Chen, Yung-Kuan Chan
, John Y. Chiang:
Semi-Automatic Segmentation and Classification of Pap Smear Cells. 94-108 - Thanh Minh Nguyen, Q. M. Jonathan Wu
, Dibyendu Mukherjee
, Hui Zhang:
A Bayesian Bounded Asymmetric Mixture Model With Segmentation Application. 109-119 - Deepak Roy Chittajallu, Nikos Paragios, Ioannis A. Kakadiaris
An Explicit Shape-Constrained MRF-Based Contour Evolution Method for 2-D Medical Image Segmentation. 120-129 - Chaojie Chen, Yuanyuan Wang, Jinhua Yu, Zhuyu Zhou, Li Shen, Yaqing Chen:
Automatic Motion Analysis System for Pyloric Flow in Ultrasonic Videos. 130-138 - Ashirwad Joseph Chowriappa, Yong Seo, Sarthak Salunke, Maxim Mokin, Peter Kan, Peter D. Scott:
3-D Vascular Skeleton Extraction and Decomposition. 139-147 - Kyung Sang Kim, Young-Don Son, Zang-Hee Cho, Jong Beom Ra, Jong Chul Ye:
Ultra-Fast Hybrid CPU-GPU Multiple Scatter Simulation for 3-D PET. 148-156 - Meaghan Bowthorpe, Mahdi Tavakoli
, Harald Becher, Robert D. Howe:
Smith Predictor-Based Robot Control for Ultrasound-Guided Teleoperated Beating-Heart Surgery. 157-166 - Jinn-Rung Kuo, Bor-Shyh Lin
, Chih-Lun Cheng, Chung-Ching Chio:
Hypoxic-State Estimation of Brain Cells by Using Wireless Near-Infrared Spectroscopy. 167-173 - Yu Yao, Christoph Brüser, Uwe Pietrzyk
, Steffen Leonhardt
, Stefan van Waasen
, Michael Schiek
Model-Based Verification of a Non-Linear Separation Scheme for Ballistocardiography. 174-182 - Nassim Ravanshad
, Hamidreza Rezaee-Dehsorkh
, Reza Lotfi, Yong Lian
A Level-Crossing Based QRS-Detection Algorithm for Wearable ECG Sensors. 183-192 - Valentina Bono, Evangelos B. Mazomenos
, Taihai Chen
, James Rosengarten, Amit Acharyya
, Koushik Maharatna
, John M. Morgan, Nick Curzen
Development of an Automated Updated Selvester QRS Scoring System Using SWT-Based QRS Fractionation Detection and Classification. 193-204 - Dongping Du, Hui Yang
, Sarah A. Norring, Eric S. Bennett:
In-Silico Modeling of Glycosylation Modulation Dynamics in hERG Ion Channels and Cardiac Electrical Signals. 205-214 - Jin-Oh Hahn:
Individualized Estimation of the Central Aortic Blood Pressure Waveform: A Comparative Study. 215-221 - Kwanghyun Sohn, Wener Lv, Kichang Lee, Anna M. Galea, Gordon B. Hirschman, Alison M. Hayward, Richard J. Cohen, Antonis A. Armoundas:
The Single Equivalent Moving Dipole Model Does Not Require Spatial Anatomical Information to Determine Cardiac Sources of Activation. 222-230 - Bijoy Laxmi Koley, Debangshu Dey:
On-Line Detection of Apnea/Hypopnea Events Using SpO$_{\bf 2}$ Signal: A Rule-Based Approach Employing Binary Classifier Models. 231-239 - Jesús Lázaro
, Eduardo Gil
, José María Vergara, Pablo Laguna
Pulse Rate Variability Analysis for Discrimination of Sleep-Apnea-Related Decreases in the Amplitude Fluctuations of Pulse Photoplethysmographic Signal in Children. 240-246 - Hoda Daou, Fabrice Labeau
Dynamic Dictionary for Combined EEG Compression and Seizure Detection. 247-256 - Gaoxiang Ouyang
, Xiangyang Zhu, Zhaojie Ju
, Honghai Liu
Dynamical Characteristics of Surface EMG Signals of Hand Grasps via Recurrence Plot. 257-265 - Yadid Ayzenberg, Rosalind W. Picard:
FEEL: A System for Frequent Event and Electrodermal Activity Labeling. 266-277 - Sebastian Päßler, Wolf-Joachim Fischer:
Food Intake Monitoring: Automated Chew Event Detection in Chewing Sounds. 278-289 - Youqing Wang, Hongzhi Xie, Xu Jiang, Bo Liu
Intelligent Closed-Loop Insulin Delivery Systems for ICU Patients. 290-299 - Yongbin Qi, Cheong Boon Soh, Erry Gunawan, Kay Soon Low
, Arash Maskooki:
A Novel Approach to Joint Flexion/Extension Angles Measurement Based on Wearable UWB Radios. 300-308 - Wenlong Tang, Edward S. Sazonov
Highly Accurate Recognition of Human Postures and Activities Through Classification With Rejection. 309-315 - Daojing He
, Sammy Chan
, Shaohua Tang:
A Novel and Lightweight System to Secure Wireless Medical Sensor Networks. 316-326 - Mohammad Deylami, Emil Jovanov
A Distributed Scheme to Manage The Dynamic Coexistence of IEEE 802.15.4-Based Health-Monitoring WBANs. 327-334 - Mehdi Banitalebi Dehkordi, Jamshid Abouei, Konstantinos N. Plataniotis
Compressive-Sampling-Based Positioning in Wireless Body Area Networks. 335-344 - Sasan Adibi:
Biomedical Sensing Analyzer (BSA) for Mobile-Health (mHealth)-LTE. 345-351 - José Bravo
, Antonio Coronato
, Kevin Curran
, Giuseppe De Pietro
, Qiushi Ren, Majid Sarrafzadeh:
