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IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, Volume 15
Volume 15, Number 1, January 2016
- Haiying Shen, Ze Li:
A Kautz-Based Wireless Sensor and Actuator Network for Real-Time, Fault-Tolerant and Energy-Efficient Transmission. 1-16 - Huacheng Zeng, Yi Shi
, Y. Thomas Hou
, Wenjing Lou, Sastry Kompella
, Scott F. Midkiff:
An Analytical Model for Interference Alignment in Multi-Hop MIMO Networks. 17-31 - Brett Hagelstein, Mehran Abolhasan
, Daniel Robert Franklin
, Farzad Safaei
, Wei Ni
Analytic Performance Model for State-Based MAC Layer Cooperative Retransmission Protocols. 32-44 - Wenguang Mao, Xudong Wang, Aimin Tang
, Hua Qian:
ANC-ERA: Random Access for Analog Network Coding in Wireless Networks. 45-59 - Qiang Li
, Qi Han, Limin Sun:
Collaborative Recognition of Queuing Behavior on Mobile Phones. 60-73 - Kai-Ten Feng
, Wun-Ci Su, Chun-Yu Chen:
Comprehensive Performance Analysis and Sleep Window Determination for IEEE 802.16 Broadband Wireless Networks. 74-91 - Arash Azarfar, Jean-François Frigon, Brunilde Sansò:
Delay Analysis of Multichannel Opportunistic Spectrum Access MAC Protocols. 92-106 - Qinglin Zhao, Soung Chang Liew, Shengli Zhang
, Yao Yu:
Distance-Based Location Management Utilizing Initial Position for Mobile Communication Networks. 107-120 - Kang Chen, Haiying Shen, Li Yan:
DSearching: Using Floating Mobility Information for Distributed Node Searching in DTNs. 121-136 - Haifeng Niu, Eyad Taqieddin, Sarangapani Jagannathan:
EPC Gen2v2 RFID Standard Authentication and Ownership Management Protocol. 137-149 - Chul-Ho Lee, Do Young Eun
Exploiting Heterogeneity for Improving Forwarding Performance in Mobile Opportunistic Networks: An Analytic Approach. 150-162 - Nadav Schweitzer, Ariel Stulman
, Asaf Shabtai, Roy David Margalit:
Mitigating Denial of Service Attacks in OLSR Protocol Using Fictitious Nodes. 163-172 - Zaheer Khan, Janne J. Lehtomäki, Luiz A. DaSilva, Ekram Hossain, Matti Latva-aho:
Opportunistic Channel Selection by Cognitive Wireless Nodes Under Imperfect Observations and Limited Memory: A Repeated Game Model. 173-187 - Kisung Lee, Ling Liu, Balaji Palanisamy, Emre Yigitoglu:
Road Network-Aware Spatial Alarms. 188-201 - Lei Sun, Wenye Wang
, Yujin Li:
The Impact of Network Size and Mobility on Information Delivery in Cognitive Radio Networks. 217-231
Volume 15, Number 2, February 2016
- Huacheng Zeng, Yi Shi
, Y. Thomas Hou
, Wenjing Lou, Hanif D. Sherali, Rongbo Zhu
, Scott F. Midkiff:
A Scheduling Algorithm for MIMO DoF Allocation in Multi-Hop Networks. 264-277 - Xiangmao Chang, Jun Huang, Shucheng Liu, Guoliang Xing, Hongwei Zhang, Jianping Wang, Liusheng Huang, Yi Zhuang:
Accuracy-Aware Interference Modeling and Measurement in Wireless Sensor Networks. 278-291 - Rahul Amin
, Jim Martin:
Assessing Performance Gains Through Global Resource Control of Heterogeneous Wireless Networks. 292-305 - Yong Li, Depeng Jin, Pan Hui, Sheng Chen
Contact-Aware Data Replication in Roadside Unit Aided Vehicular Delay Tolerant Networks. 306-321 - Manas Khatua, Sudip Misra
D2D: Delay-Aware Distributed Dynamic Adaptation of Contention Window in Wireless Networks. 322-335 - Kae Won Choi, Dimas Tribudi Wiriaatmadja, Ekram Hossain:
Discovering Mobile Applications in Cellular Device-to-Device Communications: Hash Function and Bloom Filter-Based Approach. 336-349 - Prabodini Semasinghe, Ekram Hossain:
Downlink Power Control in Self-Organizing Dense Small Cells Underlaying Macrocells: A Mean Field Game. 350-363 - Abhinav Kumar
, Catherine Rosenberg:
Energy and Throughput Trade-Offs in Cellular Networks Using Base Station Switching. 364-376 - Amal Abdel Razzac
, Salah-Eddine Elayoubi, Tijani Chahed, Bachar El-Hassan:
Impact of Playout Buffering on Mobile TV Performance. 377-391 - Ji-Hoon Yun:
Intra and Inter-Cell Resource Management in Full-Duplex Heterogeneous Cellular Networks. 392-405 - Yiran Shen, Wen Hu
, Mingrui Yang, Junbin Liu, Bo Wei, Simon Lucey
, Chun Tung Chou
Real-Time and Robust Compressive Background Subtraction for Embedded Camera Networks. 406-418 - Nader Mokari, Saeedeh Parsaeefard, Paeiz Azmi, Hamid Saeedi
, Ekram Hossain:
Robust Ergodic Uplink Resource Allocation in Underlay OFDMA Cognitive Radio Networks. 419-431 - Bingsheng Zhang
, Kui Ren
, Guoliang Xing, Xinwen Fu
, Cong Wang
SBVLC: Secure Barcode-Based Visible Light Communication for Smartphones. 432-446 - Mahmudur Rahman, Bogdan Carbunar, Umut Topkara:
Secure Management of Low Power Fitness Trackers. 447-459 - Ruipeng Gao, Yang Tian, Fan Ye, Guojie Luo, Kaigui Bian, Yizhou Wang, Tao Wang, Xiaoming Li:
Sextant: Towards Ubiquitous Indoor Localization Service by Photo-Taking of the Environment. 460-474 - Dingming Wu
, Guihai Chen
, Chao Dong, Shaojie Tang, Haipeng Dai
Simultaneous Query for Wireless Sensor Networks: A Power Based Solution. 475-488 - Jonathan M. Reed, Abdallah S. Abdallah
, Michael S. Thompson, Allen B. MacKenzie
, Luiz A. DaSilva:
The FINS Framework: Design and Implementation of the Flexible Internetwork Stack (FINS) Framework. 489-502 - Hossein Ajorloo
, Mohammad T. Manzuri Shalmani
Throughput Modeling of Distributed Reservation Protocol. 503-515 - Haneul Ko, Giwon Lee, Sangheon Pack
, Kisuk Kweon:
Timer-Based Bloom Filter Aggregation for Reducing Signaling Overhead in Distributed Mobility Management. 516-529
Volume 15, Number 3, March 2016
- Jun Liu, Zhaohui Wang, Jun-Hong Cui, Shengli Zhou, Bo Yang:
A Joint Time Synchronization and Localization Design for Mobile Underwater Sensor Networks. 530-543 - Yeseong Kim, Boyeong Jeon, Jihong Kim:
A Personalized Network Activity-Aware Approach to Reducing Radio Energy Consumption of Smartphones. 544-557 - Zhaozong Meng, Joan Lu
A Rule-based Service Customization Strategy for Smart Home Context-Aware Automation. 558-571 - Sarogini Grace Pease
, Iain W. Phillips
, Lin Guan
Adaptive Intelligent Middleware Architecture for Mobile Real-Time Communications. 572-585 - Tianci Liu, Yunhao Liu, Lei Yang
, Yi Guo, Cheng Wang:
BackPos: High Accuracy Backscatter Positioning System. 586-598 - Shih-Chun Lin
, Kwang-Cheng Chen
Cognitive and Opportunistic Relay for QoS Guarantees in Machine-to-Machine Communications. 599-609 - Songtao Guo, Yuanyuan Yang
, Cong Wang:
DaGCM: A Concurrent Data Uploading Framework for Mobile Data Gathering in Wireless Sensor Networks. 610-626 - Jing Zhao, Wei Gao, Yi Wang, Guohong Cao:
Delay-Constrained Caching in Cognitive Radio Networks. 627-640 - Jiyan Wu, Chau Yuen, Ngai-Man Cheung, Junliang Chen:
Delay-Constrained High Definition Video Transmission in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks with Multi-Homed Terminals. 641-655 - Yishuang Geng, Jin Chen, Ruijun Fu, Guanqun Bao, Kaveh Pahlavan:
Enlighten Wearable Physiological Monitoring Systems: On-Body RF Characteristics Based Human Motion Classification Using a Support Vector Machine. 656-671 - Fatemeh Saremi, Omid Fatemieh, Hossein Ahmadi, Hongyan Wang, Tarek F. Abdelzaher, Raghu K. Ganti, Hengchang Liu, Shaohan Hu, Shen Li, Lu Su:
Experiences with GreenGPS - Fuel-Efficient Navigation Using Participatory Sensing. 672-689 - Abbas Mehrabi
, Kiseon Kim:
Maximizing Data Collection Throughput on a Path in Energy Harvesting Sensor Networks Using a Mobile Sink. 690-704 - Gek Hong Sim, Joerg Widmer
, Balaji Rengarajan:
Opportunistic Finite Horizon Multicasting of Erasure-Coded Data. 705-718 - Xi Chen, Xiaopei Wu, Xiang-Yang Li, Xiaoyu Ji, Yuan He, Yunhao Liu:
Privacy-Aware High-Quality Map Generation with Participatory Sensing. 719-732 - Hanan S. Hassanein, Terence D. Todd:
Secondary VoIP Capacity in Opportunistic Spectrum Access Networks with Friendly Scheduling. 733-747 - Guanhua Wang, Shanfeng Zhang, Kaishun Wu
, Qian Zhang
, Lionel M. Ni:
TiM: Fine-Grained Rate Adaptation in WLANs. 748-761 - Guanbo Zheng, Cunqing Hua, Rong Zheng, Qixin Wang
Toward Robust Relay Placement in 60 GHz mmWave Wireless Personal Area Networks with Directional Antenna. 762-773 - Hung-Yun Hsieh, You-En Lin, Ming-Jie Yang:
Weakest-Link Coalition: Further Investigation on Cooperative Interference-Aware Spectrum Sensing and Access. 774-788
Volume 15, Number 4, April 2016
- Guillermo Suarez-Tangil
, Juan E. Tapiador
, Flavio Lombardi
, Roberto Di Pietro
Alterdroid: Differential Fault Analysis of Obfuscated Smartphone Malware. 789-802 - Jing Zhao, Xuejun Zhuo, Qinghua Li, Wei Gao, Guohong Cao:
Contact Duration Aware Data Replication in DTNs with Licensed and Unlicensed Spectrum. 803-816 - Nils Morozs
, Tim Clarke, David Grace:
Distributed Heuristically Accelerated Q-Learning for Robust Cognitive Spectrum Management in LTE Cellular Systems. 817-825 - Kévin Huguenin
, Erwan Le Merrer, Nicolas Le Scouarnec, Gilles Straub:
Efficient and Transparent Wi-Fi Offloading for HTTP(S) POSTs. 826-839 - Xuan Liu, Shigeng Zhang, Bin Xiao
, Kai Bu:
Flexible and Time-Efficient Tag Scanning with Handheld Readers. 840-852 - Vishal Sevani, Bhaskaran Raman:
HTTPDissect: Detailed Performance Analysis of HTTP Web Browsing Traffic in TDMA Mesh Networks. 853-867 - Xiaohui Wang, Eric Anderson
, Peter Steenkiste
, Fan Bai:
Improving the Accuracy of Environment-Specific Channel Modeling. 868-882 - Diego Pacheco-Paramo, Ian F. Akyildiz, Vicente Casares Giner
Local Anchor Based Location Management Schemes for Small Cells in HetNets. 883-894 - Francesco Malandrino
, Maciej Kurant, Athina Markopoulou
, Cédric Westphal, Ulas C. Kozat:
Minimizing Peak Load from Information Cascades: Social Networks Meet Cellular Networks. 895-908 - Yoora Kim, Kyunghan Lee
, Ness B. Shroff:
On Stochastic Confidence of Information Spread in Opportunistic Networks. 909-923 - Siddika Parlak, Ivan Marsic, Aleksandra Sarcevic
, Waheed U. Bajwa, Lauren J. Waterhouse, Randall S. Burd:
Passive RFID for Object and Use Detection during Trauma Resuscitation. 924-937 - Rong Jin, Xianru Du, Zi Deng, Kai Zeng, Jing Xu:
Practical Secret Key Agreement for Full-Duplex Near Field Communications. 938-951 - Mirzad Mohandespour, Manimaran Govindarasu, Zhengdao Wang:
Rate, Energy, and Delay Tradeoffs in Wireless Multicast: Network Coding versus Routing. 952-963 - Hanan Al-Tous
, Imad Barhumi:
Resource Allocation for Multiple-Sources Single-Relay Cooperative Communication OFDMA Systems. 964-981 - Diego B. Haddad
, Wallace Alves Martins
, Maurício do Vale Madeira da Costa, Luiz W. P. Biscainho
, Leonardo O. Nunes, Bowon Lee:
Robust Acoustic Self-Localization of Mobile Devices. 982-995 - Shouling Ji, Mingyuan Yan, Raheem A. Beyah
, Zhipeng Cai
Semi-Structure Routing and Analytical Frameworks for Cognitive Radio Networks. 996-1008 - Panlong Yang, Yubo Yan, Xiang-Yang Li, Yafei Zhang, Yue Tao, Lizhao You
Taming Cross-Technology Interference for Wi-Fi and ZigBee Coexistence Networks. 1009-1021 - Jiajun Zhu, Bang Wang:
The Optimal Placement Pattern for Confident Information Coverage in Wireless Sensor Networks. 1022-1032 - Rita Francese, Michele Risi, Genoveffa Tortora, Maurizio Tucci:
Visual Mobile Computing for Mobile End-Users. 1033-1046
Volume 15, Number 5, May 2016
- Libin Yang, Wei Lou
A Contract-Ruled Economic Model for QoS Guarantee in Mobile Peer-to-Peer Streaming Services. 1047-1061 - Youngbin Im, Carlee Joe-Wong, Sangtae Ha, Soumya Sen, Ted Taekyoung Kwon, Mung Chiang:
AMUSE: Empowering Users for Cost-Aware Offloading with Throughput-Delay Tradeoffs. 1062-1076 - Chen Wang
, Hongzhi Lin, Hongbo Jiang:
CANS: Towards Congestion-Adaptive and Small Stretch Emergency Navigation with Wireless Sensor Networks. 1077-1089 - Yan Gao, Chee-Wei Tan
, Ying Huang, Zheng Zeng, P. R. Kumar:
Characterization and Optimization of Delay Guarantees for Real-Time Multimedia Traffic Flows in IEEE 802.11 WLANs. 1090-1104 - Seung-Woo Ko
, Seong-Lyun Kim:
Delay-Constrained Capacity of the IEEE 802.11 DCF in Wireless Multihop Networks. 1105-1115 - Thi Ngoc Diep Pham, Chai Kiat Yeo
Detecting Colluding Blackhole and Greyhole Attacks in Delay Tolerant Networks. 1116-1129 - Zhongming Zheng, Anfeng Liu, Lin X. Cai
, Zhigang Chen, Xuemin Sherman Shen
Energy and Memory Efficient Clone Detection in Wireless Sensor Networks. 1130-1143 - Kaikai Liu, Xinxin Liu, Xiaolin Li:
Guoguo: Enabling Fine-Grained Smartphone Localization via Acoustic Anchors. 1144-1156 - Tingting Sun, Yanyong Zhang, Wade Trappe:
Improving Access Point Association Protocols Through Channel Utilization and Adaptive Probing. 1157-1167 - Wei Wang, Yingjie Victor Chen, Qian Zhang
, Kaishun Wu
, Jin Zhang:
Less Transmissions, More Throughput: Bringing Carpool to Public WLANs. 1168-1181 - Ravikumar Balakrishnan, Ian F. Akyildiz:
Local Anchor Schemes for Seamless and Low-Cost Handover in Coordinated Small Cells. 1182-1196 - Mahmudur Rahman, Umut Topkara, Bogdan Carbunar:
Movee: Video Liveness Verification for Mobile Devices Using Built-In Motion Sensors. 1197-1210 - Bo-Si Chen, Kate Ching-Ju Lin, Shang-Lun Chiu, Roger Lee, Hung-Yu Wei
Multiplexing-Diversity Medium Access for Multi-User MIMO Networks. 1211-1223 - Hemanth C.
