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IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, Volume 5
Volume 5, Number 1, January 2006
- Nitin H. Vaidya:
EIC Editorial: State of the Transactions. 1-3 - Mansi Ramakrishnan Thoppian, Ravi Prakash
A Distributed Protocol for Dynamic Address Assignment in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. 4-19 - Bing-Zhong Wang
, Zhong-Jun Yu, Wei Shao, Ping-Ping Ding:
Analyses of Bounces on Power Distribution Networks Using an Unconditionally Stable Finite-Difference Time-Domain Method. 20-27 - Kumar Viswanath, Katia Obraczka, Gene Tsudik:
Exploring Mesh and Tree-Based Multicast Routing Protocols for MANETs. 28-42 - Srdjan Capkun, Jean-Pierre Hubaux, Levente Buttyán:
Mobility Helps Peer-to-Peer Security. 43-51 - Suttipong Thajchayapong
, Jon M. Peha:
Mobility Patterns in Microcellular Wireless Networks. 52-63 - Yang Xiao
, Hui Chen, Mohsen Guizani:
Performance Evaluation of Pipeline Paging under Paging Delay Constraint for Wireless Systems. 64-76 - Liangzhong Yin, Guohong Cao:
Supporting Cooperative Caching in Ad Hoc Networks. 77-89
Volume 5, Number 2, February 2006
- Dipanjan Chakraborty, Anupam Joshi
, Yelena Yesha, Timothy W. Finin
Toward Distributed Service Discovery in Pervasive Computing Environments. 97-112 - Andreas Krause
, Asim Smailagic, Daniel P. Siewiorek
Context-Aware Mobile Computing: Learning Context-Dependent Personal Preferences from a Wearable Sensor Array. 113-127 - Nachiketh R. Potlapally, Srivaths Ravi, Anand Raghunathan
, Niraj K. Jha:
A Study of the Energy Consumption Characteristics of Cryptographic Algorithms and Security Protocols. 128-143 - Feng Zhang, Terence D. Todd, Dongmei Zhao, Vytas Kezys:
Power Saving Access Points for IEEE 802.11 Wireless Network Infrastructure. 144-156 - Srijan Chakraborty, Yu Dong, David K. Y. Yau, John C. S. Lui:
On the Effectiveness of Movement Prediction to Reduce Energy Consumption in Wireless Communication. 157-169 - Dongmei Zhao, Terence D. Todd:
Cellular CDMA Capacity with Out-of-Band Multihop Relaying. 170-178 - Ing-Ray Chen, Baoshan Gu, Sheng-Tzong Cheng:
On Integrated Location and Service Management for Minimizing Network Cost in Personal Communication Systems. 179-192
Volume 5, Number 3, March 2006
- Majid Ghaderi, Raouf Boutaba:
Call Admission Control for Voice/Data Integration in Broadband Wireless Networks. 193-207 - Alberto López Toledo, Xiaodong Wang:
TCP Performance over Wireless MIMO Channels with ARQ and Packet Combining. 208-223 - Yuh-Shyan Chen
, Ting-Lung Lin:
Code Placement and Replacement Schemes for WCDMA Rotated-OVSF Code Tree Management. 224-239 - Xue Yang, Nitin H. Vaidya, Priya Ravichandran:
Split-Channel Pipelined Packet Scheduling for Wireless Networks. 240-257 - Xue Yang, Nitin H. Vaidya:
A Wireless MAC Protocol Using Implicit Pipelining. 258-273 - Oliver Holland, A. Hamid Aghvami:
Dynamic Switching between One-to-Many Download Methods in "All-IP" Cellular Networks. 274-287
Volume 5, Number 4, April 2006
- Francesco Vacirca, Andrea De Vendictis, Andrea Baiocchi:
Optimal Design of Hybrid FEC/ARQ Schemes for TCP over Wireless Links with Rayleigh Fading. 289-302 - Shengjie Zhao, Zixiang Xiong, Xiaodong Wang, Jianping Hua:
Progressive Video Delivery over Wideband Wireless Channels Using Space-Time Differentially Coded OFDM Systems. 303-316 - Chien-Chung Shen, Zhuochuan Huang, Chaiporn Jaikaeo:
Directional Broadcast for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks with Percolation Theory. 317-332 - Song Guo
, Oliver W. W. Yang:
Minimum-Energy Multicast in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks with Adaptive Antennas: MILP Formulations and Heuristic Algorithms. 333-346 - Yuan Xue, Baochun Li, Klara Nahrstedt:
Optimal Resource Allocation in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks: A Price-Based Approach. 347-364 - Naouel Ben Salem, Levente Buttyán, Jean-Pierre Hubaux, Markus Jakobsson:
Node Cooperation in Hybrid Ad Hoc Networks. 365-376 - Weifa Liang
Approximate Minimum-Energy Multicasting in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks. 377-387 - Kameswari Chebrolu, Ramesh R. Rao:
Bandwidth Aggregation for Real-Time Applications in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks. 388-403 - Fei Hu, Yu Wang, Hongyi Wu:
Mobile Telemedicine Sensor Networks with Low-Energy Data Query and Network Lifetime Considerations. 404-417 - Feng Zhu
, Matt W. Mutka
, Lionel M. Ni:
A Private, Secure, and User-Centric Information Exposure Model for Service Discovery Protocols. 418-429 - C. K. Ng, H. W. Chan:
Performance Modeling of Level Switching in Multitier Mobile Communication Systems. 430-444
Volume 5, Number 5, May 2006
- Nitin H. Vaidya:
EIC Editorial. 449-451 - Hoang Nam Nguyen, Iwao Sasase:
Downlink Queuing Model and Packet Scheduling for Providing Lossless Handoff and QoS in 4G Mobile Networks. 452-462 - Márk Félegyházi, Jean-Pierre Hubaux, Levente Buttyán:
Nash Equilibria of Packet Forwarding Strategies in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks. 463-476 - Romit Roy Choudhury, Xue Yang, Ram Ramanathan, Nitin H. Vaidya:
On Designing MAC Protocols for Wireless Networks Using Directional Antennas. 477-491 - Jiun-Long Huang, Ming-Syan Chen
On the Effect of Group Mobility to Data Replication in Ad Hoc Networks. 492-507 - Zhuochuan Huang, Chien-Chung Shen:
Multibeam Antenna-Based Topology Control with Directional Power Intensity for Ad Hoc Networks. 508-517 - Qi Han, Nalini Venkatasubramanian:
Information Collection Services for QoS-Aware Mobile Applications. 518-535 - Mike Hazas
, Andy Hopper:
Broadband Ultrasonic Location Systems for Improved Indoor Positioning. 536-547 - Petar Djukic
, Shahrokh Valaee:
Reliable Packet Transmissions in Multipath Routed Wireless Networks. 548-559 - Chih-Min Chao, Jang-Ping Sheu, I-Cheng Chou:
An Adaptive Quorum-Based Energy Conserving Protocol for IEEE 802.11 Ad Hoc Networks. 560-570 - Andrea Acquaviva, Emanuele Lattanzi
, Alessandro Bogliolo
Power-Aware Network Swapping for Wireless Palmtop PCs. 571-582 - Zuji Mao, Christos Douligeris:
Group Registration with Local Anchor for Location Tracking in Mobile Networks. 583-595 - Weizhao Wang, Xiang-Yang Li:
Low-Cost Routing in Selfish and Rational Wireless Ad Hoc Networks. 596-607
Volume 5, Number 6, June 2006
- Xin Yu:
Distributed Cache Updating for the Dynamic Source Routing Protocol. 609-626 - Kiran K. Vadde, Violet R. Syrotiuk, Douglas C. Montgomery:
Optimizing Protocol Interaction Using Response Surface Methodology. 627-639 - Guiling Wang, Guohong Cao, Thomas F. La Porta:
Movement-Assisted Sensor Deployment. 640-652 - Luke Ritchie, Hyo-Sik Yang
, Andréa W. Richa, Martin Reisslein
Cluster Overlay Broadcast (COB): MANET Routing with Complexity Polynomial in Source-Destination Distance. 653-667 - Dusit Niyato
, Ekram Hossain:
Queue-Aware Uplink Bandwidth Allocation and Rate Control for Polling Service in IEEE 802.16 Broadband Wireless Networks. 668-679 - Esa Hyytiä
, Pasi E. Lassila, Jorma T. Virtamo:
Spatial Node Distribution of the Random Waypoint Mobility Model with Applications. 680-694 - Asad Amir Pirzada, Chris McDonald, Amitava Datta
Performance Comparison of Trust-Based Reactive Routing Protocols. 695-710 - Mihaela Cardei, Jie Wu, Shuhui Yang:
Topology Control in Ad Hoc Wireless Networks Using Cooperative Communication. 711-724 - Rung-Hung Gau, Kuan-Mei Chen:
Predictive Multicast Polling for Wireless Networks with Multipacket Reception and Queuing. 725-737 - Emad A. Felemban
, Chang-Gun Lee, Eylem Ekici
MMSPEED: Multipath Multi-SPEED Protocol for QoS Guarantee of Reliability and Timeliness in Wireless Sensor Networks. 738-754 - Mihaela van der Schaar, Yiannis Andreopoulos, Zhiping Hu:
Optimized Scalable Video Streaming over IEEE 802.11a/e HCCA Wireless Networks under Delay Constraints. 755-768
Volume 5, Number 7, July 2006
- Min-Xiou Chen, Ren-Hung Hwang
Efficient OVSF Code Assignment and Reassignment Strategies in UMTS. 769-783 - Andre Claude Bayomock Linwa, Samuel Pierre:
Discovering the Architecture of Geo-Located Web Services for Next Generation Mobile Networks. 784-798 - Wanghong Yuan, Klara Nahrstedt, Sarita V. Adve, Douglas L. Jones, Robin Kravets
GRACE-1: Cross-Layer Adaptation for Multimedia Quality and Battery Energy. 799-815 - C. Michael Olsen, Chandra Narayanaswami:
PowerNap: An Efficient Power Management Scheme for Mobile Devices. 816-828 - Sunwoong Choi
, Kihong Park, Chong-kwon Kim:
Performance Impact of Interlayer Dependence in Infrastructure WLANs. 829-845 - Keith S. Vallerio, Lin Zhong, Niraj K. Jha:
Energy-Efficient Graphical User Interface Design. 846-859 - Jungkeun Yoon, Mingyan Liu
, Brian Noble:
A General Framework to Construct Stationary Mobility Models for the Simulation of Mobile Networks. 860-871 - Jang-Ping Sheu, Kuei-Ping Shih
, Shin-Chih Tu, Chao-Hsun Cheng:
A Traffic-Aware Scheduling for Bluetooth Scatternets. 872-883 - Somnath Sinha Maha Patra, Kousik Roy, Sarthak Banerjee, Deo Prakash Vidyarthi:
Improved Genetic Algorithm for Channel Allocation with Channel Borrowing in Mobile Computing. 884-892 - Shlomi Dolev
, Elad Schiller, Jennifer L. Welch:
Random Walk for Self-Stabilizing Group Communication in Ad Hoc Networks. 893-905 - Duck-Yong Yang, Tae-Jin Lee, Kyunghun Jang, Jin-Bong Chang, Sunghyun Choi
