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2020 – today
- 2025
- [c88]Silvia Teisanu
, Nadia Campo Woytuk
, Joo Young Park
, Anna Brynskov
, Dianya Mia Hua
, Marianela Ciolfi Felice
, Saúl Baeza Argüello, Oscar Tomico
, Madeline Balaam
Designing for and with Intimate (Sexual) Bodies - Towards Feminist and Queer Somatic Understandings of Pleasure. TEI 2025: 133:1-133:6 - 2024
- [c87]Madeline Balaam
, Anna Ståhl
, Guðrún Margrét Ívansdóttir
, Hallbjörg Embla Sigtryggsdóttir
, Kristina Höök
, Caroline Yan Zheng
Exploring the Somatic Possibilities of Shape Changing Car Seats. Conference on Designing Interactive Systems 2024 - [c86]Caroline Yan Zheng
, Georgios Andrikopoulos
, Mark Paterson
, Nadia Berthouze
, Minna Orvokki Nygren
, Yoav Luft
, Madeline Balaam
Towards Robot and Technologies that Touch Well - Shaping an Experience-driven Design Paradigm. Conference on Designing Interactive Systems (Companion Volume) 2024 - [c85]Joo Young Park
, Stacy Hsueh
, Nadia Campo Woytuk
, Xuni Huang
, Marianela Ciolfi Felice
, Madeline Balaam
Critiquing Menstrual Pain Technologies through the Lens of Feminist Disability Studies. CHI 2024: 102:1-102:15 - [c84]Benedetta Lusi
, Adrian K. Petterson
, Kamala Payyapilly Thiruvenkatanathan
, Michaela Krawczyk
, Emily Tseng
, Lara Reime
, Madeline Balaam
, Katie A. Siek
, Cristina Zaga
Caring for Reproductive Justice: Design in Response to Adversity. CSCW Companion 2024: 693-696 - [c83]Armagan Karahanoglu
, Laia Turmo Vidal
, Daniel Harrison
, Jamie Steane
, Tina Ekhtiar
, Teresa Almeida
, Anna Vallgårda
, Madeline Balaam
Life in Transitions: The Role of Technology in Supporting Well-being in the Heart of Change. NordiCHI (Adjunct) 2024: 55:1-55:5 - 2023
- [c82]Joo Young Park
, Nadia Campo Woytuk
, Deepika Yadav
, Xuni Huang
, Rebeca Blanco Cardozo
, Marianela Ciolfi Felice
, Airi Lampinen
, Madeline Balaam
Ambivalences in Digital Contraception: Designing for Mixed Feelings and Oscillating Relations. Conference on Designing Interactive Systems 2023: 416-430 - [c81]Nadia Campo Woytuk
, Joo Young Park
, Jan Maslik
, Marianela Ciolfi Felice
, Madeline Balaam
Tactful Feminist Sensing: Designing for Touching Vaginal Fluids. Conference on Designing Interactive Systems 2023: 2642-2656 - [c80]Deepika Yadav
, Madeline Balaam
, Airi Lampinen
Invisibility or Visibility in Intimate Care at the Workplace? Examining the Use of Breast Pumps. CHI 2023: 213:1-213:15 - [c79]Katie Winkle
, Donald McMillan
, Maria Arnelid
, Katherine Harrison
, Madeline Balaam
, Ericka Johnson
, Iolanda Leite
Feminist Human-Robot Interaction: Disentangling Power, Principles and Practice for Better, More Ethical HRI. HRI 2023: 72-82 - 2022
- [j12]Reem Talhouk
, Kyle Montague, Hala Ghattas
, Vera Araújo-Soares
, Balsam Ahmad, Madeline Balaam:
Refugee Food Insecurity & Technology: Surfacing Experiences of Adaptation, Navigation, Negotiation and Sharing. Comput. Support. Cooperative Work. 31(2): 341-372 (2022) - [c78]Anna Ståhl, Madeline Balaam, Marianela Ciolfi Felice, Irene Kaklopoulou:
