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21st AMCIS 2015: Puerto Rico
- 21st Americas Conference on Information Systems, AMCIS 2015, Puerto Rico, August 13-15, 2015. Association for Information Systems 2015
Accounting Information Systems (SIGASYS)
- Dennis D. Fehrenbacher, Min Liang, Kristian Rotaru, Axel Schulz:
Causal Inference in Strategic Performance Measurement Systems and Its Effect on Performance Evaluations: A Laboratory Experiment. - Michel Benaroch, Anna Chernobai:
Linking Operational IT Failures to IT Control Weaknesses. - Jagdish Gangolly, Rosemary Kim:
On the Modeling of Accounting Information Systems and Auditing. - Aurona Gerber, Marthinus C. Gerber, Alta van der Merwe:
The Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting as an Upper Domain Ontology for Financial Reporting. - Ganesh D. Bhatt, Erastus Karanja:
Who Should the Chief Information Security Officer Be Reporting To?
Adoption and Diffusion of Information Technology (SIGADIT)
- Jianwei Lai, Sen Wang, Dongsong Zhang:
A Single-Handed Partial Zooming Technique for Touch-Screen Mobile Devices. - Pouyan Esmaeil Zadeh:
Adoption and implementation of Health Information Exchange (HIE): An Interpretative Review. - Manjunath Paramashivaiah, Federico Pigni:
Adoption of Real-Time Digital Data Streams: Insights from Four Representative Case Studies. - Steven Alter:
Beneficial Noncompliance and Detrimental Compliance: Expected Paths to Unintended Consequences. - Ricardo Engelbert, Alexandre Reis Graeml:
Beyond IT Acceptance. - Stefan Tams:
Challenges in Technostress Research: Guiding Future Work. - Andrew Schwarz, Colleen Schwarz:
Consensus or Divergence: Examining the Aggregation of Individual to Team Level Adoption of Innovations. - Yue Guo, Stuart J. Barnes, Khuong Le-Nguyen:
Consumer Acceptance IT Products: An Integrative Expectation-confirmation Model. - Kevin Hill, Stefan Tams, Jason Bennett Thatcher:
Contextual Factors in Post-adoption: Applying the Model of Proactive Work Behavior to the Study of End-User innovation. - Marvin Fleischmann:
Contrast and Assimilation in Consumer Software Selection Decisions - An Experimental Study. - Martin D. Hassell, Mary Sukalich:
Digging Deeper Into the Outcomes of Social Media Use among College Students: The Mediating Effect of Academic Self-Efficacy. - Shuyuan Mary Ho, Mónica Ocasio Velázquez:
Do You Trust the Cloud? Modeling Cloud Technology Adoption in Organizations. - Varun Grover, Dan Jiang, Heshan Sun:
Does Identification with Virtual Model Making Shopping Experience More Enjoyable? The Case of Virtual Mirror. - Sven Laumer, Christian Maier, Tim Weitzel, Jakob Wirth:
Drivers and Consequences of Frustration When Using Social Networking Services: A Quantitative Analysis of Facebook Users. - Yan Dang, James N. Morgan, Yulei Zhang:
Examining Gender Differences in System Switching Costs. - Tuomas Kari:
Explaining the Adoption and Habits of Playing Exergames: The Role of Physical Activity Background and Digital Gaming Frequency. - Hind Benbya, Tanya Menon, Nassim Belbaly:
Explaining Transitions between Communal-and Market-based Knowledge Sharing: Collective Action to Resolve Uncertainty. - Marijn Janssen, Bram Klievink, Thom Singerling, Mark de Reuver:
Exploring factors that influence information sharing choices of organizations in networks. - Daniel S. Soper:
Herd Behavior in Assessments of Web Interface Design: Some Preliminary Evidence. - Maryam Ghasemaghaei, Khaled Hassanein:
Impact of Persuasion Processes on Consumer Attitude Towards Online Shopping: The Moderating Role of Product Involvement and Consumer Self-Efficacy. - Kalyan Agrawal:
Investigating the determinants of Big Data Analytics (BDA) adoption in Asian emerging economies. - Ann-Marie Horcher:
Less is More Usable: Measuring Security Usability as Energy Efficiency. - Nikolai Sobotta:
Measuring the Impact of the E-Mail Conversation Format on E-Mail Overload: A Pilot Test. - Jungsil Choi, Kiljae K. Lee:
Multimodal Message Incongruence on E-Commerce Websites. - Zhengrui Jiang, Dipak C. Jain, Shaobai Jiang:
Now or Never Revisited: An Analysis of Market Entry Timing for Successive Product Generation. - Guillaume Faddoul:
Optimization of Knowledge Sharing in Complementary and Alternative Medicine Social Networks by Filtering Information Seeker Preferences. - Jianwei Lai, Judith Odili, Isil Yakut Kilic, Dongsong Zhang, Lina Zhou:
PRECMAS: A Personalized, Cloud-based Integrative Approach to Mobile Web Adaptation. - John Kinuthia:
Technological, Organizational, and Environmental Factors Affecting the Adoption of Cloud Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Systems. - Xiling Cui, Vincent S. Lai:
The Effect of Switching Costs on the Satisfaction-Continuance Relationship: An Extension of Expectation-Confirmation Model. - Prageet Aeron, Shilpi Jain:
The Extent of Adoption of HRIS: An Empirical Investigation with Mediators & Moderators. - Augustin Bilolo, Harold Boeck, Fabien Durif, Nataly Levesque:
The Impact of Proximity Marketing on Consumer Reactions and Firm Performance: A Conceptual and Integrative Model. - Lutz M. Kolbe, Ilja Nastjuk, Simon Trang:
The Influence of Sociodemographic and Technology-Associated Factors on Stress from Human Interaction with Electric Vehicle Information Systems. - Greta L. Polites:
The Interplay of Gender, Habit, and Individual Differences in Predicting Trying Intentions. - Mousa Albashrawi, Luvai F. Motiwalla:
The Moderating Effect of Privacy and Personalization in Mobile Banking: A Structural Equation Modeling Analysis. - Heather H. Jia, Ronnie Jia:
The Role of Attachment Insecurity in Intrinsic Interests in IT. - Albert Lejeune, Hamid Nach:
The Role of Identity in Adopting Building Information Modeling: A Comparative Study. - Oran Alston, Martin Dias, Brandis Phillips:
Toward addressing the participation gap of the digital divide: a digital fluency perspective of millennials. - Nikunj Dalai:
Towards the Design of Innovative Spaces for Deep Dialogue and Insight Formation. - Lin Jia, Dianne J. Hall, Suning Zhu:
Trust Building in Consumer Learning Process and Its Effect on Consumers' Behavioral Intention toward Mobile Payments. - Martina E. Greiner, Hui Wang:
Trust-free Systems - a New Research and Design Direction to Handle Trust-Issues in P2P Systems: The Case of Bitcoin. - Christophe Elie-Dit-Cosaque, Jessie Pallud:
Understanding the Determinants and Outcomes of Individual Adaptation Behaviors in Ongoing ERP Use Contexts. - Onochie Fan-Osuala:
Using the right information: A theoretical explanation of user motivation to validate web-content. - Maxine S. Cohen, Laura Downey, Lisa Laxton:
Well-being and Technology: Exploring Technology-Supported Meditation. - Amy J. Connolly, Andreas Kick:
What Differentiates Early Organization Adopters of Bitcoin From Non-Adopters? - Norman Shaw:
Younger Persons are More Likely to Adopt the Mobile Wallet than Older Persons, or are they? The Moderating Role of Age.