, T. G. Venkatesh:
Performance Analysis of Service Periods (SP) of the IEEE 802.11ad Hybrid MAC Protocol. 1224-1236 - Mohammad Mansoori
, Mehdi Mahdavi
, Hamidreza Amini Khorasgani:
Performance Analysis of Large Multi-Interface Wireless Mesh Networks with Multi-Different Bandwidth Channel. 1237-1248 - Yibo Wu
, Yi Wang, Wenjie Hu, Guohong Cao:
SmartPhoto: A Resource-Aware Crowdsourcing Approach for Image Sensing with Smartphones. 1249-1263 - Hanif Rahbari
, Marwan Krunz, Loukas Lazos:
Swift Jamming Attack on Frequency Offset Estimation: The Achilles' Heel of OFDM Systems. 1264-1278 - Shiva Raj Pokhrel
, Manoj K. Panda
, Hai Le Vu
, Michel Mandjes:
TCP Performance over Wi-Fi: Joint Impact of Buffer and Channel Losses. 1279-1291 - Zongqing Lu, Yonggang Wen, Weizhan Zhang
, Qinghua Zheng, Guohong Cao:
Towards Information Diffusion in Mobile Social Networks. 1292-1304
Volume 15, Number 6, June 2016
- Ebrahim Bedeer
, Octavia A. Dobre
, Mohamed Hossam Ahmed, Kareem E. Baddour:
A Systematic Approach to Jointly Optimize Rate and Power Consumption for OFDM Systems. 1305-1317 - Sungro Yoon, Kyunghan Lee
, YeoCheon Yun, Injong Rhee:
ACMI: FM-Based Indoor Localization via Autonomous Fingerprinting. 1318-1332 - Chi-Yu Li
, Chunyi Peng, Peng Cheng, Songwu Lu, Xinbing Wang, Fengyuan Ren, Tao Wang:
An Energy Efficiency Perspective on Rate Adaptation for 802.11n NIC. 1333-1347 - Jie Liu, Bodhi Priyantha, Ted Hart, Yuzhe Jin, Woo Suk Lee, Vijay Raghunathan, Heitor S. Ramos
, Qiang Wang:
CO-GPS: Energy Efficient GPS Sensing with Cloud Offloading. 1348-1361 - Reza Abdolee, Benoît Champagne, Ali H. Sayed:
Diffusion Adaptation over Multi-Agent Networks with Wireless Link Impairments. 1362-1376 - Kai Li
, Wei Ni, Xin Wang
, Ren Ping Liu
, Salil S. Kanhere
, Sanjay K. Jha
Energy-Efficient Cooperative Relaying for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles. 1377-1386 - Yan-Ann Chen
, Ji Chen, Yu-Chee Tseng:
Inference of Conversation Partners by Cooperative Acoustic Sensing in Smartphone Networks. 1387-1400 - Anna Vazintari, Panayotis G. Cottis:
Mobility Management in Energy Constrained Self-Organizing Delay Tolerant Networks: An Autonomic Scheme Based on Game Theory. 1401-1411 - Yu Wang, Rui Tan, Guoliang Xing, Jianxun Wang, Xiaobo Tan, Xiaoming Liu, Xiangmao Chang:
Monitoring Aquatic Debris Using Smartphone-Based Robots. 1412-1426 - Ruipeng Gao, Mingmin Zhao
, Tao Ye, Fan Ye, Guojie Luo, Yizhou Wang, Kaigui Bian, Tao Wang, Xiaoming Li:
Multi-Story Indoor Floor Plan Reconstruction via Mobile Crowdsensing. 1427-1442 - Paulos Charonyktakis, Maria Plakia, Ioannis Tsamardinos, Maria Papadopouli:
On User-Centric Modular QoE Prediction for VoIP Based on Machine-Learning Algorithms. 1443-1456 - Rahman Doost-Mohammady, M. Yousof Naderi
, Kaushik Roy Chowdhury
Performance Analysis of CSMA/CA based Medium Access in Full Duplex Wireless Communications. 1457-1470 - Francesco Guidi
, Anna Guerra
, Davide Dardari