An Annotated Soma Design Process of the Pelvic Chair. Conference on Designing Interactive Systems 2022: 1921-1933 - [c77]Anna Ståhl, Madeline Balaam, Rob Comber, Pedro Sanches
, Kristina Höök
Making New Worlds - Transformative Becomings with Soma Design. CHI 2022: 176:1-176:17 - [c76]Karen Anne Cochrane
, Kristina Mah
, Anna Ståhl, Claudia Núñez-Pacheco, Madeline Balaam, Naseem Ahmadpour, Lian Loke:
Body Maps: A Generative Tool for Soma-based Design. TEI 2022: 38:1-38:14 - 2021
- [j11]Anna Ståhl, Vasiliki Tsaknaki
, Madeline Balaam:
Validity and Rigour in Soma Design-Sketching with the Soma. ACM Trans. Comput. Hum. Interact. 28(6): 38:1-38:36 (2021) - [c75]Marie Louise Juul Søndergaard, Marianela Ciolfi Felice, Madeline Balaam:
Designing Menstrual Technologies with Adolescents. CHI 2021: 260:1-260:14 - [c74]Marianela Ciolfi Felice, Marie Louise Juul Søndergaard, Madeline Balaam:
Resisting the Medicalisation of Menopause: Reclaiming the Body through Design. CHI 2021: 408:1-408:16 - [c73]Naveena Karusala, Azra Ismail
, Karthik S. Bhat, Aakash Gautam
, Sachin R. Pendse, Neha Kumar, Richard J. Anderson, Madeline Balaam, Shaowen Bardzell, Nicola J. Bidwell
, Melissa Densmore, Elizabeth Kaziunas, Anne Marie Piper, Noopur Raval, Pushpendra Singh, Austin Toombs
, Nervo Verdezoto Dias, Ding Wang:
The Future of Care Work: Towards a Radical Politics of Care in CSCW Research and Practice. CSCW Companion 2021: 338-342 - [i2]Philip Heslop, Ahmed Kharrufa, Madeline Balaam, David Leat:
Classroom Technology Deployment Matrix: A Planning, Monitoring, Evaluating and Reporting Tool. CoRR abs/2103.08324 (2021) - 2020
- [j10]Madeline Balaam, Nadia Campo Woytuk, Marianela Ciolfi Felice, Ozgun Kilic Afsar, Anna Ståhl, Marie Louise Juul Søndergaard:
Intimate touch. Interactions 27(6): 14-17 (2020) - [j9]Reem Talhouk, Lizzie Coles-Kemp, Rikke Bjerg Jensen, Madeline Balaam, Andrew Garbett
, Hala Ghattas, Vera Araújo-Soares, Balsam Ahmad, Kyle Montague:
Food Aid Technology: The Experience of a Syrian Refugee Community in Coping with Food Insecurity. Proc. ACM Hum. Comput. Interact. 4(CSCW2): 134:1-134:25 (2020) - [j8]Teresa Almeida
, Madeline Balaam, Shaowen Bardzell, Lone Koefoed Hansen
Introduction to the Special Issue on HCI and the Body: Reimagining Women's Health. ACM Trans. Comput. Hum. Interact. 27(4): 20:1-20:32 (2020) - [j7]Teresa Almeida
, Madeline Balaam, Rob Comber:
Woman-Centered Design through Humanity, Activism, and Inclusion. ACM Trans. Comput. Hum. Interact. 27(4): 27:1-27:30 (2020) - [c72]Marie Louise Juul Søndergaard, Ozgun Kilic Afsar, Marianela Ciolfi Felice, Nadia Campo Woytuk
, Madeline Balaam:
Designing with Intimate Materials and Movements: Making "Menarche Bits". Conference on Designing Interactive Systems 2020: 587-600 - [c71]Nadia Campo Woytuk
, Marie Louise Juul Søndergaard, Marianela Ciolfi Felice, Madeline Balaam:
Touching and Being in Touch with the Menstruating Body. CHI 2020: 1-14
2010 – 2019
- 2019
- [j6]Haneen Qarabash
, Philip Heslop, Ahmed Kharrufa
, Madeline Balaam, Marie Devlin
Group tagging: Using video tagging to facilitate reflection on small group activities. Br. J. Educ. Technol. 50(4): 1913-1928 (2019) - [c70]Vasiliki Tsaknaki