Business Analytics, Big Data and Knowledge Management (SIGDSA)
- Wolfgang Jank, Utkarsh Shrivastava:
A data driven framework for early prediction of customer response to promotions. - Andrea Berger, Peter B. Keenan, Gianluca Miscione:
A Postcode not for Post. - Youyou Tao, Veda Storey:
A Recommender System for Two-sided Markets: Understanding Customers Sentiment in Social Networks. - Barbara Dinter, Peter Gluchowski, Christian Schieder:
A Stakeholder Lens on Metadata Management in Business Intelligence and Big Data - Results of an Empirical Investigation. - Ashish Agarwal, Prabhudev Konana, Alok Kumar, Alvin Chung Man Leung:
A Study of Search Attention and Stock Returns Cross Predictability. - Omar F. El-Gayar, Jun Liu, Prem Timsina:
Active Learning for the Automation of Medical Systematic Review Creation. - Daniel Adomako Asamoah, Ramesh Sharda:
Adapting CRISP-DM Process for Social Network Analytics: Application to Healthcare. - Addicam Sanjay, Sule Balkan, Mustafa Gökçe Baydogan:
Adaptive Advertisement Recommender Systems for Digital Signage. - Carsten Brockmann, Eldar Sultanow, Renee M. E. Pratt, Norbert Gronau:
An Approach to Satisfy Managerial Awareness of Strategic Events in the Field of M-Commerce. - Nitin Walia:
Analytical Analysis of Educational Apps for Young Children: An Exploratory Study. - Shawn Bergman, Joseph A. Cazier, Jonathan Powers:
Analytics for Good: Predicting Secondary Education Attainment with Text Analytics. - Atiya Avery, Kyle Cheek:
Analytics Governance: Towards a Definition and Framework. - Joseph A. Cazier, Thomas Cech, Trent J. Spaulding:
Applying Business Analytic Methods To Improve Organizational Performance In The Public School System. - Au Vo, Miloslava Plachkinova, Rahul Bhaskar:
Assessing Healthcare Accessibility Algorithms: A Comprehensive Investigation of Two-Step Floating Catchment Methodologies Family. - Bongsug (Kevin) Chae:
Big Data Ecosystem: Network Analysis and Community Structure Detection. - Hak Kim:
Big Data: The Structure and Value of Big Data Analytics. - Yiyi Li, Ying Xie, Eric Zheng:
Competitive Analytics of Multi-channel Advertising and Consumer Inertia. - Karen Corral, David Schuff, Gregory Schymik, Robert D. St. Louis:
Enabling Self-Service BI through a Dimensional Model Management Warehouse. - Julian Krumeich, Peter Loos, Dirk Werth:
Enhancing Organizational Performance through Event-based Process Predictions. - Brent Gallupe, Jinglu Jiang:
Environmental Scanning and Business Insight Capability: _x000D_ The Role of Business Analytics and Knowledge Integration. - Olayele Adelakun, Robert Garcia:
Evaluation of Augmented Reality Systems for the Enhancement of Voluntary Geographic Information. - Subhasish Dasgupta, Yuan Xue, Yilu Zhou:
Examining Competitive Intelligence Using External and Internal Data Sources: A Text Mining Approach. - Getahun Semeon, Monica J. Garfield, Million Meshesha:
Exploring Mechanisms in Tacit Knowledge Externalization: Preliminary Findings from Participatory Agricultural Innovation Practices in Ethiopia. - Tobias Knabke, Sebastian Olbrich:
Exploring the Future Shape of Business Intelligence: Mapping Dynamic Capabilities of Information Systems to Business Intelligence Agility. - Elizabeth Baker, Lewis C. Chasalow:
Factors Contributing to Business Intelligence Success: The Impact of Dynamic Capabilities. - Kareem Alsudais, Anthony Corso:
GIS, Big Data, and a Tweet Corpus Operationalized via Natural Language Processing. - Maryam Ghasemaghaei, Khaled Hassanein, Ofir Turel:
Impacts of Big Data Analytics on Organizations: A Resource Fit Perspective. - Yves Studer, Uwe Leimstoll:
Improving Consulting Processes in Web Analytics: A Framework for Multichannel Analytics. - Jan-Otto Jandl:
Information Processing and Stock Market Volatility - Evidence from Real Estate Investment Trusts. - Charles Steinfield, Wietske van Osch, Yanjie Zhao:
Intra-Organizational Boundary Spanning: A Machine Learning Approach. - Mehrdad Koohikamali, Dan Peak:
Location-Based Mobile Applications Usage Behavior: Beware the Power of the Dark Side. - LeeAnn Kung, Hsiang-Jui Kung, L. Allison Jones-Farmer, Yichuan Wang:
Managing Big Data for Firm Performance: a Configurational Approach. - Olgerta Tona:
Mobile Business Intelligence Usage Patterns. - Qianzhou Du, Weiguo Fan, Zhilei Qiao, Alan Gang Wang, Xuan Zhang, Mi Zhou:
Money Talks: A Predictive Model on Crowdfunding Success Using Project Description. - Gelareh Towhidi, Atish P. Sinha:
Predicting Opinion Leaders in Word-of-Mouth Communities. - Carsten Felden, Marco Pospiech:
Price Trend Forecasting Through Textual Data. - Janek Benthaus, Felix Neufeld:
Responding to Customer Demand: Investigating Customer Agility of Financial Institutions. - Brian Williams, Richard J. Boland Jr., Kalle Lyytinen:
Shaping Problems, Not Decisions: When Decision Makers Leverage Visual Analytics. - Lin Jia, Dianne J. Hall, Jiahe Song:
The Conceptualization of Data-driven Decision Making Capability. - Jing Gao, Andy Koronios, Sven Selle:
Towards A Process View on Critical Success Factors in Big Data Analytics Projects. - Jun Liu, Yanyan Shang:
Users' Continuance Participation in the Online Peer-to-peer Healthcare Community: A Text Mining Approach. - Sven Carlsson, Saonee Sarker, Styliani Zafeiropoulou:
What's Trending in Social Media Analytics Area? A Retrospective.
ICTs and Sustainable Development in the Caribbean
- Indianna Minto-Coy, Arlene Bailey, Dhanaraj Thakur:
A Critical Assessment of E-Government in the Caribbean: Success, Challenges and Use of Emerging Technologies. - Jerry Craig, G. Harindranath:
An examination of the impacts of a Learning Management System: A Case from Jamaica. - Chevonnese Chevers Whyte, Delroy A. Chevers:
The adoption of agile software development methods in Jamaica. - Wei-Jeng Chien, Ya-Ling Wu:
The Effect of Mobile Gamification on Brand Loyalty.
Design Science Resarch
- Lars Bækgaard:
Conceptual Model of Artifacts for Design Science Research. - Arturo Castellanos, Carlos M. Parra, Monica Chiarini Tremblay:
Corporate Social Responsibility Reports: Understanding Topics via Text Mining. - Shana Ponelis, Karen Renaud, Isabella Margarethe Venter, Retha de la Harpe:
Deploying Design Science Research in Graduate Computing Studies in South Africa. - Aurona Gerber, Paula Kotzé, Alta van der Merwe:
Design Science Research as Research Approach in Doctoral Studies. - Gregory Bott, Robert E. Crossler:
IP Bouncer: An End-User Network Privacy Enhancing Tool. - Regine Dörbecker, Tilo Böhmann:
Tackling the Granularity Problem in Service Modularization.
e-Business and eCommerce (SIGeBIZ)
- Hongxiu Li, Zhangxi Lin, Xianfeng Zhang:
A Comparative Study on Hotel Consumers' Online Feedback Behaviors. - Augustin Bilolo, Harold Boeck:
A conceptual model of RFID's impact on relational value cocreation and appropriation. - Alvin Chang, Ting-Kai Hwang, Yung-Ming Li, Lien-Fa Lin:
A Contextual Group Recommender Mechanism for Location-based Service. - Christopher Hahn, Dennis Röher, Rüdiger Zarnekow:
A value proposition oriented typology of electronic marketplaces for B2B SaaS applications. - Alvaro Arenas, Jie Mein Goh, Manan Podar:
A Work-Systems Approach to Classifying Risks in Crowdfunding Platforms: An Exploratory Analysis. - Thomas Friedrich:
Analyzing the Factors that Influence Consumers' Adoption of Social Commerce - A Literature Review. - Lijuan Huang, Lin Jia, Jiahe Song:
Antecedents of User Stickiness and Loyalty and Their Effects on Users' Group-Buying Repurchase Intention. - Johannes Nguyen, Chitu Okoli:
Business Models for Free and Open Source Software: Insights from a Delphi Study. - Chitu Okoli, Ning Wang:
Business Models for Online Education and Open Educational Resources: Insights from a Delphi Study. - Marcel Morisse:
Cryptocurrencies and Bitcoin: Charting the Research Landscape. - Mithu Bhattacharya, Samuel Fosso Wamba:
Determinants of Perceived Job Satisfaction From ERP-enabled Emergency Service Adoption: An Empirical Study. - Marvin Hegen, Markus Tschersich:
Development of a Measuring Instrument to Understand the Impact of Mobile Product Information Systems on Consumers' Food Choice. - Qianzhou Du, Weiguo Fan, Zhilei Qiao, Alan Gang Wang, Xuan Zhang, Mi Zhou:
Do Facebook Activities Increase Sales? - Nadja Hoßbach:
Dual Business Models: Going beyond Spatial Separation. - Di Shang, Roumen Vragov:
Experimental Evaluation of Sponsored Search Auction Mechanisms. - Esbjörn Ebbesson:
Fragmented Digital Infrastructures - The Case of Social (News) Media. - Björn Johansson, Wipawee Victoria Paulsson, Pornpitra Sithiprasasana:
Genre repertoire in Online Discussion Forum: A case from Thailand. - Yu-Hsiang (John) Huang, Michael J. Shaw, Ramanath Subramanyam, Tony Yu-Ju Tu:
How Can a Firm Select the Most Qualified IT Portfolio Under Various Risk Tolerance Levels? - Paul A. Pavlou, Shuting Ada Wang:
How Do Monetary Incentives Affect Online Product Reviews and Sales? - Simon Dalmolen, Hans Moonen, Jos van Hillegersberg:
Industry-wide Inter-organizational Systems and Data Quality: Exploratory findings of the use of GS1 standards in the Dutch retail market. - Lutz M. Kolbe, Markus Mandrella, Simon Trang, Sebastian Zander:
Influence of Network Characteristics on Inter-Organizational IT Integration: The Role of Commitment and Trust. - Indika Dissanayake, Jingguo Wang, Feirong Yuan, Jie Jennifer Zhang:
Involvement in Online Crowdsourcing Communities. - Yili Hong, Alvin Zuyin Zheng:
On Service Employers' Hiring Decisions in Online Labor Markets: A Perspective of Price and Quality Discovery. - Sulin Ba, Xinxin Li, Xianghua Lu:
One size does not fit all: the differential impact of online reviews. - Yue Guo, Khuong Le-Nguyen, Qiong Jia, Guang Li:
Seller-Buyer Trust in Cross-Border E-Commerce: a Conceptual Model. - Victor Perotti, Yang Yu:
Startup Tribes: Social Network Ties that Support Success in New Firms. - Benedikt Berger, Thomas Hess:
The Convergence of Content and Commerce: Exploring a New Type of Business Model. - Kevin Chung, Keehyung Kim, Noah Lim:
The Effect of Identity Disclosure on Reliability and Efforts Provision in Online Review Systems. - Jiahe Song, Soo Il Shin, Lin Jia, Casey G. Cegielski, R. Kelly Rainer Jr.:
The Effect of Social Media on Supply Chain Sensing Capability: An Environmental Scanning Perspective. - César Ayala, Gerard J. Burke, Geoff Dick, Alan W. Mackelprang:
The Effects of Bullwhip on Item Level Performance. - Jaeki Song, Ying Wang:
The Impact of Mobile Application Information on Application Download: A Text Mining Approach. - Antonia Köster, Christian Matt, Thomas Hess:
The Role of Communication Types on Referral Acceptance in Social Networks. - Cristina Costa, Paulo Cunha:
The social dimension of business models: an Actor-Network Theory perspective. - Chin Eang Ong:
The Types of Redress Procedures in Business-To-Consumer (B2C) E-Commerce. - Martin Mikusz:
Towards a Conceptual Framework for Cyber-Physical Systems from the Service-Dominant Logic Perspective. - Volker Nissen, Henry Seifert:
Virtualization of Consulting - Benefits, Risks and a Suggested _x000D_Decision Process. - Yaobin Lu, Chuang Wang, Tailai Wu, Chen Yang, Jinlin Wan:
When Ad Is Selfie: The Effect of Selfie on the Effectiveness of Ad Endorsers in Social Media. - Su Kong, Li Qin:
Why do People Seek Shopping Recommendations in Social Commerce Sites?