Editorial to the Special Section on Ambient Intelligence and Assistive Technologies for Cognitive Impaired People. 352 - Hamdi Aloulou, Mounir Mokhtari, Thibaut Tiberghien, Jit Biswas, Philip Lin Kiat Yap:
An Adaptable and Flexible Framework for Assistive Living of Cognitively Impaired People. 353-360 - Ramón Hervás
, José Bravo
, Jesús Fontecha
An Assistive Navigation System Based on Augmented Reality and Context Awareness for People With Mild Cognitive Impairments. 368-374 - Shuai Zhang
, Sally I. McClean
, Chris D. Nugent
, Mark P. Donnelly, Leo Galway, Bryan W. Scotney, Ian Cleland:
A Predictive Model for Assistive Technology Adoption for People With Dementia. 375-383 - Yao-Jen Chang, Kang-Ping Lin, Li-Der Chou, Shu-Fang Chen, Tian-Shyan Ma:
Statistical Anomaly Detection for Individuals With Cognitive Impairments. 384-390 - Sergio Albiol-Perez
, José-Antonio Gil-Gómez
, Roberto Lloréns
, Mariano Alcañiz Raya
, Carolina Colomer Font:
The Role of Virtual Motor Rehabilitation: A Quantitative Analysis Between Acute and Chronic Patients With Acquired Brain Injury. 391-398
Volume 18, Number 2, March 2014
- Honggang Wang
, Athanasios V. Vasilakos
, Majid Sarrafzadeh, Chenyang Lu:
Guest Editorial: Emerging Wireless Body Area Networks (WBANs) for Ubiquitous Healthcare. 403 - Wei Wang, Chunqiu Wang, Min Zhao:
Resource Optimized TTSH-URA for Multimedia Stream Authentication in Swallowable-Capsule-Based Wireless Body Sensor Networks. 404-410 - Ming-Chun Huang
, Jason J. Liu, Wenyao Xu, Nabil Alshurafa
, Xiaoyi Zhang, Majid Sarrafzadeh:
Using Pressure Map Sequences for Recognition of On Bed Rehabilitation Exercises. 411-418 - Yue Tong, Jinyuan Sun, Sherman S. M. Chow
, Pan Li
Cloud-Assisted Mobile-Access of Health Data With Privacy and Auditability. 419-429 - Qinghua Shen, Xiaohui Liang, Xuemin Shen
, Xiaodong Lin, Henry Y. Luo:
Exploiting Geo-Distributed Clouds for a E-Health Monitoring System With Minimum Service Delay and Privacy Preservation. 430-439 - Daojing He
, Sammy Chan
, Yan Zhang, Haomiao Yang:
Lightweight and Confidential Data Discovery and Dissemination for Wireless Body Area Networks. 440-448 - Bobak Mortazavi, Suneil Nyamathi, Sunghoon Ivan Lee, Thomas Wilkerson, Hassan Ghasemzadeh, Majid Sarrafzadeh:
Near-Realistic Mobile Exergames With Wireless Wearable Sensors. 449-456 - Chin-Feng Lai
, Min Chen, Jeng-Shyang Pan
, Chan-Hyun Youn, Han-Chieh Chao
A Collaborative Computing Framework of Cloud Network and WBSN Applied to Fall Detection and 3-D Motion Reconstruction. 457-466 - Sudip Misra
, Nabiul Islam
, Judhistir Mahapatro, Joel José Puga Coelho Rodrigues:
Green Wireless Body Area Nanonetworks: Energy Management and the Game of Survival. 467-475 - Gill R. Tsouri
, Michael H. Ostertag:
Patient-Specific 12-Lead ECG Reconstruction From Sparse Electrodes Using Independent Component Analysis. 476-482 - Jean X. Gao, Werner Dubitzky:
Guest Editorial: Data Mining in Bioinformatics, Biomedicine, and Healthcare Informatics. 483 - Tao Peng, Huiming Peng, Dong Soon Choi, Jing Su
, Chung-Che Chang, Xiaobo Zhou:
Modeling Cell-Cell Interactions in Regulating Multiple Myeloma Initiating Cell Fate. 484-491 - Zifang Huang, Mei-Ling Shyu, James M. Tien, Michael M. Vigoda, David J. Birnbach:
Knowledge-Assisted Sequential Pattern Analysis With Heuristic Parameter Tuning for Labor Contraction Prediction. 492-499 - Xian-Fa Cai, Jia Wei, Guihua Wen, Zhiwen Yu:
Local and Global Preserving Semisupervised Dimensionality Reduction Based on Random Subspace for Cancer Classification. 500-507 - Dan He, Douglas Stott Parker Jr.:
SemInf: A Burst-Based Semantic Influence Model for Biomedical Topic Influence. 508-514 - Sujan Perera, Cory A. Henson, Krishnaprasad Thirunarayan, Amit P. Sheth, Suhas Nair:
Semantics Driven Approach for Knowledge Acquisition From EMRs. 515-524 - Shuo Li, James O. Nyagilo, Digant P. Dave, Jean Gao:
Models and Methods for Quantitative Analysis of Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectra. 525-536 - Jenna Marie Reps
, Jonathan M. Garibaldi
, Uwe Aickelin
, Daniele Soria, Jack E. Gibson
, Richard B. Hubbard:
A Novel Semisupervised Algorithm for Rare Prescription Side Effect Discovery. 537-547 - Jiangwen Sun, Jinbo Bi, Henry R. Kranzler:
Multiview Comodeling to Improve Subtyping and Genetic Association of Complex Diseases. 548-554 - Bum Ju Lee, Boncho Ku
, Jiho Nam, Duong Duc Pham, Jong Yeol Kim:
Prediction of Fasting Plasma Glucose Status Using Anthropometric Measures for Diagnosing Type 2 Diabetes. 555-561 - K. D. Kalantzaki, Ekaterini S. Bei, Konstantinos P. Exarchos, Michalis E. Zervakis, Minos N. Garofalakis, Dimitrios I. Fotiadis:
Nonparametric Network Design and Analysis of Disease Genes in Oral Cancer Progression. 562-573 - Haiwei Pan, Pengyuan Li
, Qing Li
, Qilong Han, Xiaoning Feng, Linlin Gao:
Brain CT Image Similarity Retrieval Method Based on Uncertain Location Graph. 574-584 - Jianwu Xu, Kenji Suzuki
Max-AUC Feature Selection in Computer-Aided Detection of Polyps in CT Colonography. 585-593 - Cheng Lu
, Mrinal Mandal:
Toward Automatic Mitotic Cell Detection and Segmentation in Multispectral Histopathological Images. 594-605 - Shen-Chuan Tai, Zih-Siou Chen, Wei-Ting Tsai:
An Automatic Mass Detection System in Mammograms Based on Complex Texture Features. 618-627 - Jizhou Li
, Yongjin Zhou, Yi Lu, Guangquan Zhou
, Lei Wang, Yong-Ping Zheng
The Sensitive and Efficient Detection of Quadriceps Muscle Thickness Changes in Cross-Sectional Plane Using Ultrasonography: A Feasibility Investigation. 628-635 - Yanan Fu, Wei Zhang, Mrinal Mandal, Max Q.-H. Meng:
Computer-Aided Bleeding Detection in WCE Video. 636-642 - Wing-Yin Chan, Pheng-Ann Heng
Visualization of Needle Access Pathway and a Five-DoF Evaluation. 643-653 - Tobias Wartzek, Christoph Brüser, Marian Walter
, Steffen Leonhardt
Robust Sensor Fusion of Unobtrusively Measured Heart Rate. 654-660 - Tim Willemen, Dorien Van Deun, Vincent Verhaert, Marie Vandekerckhove
, Vasileios Exadaktylos, Johan Verbraecken, Sabine Van Huffel, Bart Haex, Jos Vander Sloten:
An Evaluation of Cardiorespiratory and Movement Features With Respect to Sleep-Stage Classification. 661-669 - Rasoul Yousefi, Mehrdad Nourani, Sarah Ostadabbas, Issa M. S. Panahi:
A Motion-Tolerant Adaptive Algorithm for Wearable Photoplethysmographic Biosensors. 670-681 - William P. Walker, Dinesh K. Bhatia
Automated Ingestion Detection for a Health Monitoring System. 682-692 - Anpeng Huang, Chao Chen, Kaigui Bian, Xiaohui Duan, Min Chen, Hongqiao Gao, Chao Meng, Qian Zheng, Yingrui Zhang, Bingli Jiao, Linzhen Xie:
WE-CARE: An Intelligent Mobile Telecardiology System to Enable mHealth Applications. 693-702 - Wei-Ling Chen, Chung-Dann Kan, Chia-Hung Lin, Tainsong Chen:
A Rule-Based Decision-Making Diagnosis System to Evaluate Arteriovenous Shunt Stenosis for Hemodialysis Treatment of Patients Using Fuzzy Petri Nets. 703-713
Volume 18, Number 3, May 2014
- Manolis Tsiknakis
, Vasilis J. Promponas
, Norbert M. Graf
, May D. Wang
, Stephen T. C. Wong, Nikolaos G. Bourbakis, Constantinos S. Pattichis
Guest Editorial: Computational Solutions to Large-Scale Data Management and Analysis in Translational and Personalized Medicine. 720-721 - Lei A. Clifton
, David A. Clifton, Marco A. F. Pimentel, Peter J. Watkinson
, Lionel Tarassenko:
Predictive Monitoring of Mobile Patients by Combining Clinical Observations With Data From Wearable Sensors. 722-730 - Christos Bellos
, Athanasios N. Papadopoulos, Roberto Rosso, Dimitrios I. Fotiadis:
Identification of COPD Patients' Health Status Using an Intelligent System in the CHRONIOUS Wearable Platform. 731-738 - Xiaoliang Wang
, Qiong Gui, Bingwei Liu, Zhanpeng Jin, Yu Chen:
Enabling Smart Personalized Healthcare: A Hybrid Mobile-Cloud Approach for ECG Telemonitoring. 739-745 - Ahmad Abushakra
, Miad Faezipour
Augmenting Breath Regulation Using a Mobile Driven Virtual Reality Therapy Framework. 746-752 - P. Viswanathan
, P. Venkata Krishna
A Joint FED Watermarking System Using Spatial Fusion for Verifying the Security Issues of Teleradiology. 753-764 - Sonal Kothari, John H. Phan, Todd H. Stokes, Adeboye O. Osunkoya, Andrew N. Young, May D. Wang
Removing Batch Effects From Histopathological Images for Enhanced Cancer Diagnosis. 765-772 - Stelios Sfakianakis, Ekaterini S. Bei, Michalis E. Zervakis, Despoina Vassou
, Dimitris Kafetzopoulos:
On the Identification of Circulating Tumor Cells in Breast Cancer. 773-782 - Nicolas Aristokleous
, Ioannis Seimenis, Georgios C. Georgiou
, Yannis Papaharilaou
, Brigitta C. Brott
, Andrew Nicolaides, Andreas S. Anayiotos:
Impact of Head Rotation on the Individualized Common Carotid Flow and Carotid Bifurcation Hemodynamics. 783-789 - Adrienne Heinrich, Di Geng, Dmitry Znamenskiy, Jelte Peter Vink, Gerard de Haan:
Robust and Sensitive Video Motion Detection for Sleep Analysis. 790-798 - Georgia Skreti, Ekaterini S. Bei, K. D. Kalantzaki, Michalis E. Zervakis:
Temporal and Spatial Patterns of Gene Profiles during Chondrogenic Differentiation. 799-809 - Alex Upton
, Theodoros N. Arvanitis