, Madeline Balaam, Anna Ståhl, Pedro Sanches
, Charles Windlin
, Pavel Karpashevich, Kristina Höök
Teaching Soma Design. Conference on Designing Interactive Systems 2019: 1237-1249 - [c69]Reem Talhouk
, Madeline Balaam, Austin L. Toombs
, Andrew Garbett
, Chaza Akik, Hala Ghattas
, Vera Araújo-Soares, Balsam Ahmad
, Kyle Montague:
Involving Syrian Refugees in Design Research: Lessons Learnt from the Field. Conference on Designing Interactive Systems 2019: 1583-1594 - [c68]Reem Talhouk
, Kyle Montague, Andrew Garbett
, Vera Araújo-Soares, Chaza Akik, Hala Ghattas
, Balsam Ahmad
, Madeline Balaam:
A Call For Embedding Dignity In Humanitarian Technologies. C&T 2019: 1-4 - [c67]Pradthana Jarusriboonchai, Janis Lena Meissner, Teresa Almeida
, Madeline Balaam:
Understanding Children's Free Play in Primary Schools. C&T 2019: 178-188 - [c66]Madeline Balaam, Rob Comber
, Rachel Elizabeth Clarke, Charles Windlin
, Anna Ståhl, Kristina Höök
, Geraldine Fitzpatrick:
Emotion Work in Experience-Centered Design. CHI 2019: 602 - [c65]Gavin Wood
, Thomas Dylan
, Abigail Durrant, Pablo E. Torres
, Philip Ulrich, Amanda Carr, Mutlu Cukurova
, Denise Downey, Phil McGrath, Madeline Balaam, Alice Ferguson, John Vines
, Shaun W. Lawson
Designing for Digital Playing Out. CHI 2019: 679 - [i1]Ricardo Vinuesa, Hossein Azizpour, Iolanda Leite, Madeline Balaam, Virginia Dignum, Sami Domisch
, Anna Felländer, Simone Langhans, Max Tegmark, Francesco Fuso Nerini:
The role of artificial intelligence in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. CoRR abs/1905.00501 (2019) - 2018
- [j5]Madeline Balaam, Lone Koefoed Hansen:
Women's health @ CHI. Interactions 25(1): 6-7 (2018) - [c64]Anna Vasilchenko, Adriana Wilde
, Stephen Snow
, Madeline Balaam, Marie Devlin
Video coursework: opportunity and challenge for HCI education. AVI 2018: 87:1-87:3 - [c63]Rosanna Bellini, Angelika Strohmayer, Ebtisam Abdullah Alabdulqader
, Alex A. Ahmed, Katta Spiel
, Shaowen Bardzell, Madeline Balaam:
Feminist HCI: Taking Stock, Moving Forward, and Engaging Community. CHI Extended Abstracts 2018 - [c62]Alex Bowyer
, Kyle Montague
, Stuart Wheater, Ruth McGovern, Raghu Lingam, Madeline Balaam:
Understanding the Family Perspective on the Storage, Sharing and Handling of Family Civic Data. CHI 2018: 136 - [c61]Sheelagh Carpendale, Shaowen Bardzell, Margaret M. Burnett, Neha Kumar, Madeline Balaam:
Panel: Extending Conversations about Gender and HCI. CHI Extended Abstracts 2018 - [c60]Shauna Julia Concannon
, Madeline Balaam, Emma Simpson, Rob Comber
Applying Computational Analysis to Textual Data from the Wild: A Feminist Perspective. CHI 2018: 226 - [c59]Gopinaath Kannabiran, Alex A. Ahmed, Matthew Wood, Madeline Balaam, Theresa Jean Tanenbaum, Shaowen Bardzell, Jeffrey Bardzell
Design for Sexual Wellbeing in HCI. CHI Extended Abstracts 2018 - [c58]Lydia Michie, Madeline Balaam, John C. McCarthy
, Timur Osadchiy, Kellie Morrissey