- Pratim Datta, Geoffrey Hill:
An Empirical Identification of Social Media Key Performance Indicators from the 2014 General Elections. - Chadi Aoun, Simon Fass, Divakaran Liginlal, Rami Yousef:
Combining Morphological Analysis and Bayesian Belief Networks: A DSS for Safer Construction of a Smart City. - Carl-Mikael Lönn, Elin Uppström:
Core Aspects for Value Co-Creation in Public Sector. - H. Chung:
Developing a Business Model _x000D_ in Smart City Initiatives. - Ambuj Anand, Priya Seetharaman, Sanjiv D. Vaidya:
Impact of Project Attributes on Project Management Strategies - A Context of G2C e-Government in India. - Birgitta Bergvall-Kåreborn, Carina Ihlström Eriksson, Anna Ståhlbröst:
Stakeholders in Smart City Living Lab Processes. - Jose Beluzo, Gisele da Silva Craveiro:
The integration of multi-source heterogeneous data: an open data case study for budgetary execution in Brazil. - Stine Labes, Christopher Hahn, Rüdiger Zarnekow:
The Value of Community Clouds for Collaboration in the Public Sector. - Kevin Mentzer, Anne L. Washington:
Understanding Shifting Dynamics of Power in State Governments through Social Networks. - Usama Rafi Khan, Shehroze Farooqi, Umer Naeem, Muhammad Adeel Zaffar, Fareed Zaffar:
Who's holding the bag? Accountability in the criminal justice system.
End-User Information Systems, Innovation, and Organizational Change (SIG-OSRA)
- Karin Ahlin, Thomas Persson:
A Communication-model for Intangible Benefits of Digital Information. - Suchit Ahuja, Brent Gallupe:
A Foundation for the Study of Personal Cloud Computing in Organizations. - Mervi Hämäläinen, Arto Ojala:
Additive manufacturing technology: Identifying Value Potential in Additive Manufacturing Stakeholder Groups and Business Networks. - Jaeung Lee, Basma Abdul Rehman, Manish Agrawal, H. Raghav Rao:
An Examination of Emotions in the Boston Bombing Twitterverse. - Aaron M. French, Chengqi Guo, Mark B. Schmidt, Jung P. Shim:
An Exploratory Study on BYOD in Class: Opportunities and Concerns. - Daryl Bien, Arash Negahban, John Windsor:
BYOD in Practice: A Comparison of Four BYOD Programs. - Kathryn Brohman, Bharat Negi:
Co-Creation of Value in Digital Ecosystems: A Conceptual Framework. - Edgardo Bravo:
Deskilling, up-skilling or reskilling? The effects of automation in information systems context. - Nicholas Berente, Thomas Gregory, James Howison:
Digital Technologies and Patterns of Distributed Innovation. - Renee Rui Chen, Robert M. Davison:
Frontline Employees' Adaptive Performance in Service Encounters: The Driving Force of CRM Systems. - Tobias Brockmann, Stefan Stieglitz:
How Do Mobile Knowledge Workers Communicate? - Traci A. Carte, Albert B. Schwarzkopf, Nan Wang:
How Should Technology Affordances Be Measured? An Initial Comparison of Two Approaches. - Janina Kettenbohrer, Dorit Fischer, Daniel Beimborn, Mirko Kloppenburg:
How Social Software Can Support Business Process Management - Developing a Framework. - Jinwei Cao, Zhining Wang:
Impact of Intellectual Capital on Firm Performance: the Influence of Innovation Capability and Environmental Dynamism. - Rafael Brinkhues, José Carlos da Silva Freitas Junior, Antônio Carlos Gastaud Maçada:
Mobile Technologies Mediating Conflict: A Brazilian study on the Relations between the use of Technology at Work and in Personal Life. - Thomas A. Chapman, Brian J. Reithel:
Optimizing Flow in Simulated Environments for Worker Productivity. - Jacques Holst, Martin Kjeldsen, Jonas Hedman, Felix B. Tan:
Payment Instrument Characteristics: A Repertory Grid Analysis. - Michael Klesel, Gunnar Mokosch, Björn Niehaves:
Putting flesh on the Duality of Structure: the case of IT Consumerization. - Jussi Nykänen, Virpi Kristiina Tuunainen, Jouni Piispanen, Tuure Tuunanen:
Social Influences in Consumers' Mobile Phone Switching Behavior. - Robert M. Davison, Carol Xiaojuan Ou:
Subverting Organisational IT Policy: A Case in China. - Dezhi Wu:
Temporal Structures Supported by Electronic Calendaring Systems. - Umar Ruhi:
Towards a Framework for Enterprise End-User Development Initiatives: _x000D_ A Design Science Research Investigation. - Ricardo Buettner:
Towards a New Personal Information Technology Acceptance Model: Conceptualization and Empirical Evidence from a Bring Your Own Device Dataset. - Pamela Abbott, Azerikatoa Ayoung, Armin Kashefi:
User IT Adaptation Behaviors: What Have We Learned and Why Does it Matter? - Johanna Hänninen, Tuure Tuunanen, Tero Vartiainen:
Value Co-Creation for Cyber-Physical Systems in Mining and Construction Industry.
Enterprise Systems (SIGENTSYS)
- Marcirio Chaves, Irapuan Glória Júnior, Franciane Silveira:
A IdentificaçãO DoS Riscos EspecíFicos EM Projetos Globais de TI: um Estudo ExploratóRio E Indutivo. - Le Xu, Gabrielle Peko, David Sundaram:
An Identification of Non-Technical Issues in SOEA Implementation. - Gwanhoo Lee, Zoonky Lee, YoungKi Park:
Configurational Approach to uncovering the effect of Enterprise Architecture Design on Organizational Performance. - Tamara Högler, Johan Versendaal, Ronald Batenburg:
Evaluation of Mobile Systems - An Integrative Framework. - Yousuf S. AlHinai, Mazen Ali, Athraa Al Mosawi, Mohamed Siddique, Esra Ahmed Wali:
Exploring Enterprise Systems Adoption in Bahrain. - Niki Kyriakou, Euripidis N. Loukis:
Firm Characteristics and Propensity for Cloud Computing Adoption. - Faisal Syafar, Jing Gao, Jia Tina Du:
Mobile Collaboration Technology to Support Maintenance Enterprise System in Large Industry. - Grazyna Paliwoda-Pekosz, Piotr Soja:
Solutions to Problems Occurring over the Enterprise System Adoption Lifecycle: A Preliminary Study. - Francis Kofi Andoh-Baidoo, David Asamoah, Lionel Robert:
The Effect of Institutional Pressures on Ethical Behavior and Extent of ERP Implementation: Evidence from Organizations in Selected Sub-Saharan African Nations. - Laura L. Hall, Gemoets Leo, M. Adam Mahmood, Fernando Parra:
The Impact of Enterprise System Implementations on Enterprise Risk. - John Muraski:
The surprisingly innovative Enterprise Resource Planning System: The effects of infusion. - Asli Akbulut:
What Motivates Students to Study Enterprise Systems? A Social Cognitive Perspective.
General Track
- Haiyan Huang, Umapathy Karthikeyan:
A Preliminary Study of Information Technologies Usage in Non-Profit Organizations. - T. Ravichandran:
Business Process Outsourcing and Market Value of firms. - Roger Blake, Ganesan Shankaranarayanan:
Data and Information Quality: Research Themes and Evolving Patterns. - Mariana Andrade Rojas, Abhishek Kathuria, Jiban Khuntia, Terence Saldanha, James Waegelein:
Do CEO's Long-Term Performance Incentives Induce IT Investments? Theory, Evidence, and Industry Contingencies. - Narendra M. Agrawal, Pratyush Bharati, Abhijit Chaudhury, Kui Du:
Enabling Organizational Ideation with Cognitive Dexterity using Social Media: An Exploratory Study. - Heinz Roland Weistroffer, Narcyz Roztocki, Piotr Soja:
Enterprise Systems in Transition Economies: An Initial Literature Review. - Subhajyoti Bandyopadhyay, Hsing Kenneth Cheng, Mohammadmahdi Moqri:
Identifying Research Trends in IS. - Elina Eteläaho, Rauno Pirinen, Pilvi Tuomi:
Improvement suggestions for DSRM model. - Héctor Medina, Anne-Françoise Rutkowski, Matthijs Verhulst:
Is it Health Information Technology? Task Complexity and Work Substitution. - Steven Alter:
Overcoming Silo Thinking in the IS Discipline by Thinking Differently about IS and IT. - Claudia Pelletier, Dragos Vieru, Anne-Marie Croteau:
Peering Below the Surface: Social Mechanisms for Analyzing Interorganizational Information Systems Integration. - Claus-Peter H. Ernst, Christoph Hock, Franz Rothlauf:
Proposing a Research Model for Slot Machine Usage. - Kawaljeet Kapoor, Jeremy Millard, Vishanth Weerakkody:
Smart Transport for Smarter Cities in the UK. - Nitin Agarwal, Serpil Tokdemir Yuce, Rolf T. Wigand:
Social Media, Digital Activism, and Online Collective Action: _x000D_ A Tale of Two Overlapping Women's Rights Movements. - Amit V. Deokar, Jie Tao:
Text Mining for Studying Management's Confidence in IPO Prospectuses and IPO Valuations. - Venugopal Balijepally, Sridhar P. Nerur:
Understanding the Structure of Agile Software Development Using Text Analytics: A Preliminary Analysis. - Dezhi Wu, Julian Lin, Hock Chuan Chan:
Website Aesthetics Impacts User Satisfaction and Actual Use: The Role of Trust and Focused Immersion.