Performance Enhancement of Multirate IEEE 802.11 WLANs with Geographically Scattered Stations. 906-919 - Sinem Coleri Ergen
, Pravin Varaiya:
PEDAMACS: Power Efficient and Delay Aware Medium Access Protocol for Sensor Networks. 920-930 - Ying Cai, Kien A. Hua, Guohong Cao, Toby Xu:
Real-Time Processing of Range-Monitoring Queries in Heterogeneous Mobile Databases. 931-942
- Paolo Santi, Douglas M. Blough, Henning Bostelmann
A Comment on "The Critical Transmitting Range for Connectivity in Sparse Wireless Ad Hoc Networks'. 943-944
Volume 5, Number 8, August 2006
- Sandip Roy, Kristin Herlugson, Ali Saberi:
A Control-Theoretic Approach to Distributed Discrete-Valued Decision-Making in Networks of Sensing Agents. 945-957 - Arun A. Somasundara, Aman Kansal, David Jea, Deborah Estrin, Mani B. Srivastava:
Controllably Mobile Infrastructure for Low Energy Embedded Networks. 958-973 - Jiun-Long Huang, Wen-Chih Peng, Ming-Syan Chen
SOM: Dynamic Push-Pull Channel Allocation Framework for Mobile Data Broadcasting. 974-990 - Petar Popovski
, Hiroyuki Yomo, Ramjee Prasad:
Dynamic Adaptive Frequency Hopping for Mutually Interfering Wireless Personal Area Networks. 991-1003 - Randeep Bhatia, Li (Erran) Li, Haiyun Luo, Ramachandran Ramjee:
ICAM: Integrated Cellular and Ad Hoc Multicast. 1004-1015 - Yong Sun, Zixiang Xiong:
Progressive Image Transmission over Space-Time Coded OFDM-Based MIMO Systems with Adaptive Modulation. 1016-1028 - Sergio Ilarri
, Eduardo Mena
, Arantza Illarramendi
Location-Dependent Queries in Mobile Contexts: Distributed Processing Using Mobile Agents. 1029-1043 - Chih-Yu Lin, Wen-Chih Peng, Yu-Chee Tseng:
Efficient In-Network Moving Object Tracking in Wireless Sensor Networks. 1044-1056 - Mark Kai Ho Yeung, Yu-Kwong Kwok:
A Game Theoretic Approach to Power Aware Wireless Data Access. 1057-1073 - Vedat Coskun
, Erdal Cayirci, Albert Levi
, Serdar Sancak:
Quarantine Region Scheme to Mitigate Spam Attacks in Wireless Sensor Networks. 1074-1086 - Yang Xiao
, Hui Chen:
Optimal Callback with Two-Level Adaptation for Wireless Data Access. 1087-1102 - Tian Bu, Mun Choon Chan, Ramachandran Ramjee:
Connectivity, Performance, and Resiliency of IP-Based CDMA Radio Access Networks. 1103-1118
Volume 5, Number 9, September 2006
- Hanane Fathi, Shyam S. Chakraborty, Ramjee Prasad:
Optimization of SIP Session Setup Delay for VoIP in 3G Wireless Networks. 1121-1132 - Jianhua Liu, Jian Li:
Packet Design and Signal Processing for OFDM-Based Mobile Broadband Wireless Communication Systems. 1133-1142 - Teerawat Issariyakul, Ekram Hossain, Attahiru Sule Alfa:
End-to-End Batch Transmission in a Multihop and Multirate Wireless Network: Latency, Reliability, and Throughput Analysis. 1143-1155 - Prince Samar, Stephen B. Wicker:
Link Dynamics and Protocol Design in a Multihop Mobile Environment. 1156-1172 - Brian S. Peterson, Rusty O. Baldwin, Jeffrey P. Kharoufeh
Bluetooth Inquiry Time Characterization and Selection. 1173-1187 - Jie Wu, Fei Dai:
Virtual Backbone Construction in MANETs Using Adjustable Transmission Ranges. 1188-1200 - Hao Zhu, Guohong Cao:
rDCF: A Relay-Enabled Medium Access Control Protocol for Wireless Ad Hoc Networks. 1201-1214 - Weifa Liang
, Xiaoxing Guo:
Online Multicasting for Network Capacity Maximization in Energy-Constrained Ad Hoc Networks. 1215-1227 - Rong Zheng, Jennifer C. Hou, Lui Sha:
Optimal Block Design for Asynchronous Wake-Up Schedules and Its Applications in Multihop Wireless Networks. 1228-1241 - Giuseppe Ateniese
, Chris Riley, Christian Scheideler:
Survivable Monitoring in Dynamic Networks. 1242-1254 - Y. Thomas Hou
, Yi Shi
, Jianping Pan
, Scott F. Midkiff
Maximizing the Lifetime of Wireless Sensor Networks through Optimal Single-Session Flow Routing. 1255-1266 - Douglas M. Blough, Mauro Leoncini, Giovanni Resta
, Paolo Santi:
The k-Neighbors Approach to Interference Bounded and Symmetric Topology Control in Ad Hoc Networks. 1267-1282 - Alberto López Toledo, Tom Vercauteren
, Xiaodong Wang:
Adaptive Optimization of IEEE 802.11 DCF Based on Bayesian Estimation of the Number of Competing Terminals. 1283-1296
Volume 5, Number 10, October 2006
- Bülent Tavli
, Wendi B. Heinzelman
Energy and Spatial Reuse Efficient Network-Wide Real-Time Data Broadcasting in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. 1297-1312 - Carlos Cordeiro, Sachin Abhyankar, Dharma P. Agrawal:
Scalable and QoS-Aware Dynamic Slot Assignment and Piconet Partitioning to Enhance the Performance of Bluetooth Ad Hoc Networks. 1313-1330 - Constantinos Papadopoulos:
Improving Awareness in Mobile CSCW. 1331-1346 - Shantidev Mohanty, Ian F. Akyildiz:
A Cross-Layer (Layer 2 + 3) Handoff Management Protocol for Next-Generation Wireless Systems. 1347-1360 - Jianliang Zheng, Myung J. Lee, Michael Anshel:
Toward Secure Low Rate Wireless Personal Area Networks. 1361-1373 - Young-June Choi, Saewoong Bahk:
Delay-Sensitive Packet Scheduling for a Wireless Access Link. 1374-1383 - Bugra Gedik, Ling Liu:
MobiEyes: A Distributed Location Monitoring Service Using Moving Location Queries. 1384-1402 - Rendong Bai, Mukesh Singhal:
DOA: DSR over AODV Routing for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. 1403-1416 - Dirk Westhoff, Joao Girão, Mithun Acharya:
Concealed Data Aggregation for Reverse Multicast Traffic in Sensor Networks: Encryption, Key Distribution, and Routing Adaptation. 1417-1431 - Sooksan Panichpapiboon, Gianluigi Ferrari
, Ozan K. Tonguz:
Optimal Transmit Power in Wireless Sensor Networks. 1432-1447 - S. Hasan Raza Naqvi, Lalit M. Patnaik:
A Distributed Channel Access Protocol for Ad Hoc Networks with Feedback Power Control. 1448-1459 - Yingshu Li
, My T. Thai, Feng Wang
, Ding-Zhu Du:
On the Construction of a Strongly Connected Broadcast Arborescence with Bounded Transmission Delay. 1460-1470 - Chia-Hung Lin, Ming-Jer Tsai:
A Comment on "HEED: A Hybrid, Energy-Efficient, Distributed Clustering Approach for Ad Hoc Sensor Networks'. 1471-1472
Volume 5, Number 11, November 2006
- Lin Zhong, Niraj K. Jha:
Dynamic Power Optimization Targeting User Delays in Interactive Systems. 1473-1488 - Anthony J. Nicholson, Mark D. Corner, Brian D. Noble:
Mobile Device Security Using Transient Authentication. 1489-1502 - Hongqiang Zhai, Yuguang Fang
Distributed Flow Control and Medium Access in Multihop Ad Hoc Networks. 1503-1514 - Takahiro Hara, Sanjay Kumar Madria:
Data Replication for Improving Data Accessibility in Ad Hoc Networks. 1515-1532 - Gergely Ács, Levente Buttyán, István Vajda:
Provably Secure On-Demand Source Routing in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. 1533-1546 - Kuang-Hui Chi, Ji-Han Jiang, Li-Hsing Yen:
Cost-Effective Caching for Mobility Support in IEEE 802.1X Frameworks. 1547-1560 - Gang Ding, Zafer Sahinoglu, Philip V. Orlik, Jinyun Zhang, Bharat K. Bhargava:
Tree-Based Data Broadcast in IEEE 802.15.4 and ZigBee Networks. 1561-1574 - Haijin Yan, Scott A. Watterson, David K. Lowenthal, Kang Li, Rupa Krishnan, Larry L. Peterson:
Client-Centered, Energy-Efficient Wireless Communication on IEEE 802.11b Networks. 1575-1590 - Li-Chun Wang
, Chih-Wen Chang:
Gap Processing Time Analysis of Stall Avoidance Schemes for High-Speed Downlink Packet Access with Parallel HARQ Mechanisms. 1591-1605 - Shiow-Yang Wu, Yu-tse Chang:
A User-Centered Approach to Active Replica Management in Mobile Environments. 1606-1619 - Hong Luo, Yonghe Liu, Sajal K. Das
Routing Correlated Data with Fusion Cost in Wireless Sensor Networks. 1620-1632
Volume 5, Number 12, December 2006
- Libo Song, David Kotz
, Ravi Jain, Xiaoning He:
Evaluating Next-Cell Predictors with Extensive Wi-Fi Mobility Data. 1633-1649 - Zhigang Hua, Xing Xie, Hao Liu, Hanqing Lu, Wei-Ying Ma:
Design and Performance Studies of an Adaptive Scheme for Serving Dynamic Web Content in a Mobile Computing Environment. 1650-1662 - James Aspnes, Tolga Eren, David Kiyoshi Goldenberg, A. Stephen Morse, Walter Whiteley, Yang Richard Yang, Brian D. O. Anderson, Peter N. Belhumeur:
A Theory of Network Localization. 1663-1678 - Roberto Corvaja:
QoS Analysis in Overlay Bluetooth-WiFi Networks with Profile-Based Vertical Handover. 1679-1690 - Maxim Raya, Imad Aad, Jean-Pierre Hubaux, Alaeddine El Fawal:
DOMINO: Detecting MAC Layer Greedy Behavior in IEEE 802.11 Hotspots. 1691-1705 - Carla-Fabiana Chiasserini
, Michele Garetto
An Analytical Model for Wireless Sensor Networks with Sleeping Nodes. 1706-1718 - Min Li, Zihua Guo, Richard Yuqi Yao, Wenwu Zhu:
A Novel Penalty Controllable Dynamic Voltage Scaling Scheme for Mobile Multimedia Applications. 1719-1733 - Hui Chen, Yang Xiao
, Xuemin Shen
Update-Based Cache Access and Replacement in Wireless Data Access. 1734-1748 - Dusit Niyato
, Ekram Hossain:
Call-Level and Packet-Level Quality of Service and User Utility in Rate-Adaptive Cellular CDMA Networks: A Queuing Analysis. 1749-1763 - Jianfeng Wang, Hongqiang Zhai, Yuguang Fang
, John M. Shea
, Dapeng Wu
OMAR: Utilizing Multiuser Diversity in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks. 1764-1779 - Iordanis Koutsopoulos, Ulas C. Kozat, Leandros Tassiulas:
Dynamic Resource Allocation in CDMA Systems with Deterministic Codes and Multirate Provisioning. 1780-1792

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