From Her Story, to Our Story: Digital Storytelling as Public Engagement around Abortion Rights Advocacy in Ireland. CHI 2018: 357 - [c57]Angelika Strohmayer, Rosanna Bellini, Janis Lena Meissner, Samantha Mitchell Finnigan
, Ebtisam Abdullah Alabdulqader
, Austin Toombs
, Madeline Balaam:
#CHIversity: Implications for Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion Campaigns. CHI Extended Abstracts 2018 - [c56]Reem Talhouk
, Kellie Morrissey
, Sarah E. Fox, Nadia Pantidi
, Emma Simpson, Lydia Emma Michie, Madeline Balaam:
Human Computer Interaction & Health Activism. CHI Extended Abstracts 2018 - [c55]Austin L. Toombs
, Kellie Morrissey
, Emma Simpson, Colin M. Gray
, John Vines
, Madeline Balaam:
Supporting the Complex Social Lives of New Parents. CHI 2018: 420 - [c54]James Hodge, Madeline Balaam, Sandra Hastings
, Kellie Morrissey
Exploring the Design of Tailored Virtual Reality Experiences for People with Dementia. CHI 2018: 514 - [c53]Matthew Wood, Andrew Garbett
, Kellie Morrissey
, Peter Hopkins
, Madeline Balaam:
"Protection on that Erection?": Discourses of Accountability & Compromising Participation in Digital Sexual Health. CHI 2018: 664 - [c52]Anna Vasilchenko, Ghaith Tarawneh, Haneen Qarabash
, Madeline Balaam:
Collaborative Content Creation: Impact of Media Type on Author Behavior. CSCW Companion 2018: 341-344 - [c51]Anna Vasilchenko, Åsa Cajander, Mats Daniels
, Madeline Balaam:
The Self-Flipped Classroom Concept: Underlying Ideas and Experiences. FIE 2018: 1-9 - 2017
- [c50]Matthew Wood, Gavin Wood, Madeline Balaam:
Sex Talk: Designing for Sexual Health with Adolescents. IDC 2017: 137-147 - [c49]Reem Talhouk
, Tom Bartindale
, Kyle Montague
, Sandra Mesmar, Chaza Akik, A. Ghassani, M. Najem, Hala Ghattas
, Patrick Olivier
, Madeline Balaam:
Implications of Synchronous IVR Radio on Syrian Refugee Health and Community Dynamics. C&T 2017: 193-202 - [c48]Madeline Balaam, Lone Koefoed Hansen
, Catherine D'Ignazio, Emma Simpson, Teresa Almeida
, Stacey Kuznetsov, Mike Catt, Marie Louise Juul Søndergaard:
Hacking Women's Health. CHI Extended Abstracts 2017: 476-483 - [c47]Neil Davidson
, John Vines
, Tom Bartindale
, Selina Jeanne Sutton, David Philip Green, Rob Comber
, Madeline Balaam, Patrick Olivier
, Gillian Vance:
Supporting Self-Care of Adolescents with Nut Allergy Through Video and Mobile Educational Tools. CHI 2017: 1078-1092 - [c46]Matthew Wood, Gavin Wood
, Madeline Balaam:
"They're Just Tixel Pits, Man": Disputing the 'Reality' of Virtual Reality Pornography through the Story Completion Method. CHI 2017: 5439-5451 - [c45]Emma Simpson, Rob Comber
, Andrew Garbett
, Edward Ian Jenkins, Madeline Balaam:
Experiences of Delivering a Public Health Data Service. CHI 2017: 6171-6183 - [c44]Delvin Varghese
, Patrick Olivier
, Madeline Balaam:
Citizen Tagger: Exploring Social Tagging of Conversational Audio. INTERACT (4) 2017: 116-125 - [c43]Anna Vasilchenko, David Philip Green, Haneen Qarabash
, Anne Preston, Tom Bartindale
, Madeline Balaam:
Media Literacy as a By-Product of Collaborative Video Production by CS Students. ITiCSE 2017: 58-63 - [c42]Deepika Yadav
, Pushpendra Singh, Kyle Montague