Global, International, and Cross-Cultural Issues in IS (SIGCCRIS)
- Ji Yeol Kim, Junghoon Moon, Cheul Rhee:
Darwinism, Hofstede, and Collective Intelligence. - Michael Prinz:
Investigation of the Impact of National Culture on IT-Governance: An Explorative Study Contrasting German and Japanese National Culture. - Ahlam Almusharraf, Gurpreet Dhillon, Spyridon Samonas:
Mismatched Understanding of IS Security Policy: A RepGrid Analysis. - Evelyn Odonkor, Jessie Pallud:
Mobile Technologies and the Extended Self in Developing Countries. - Zhi Cheng:
On Smartphone Indispensability: A Country-level Exploratory Study. - Wonjun Lee, Seungjae Shin:
The Effects of Smartphone Addiction Drivers on Work Performance. - Victor Barros, Isabel Ramos:
Using Social Media as Organizational Memory consolidation mechanism according to Attention Based View Theory.
ICTs in Global Development (SIG GlobDev)
- Zahir Irani, Juan Pablo Jiménez, Habin Lee, Antonio Martin, Vincenzo Molendini, Roberta Rascazzo, Nicola Savino, Uthayasankar Sivarajah:
A Decision Support System for Fostering Smart Energy Efficient Districts. - Aishwarya Bedekar, Peter Busch, Deborah Richards:
A Review of IT Initiatives in Rural India. - Subhasish Dasgupta, Babita Gupta:
Antecedents of Internet Technology Adoption in an Emerging Economy. - Fahad Alayed, Wayne G. Lutters:
Culturally Appropriate Acceptance Models for Civic Engagement Systems in Saudi Arabia. - Girish J. Gulati, Jia Huang, Marco Marabelli, Joseph W. Weiss, David J. Yates:
Determinants of Mobile Broadband Affordability: A Cross-National Comparison. - Yousuf S. AlHinai, Mazen Ali:
Exploring Mobile Commerce Adoption Maturity: An Empirical Investigation. - Arkalgud Ramaprasad, Aurora Sánchez-Ortiz, Thant Syn:
Gaps in Local eGovernment Research: An Ontological Analysis. - Daniel Beimborn, Christian Jentsch, Fabian Lajtkep, Jörg Stimmer:
I choose you - Developing a rating system for software outsourcing arrangements of SMEs. - Anol Bhattacherjee, Utkarsh Shrivastava:
ICT as a Corruption Deterrent: A Theoretical Perspective. - Tridib Bandyopadhyay, Daniel Beyene, Solomon Negash:
IT Outsourcing Risk Management Practices in Higher Educational Institutes in Ethiopia - A Qualitative Study. - Berhanu Borena:
Key Issues in Information Systems Engineering and Management in Ethiopia: A Preliminary Finding. - Tamara Ginige, Deborah Richards:
Measuring Empowerment to evaluate the impact of a Mobile Based Information System for Sri Lankan Farmers. - Daniel Beimborn, Christian Jentsch, Pascal Lüders:
Measuring Outsourcing Relationship Quality: Towards a Social Network Analysis Approach. - Martin J. Ndicu, Ali Vedadi:
The Human-Information-Processor Model View of e-Government. - Shahram Amiri, Christopher Dodson, Joseph M. Woodside:
The impact of Information Communication Technology (ICT) on Brazil, Russia, India and China's (BRIC) Employment and Economic Indices. - Teresa Lamsam, Sajda Qureshi, Jie Xiong:
The Role of ICTs in Native American Owned Micro-Enterprises-A Framing Analysis. - Tayana Conte, Nelson Henrique Franco de Oliveira, Rafael Prikladnicki, Ana Regina Cavalcanti da Rocha, Gleison Santos, Guilherme Horta Travassos, Kival Chaves Weber:
Towards Successful Software Process Improvement Initiatives: Experiences from the Battlefield. - Joseph Cazier, Joseph Fagan, Aaron Nelson:
Using ICT & Analytics to Build Demand for Sustainable Power Consumption in a Rural Mountain Community.
Green IS and Sustainability (SIGGreen)
- Shanna Appelhanz, Matthias Schumann:
An Empirical Investigation of Strategies against Procurement Uncertainties and Their IS Support at High Grade Timber Manufacturers. - Matthias Eisel, Björn Hildebrandt, Lutz M. Kolbe, Johannes Schmidt:
Applying Demand Response Programs for Electric Vehicle Fleets. - Carol Pollard:
Applying the Theory of Planned Behavior to Individual Computer Energy Saving Behavioral Intention and Use at Work. - Andrés Díaz López:
Assessing the Ability to Act without Moving - The Movirtuality Index. - Sandra Haraldson, Per-Erik Holmberg, Mathias Karlsson:
Co-using Infrastructure for Sustainability in Maritime Transports. - Sandra Haraldson:
Digitalization of Sea Transports - Enabling Sustainable Multi-Modal Transports. - Stefan Seidel, Nadine Székely, Jan vom Brocke:
Green IS: Are We Still Thinking in Mere Economic Imperatives or Are We Striving for Eco-Effectiveness? - Seyma Guven Kocak:
Maritime Informatics Framework and Literature Survey - Ecosystem Perspective. - Rani Yesudas:
Measures to Reduce Concerns Related to Smart Meter Data_x000D_ Are detailed Consumer data needed for Smart Grid Operations? - Jon Heales, Scott McCoy, Chinthake Wijesooriya:
Multi-Dimensional Views for Sustainability: Ontological Approach. - Qi Deng, Shaobo Ji:
Organizational Green IT Adoption: Concept and Evidence. - Alex Ballasiotes, Marie-Claude Boudreau, Jessie Lian, Richard T. Watson:
Shifting to a Sustainability Dominant Logic: The Role of IS. - Thomas Abraham, Kannan Mohan:
Sustainability innovation systems (SIS): IT Investments and Stages of Sustainability Maturity. - Peter Ekman, Randle D. Raggio, Steve Thompson:
The Green Fingerprint: Decreasing energy consumption with Decision Support Systems.
Human Computer Interaction (SIGHCI)
- Robert G. Bodily, Spencer Harris, Jeffrey L. Jenkins, Ross Larsen, Daniel S. Sandberg, Steve Stokes, Joe S. Valacich, Parker A. Williams:
A Multi-Experimental Examination of Analyzing Mouse Cursor Trajectories to Gauge Subject Uncertainty. - Mostafa Mesgari, Chitu Okoli, Ana Ortiz de Guinea:
Affordance-based User Personas : A mixed-method Approach to Persona Development. - Sukeshini A. Grandhi, Babajide Osatuyi, Elizabeth Calderon:
Checklists, Checklists, Every Where, but not a List to Easily Check: An Exploratory Study of Personal Health Information Management Practices. - David Agogo, Traci J. Hess, Ryan T. Wright:
Exploring the Effects of Mood and Computer Self-Efficacy on Computing Task Performance. - Owen Schaffer, Xiaowen Feng:
Finding Flow with Games: Does Immediate Progress Feedback Cause Flow? - Upasna Bhandari, Wen Yong Chua, Klarissa Chang, Tillmann Neben:
Follow Your Heart or Mind? Measuring Neurophysiological Responses and Subjective Judgments for Visual Aesthetics. - Manju Ahuja, Robert Fuller, Massimo Magni:
Is Media Synchronicity Theory Culture Blind? An Empirical Test. - Stoney L. Brooks, Phil Longstreet:
Life Satisfaction: The Key to Managing Internet & Social Media Addiction. - Edhelmira Lima-Medina
, Daniela Trevisan, José Viterbo, Orlando Gomes Loques Filho:
My Health: An Online Healthcare Social Network Inclusive for Elderly People. - Nathan Lakew, Arun Aryal:
Secondary design - as a supplementary knowledge base for HCI design. - Hessamedin Vali, David Jingjun Xu, Mehmet Yildirim:
The Effect of Conflicting Consumer Reviews on the Accuracy of a Purchase Decisions. - Soussan Djamasbi, Wanbin Li, Mark Traietti, Lan Chi Thi Tran, Victoria Valcour, John Wyatt, Fangwen Yuan:
Web Experience and Growth.