Using Evolutional Properties of Gene Networks in Understanding Survival Prognosis of Glioblastoma. 810-816 - Ioannis Valavanis, Emmanouil G. Sifakis
, Panagiotis Georgiadis
, Sotirios Kyrtopoulos
, Aristotelis A. Chatziioannou:
A Composite Framework for the Statistical Analysis of Epidemiological DNA Methylation Data with the Infinium Human Methylation 450K BeadChip. 817-823 - Vangelis Sakkalis
, Stelios Sfakianakis, Eleftheria Tzamali, Kostas Marias
, Georgios S. Stamatakos, Fay Misichroni, Eleftherios Ouzounoglou
, Eleni A. Kolokotroni, Dimitra D. Dionysiou
, David Johnson
, Steve McKeever, Norbert M. Graf
Web-Based Workflow Planning Platform Supporting the Design and Execution of Complex Multiscale Cancer Models. 824-831 - Stefano Schivo
, Jetse Scholma, Brend Wanders, Ricardo A. Urquidi Camacho
, Paul E. van der Vet, Marcel Karperien
, Rom Langerak
, Jaco van de Pol, Janine N. Post
Modeling Biological Pathway Dynamics With Timed Automata. 832-839 - Georgios S. Stamatakos, Dimitra D. Dionysiou
, Aran Lunzer, Robert G. Belleman, Eleni A. Kolokotroni, Eleni Ch. Georgiadi, Marius Erdt
, Juliusz Pukacki, Stefan Rüping, Stavroula G. Giatili, Alberto d'Onofrio
, Stelios Sfakianakis, Kostas Marias
, Christine Desmedt
, Manolis Tsiknakis
, Norbert M. Graf
The Technologically Integrated Oncosimulator: Combining Multiscale Cancer Modeling With Information Technology in the In Silico Oncology Context. 840-854 - Ricardo Santiago-Mozos
, Fernando Pérez-Cruz
, Michael G. Madden
, Antonio Artés-Rodríguez
An Automated Screening System for Tuberculosis. 855-862 - Fanchi Meng, Cheng Cai, Hong Yan
A Bicluster-Based Bayesian Principal Component Analysis Method for Microarray Missing Value Estimation. 863-871 - Jesús D. Trigo
, Christian Dominik Kohl, Aitor Eguzkiza, Miguel Martínez-Espronceda
, Álvaro Alesanco Iglesias
, Luis Serrano
, José García
, Petra Knaup
On the Seamless, Harmonized Use of ISO/IEEE11073 and OpenEHR. 872-884 - Lorenzo Bianchi
, Federica Paganelli
, Maria Chiara Pettenati
, Stefano Turchi
, Lucia Ciofi, Ernesto Iadanza
, Dino Giuli:
Design of a RESTful Web Information System for Drug Prescription and Administration. 885-895 - Nelia Lasierra, Álvaro Alesanco Iglesias
, José García:
Designing an Architecture for Monitoring Patients at Home: Ontologies and Web Services for Clinical and Technical Management Integration. 896-906 - Joachim Georgii, Maximilian Eder, Kai Bürger, Sebastian Klotz, Florian Ferstl, Laszlo Kovacs, Rüdiger Westermann:
A Computational Tool for Preoperative Breast Augmentation Planning in Aesthetic Plastic Surgery. 907-919 - Hongliang Ren
, Enrique Campos-Náñez, Ziv Yaniv
, Filip Banovac, Hernán G. Abeledo, Nobuhiko Hata, Kevin Cleary:
Treatment Planning and Image Guidance for Radiofrequency Ablation of Large Tumors. 920-928 - Subrahmanyam Murala, Q. M. Jonathan Wu
Local Mesh Patterns Versus Local Binary Patterns: Biomedical Image Indexing and Retrieval. 929-938 - Didem Yamak, Prasad Panse, William Pavlicek, Thomas Boltz, Metin Akay
Non-Calcified Coronary Atherosclerotic Plaque Characterization by Dual Energy Computed Tomography. 939-945 - Carole Lartizien
, Matthieu Rogez, Emilie Niaf, Fabien Ricard
Computer-Aided Staging of Lymphoma Patients With FDG PET/CT Imaging Based on Textural Information. 946-955 - Kei Ikeda, Fumihiko Ino, Kenichi Hagihara:
Efficient Acceleration of Mutual Information Computation for Nonrigid Registration Using CUDA. 956-968 - Yuxin Yang, Eric Van Reeth
, Chueh-Loo Poh, Cher Heng Tan, Ivan W. K. Tham
A Spatiotemporal-Based Scheme for Efficient Registration-Based Segmentation of Thoracic 4-D MRI. 969-977 - Hongbin Han, Chunyan Shi, Yu Fu, Long Zuo, Kejia Lee, Qingyuan He, Haojun Han:
A Novel MRI Tracer-Based Method for Measuring Water Diffusion in the Extracellular Space of the Rat Brain (December2013). 978-983 - Fayao Liu, Luping Zhou
, Chunhua Shen, Jianping Yin:
Multiple Kernel Learning in the Primal for Multimodal Alzheimer's Disease Classification. 984-990 - Dongmin Guo, Anne L. van de Ven
, Xiaobo Zhou:
Red Blood Cell Tracking Using Optical Flow Methods. 991-998 - Maria del Milagro Fernández-Carrobles
, Gloria Bueno García
, Oscar Déniz
, Jesús Salido
, Marcial García-Rojo:
Automatic Handling of Tissue Microarray Cores in High-Dimensional Microscopy Images. 999-1007 - Stefano Ceccon, David F. Garway-Heath
, David P. Crabb
, Allan Tucker
Exploring Early Glaucoma and the Visual Field Test: Classification and Clustering Using Bayesian Networks. 1008-1014 - James Y. Xu, Hua-I Chang, Chieh Chien, William J. Kaiser, Gregory J. Pottie:
Context-driven, Prescription-Based Personal Activity Classification: Methodology, Architecture, and End-to-End Implementation. 1015-1025 - Kris Cuppens
, Peter Karsmakers
, Anouk Van de Vel, Bert Bonroy
, Milica Milosevic, Stijn Luca
, Tom Croonenborghs, Berten Ceulemans
, Lieven Lagae, Sabine Van Huffel, Bart Vanrumste
Accelerometry-Based Home Monitoring for Detection of Nocturnal Hypermotor Seizures Based on Novelty Detection. 1026-1033 - Bo Jin, Tran Hoai Thu, Eunhye Baek
, Sung Hwan Sakong, Jin Xiao, Tapas Mondal
, M. Jamal Deen
Walking-Age Analyzer for Healthcare Applications. 1034-1042 - Zhijun Li, Baocheng Wang, Fuchun Sun, Chenguang Yang
, Qing Xie, Weidong Zhang
sEMG-Based Joint Force Control for an Upper-Limb Power-Assist Exoskeleton Robot. 1043-1050 - Niall Twomey, Andrey Temko
, Jonathan O'B. Hourihane, William P. Marnane
Automated Detection of Perturbed Cardiac Physiology During Oral Food Allergen Challenge in Children. 1051-1057 - Tiina Takalokastari, Esko Alasaarela, Matti Kinnunen, Timo Jämsä
Quality of the Wireless Electrocardiogram Signal During Physical Exercise in Different Age Groups. 1058-1064 - Chandan K. Karmakar
, Ahsan H. Khandoker
, Thomas Penzel
, Christoph Schöbel, Marimuthu Palaniswami:
Detection of Respiratory Arousals Using Photoplethysmography (PPG) Signal in Sleep Apnea Patients. 1065-1073 - Pradeep D. Prasad, Harsha N. Halahalli
, John P. John
, Kaushik Kumar Majumdar:
Single-Trial EEG Classification Using Logistic Regression Based on Ensemble Synchronization. 1074-1080 - Szi-Wen Chen
, Shih-Chieh Chao:
Compressed Sensing Technology-Based Spectral Estimation of Heart Rate Variability Using the Integral Pulse Frequency Modulation Model. 1081-1090 - Siddika Parlak, Shriniwas Ayyer, Ying Yu Liu, Ivan Marsic:
Design and Evaluation of RFID Deployments in a Trauma Resuscitation Bay. 1091-1097 - Eirini Kostopoulou, Eleni Zacharia, Dimitris Maroulis
Erratum to "An Effective Approach for Detection and Segmentation of Protein Spots on 2-D Gel Images". 1098
Volume 18, Number 4, July 2014
- Paulo Armando Cavalcante Aguilar, Jérôme Boudy, Dan Istrate
, Bernadette Dorizzi, João Cesar Moura Mota:
A Dynamic Evidential Network for Fall Detection. 1103-1113 - Heidi Similä, Jani Mäntyjärvi
, Juho Merilahti, Mikko Lindholm, Miikka Ermes:
Accelerometry-Based Berg Balance Scale Score Estimation. 1114-1121 - Andrea Mannini
, Vincenzo Genovese, Angelo Maria Sabatini:
Online Decoding of Hidden Markov Models for Gait Event Detection Using Foot-Mounted Gyroscopes. 1122-1130 - Nora Millor
, Pablo Lecumberri, Marisol Gómez
, Alicia Martinez-Ramirez
, Mikel Izquierdo
Drift-Free Position Estimation for Periodic Movements Using Inertial Units. 1131-1137 - Chrysa D. Papadaniil, Leontios J. Hadjileontiadis
Efficient Heart Sound Segmentation and Extraction Using Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition and Kurtosis Features. 1138-1152 - Hamed Monkaresi
, Rafael A. Calvo, Hong Yan
A Machine Learning Approach to Improve Contactless Heart Rate Monitoring Using a Webcam. 1153-1160 - Sebastijan Sprager
, Damjan Zazula:
Optimization of Heartbeat Detection in Fiber-Optic Unobtrusive Measurements by Using Maximum A Posteriori Probability Estimation. 1161-1168 - Faezeh Marzbanrad
, Yoshitaka Kimura, Kiyoe Funamoto, Rika Sugibayashi, Miyuki Endo, Takuya Ito, Marimuthu Palaniswami
, Ahsan H. Khandoker
Automated Estimation of Fetal Cardiac Timing Events From Doppler Ultrasound Signal Using Hybrid Models. 1169-1177 - Boudewijn Venema, Hartmut Gehring, Ina Michelsen, Nikolai Blanik, Vladimir Blazek, Steffen Leonhardt
Robustness, Specificity, and Reliability of an In-Ear Pulse Oximetric Sensor in Surgical Patients. 1178-1185 - Jun Deng, Shixiong Chen, Xiaoping Zeng, Guanglin Li
Using a Dynamic Tracking Filter to Extract Distortion-Product Otoacoustic Emissions Evoked With Swept-Tone Signals. 1186-1195 - Behailu Kibret
, MirHojjat Seyedi
, Daniel T. H. Lai, Michael Faulkner
Investigation of Galvanic-Coupled Intrabody Communication Using the Human Body Circuit Model. 1196-1206 - Tomas Fico, Frantisek Duchon, Jozef Dubravsky:
Hardware and Software Realization of EDSD for Acupuncture Research and Practice. 1207-1213 - Hyonyoung Han, Sungho Jo:
Supervised Hierarchical Bayesian Model-Based Electomyographic Control and Analysis. 1214-1224 - Bruno Perriot, Jerome Argod, Jean Louis Pépin
, Norbert Noury