, Vijay Kumar, Deepak Sood, Madeline Balaam, Drishti Sharma, Mona Duggal, Tom Bartindale
, Delvin Varghese
, Patrick Olivier
Sangoshthi: Empowering Community Health Workers through Peer Learning in Rural India. WWW 2017: 499-508 - 2016
- [c41]Reem Talhouk
, Sandra Mesmar, Anja Thieme, Madeline Balaam, Patrick Olivier
, Chaza Akik, Hala Ghattas
Syrian Refugees and Digital Health in Lebanon: Opportunities for Improving Antenatal Health. CHI 2016: 331-342 - [c40]Konstantinos Kazakos, Siddhartha Asthana, Madeline Balaam, Mona Duggal, Amey Holden, Limalemla Jamir, Nanda Kishore Kannuri
, Saurabh Kumar, Amarendar Reddy Manindla, Subhashini Arcot Manikam, G. V. S. Murthy, Papreen Nahar
, Peter Phillimore, Shreyaswi Sathyanath, Pushpendra Singh, Meenu Singh, Peter C. Wright, Deepika Yadav
, Patrick Olivier
A Real-Time IVR Platform for Community Radio. CHI 2016: 343-354 - [c39]Teresa Almeida
, Rob Comber
, Gavin Wood
, Dean Saraf, Madeline Balaam:
On Looking at the Vagina through Labella. CHI 2016: 1810-1821 - [c38]Teresa Almeida
, Rob Comber
, Madeline Balaam:
HCI and Intimate Care as an Agenda for Change in Women's Health. CHI 2016: 2599-2611 - [c37]Teresa Almeida
, Gavin Wood, Rob Comber
, Madeline Balaam:
Interactivity: Looking at the Vagina through Labella. CHI Extended Abstracts 2016: 3635-3638 - [c36]Vidya Sarangapani, Ahmed Kharrufa
, Madeline Balaam, David Leat, Peter C. Wright:
Virtual.Cultural.Collaboration: mobile phones, video technology, and cross-cultural learning. MobileHCI 2016: 341-352 - 2015
- [j4]Anne Preston, Madeline Balaam, Paul Seedhouse, Salla Kurhila
, Lari Kotilainen
, Ashur Rafiev, Daniel Jackson, Patrick Olivier
Can a kitchen teach languages? Linking theory and practice in the design of context-aware language learning environments. Smart Learn. Environ. 2(1): 9 (2015) - [c35]Mary Webster
, Emma Foster, Rob Comber
, Simon J. Bowen
, Tim Cheetham, Madeline Balaam:
Understanding the lived experience of adolescents with type 1 diabetes: opportunities for design. IDC 2015: 140-149 - [c34]Amey Holden, Roisin McNaney, Madeline Balaam, Robin J. Thompson, Nils Y. Hammerla, Thomas Ploetz, Daniel Jackson
, Christopher Price
, Lianne Brkic, Patrick Olivier
CueS: cueing for upper limb rehabilitation in stroke. BCS HCI 2015: 18-25 - [c33]Teresa Almeida, Gavin Wood, Dean Saraf, Madeline Balaam:
Labella. BCS HCI 2015: 310-311 - [c32]Roisin McNaney
, Ivan Poliakov, John Vines
, Madeline Balaam, Pengfei Zhang, Patrick Olivier
LApp: A Speech Loudness Application for People with Parkinson's on Google Glass. CHI 2015: 497-500 - [c31]Roisin McNaney
, Madeline Balaam, Amey Holden, Guy Schofield, Daniel Jackson
, Mary Webster
, Brook Galna, Gillian Barry
, Lynn Rochester
, Patrick Olivier
Designing for and with People with Parkinson's: A Focus on Exergaming. CHI 2015: 501-510 - [c30]Madeline Balaam, Rob Comber
, Ed Jenkins, Selina Jeanne Sutton, Andrew Thomas Garbett
FeedFinder: A Location-Mapping Mobile Application for Breastfeeding Women. CHI 2015: 1709-1718 - [c29]Angelika Strohmayer, Rob Comber
, Madeline Balaam:
Exploring Learning Ecologies among People Experiencing Homelessness. CHI 2015: 2275-2284 - [c28]Kevin Marshall, Gavin Wood, Janet C. Read, Svetlana Yarosh
, Madeline Balaam, Jung-Joo Lee
Supporting Children to Engage in Play for Wellbeing. CHI Extended Abstracts 2015: 2445-2448 - [c27]Matthew Wood, Gavin Wood
, Madeline Balaam:
Talk About Sex: Designing Games to Facilitate Healthy Discussions around Sex. CHI PLAY 2015: 795-798 - [c26]Phil Heslop, Anne Preston, Ahmed Kharrufa
, Madeline Balaam, David Leat, Patrick Olivier
Evaluating Digital Tabletop Collaborative Writing in the Classroom. INTERACT (2) 2015: 531-548 - 2014
- [j3]David Coyle
, Anja Thieme, Conor Linehan
, Madeline Balaam, Jayne Wallace
, Siân E. Lindley:
Emotional Wellbeing. Int. J. Hum. Comput. Stud. 72(8-9): 627-628 (2014) - [c25]Teresa Almeida
, Rob Comber
, Patrick Olivier
, Madeline Balaam:
Intimate care: exploring eTextiles for teaching female pelvic fitness. Conference on Designing Interactive Systems (Companion Volume) 2014: 5-8 - [c24]Kevin Marshall, Anja Thieme, Jayne Wallace
, John Vines
, Gavin Wood
, Madeline Balaam:
Making wellbeing: a process of user-centered design. Conference on Designing Interactive Systems 2014: 755-764 - [c23]Gavin Wood
, John Vines
, Madeline Balaam, Nick Taylor
, Thomas Smith
, Clara Crivellaro
, Juliana Mensah, Helen Limon, John Challis, Linda Anderson, Adam Clarke, Peter C. Wright:
The dept. of hidden stories: playful digital storytelling for children in a public library. CHI 2014: 1885-1894 - [c22]Roisin McNaney
, John Vines
, Daniel Roggen
, Madeline Balaam, Pengfei Zhang, Ivan Poliakov, Patrick Olivier
Exploring the acceptability of google glass as an everyday assistive device for people with parkinson's. CHI 2014: 2551-2554 - 2013
- [j2]Madeline Balaam:
A Part Practical and Part Conceptual Response to Orchestration. Comput. Educ. 69: 517-519 (2013) - [j1]Paul Seedhouse, Anne Preston, Patrick Olivier
, Daniel Jackson, Phil Heslop, Thomas Plötz, Madeline Balaam, Saandia Ali:
The French Digital Kitchen: Implementing Task-Based Language Teaching Beyond the Classroom. Int. J. Comput. Assist. Lang. Learn. Teach. 3(1): 50-72 (2013) - [c21]Phil Heslop, Ahmed Kharrufa
, Madeline Balaam, David Leat, Paul Dolan
, Patrick Olivier
Learning extended writing: designing for children's collaboration. IDC 2013: 36-45 - [c20]Roisin McNaney
, Madeline Balaam, Kevin Marshall, Abigail Durrant, Janet C. Read, Judith Good
, Judy Robertson, Gregory D. Abowd:
Designing for and with children with special needs in multiple settings. IDC 2013: 603-605 - [c19]Judy Robertson, Madeline Balaam:
Designing for the needs of child patients in hospital settings. IDC 2013: 625-627 - [c18]Ahmed Kharrufa
, Madeline Balaam, Phil Heslop, David Leat, Paul Dolan, Patrick Olivier
Tables in the wild: lessons learned from a large-scale multi-tabletop deployment. CHI 2013: 1021-1030 - [c17]Rachel Clarke, Peter C. Wright, Madeline Balaam, John C. McCarthy
Digital portraits: photo-sharing after domestic violence. CHI 2013: 2517-2526 - [c16]Madeline Balaam, Judy Robertson, Geraldine Fitzpatrick, Rebecca Say, Gillian R. Hayes