Healthcare Information Systems and Technology (SIGHealth)
- Klimentiy Batoroev, Tilo Böhmann, Oksana Tokar:
A Framework for Analyzing Patient-centered Mobile Applications for Mental Health. - Henrike Berthold, Jorge Cardoso, Paulo Cunha, Ronny Mans, Silvana Quaglini, Wil M. P. van der Aalst:
A framework for next generation e-health systems and services. - Birgitta Bergvall-Kåreborn, Carina Ihlström Eriksson, Anita Melander-Wikman, Anna Ståhlbröst:
A Model for Reflective Participatory Design - The Role of Participation, Voice and Space. - Gloria J. Deckard, Monica C. Tremblay, John Zhang:
A Multi-Agent Approach For HIE Design and Implementation. - Surendra Sarnikar, Sarin Shrestha:
A Simulation Model for Evaluating Alarm Routing Policies in ICU Patient Monitoring Information Systems. - K. Niki Kunene:
A Study Of Healthcare Consumers' Voluntary Adoption and Non-Adoption of Electronic Personal Health Records in Connecticut. - John C. Pendergrass, C. Ranganathan:
Adoption of Health Information Exchange by Small Clinics: An Institutional Perspective. - Yuanfeng Cai, Michael Voigt, Dan Zhu:
An Evidence-Based Analysis for Liver Transplants: Insights for Organ Allocation Policy. - Joshua D. Cameron, Arkalgud Ramaprasad, Thant Syn:
An Ontology of mHealth. - Lawrence Garber, Sharon A. Johnson, Farhan Mushtaq, Diane M. Strong, John Trudel, Bengisu Tulu:
Analysis & Visualization of EHR Patient Portal Clickstream Data. - Daniel Adomako Asamoah, Ramesh Sharda, Ashwin Thandapani Kumarasamy:
Can Social Media Support Public Health? Demonstrating Disease Surveillance using Big Data Analytics. - Julee Hafner, Cherie Noteboom:
Challenges of Change: Technological Ease or Technological Upset? - Shaimaa Ewais, Ala Saleh D. Alluhaidan:
Classification of Stress Management mHealth Apps Based on Octalysis Framework. - Todd R. Andel, Matt Campbell, William Bradley Glisson, Mike Jacobs, Johnny Mayr, Jeffrey Todd McDonald:
Compromising a Medical Mannequin. - Muluneh Atinaf, Monica J. Garfield:
Design and Development of a Community-based mHealth Knowledge Sharing System. - RadhaKanta Mahapatra, Radha Sahoo:
e-Mahtari - Improving Maternal Healthcare in Rural India through Information and Communication Technologies. - Amitava Dutta, Deepa Krishnan, Sivaraman Ramanathan, Rahul Roy, Priya Seetharaman, Ramkumar Veppathur Mohan:
EMR Adoption: A User Perception Study. - Abdullah Azfar, Kim-Kwang Raymond Choo, Lin Liu:
Forensic Taxonomy of Popular Android mHealth Apps. - Rangarajan Parthasarathy, Theresa A. Steinbach:
Health Informatics for Healthcare Quality Improvement: A Literature Review of Issues, Challenges and Findings. - Balaji Sankaranarayanan, Roger Yin:
Healthcare IT Capabilities and IT-Enabled Innovative Practices in Regional Healthcare Organizations. - Chrstopher Garcia, David Henderson, Michael Lapke:
Healthcare Professionals' Attitudes towards Privacy in Healthcare Information Systems. - Inkyoung Hur, Ronald Lee, J. J. Schmidt:
How Healthcare Technology Shapes Health Literacy? A Systematic Review. - Helen Delimitros, Peter Haddad, Catherine Han Lin, Hoda Moghimi, Stephen Vaughan, Nilmini Wickramasinghe:
Identifying key success factors for the adoption and implementation of a chemotherapy ordering system: A case study from the Australian private healthcare sector. - Rishikesh Jena:
Impact of HIT-Induced Error on Practice-Level EHR Use. - Mohammed Alsaqer, Brian Hilton:
Indirect Wayfinding Navigation System for the Elderly. - Suranjan Chakraborty, Sutirtha Chatterjee, Deema Alsekait:
Investigating System Development Processes in Healthcare Organizations. - James Ryan, Barbara Doster, Sandra Daily, Carmen Lewis, Rosemary Ryan:
Perioperative Workflow and Patient Care Documentation Perpetuated through Electronic Medical Records via Integrated Hospital Information Systems. - Tamuchin McCreless:
Risk as a Moderator on the Impact of EMR Systems on Clinical Process Outcomes. - Rishikesh Jena:
Sharing Personal Health Information: Personalization versus Privacy. - Ling Ge, Xitong Guo, Xiaoxiao Liu:
Super Stars or Equalized Field: An Empirical Analysis of an Online Healthcare Platform. - Haijing Hao, Kunpeng Zhang:
Text Mining Patient-Doctor Online Forum Data from the Largest Online Health Community in China. - Langtao Chen, Detmar W. Straub:
The Impact of Virtually Crowdsourced Social Support on Individual Health: Analyzing Big Datasets for Underlying Causalities. - Hilal Atasoy, Pei-Yu Chen, Kartik K. Ganju:
The Spillover Effects of Health IT Investments on Regional Health Care Costs. - David W. Wainwright, Teresa S. Waring:
Transforming Delivery of Health and Social Care: Rethinking Systems Integration. - Barbara Doster, Rosemary Ryan:
Utilizing Blue Ocean Strategies for Electronic Health Care Documentation to Navigate the Red Ocean Waters of Health Care Reform. - Osamah Altammami, Samir Chatterjee:
Utilizing Persuasive Technology Package to Elevate Dietary Awareness. - Deepti Agrawal, John Amis, Brian Janz, Sandra M. Richardson, Kulraj Singh:
'What are they saying?' Examining healthcare field discourses in West Tennessee.
Human Capital in Information Systems (SIGLEAD)
- Aron Lindberg, Kalle Lyytinen, Carol McGuire:
How Organizational Identity influences Information Technology (IT) Outsourcing Success. - Nina Evans, James Price:
Information Asset Management Capability: The Role of the CIO. - Mike Taein Eom, Surinder S. Kahai, Ali Alper Yayla:
Investigation of How IT Leadership Impacts IT-Business Alignment through Shared Domain Knowledge and Knowledge Integration. - Joseph Taylor:
Powerful Technology Leadership and Growing the Top Line. - Benjamin Yeo:
The Economic Impact of Human Capital in Information Systems. - Deborah J. Armstrong, Cynthia K. Riemenschneider, Ibtissam Zaza:
The Impact of Boundary Spanning on the Turnover Intention of State Information Systems Employees. - Tingting (Rachel) Chung, Pratyush Nidhi Sharma, Sherae L. Daniel:
The Impact of Person-Organization Fit and Psychological Ownership on Turnover in Open Source Software Projects.
Intelligence and Intelligent Systems (SIGODIS)
- Raafat George Saadé, Rustam M. Vahidov, Bo Yu:
Agents and E-commerce: Beyond Automation. - Mohammadreza Mousavizadeh, Mehrdad Koohikamali, Mohammad Salehan:
Antecedents of Online Customers Reviews' Helpfulness: A Support Vector Machine Approach. - Szu-Chieh Chen, Yi-Chun Chuang, Yen-Hao Hsieh:
Applying Affective Computing to Design a Decision Support System for Service Recovery. - Mário M. Caldeira, Gurpreet Dhillon, Simran Dhillon:
Capturing Experiences to Inform Organizational Intelligence: The Case of IT Service Competence. - Janek Benthaus, Christoph Skodda:
Investigating Consumer Information Search Behavior and Consumer Emotions to Improve Sales Forecasting. - Sean Bjurstrom, Miloslava Plachkinova:
Sentiment Analysis Methodology for Social Web Intelligence. - Dan Jong Kim, Mohammad Salehan:
The Effect of Sentiment on Information Diffusion in Social Media. - Yi-Chun Chuang, Yen-Hao Hsieh:
The Key Successful Factors of Customer Service Experience. - Kapil Gupta, Maheshkumar H. Kolekar:
Unsupervised Graph Based Video Object Extraction.
IS in Education, IS Curriculum, Education and Teaching Cases (SIGED)
- Lars-Olof Johansson, Torben E. Svane:
A business simulator for reality mining. - Faruk Arslan, Kallol Kumar Bagchi, SeungEui Ryu:
A Preliminary Evaluation of the Determinants of Certification Success in MOOCs: A Multi-level Study. - David Firth, Michael Harrington, Jason Triche:
A Skill Set Based Framework to Increase the Recruiting Efficacy for Data Science Graduates. - Bin Jiang, Andrea North-Samardzic:
Acceptance and Use of Moodle by Students and Academics. - Mike Taein Eom, Naveen Gudigantala, Gary Mitchell:
Achieving Success With a New Design of Hybrid Information Systems Major: The Case of University of ABC's Operations and Technology Management (OTM) Program. - Kristina Eriksson, Monika Hattinger:
Action Design Research: Design of e-WIL for the Manufacturing Industry. - Jeffrey Cummings, Stephen Hill:
Bringing Innovation to the Classroom: Instructor Use of Tablets to Improve Classroom Tasks across Varying Learning Styles. - Wenli Wang:
Building a Contemplative IS Workforce through Promoting Mindfulness in IS Design-A Case Study. - Yichuan Wang:
Business Intelligence and Analytics Education: Hermeneutic Literature Review and Future Directions in IS Education. - Pekka Makkonen, Terhi Skaniakos:
Career Paths Training Course - Supporting First Year Information Systems Science Students' Working Life Horizon. - Amy A. Campbell, Matt Campbell, John Harold Pardue:
Creating a Health Informatics Program: Is It Good For What Ails Us? - Lisa-Maria Putz, Horst Treiblmaier:
Creating a Theory-Based Research Agenda for Gamification. - Chetan S. Sankar, Yun Wu:
Design Experiential Learning Activities for MIS Introductory Courses. - Andrea North-Samardzic:
Designing a management simulation: Testing a conceptual framework. - Sean Eom:
Effects of Self-Efficacy and Self-regulated Learning on LMS User Satisfaction and LMS Effectiveness. - Tendai Ndabvonga-Dongo, April H. Reed:
Enhancing Software Development in the MIS Curriculum using Pair Programming. - Stacie Petter, Olimpiya Saha, Jie Xiong:
Factors Affecting the Adoption of Online Discussion Boards in Physical Learning Environments. - Imed Boughzala, Olfa Tantan, Daniel Lang:
Feedback on the Integration of a Serious Game in the Business Process Management Learning. - Peter Clutterbuck, Jon Heales, Chinthake Wijesooriya:
Forms of Formative Assessment in Virtual Learning Environments. - Michael Bieber, Xu Cai, Regina Collins, Starr Roxanne Hiltz, Yang Liu, Erick Sanchez Suasnabar:
How Hands Free Always On (HFAO) Technology Will Affect Classrooms. - Sharif Amrou, Tilo Böhmann:
Improving Transfer-of-Training with Learning Management Systems: Where We Are and Where We Should Be. - Samuel Goh, Xiaoni Zhang:
Incorporating Experiential Learning into Big Data Analytic Classes. - Justin L. Bond, P. K. Raju, Chetan S. Sankar:
Influence of Team Skills in Engineering Technology. - Earl McKinney, Charles J. Yoos II:
Informing About Semantic Information: A Set of Exercises and Lessons Learned. - Subir Bhattacharya, Rahul Roy:
IT for Managers: Journey of a core MBA course over ten years. - Mart Doyle, Richard Flanagan, James Moustafellos:
Learning by Doing: Studio Classes in MIS Education. - Turki Alelyani, Regina Collins, Starr Roxanne Hiltz, Ye Xiong:
Not Just Silly Cat Videos: Exploring Student Knowledge Sharing via Social Media. - Tala Talaei Khoei, Amir Talaei-Khoei:
Peer Learning in the Class or on Facebook? _x000D_ A Correlational Experiment on Learning Outcomes. - Atiya Afsana, Suranjan Chakraborty, Sutirtha Chatterjee, Siddharth Kaza:
Preparing Industry-ready Analysts In the Classroom: A Module Injection Approach. - Regina Collins, Fadi P. Deek, Starr Roxanne Hiltz:
Share and Share Alike: Integrating Internet Resource Sharing Into Learning. - Amara Atif, Ayse Bilgin, Deborah Richards:
Student Preferences and Attitudes to the Use of Early Alerts. - Sebastian Hobert, Björn Pilarski, Jasmin Decker, Matthias Schumann:
Supporting Learner-Content Interaction on Autodidactic Field Trips through Mobile Learning Applications. - Severina Müller, Nina Scheffler, Sabine Seufert, Katarina Stanoevska-Slabeva:
The 7i Framework - Towards a Measurement Model of Information literacy. - Elahe Javadi:
The Impact of Evaluation Mode and Social Comparison on the Quality of Integrative Ideas in Asynchronous Online Discussions: Theory Development and Field Experiment Design. - Jerry Haan, Fred Rodammer, Cheri Speier-Pero:
The Integration of Business Analytics into a Business College Undergraduate Curriculum. - Wu He, Kurt Maly, Harris Wu, Li Xu:
Using a scaffolding-based blogging approach to improve IT and CS undergraduate students' disciplinary writing skills. - Amara Atif, Chris Froissard, Danny Y. T. Liu, Deborah Richards:
Validating the Effectiveness of the Moodle Engagement Analytics Plugin to Predict Student Academic Performance. - Rong Guo, Lei Li, Yide Shen, Guangzhi Zheng:
Which Collaboration Technologies Best Support Student Teamwork? An Empirical Investigation.