Characterization of Physical Activity in COPD Patients: Validation of a Robust Algorithm for Actigraphic Measurements in Living Situations. 1225-1231 - Xun Chen, Z. Jane Wang, Martin J. McKeown
A Three-Step Multimodal Analysis Framework for Modeling Corticomuscular Activity With Application to Parkinson's Disease. 1232-1241 - Harshvardhan Vathsangam, E. Todd Schroeder, Gaurav S. Sukhatme:
Hierarchical Approaches to Estimate Energy Expenditure Using Phone-Based Accelerometers. 1242-1252 - Yujie Dong, Jenna L. Scisco, Mike Wilson, Eric Muth, Adam W. Hoover:
Detecting Periods of Eating During Free-Living by Tracking Wrist Motion. 1253-1260 - Marios Anthimopoulos, Lauro Gianola, Luca Scarnato, Peter Diem, Stavroula G. Mougiakakou:
A Food Recognition System for Diabetic Patients Based on an Optimized Bag-of-Features Model. 1261-1271 - Xi Long
, Pedro Fonseca
, Jérôme Foussier, Reinder Haakma, Ronald M. Aarts
Sleep and Wake Classification With Actigraphy and Respiratory Effort Using Dynamic Warping. 1272-1284 - Hoa Dinh Nguyen, Brek A. Wilkins, Qi Cheng
, Bruce Allen Benjamin:
An Online Sleep Apnea Detection Method Based on Recurrence Quantification Analysis. 1285-1293 - Seungku Kim, Doo Seop Eom:
Link-State-Estimation-Based Transmission Power Control in Wireless Body Area Networks. 1294-1302 - Narjes Torabi, Victor C. M. Leung
Cross-Layer Design for Prompt and Reliable Transmissions Over Body Area Networks. 1303-1316 - Feng Yang, Yue-Min Zhu
, Jianhua Luo, Marc C. Robini, Jie Liu, Pierre Croisille
A Comparative Study of Different Level Interpolations for Improving Spatial Resolution in Diffusion Tensor Imaging. 1317-1327 - Carla Agurto
, Víctor Murray
, Honggang Yu, Jeffrey Wigdahl, Marios S. Pattichis
, Sheila C. Nemeth, E. Simon Barriga, Peter Soliz:
A Multiscale Optimization Approach to Detect Exudates in the Macula. 1328-1336 - Matthew J. Nitzken, Manuel F. Casanova, Georgy L. Gimel'farb
, Tamer Inanc, Jacek M. Zurada, Ayman El-Baz
Shape Analysis of the Human Brain: A Brief Survey. 1337-1354 - Shenshen Sun, Yang Guo, Yubao Guan, Huizhi Ren, Linan Fan, Yan Kang:
Juxta-Vascular Nodule Segmentation Based on Flow Entropy and Geodesic Distance. 1355-1362 - Nadin Kökciyan, Rüstü Türkay, Suzan Üsküdarli
, Pinar Yolum, Baris Bakir, Burak Acar
Semantic Description of Liver CT Images: An Ontological Approach. 1363-1369 - Sinan Onal, Susana K. Lai-Yuen, Paul Bao, Alfredo Weitzenfeld, Stuart Hart:
MRI-Based Segmentation of Pubic Bone for Evaluation of Pelvic Organ Prolapse. 1370-1378 - Yi Wang, Wallapak Tavanapong, Johnny Wong, Jung-Hwan Oh, Piet C. de Groen:
Part-Based Multiderivative Edge Cross-Sectional Profiles for Polyp Detection in Colonoscopy. 1379-1389 - Gulden Olgun
, Cenk Sokmensuer, Cigdem Gunduz Demir:
Local Object Patterns for the Representation and Classification of Colon Tissue Images. 1390-1396 - Ricardo T. Ribeiro, Rui Tato Marinho, J. Miguel Sanches
An Ultrasound-Based Computer-Aided Diagnosis Tool for Steatosis Detection. 1397-1403 - Luís S. Ribeiro, Carlos Viana-Ferreira, José Luís Oliveira
, Carlos Costa
XDS-I Outsourcing Proxy: Ensuring Confidentiality While Preserving Interoperability. 1404-1412 - Alessandro Gherardi
, Alessandro Bevilacqua
Manual Stage Acquisition and Interactive Display of Digital Slides in Histopathology. 1413-1422 - Lakshmi Srinivasan, Yothin Rakvongthai, Soontorn Oraintara:
Microarray Image Denoising Using Complex Gaussian Scale Mixtures of Complex Wavelets. 1423-1430 - Assad Abbas
, Samee Ullah Khan
A Review on the State-of-the-Art Privacy-Preserving Approaches in the e-Health Clouds. 1431-1441 - Stuart Hagler
, Holly Brügge Jimison, Misha Pavel:
Assessing Executive Function Using a Computer Game: Computational Modeling of Cognitive Processes. 1442-1452 - Ali Jalali, Erin M. Buckley
, Jennifer M. Lynch, Peter J. Schwab, Daniel J. Licht, Chandrasekhar Nataraj:
Prediction of Periventricular Leukomalacia Occurrence in Neonates After Heart Surgery. 1453-1460 - Jianjun Meng, Xinjun Sheng
, Dingguo Zhang, Xiangyang Zhu:
Improved Semisupervised Adaptation for a Small Training Dataset in the Brain-Computer Interface. 1461-1472 - Meihong Deng, Uta Dahmen, Jian Sun, Hai Huang, Christian Sehestedt, André Homeyer
, Andrea Schenk
, Olaf Dirsch:
Limited Correlation Between Conventional Pathologist and Automatic Computer-Assisted Quantification of Hepatic Steatosis due to Difference Between Event-Based and Surface-Based Analysis. 1473-1477 - Akshay Vankipuram, Prabal Khanal, Aaron Ashby, Mithra Vankipuram, Ashish Gupta, Denise Drumm-Gurnee, Karen Josey, Marshall L. Smith:
Design and Development of a Virtual Reality Simulator for Advanced Cardiac Life Support Training. 1478-1484 - Beatriz Remeseiro
, Verónica Bolón-Canedo, Diego Peteiro-Barral, Amparo Alonso-Betanzos
, Bertha Guijarro-Berdiñas, Antonio Mosquera González
, Manuel G. Penedo
, Noelia Sánchez-Maroño
A Methodology for Improving Tear Film Lipid Layer Classification. 1485-1493 - Hengameh Mirzaalian, Tim K. Lee, Ghassan Hamarneh
Spatial Normalization of Human Back Images for Dermatological Studies. 1494-1501 - Tanvi Banerjee, Marjorie Skubic, James M. Keller, Carmen Abbott:
Sit-to-Stand Measurement for In-Home Monitoring Using Voxel Analysis. 1502-1509
Volume 18, Number 5, September 2014
- Pawel Swiatek, Maria G. Martini
, Katarzyna Wac, Kevin Patrick:
Guest Editorial Service Science for e-Health. 1515-1517 - Giovanna Sannino
, Ivanoe De Falco
, Giuseppe De Pietro:
An Automatic Rules Extraction Approach to Support OSA Events Detection in an mHealth System. 1518-1524 - Jacek Lewandowski
, Hisbel E. Arochena, Raouf N. Gorgui-Naguib
, Kuo-Ming Chao
, Alexeis Garcia-Perez
Logic-Centered Architecture for Ubiquitous Health Monitoring. 1525-1532 - Osman Salem
, Yaning Liu, Ahmed Mehaoua, Raouf Boutaba:
Online Anomaly Detection in Wireless Body Area Networks for Reliable Healthcare Monitoring. 1541-1551 - Manzoor Razaak, Maria G. Martini
, Ketty Savino
A Study on Quality Assessment for Medical Ultrasound Video Compressed via HEVC. 1552-1559 - Ioan Stanculescu, Christopher K. I. Williams, Yvonne Freer:
Autoregressive Hidden Markov Models for the Early Detection of Neonatal Sepsis. 1560-1570 - Lalit Garg
, Justin Dauwels, Arul Earnest
, Khai Pang Leong:
Tensor-Based Methods for Handling Missing Data in Quality-of-Life Questionnaires. 1571-1580 - Anpeng Huang, Wenyao Xu, Zhinan Li, Linzhen Xie, Majid Sarrafzadeh, Xiaoming Li, Jason Cong:
System Light-Loading Technology for mHealth: Manifold-Learning-Based Medical Data Cleansing and Clinical Trials in WE-CARE Project. 1581-1589 - Johanna Petersen, Daniel Austin, Jeffrey A. Kaye, Misha Pavel, Tamara L. Hayes:
Unobtrusive In-Home Detection of Time Spent Out-of-Home With Applications to Loneliness and Physical Activity. 1590-1596 - Henrique Damasceno Vianna, Jorge Luis Victória Barbosa
A Model for Ubiquitous Care of Noncommunicable Diseases. 1597-1606 - Daniel R. Harris
, Darren W. Henderson, Ramakanth Kavuluru
, Arnold J. Stromberg, Todd R. Johnson:
Using Common Table Expressions to Build a Scalable Boolean Query Generator for Clinical Data Warehouses. 1607-1613 - Rifai Chai
, Sai-Ho Ling, Gregory P. Hunter, Yvonne Tran
, Hung T. Nguyen
Brain-Computer Interface Classifier for Wheelchair Commands Using Neural Network With Fuzzy Particle Swarm Optimization. 1614-1624 - Gaetano Valenza
, Mimma Nardelli
, Antonio Lanatà
, Claudio Gentili
, Gilles Bertschy
, Rita Paradiso
, Enzo Pasquale Scilingo
Wearable Monitoring for Mood Recognition in Bipolar Disorder Based on History-Dependent Long-Term Heart Rate Variability Analysis. 1625-1635 - Nabil Alshurafa
, Wenyao Xu, Jason J. Liu, Ming-Chun Huang
, Bobak Mortazavi, Christian K. Roberts, Majid Sarrafzadeh:
Designing a Robust Activity Recognition Framework for Health and Exergaming Using Wearable Sensors. 1636-1646 - Shing-Hong Liu, Kang-Ming Chang, Da-Chuan Cheng:
The Progression of Muscle Fatigue During Exercise Estimation With the Aid of High-Frequency Component Parameters Derived From Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition. 1647-1658 - Jiheum Park, Chiyul Yoon, Jung Chan Lee
, Jae Yun Jung
, Do Kyun Kim, Young Ho Kwak
, Hee Chan Kim:
Manikin-Integrated Digital Measuring System for Assessment of Infant Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Techniques. 1659-1667 - Eva Cavero, Álvaro Alesanco Iglesias
, José García
Real-Time Echocardiogram Transmission Protocol Based on Regions and Visualization Modes. 1668-1677 - Jinyoung Kim, Christophe Lenglet
, Yuval Duchin, Guillermo Sapiro, Noam Harel
Semiautomatic Segmentation of Brain Subcortical Structures From High-Field MRI. 1678-1695 - Xianjing Qin, Xuelong Li
, Yang Liu, Hongbing Lu, Pingkun Yan
Adaptive Shape Prior Constrained Level Sets for Bladder MR Image Segmentation. 1707-1716 - Sohini Roychowdhury, Dara Koozekanani, Keshab K. Parhi
DREAM: Diabetic Retinopathy Analysis Using Machine Learning. 1717-1728 - Hongming Xu
, Cheng Lu
, Mrinal Mandal:
An Efficient Technique for Nuclei Segmentation Based on Ellipse Descriptor Analysis and Improved Seed Detection Algorithm. 1729-1741
Volume 18, Number 6, November 2014
- Laura M. Roa, Javier Reina-Tosina
, Niilo Saranummi, Nigel H. Lovell
, Donna L. Hudson:
Guest Editorial Biomedical ITC Convergence Engineering. 1747-1749 - Gabriele Guidi
, Maria Chiara Pettenati
, Paolo Melillo, Ernesto Iadanza
A Machine Learning System to Improve Heart Failure Patient Assistance. 1750-1756 - Sandra Morales
, Valery Naranjo
, Amparo Navea
, Mariano Alcañiz Raya
Computer-Aided Diagnosis Software for Hypertensive Risk Determination Through Fundus Image Processing. 1757-1763 - Roberta Gazzarata
, Fabio Vergari, Tullio Salmon Cinotti
, Mauro Giacomini
A Standardized SOA for Clinical Data Interchange in a Cardiac Telemonitoring Environment. 1764-1774 - Utku Gülan
, Beat Lüthi, Markus Holzner
, Alex Liberzon
, Arkady Tsinober, Wolfgang Kinzelbach
Experimental Investigation of the Influence of the Aortic Stiffness on Hemodynamics in the Ascending Aorta. 1775-1780 - Mikko Peltokangas, Antti Vehkaoja
, Jarmo Verho, Matti Huotari, Juha Röning
, Jukka Lekkala
Monitoring Arterial Pulse Waves With Synchronous Body Sensor Network. 1781-1787 - Nicola Carbonaro
, Gabriele Dalle Mura, Federico Lorussi, Rita Paradiso
, Danilo De Rossi, Alessandro Tognetti
Exploiting Wearable Goniometer Technology for Motion Sensing Gloves. 1788-1795 - Miguel A. Estudillo-Valderrama, Alejandro Talaminos-Barroso, Laura M. Roa
, David Naranjo-Hernández
, Javier Reina-Tosina
, Nuria Areste-Fosalba
, Jose A. Milan-Martin:
A Distributed Approach to Alarm Management in Chronic Kidney Disease. 1796-1803 - Nizan Friedman, Justin B. Rowe, David J. Reinkensmeyer, Mark Bachman:
The Manumeter: A Wearable Device for Monitoring Daily Use of the Wrist and Fingers. 1804-1812 - Guohun Zhu
, Yan Li
, Peng Paul Wen
Analysis and Classification of Sleep Stages Based on Difference Visibility Graphs From a Single-Channel EEG Signal. 1813-1821 - Yu-Liang Hsu, Pau-Choo Chung, Wei-Hsin Wang, Ming-Chyi Pai
, Chun-Yao Wang, Chien-Wen Lin, Hao-Li Wu, Jeen-Shing Wang:
Gait and Balance Analysis for Patients With Alzheimer's Disease Using an Inertial-Sensor-Based Wearable Instrument. 1822-1830 - Santi Seguí
, Michal Drozdzal, Ekaterina Zaytseva, Carolina Malagelada
, Fernando Azpiroz
, Petia Radeva
, Jordi Vitrià
Detection of Wrinkle Frames in Endoluminal Videos Using Betweenness Centrality Measures for Images. 1831-1838 - Wang Wei Lee, Shih-Cheng Yen, Ee Beng Arthur Tay
, Ziyi Zhao, Tian Ma Xu
, Karen Koh Mui Ling, Yee Sien Ng
, Effie Chew, Angela Lou Kuen Cheong, Gerald Koh Choon Huat:
A Smartphone-Centric System for the Range of Motion Assessment in Stroke Patients. 1839-1847 - Georgia D. Ntouni, Athanasios S. Lioumpas
, Konstantina S. Nikita
Reliable and Energy-Efficient Communications for Wireless Biomedical Implant Systems. 1848-1856 - Dustin T. Dunsmuir
, Beth A. Payne, Garth Cloete, Christian L. Petersen, Matthias Görges
, Joanne Lim, Peter von Dadelszen
, Guy Albert Dumont
, John Mark Ansermino
Development of mHealth Applications for Pre-Eclampsia Triage. 1857-1864 - Alberto Greco
, Gaetano Valenza
, Antonio Lanatà
, Giuseppina Rota, Enzo Pasquale Scilingo
Electrodermal Activity in Bipolar Patients during Affective Elicitation. 1865-1873 - Ana G. Salazar-Gonzalez, Djibril Kaba, Yongmin Li
, Xiaohui Liu:
Segmentation of the Blood Vessels and Optic Disk in Retinal Images. 1874-1886 - Jeroen Wyffels, Jos De Brabanter, Pieter Crombez, Piet Verhoeve, Bart Nauwelaers
, Lieven De Strycker
Distributed, Signal Strength-Based Indoor Localization Algorithm for Use in Healthcare Environments. 1887-1893 - Nan Liu
, Zhixiong Koh
, Eric Chern-Pin Chua, Licia Mei-Ling Tan, Zhiping Lin, Bilal Mirza, Marcus Eng Hock Ong:
Risk Scoring for Prediction of Acute Cardiac Complications from Imbalanced Clinical Data. 1894-1902 - Saiyi Li, Mario Ferraro, Terry Caelli
, Pubudu N. Pathirana
A Syntactic Two-Component Encoding Model for the Trajectories of Human Actions. 1903-1914 - Xin Ma, Haibo Wang, Bingxia Xue, Mingang Zhou, Bing Ji
, Yibin Li:
Depth-Based Human Fall Detection via Shape Features and Improved Extreme Learning Machine. 1915-1922 - Aruna Vivekanand, Naoufel Werghi
, Hussain Al-Ahmad
Multiscale Roughness Approach for Assessing Posterior Capsule Opacification. 1923-1931 - Ye Sun
, Xiong Bill Yu:
An Innovative Nonintrusive Driver Assistance System for Vital Signal Monitoring. 1932-1939

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