, Melissa Mazmanian, Belinda Parmar:
Motherhood and HCI. CHI Extended Abstracts 2013: 3215-3218 - 2012
- [c15]Olga Pykhtina, Madeline Balaam, Gavin Wood, Sue Pattison
, Ahmed Kharrufa
, Patrick Olivier
Magic land: the design and evaluation of an interactive tabletop supporting therapeutic play with children. Conference on Designing Interactive Systems 2012: 136-145 - [c14]Anja Thieme, Madeline Balaam, Jayne Wallace
, David Coyle
, Siân E. Lindley:
Designing wellbeing. Conference on Designing Interactive Systems 2012: 789-790 - [c13]Olga Pykhtina, Madeline Balaam, Sue Pattison
, Gavin Wood, Patrick Olivier:
Magic land: play therapy on interactive tabletops. CHI Extended Abstracts 2012: 2429-2434 - [c12]Clare J. Hooper, Anne Preston, Madeline Balaam, Paul Seedhouse
, Daniel Jackson
, Cuong Pham, Cassim Ladha, Karim Ladha, Thomas Plötz, Patrick Olivier
The french kitchen: task-based learning in an instrumented kitchen. UbiComp 2012: 193-202 - [c11]Peter D. Bennett, Mike Fraser
, Madeline Balaam:
ChronoTape: tangible timelines for family history. TEI 2012: 49-56 - 2011
- [c10]Madeline Balaam, Geraldine Fitzpatrick, Judith Good
, Eric Charles Harris:
Enhancing interactional synchrony with an ambient display. CHI 2011: 867-876 - [c9]Tom Bartindale
, Rachel Clarke, John Shearer, Madeline Balaam, Peter C. Wright, Patrick Olivier
Bridging the gap: implementing interaction through multi-user design. CHI Extended Abstracts 2011: 2071-2076 - [c8]Madeline Balaam, Stefan Rennick Egglestone
, Geraldine Fitzpatrick, Tom Rodden, Ann-Marie Hughes
, Anna Wilkinson, Thomas Nind, Lesley Axelrod, Eric Charles Harris, Ian W. Ricketts, Susan Mawson, Jane H. Burridge
Motivating mobility: designing for lived motivation in stroke rehabilitation. CHI 2011: 3073-3082 - [c7]ChanMin Kim, Madeline Balaam:
Monitoring Affective and Motivational Aspects of Learning Experience with the Subtle Stone. ICALT 2011: 640-641 - [c6]Lesley Axelrod, Geraldine Fitzpatrick, Madeline Balaam, Susan Mawson, Jane H. Burridge
, Ian W. Ricketts, Penny Probert Smith, Tom Rodden:
A toolkit to explore lived experience of motivation: When words are not enough. PervasiveHealth 2011: 32-39 - [c5]Jon Rimmer, Judith Good, Eric Charles Harris, Madeline Balaam:
Class participation and shyness: affect and learning to program. PPIG 2011: 1 - [c4]Judith Good, Jon Rimmer, Eric Charles Harris, Madeline Balaam:
Self-Reporting emotional experiences in computing lab sessions: an emotional regulation perspective. PPIG 2011: 2 - 2010
- [c3]Madeline Balaam, Geraldine Fitzpatrick, Judith Good
, Rosemary Luckin:
Exploring affective technologies for the classroom with the subtle stone. CHI 2010: 1623-1632 - [c2]Madeline Balaam, Stefan Rennick Egglestone
, Ann-Marie Hughes
, Thomas Nind, Anna Wilkinson, Eric Charles Harris, Lesley Axelrod, Geraldine Fitzpatrick:
Rehabilitation centred design. CHI Extended Abstracts 2010: 4583-4586
2000 – 2009
- 2009
- [c1]Madeline Balaam, Eric Charles Harris, Geraldine Fitzpatrick:
Encouraging Classrooms that Care. AIED 2009: 798
Coauthor Index

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