IS Philosophy (SIGPhilosophy)
- Bob Travica:
4 Worlds: Coping With Technology Complexity. - Mark-David McLaughlin:
Beyond Sociomaterial: An Alternative Approach to Theorizing About Digital Artifacts. - Q. Chung:
Is Big Data Postmodern? - Dale Goodhue, William Lewis, Ronald L. Thompson:
PLS Pluses and Minuses_x000D_ In Path Estimation Accuracy. - Jan H. Kroeze, Izak van Zyl:
The Theme of Hermeneutics in IS - The Need for a Structured Literature Review. - Jan Muntermann, Robert C. Nickerson, Upkar Varshney:
Towards the Development of a Taxonomic Theory. - Arun Aryal, Mike Gallivan, Youyou Tao:
Using Latent Semantic Analysis to Identify Themes in IS Healthcare Research. - Nikhil Bandodkar:
Valuable or Stagnating? An Essay on Axiomatic Theories in IS Research.
Information Systems Security, Assurance and Privacy (SIGSEC)
- Kai S. Koong, Manal M. Yunis:
A Conceptual Model for the Development of a National Cybersecurity Index: An Integrated Framework. - Abhinash Jha, Maheshkumar H. Kolekar, Apurva Singh, Sneha Srivastava:
A Mask based approach for Lossless Colour Image Steganography. - Mohd Anwar, Ivan K. Ash, Wu He, Ling Li, Li Xu, Xiaohong Yuan:
A Security Behavior Model of Employees in Cyberspace. - Dan J. Kim, Mohammadreza Mousavizadeh:
A Study of the Effect of Privacy Assurance Mechanisms on Self-disclosure in Social Networking Sites from the View of Protection Motivation Theory. - Yi Ding, Peter Meso, Shuting Xu:
A Theoretical Model for Customizable Learning/Training to Enhance Individuals' Systems Security Behavior. - Yazan Alshboul, Kevin Streff:
Analyzing Information Security Model for Small-Medium Sized Businesses. - Dan Kim, Obi Ogbanufe:
Beyond Security and Privacy Perception: An Approach to Biometric Authentication Perception Change. - Yazan Alshboul, Raj Kumar Nepali, Yong Wang:
Big Data LifeCycle: Threats and Security Model. - Anitha Chennamaneni, Aakash Taneja:
Communication Privacy Management and Self-Disclosure on Social Media - A Case of Facebook. - Salehu Anteneh, France Bélanger, Berhanu Borena, Dejene Ejigu:
Conceptualizing Information Privacy Concern in Low-Income Countries: an Ethiopian Language Instrument for Social Network Sites Context. - Zhiling Tu, Yufei Yuan:
Coping with BYOD Security Threat: From Management Perspective. - Yazan Alshboul, Raj Kumar Nepali, Yong Wang:
Detecting malicious short URLs on Twitter. - Dan J. Kim, Mehrdad Koohikamali:
Does Information Sensitivity Make A Difference? Mobile Applications' Privacy Statements: A Text Mining Approach. - Varghese S. Jacob, Srinivasan Raghunathan, Mingwen Yang:
Economics of Cloud Security. - Kim-Kwang Raymond Choo, Alireza Heravi, Deepa Mani, Sameera Mubarak:
Employees' Intended Information Security Behaviour in Real Estate Organisations: a Protection Motivation Perspective. - Emmanuel Ayaburi:
End-user IT Security Policy Compliance: A Confidence-Building Measures Approach. - Michel Schreiner, Thomas Hess:
Examining the Role of Privacy in Virtual Migration: The Case of WhatsApp and Threema. - Nurul Hidayah Ab Rahman, Kim-Kwang Raymond Choo:
Factors Influencing the Adoption of Cloud Incident Handling Strategy: A Preliminary Study in Malaysia. - Glenn Browne, Roozmehr Safi:
Goal Framing as a Persuasive Technique to Promote Safe Behavior in the Domain of Information Security. - Charles A. Wood:
Hiding in Plain Sight: Scrubbing Unwanted Information. - Arash Negahban, John Windsor:
Identifying and measuring the dimensions of risky IT behavior. - Tilahun Muluneh Arage, France Bélanger, Tibebe Beshah Tesema:
Influence of National Culture on Employees' Compliance with Information Systems Security (ISS) Policies: Towards ISS Culture in Ethiopian Companies. - V. S. Prakash Attili, Saji K. Mathew, Vijayan Sugumaran:
Information Privacy Assimilation in Organizations - A Neo Institutional Approach. - Sanjaya Mayadunne, SungJune Park:
Information Security Investment: Expected Utility Approach with Correlated Information Assets. - Neale Martin, Humayun Zafar:
Information Security: Modeling the Unconscious Mind. - Roberto Sandoval:
Information Technology Change and the Effects on User Behavior and Cyber Security. - John R. Drake, Dianne J. Hall, Shiwei Sun, Yichuan Wang:
Job Applicants' Information Privacy-Protective Response: Exploring the Roles of Technology Readiness and Trust. - Wynne Chin, Reza Vaezi:
Measuring User Satisfaction with IS Security. - Stefan Bauer, Katharina Chudzikowski:
Mind the Threat! A Qualitative Case Study on Information Security Awareness Programs in European Banks. - Robert G. Brookshire, Mark A. Harris, Karen P. Patten, Elizabeth A. Regan:
Mobile Application Installation Influences: Have Mobile Device Users Become Desensitized to Excessive Permission Requests? - Timo Cziesla, Jan Kemper, Jan Muntermann, Griselda Sinanaj:
NSA Revelations of Privacy Breaches: Do Investors Care? - Ritesh Chugh, Kenneth Howah:
Perceived Utility as a Motivational Factor in Affecting Users' Decisions to Download and Install Potentially Spyware-Infected Software. - Albert L. Harris, Dave Yates:
Phishing Attacks Over Time: A Longitudinal Study. - Edoardo M. Airoldi, Hasan Cavusoglu, Huseyin Cavusoglu, Tuan Quang Phan:
Privacy Controls and Disclosure Behavior. - Claus-Peter H. Ernst, Jella Pfeiffer, Franz Rothlauf:
Privacy Protecting Behavior in Social Network Sites. - Kim-Kwang Raymond Choo, Jody Farnden, Ben Martini:
Privacy Risks in Mobile Dating Apps. - John R. Drake, Christopher P. Furner:
Screening Job Candidates with Social Media: A Manipulation of Disclosure Requests. - Emmanuel Ayaburi, Lucia Sobrevinas:
Securing Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition Systems: Factors and Research Direction. - George Grispos, William Bradley Glisson, Tim Storer:
Security Incident Response Criteria: A Practitioner's Perspective. - Tawfiq Alashoor, Mark Keil, Mazen Shawosh:
Societal Factors, Internet Privacy Concerns, and Self-Disclosure: The Case of Social Networking Sites in Saudi Arabia. - Anjali Kaushik, Argha Ray:
State Transgression on Electronic Expression: Is it for Real? - Bonnie Brinton Anderson, David Eargle, Jeffrey L. Jenkins, C. Brock Kirwan, Tony Vance:
The Impact of Technostress on Users' Responses to Security Warnings: A NeuroIS Study. - Gustavo Percio Zimmermann Montesdioca, Marcia Cassitas Hino, Antônio Carlos Gastaud Maçada:
The Information Privacy Concerns at the Organizational Level: An Exploratory Study in the Bank Sector. - Mirmahdi Darbanhosseiniamirkhiz, Shuyuan Deng, Dong-Heon Kwak, Greta L. Polites:
The Moderating Role of Espoused National Cultural Values on Perceptions of Privacy Assurance Mechanisms. - Zareef A. Mohammed, Gurvirender P. Tejay:
The Role of Cognitive Disposition in Deconstructing the Privacy Paradox: A Neuroscience Study.
IT Enabled Agility
- Jens Mehmann, Frank Teuteberg:
A Fourth Party Logistics Provider within an Inter-Organizational Network: An explorative Study with the Example of the Agricultural Bulk Logistics Industry. - Dazhi Chong, Wu He, Harris Wu, Hui Shi:
Dynamic Tagging for Enterprise Knowledge Sharing and Representation. - Yolande E. Chan, James S. Denford, Junjun Jane Wang:
The Influence of IT and Knowledge on Firm Agility and Performance.
IT Project Management
- Andreas Drechsler, Timur Sati:
A Competence-Focused Assessment Framework for Project Management Certifications. - Emmanuel Houzé, Liette Lapointe, Régis Meissonier:
Ensuring ERP Projects Achievement through Legitimating Practices. - Radhouane B. N. Jrad, David Sundaram:
Inter-Organizational Information and Middleware System Projects: Success, Failure, Complexity, and Challenges. - Yide Shen, Peng Xu:
Leading Agile Teams: An Exploratory Study of Leadership Styles in Agile Software Development. - Carolina Alves de Lima Salge:
Pulling the Outside In: A Transactional Cost Perspective on IT Insourcing. - Cintia Araújo, Cristiane Pedron, Filipe Quevedo:
The Influence of IT Project Manager Competencies on Team Commitment. - Thomas Case, Michael J. Cuellar, Manouchehr Tabatabaei:
The Intention to Re-Adopt Collaboration and Communication Technologies by Project Teams. - Marcirio Chaves, Cristiane Pedron:
Web 2.0 Technologies in Project Management: A Proposal of a Benefits Dependency Network.
- Paulo B. Góes:
Big Data - Analytics Engine for Digital Transformation: Where is IS? - Zach Bailes, George Coffin, Joy Fluker, Meg Murray, Jorge Pérez:
Connectivity and Continuity: New Fronts in the Platform Wars. - Abayomi Baiyere, Brian Donnellan, Alan R. Hevner, Calvin Smith, Jim Stikeleather:
Disruptive Innovations and IT_x000D_ A Wicked yet Empowering combination. - Jason Clark, Aaron M. French, Jung P. Shim, Robert St. Louis, Barbara Stevens:
Sailing the Seven Seas, a Blue Ocean of the Internet of Things. - Jane Fedorowicz, Gwanhoo Lee:
The AIS Grand Vision Project: What, Why, and How. - Maxine S. Cohen, Laurie P. Dringus, Martha M. Snyder, Rhonda Syler, Jan vom Brocke:
The Next Decade of Online Learning in Higher Education: Blue Ocean Strategies for the Design and Delivery of Graduate IS Programs. - John Leslie King:
The World Turned Upside Down: IS Research in Difficult Terrain.
Research Methods
- Amany R. Elbanna:
The digital turn in interpretive research: opportunities and limitations.
Social Computing
- Shabdiz Ghasemivandhonaryar, Bernd Hellingrath, Flávio Eduardo Aoki Horita, Daniel Link, João Porto de Albuquerque:
A Method for Extracting Task-related Information from Social Media based on Structured Domain Knowledge. - Nargess Tahmasbi, Gert-Jan de Vreede:
A Study of Emergent Norm Formation in Online Crowds. - Andrey Chinnov, Pascal Kerschke, Christian Meske, Stefan Stieglitz, Heike Trautmann:
An Overview of Topic Discovery in Twitter Communication through Social Media Analytics. - Fabian Akolk, Marten Risius:
Differentiated Sentiment Analysis of Corporate Social Media Accounts. - Christie Pei-Yee Chin, Kim-Kwang Raymond Choo, Nina Evans:
Enterprise Social Networks: A Successful Implementation within a Telecommunication Company. - Jie Ren:
Examining the Causality Loop between Online Reviews and Consumer Acquisition - a Granger Causality Study from YouTube. - Sebastian Rohmann, Sara Heuschneider, Matthias Schumann:
Social Software for Product Development - Explorative Study on Influencing Factors and related Challenges. - Marcin Bartosiak, Gabriele Piccoli:
Tell Me What to Do! Computer-Synthesized Speech as a Persuasive Technology in the Context of Online Reviews. - Xiayu Chen, Robert M. Davison, Qian Huang:
The Impact of Technology Support for Contextualization and Media System Dependency on Enterprise Social Media Use.
Social-Technical Issues and Social Inclusion
- Yu-Ting Fu, Ting-Kai Hwang, Yung-Ming Li, Lien-Fa Lin:
A Social Referral Mechanism for Job Reference Recommendation. - Kim Graham, K. D. Joshi, Benyawarath Nithithanatchinnapat, Eileen M. Trauth:
An Exploratory Study of Identity and IT Career Choice for Military Service Members and Veterans with Disabilities. - Natalie Gerhart, Mehrdad Koohikamali:
Anonymously Social Networking: A Great Migration. - Su Dong, Ruth King, Tamuchin McCreless:
Are you addicted to the Internet or on the Internet?_x000D_ A Cognition-Attitude-Behavior-Consequence Hierarchy Model to Study Internet Addiction. - Stoney L. Brooks:
Being Social isn't Just About Fun: An Examination of Personal Social Media Usage. - Eleni Berki, Fay Cobb Payton, Natasha Pinto:
Bind and Double Bind: Media Images of Women in Computing. - Klarissa Chang, Xiqing Sha:
Creative Performance in Mediated Communication: The Contextual Effects of Communication Media. - Emily Dickson, Justin Null, Warren Skinner, Jordan Swogger, Andrew Thompson, Brian Wentz:
Developing and Implementing an Accessible, Touch-based Web App for Inclusive Learning. - Robert Rockmann, Andy Weeger, Heiko Gewald:
Elderly People in eHealth: Investigating Internet Self-Efficacy and the Role of Occupational Internet Usage. - Marko Niemimaa:
Extending 'Toolbox' of Business Continuity Approaches: Towards Practicing Continuity. - Stefan Holgersson:
How ICT can contribute to the use of impression-management strategies in a public organization. - Michael Klesel, Gunnar Mokosch, Björn Niehaves:
Maturing, Flagshipping and Piggybacking: On the Use of Structuration Theory in Information Systems Research. - Andrea Everard, Jean Heck, Kent St. Pierre:
Measuring the Success of Female Faculty in the IS Research Arena: An Empirical Investigation. - B. Dawn Medlin, Sandra A. Vannoy, Charlie C. Chen:
Music Piracy Among College Students. - Luiz Fernando Bono Milan, Maria Alexandra Cunha, Fernando Meirelles:
Non-Investment in Information Systems: A Cognitive Dissonance Case Study. - Fredrik Larsson, Lazar Rusu, Parisa Aasi:
Organizational Structure in IT Governance: A Case Study of an IT Governance Implementation Project. - Shahper Vodanovich, David Sundaram, Kathy Ning Shen:
Social Competence of Digital Natives: Impact of Social Networking Sites (SNS) Use. - Shih-Hui Hsiao, Yichuan Wang:
The Effect of Social Factors on User-Generated Content Productivity: Evidence from Flickr.com. - Claus-Peter H. Ernst, Jella Pfeiffer, Franz Rothlauf:
The Influence of Social Curiosity on the Observing Behavior of Users on Social Network Sites. - Sung Won Kim, Utku Pamuksuz, Ramanath Subramanyam:
The Role of Electronic Word-of-Mouth on Stakeholders' Perceptions: Can Online Opinion Impact Managers' Futures? - Curtis Cain, Eileen M. Trauth:
Theorizing the Underrepresentation of Black Males in Information Technology (IT). - Traci A. Carte, Shekesa McLaurin, Adriane B. Randolph:
Undergraduate-to-PhD Project: Examining the Path to Becoming and Remaining an African American Professor in Information Systems. - A. K. M. Najmul Islam, Neeraj Sachdeva:
User Attitude Towards Screen Readers: A Finnish Perspective. - Shuzhe Yang:
Why Are People So Naïve? Long-term Motivation in Online Reputation Management: A Grounded Theory Study. - Claus-Peter H. Ernst, Alexander W. Ernst:
Why People Play Pokémon: The Role of Perceived Belonging.
Spanish, Portuguese and Latin American
- Fernando Meirelles, Rosana Santarosa:
A Tecnologia da Informação a Serviço da Cultura: O Caso do Museu do Futebol do Brasil. - Gabriel Silva Cogo:
Analysis of Dimensions Related to Cloud Computing Adoption: A Multiple Case Study. - Ronaldo Martins da Costa, Elias Junior, Fátima L. S. Nunes, Leandro Luís Galdino de Oliveira, Rogério Lopes Salvini:
Analysis of Techniques of the Content-Based Image Retrieval to construct an Information System of the Computer-Aided Diagnosis. - Valter Moreno Jr.
, Rodrigo Zaroni:
Antecedentes e Resultados do Uso Efetivo de LMS na Educação a Distância. - José Esteves Sousa, Rodrigo Jose Leone, Isabel Ramos, Josevaldo Sousa, Liêda Souza:
Aprendizagem organizacional e o uso estratégico da informação contábil na captação de recursos. - Miguel Maldonado, Vicenta Sierra:
Can social media predict voter intention in elections?_x000D_ The case of the 2012 Dominican Republic Presidential Election. - Pedro Bruzzi, Luiz Joia:
Detecting and Sorting the Paradoxes Associated with Smartphone Use by Brazilian Professionals. - Martha Hernandez, Martin Santana:
El Impacto de Facebook en la elección de una Universidad. - Juan Manuel Gómez Reynoso, Marcelo Perez Ramos:
Factores clave en Redes Sociales de Gestión del Conocimiento: Estudio desde una perspectiva del usuario. - Rodrigo Klein, Edimara M. Luciano, Marie Anne Macadar:
Grau de Transparência de Dados Abertos Governamentais: o Portal Governamental Brasileiro dados.rs.gov.br. - Carlos Argelio Arevalo Mercado, Daniela Espinosa, Juan Manuel Gómez Reynoso, Estela Lizbeth Muñoz Andrade:
Impacto de Aplicaciones para Dispositivos Móviles: Un estudio de Aceptación. - Daniel Hastenreiter, Carlos Júnior:
Impactos da Escolha da Licença na Dinâmica de Desenvolvimento de Software Livre. - Alexandre R. Graeml, Matheus Padilha:
Inteligência Coletiva e Gestão do Conhecimento: Quem é Meio e Quem é Fim? - Eduardo Nery Rossi Camilo, Ronaldo Martins da Costa, Hedenir Pinheiro:
Metodologia e Dispositivo Portátil para Avaliação do Reflexo Pupilar. - Carlos Júnior, Luiz Fernando Pinto:
Motivações dos Contribuidores de Crowdsourcing. - Adriano Santos Rocha Silva, Ernani Marques dos Santos:
Mídias Sociais na Administração Pública: um Estudo sobre a Utilização do Facebook em Cidades Brasileiras. - Carolina Gomes, Alexandre R. Graeml, Karin Graeml:
O Meio é Mesmo a Mensagem: Evidências de como a Tecnologia Afeta a Comunicação e a Presença Social em Ambientes Virtuais de Aprendizagem. - Kuldeep Kumar, Gladys Simpson:
Phronesis as a Paradigm for ICT-enabled Transparency: The Case of the Nicaragua Canal Megaproject. - Debora Firmani, Elizabeth E. Grandón:
Propuesta de Modelo de Gobierno TI para Empresa de Servicios Sanitarios de Chile. - Maria Henriquez-Berrocal, Aurora Sánchez:
Relevancia de las Barreras Percibidas En La Decisión de Adoptar Cloud Computing. - Guilherme Luiz Frufrek, Luciano T. E. Pansanato:
Um Estudo sobre Rotatividade de Pessoal com Profissionais de Empresas Brasileiras de Desenvolvimento de Software. - Sonia Arbues Decoster, Cesar Souza:
Web-Based Technologies That Drive Innovation. - Ricardo Câmara, Marcirio Chaves, Rogério Soares, Mauricio Tessi:
WikiRiskMan: Um Framework para Gestão de Riscos em Projetos.
Strategic and Competitive Use of Information Technology
- Urban Ask, Johan Magnusson, Andreas Nilsson:
Ambidexterity and Paradexterity: A typology of IT Governance contradictions. - Anna Sidorova, Russell Torres:
Business Intelligence and Analytics as a Foundation for Organizational Dynamic Capabilities. - Heiko Gewald, Daniel Hackenberg, Andy Weeger:
Business Strategy, IT Management and Business Value - a tripartite interaction? - Nelli Nieminen, Samuli Pekkola:
Comparison of Functional, Structural, and Dynamic Business-IT Alignment Models: A Case Study. - Yoris Au, Emmanuel Ayaburi, Charles Zhechao Liu:
Competitive Strategies for Software Vendors amid Software-as-a-Service Business Model. - Marius Goldberg, Gerhard Satzger:
Designing Organizational Models for Service Integration in a Multi-sourcing Context. - Emmanuel Ayaburi:
Effect of Third-Party Cloud Computing Usage on Intra-Organizational Coordination. - Pamila Dembla, Charles Flack, Stacie Petter:
Extending the DeLone and McLean IS Success Model to Cloud Computing. - David Edward Cantor, Inmyung Choi, Joey F. George:
How Does the Rivalry between Firms Explain the IT Capability Gap, Leanness, and Performance of Firms? - Laura L. Hall, Gemoets Leo, M. Adam Mahmood, Fernando Parra:
Impact of IS Governance Certifications on Enterprise Risk. - Stephan Zoder:
Improving Enterprise Master Data Quality - What Is The ROI? A Practitioner's Analysis Of The Financial Value Organizations Can Expect From Improving Overall Master Data Quality. - Salman Aljazzaf, Sunil Mithas, Forrest V. Morgeson III, Pratyush Nidhi Sharma:
In Which Model Do We Trust and When? Comparing the Explanatory and Predictive Abilities of Models of E-Government Trust. - Rafael Brinkhues, José Carlos da Silva Freitas Junior, Antônio Carlos Gastaud Maçada:
Information Management Capability as a Source of Sustained Competitive Advantage. - Rafael Brinkhues, José Carlos da Silva Freitas Junior, Antônio Carlos Gastaud Maçada:
Information Management Capability as Competitive Imperfection in the Strategic Factor Market of Big Data. - Matt Germonprez, Matt Levy:
Is it Egalitarianism or Enterprise Strategy? Exploring a New Method of Innovation in Open Source. - Jörn Kobus, Markus Westner:
Lean Management of IT Organizations: Implementation Success Factors and Theoretical Foundation. - Dubravka Cecez-Kecmanovic, George Joukhadar, Fethi A. Rabhi:
SOA Strategic Vision: role in establishing a strong SOA governance. - Jordan Shropshire:
Strategies for Ensuring High Availability Cloud Services. - Giorgi Shuradze, David Wagner, Heinz-Theo Wagner:
Technological Platforms and Innovation: Review, Integration, and Extension. - Bidyut Hazarika, Jahangir Karimi, Jiban Khuntia, Madhavan Parthasarathy:
Technology Frustration and Consumer Valuation Shift for Mobile Apps: An Exploratory Study. - Sean Hansen, Manlu Liu, Qiang Tu:
Toward Sustainable Collaborative Software Development: A Case in Higher Education. - Björn Hildebrandt, Lutz M. Kolbe, Markus Mandrella, Simon Trang, Sebastian Zander:
Value Co-creation through Network IT Alignment: An Empirical Examination in Regional Networks. - Soerin Bipat, Lineke Sneller, Joost Visser:
What Affects Information Technology Capability: A Meta-Analysis on Aspects that Influence Information Technology Capability. - Filip Gårdelöv, Viktor Larsson, Dick Stenmark:
Why should Organisations Govern Enterprise Search?
Systems Analysis and Design (SIGSAND)
- Nicolli S. R. Alves, Rodrigo Araujo, Rodrigo O. Spínola:
A Collaborative Computational Infrastructure for Supporting Technical Debt Knowledge Sharing and Evolution. - Corey Baham, Victoria Kisekka:
Applying Cyber Range Concepts of Operation to Disaster Recovery Testing. A Case Study. - Tianjie Deng, William N. Robinson:
Diversity in Software Development Routines are Attractive: A Preliminary Analysis of GitHub Repositories. - Miguel I. Aguirre-Urreta, George M. Marakas, Wenying Nan Sun:
Effectiveness of Pair and Solo Programming Methods: a Survey and an Analytical Approach. - W. Alec Cram, Marco Marabelli:
Have Your Cake and Eat it Too? Managing Knowledge in Hybrid Agile-Traditional Development Projects. - John Erickson, Banu Goktan, Visha Gupta, Suman Niranjan:
Individual Entrepreneurial Orientation Role in Shaping Reactions to New Technologies. - Subir Bhattacharya, Kushal Saha:
Perceptions about Agility Enablers and their Relative Importance: a Collation. - William N. Robinson, Radu E. Vlas:
Requirements Evolution and Project Success: An Analysis of SourceForge Projects. - Florian Matthes, Alexander W. Schneider, Marin Zec:
Towards a Process Model for Computer-Supported Collaborative Morphological Analysis. - Dominik Bork:
Using Conceptual Modeling for Designing Multi-View Modeling Tools.
Virtual Communities and Collaboration
- Dan J. Kim, Mohammadreza Mousavizadeh:
A Study of Antecedents of Sense of Presence in Virtual World: Virtual Presence vs. Social Presence. - Yolanda Gil, Matheus Hauder, Felix Michel, Varun Ratnakar
A Virtual Crowdsourcing Community for Open Collaboration in Science Processes. - Yuanxiang Li, Dan Zhu:
Do You Need to Pay For Online Community: A Comparison Study. - Susan A. Brown, Sarah Harris, Sherry M. B. Thatcher, David W. Wilson:
Identity Communication in Virtual Teams: Insights from Interviews with Working Professionals. - Simon Cleveland, Timothy J. Ellis, Crissy Hinojosa:
Knowledge Exchange via Unified Communication Services: A Grounded Theory Approach. - Nick Hajli, Shih-Hui Hsiao, Yichuan Wang, Zhiguo Yang:
Leveraging Co-innovation Practices on Business-to-Business Virtual Communities. - Sanghyung Jin, Cheul Rhee:
Optimal Environment for Flamers: Information Overload and its Effect on Hostile Behaviors. - Mohammad Al-Ramahi, Yenling Chang, Omar F. El-Gayar, Jun Liu:
Predicting Big Movers Based on Online Stock Forum Sentiment Analysis. - Mohammad Al-Ramahi
, Insu Park:
The Influence of Peers Social Structure in Healthcare Social Networking Websites. - Simon Cleveland, Timothy J. Ellis:
The Role of Microblogging Capacities in Knowledge Sharing and Collaboration in Virtual Teams. - Chan Won Lee, Sherlock A. Licorish, Stephen G. MacDonell, Priyanka Patel, Tony Savarimuthu:
They'll Know It When They See It: Analyzing Post-Release Feedback from the Android Community. - Nima Kordzadeh, Diana K. Young:
Understanding How Hospitals Use Social Media: An Exploratory Study of Facebook Posts. - Ricardo Cruz, Norberto Hoppen, Eduardo Henrique Rigoni:
Virtual Business Communities to Improve Symbiotic Resource Sharing.
Workshops & Tutorials
- Daniel Farkas, Brian Hilton, James B. Pick, Hindupur Ramakrishna, Avijit Sarkar, Namchul Shin:
Big Data and Location Analytics I: Concepts and Recent Developments. - Daniel Farkas, Brian Hilton, James B. Pick, Hindupur Ramakrishna, Avijit Sarkar, Namchul Shin:
Big Data and Location Analytics II: Applications, Opportunities, and Challenges. - Umar Ruhi:
Opportunities & Challenges for End-User Development Activities in Information Systems Curricula. - Timothy Hill:
Storification, Social Media & Salesforce: Business Systems Lab Engagement for the iGeneration.

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