Personal Mobile Radars with Millimeter-Wave Massive Arrays for Indoor Mapping. 1471-1484 - Qinghua Li, Guohong Cao:
Providing Privacy-Aware Incentives in Mobile Sensing Systems. 1485-1498 - Hongli Xu, Liusheng Huang, Chunming Qiao, Xinglong Wang, Shan Lin, Yu-e Sun:
Shared Relay Assignment (SRA) for Many-to-One Traffic in Cooperative Networks. 1499-1513 - Weixi Gu, Longfei Shangguan, Zheng Yang, Yunhao Liu:
Sleep Hunter: Towards Fine Grained Sleep Stage Tracking with Smartphones. 1514-1527 - Yang Cao, Tao Jiang, Xu Chen, Junshan Zhang:
Social-Aware Video Multicast Based on Device-to-Device Communications. 1528-1539 - Xiang-Yang Li, Panlong Yang, Yubo Yan:
SPA: Almost Optimal Accessing of Nonstochastic Channels in Cognitive Radio Networks. 1540-1553 - Suining He
, S.-H. Gary Chan:
Tilejunction: Mitigating Signal Noise for Fingerprint-Based Indoor Localization. 1554-1568 - Nicholas Mastronarde
, Viral Patel
, Jie Xu
, Lingjia Liu, Mihaela van der Schaar
To Relay or Not to Relay: Learning Device-to-Device Relaying Strategies in Cellular Networks. 1569-1585
Volume 15, Number 7, July 2016
- Xinming Zhang
, Xulei Cao, Long Yan, Dan Keun Sung:
A Street-Centric Opportunistic Routing Protocol Based on Link Correlation for Urban VANETs. 1586-1599 - Shuguo Zhuo, Zhi Wang, Yeqiong Song
, Zhibo Wang, Luís Almeida
A Traffic Adaptive Multi-Channel MAC Protocol with Dynamic Slot Allocation for WSNs. 1600-1613 - Jianghao He, Soung Chang Liew:
ARQ for Physical-Layer Network Coding. 1614-1631 - Siming Li, Wei Zeng, Dengpan Zhou, Xianfeng Gu
, Jie Gao:
Compact Conformal Map for Greedy Routing in Wireless Mobile Sensor Networks. 1632-1646 - Ruofan Jin, Bing Wang, Wei Wei, Xiaolan Zhang, Xian Chen, Yaakov Bar-Shalom, Peter Willett
Detecting Node Failures in Mobile Wireless Networks: A Probabilistic Approach. 1647-1660 - Sheng Zhang, Jie Wu, Sanglu Lu:
Distributed Workload Dissemination for Makespan Minimization in Disruption Tolerant Networks. 1661-1673 - Stefan Joerer, Bastian Bloessl, Michele Segata
, Christoph Sommer
, Renato Lo Cigno
, Abbas Jamalipour, Falko Dressler
Enabling Situation Awareness at Intersections for IVC Congestion Control Mechanisms. 1674-1685 - Sylvia T. Kouyoumdjieva, Gunnar Karlsson:
Impact of Duty Cycling on Opportunistic Communication. 1686-1698 - Yuanchao Shu, Hamed Yousefi, Peng Cheng, Jiming Chen, Yu Jason Gu, Tian He, Kang G. Shin:
Near-Optimal Velocity Control for Mobile Charging in Wireless Rechargeable Sensor Networks. 1699-1713 - Jun He, Wei Song:
Optimizing Video Request Routing in Mobile Networks with Built-in Content Caching. 1714-1727 - Paul Patras
, Hessan Feghhi, David Malone, Douglas J. Leith
Policing 802.11 MAC Misbehaviours. 1728-1742 - Emil Eriksson
, György Dán, Viktoria Fodor:
Predictive Distributed Visual Analysis for Video in Wireless Sensor Networks. 1743-1756 - Matteo Sammarco, Miguel Elias M. Campista
, Marcelo Dias de Amorim:
Scalable Wireless Traffic Capture Through Community Detection and Trace Similarity. 1757-1769 - Heba Abdelnasser
, Reham Mohamed
, Ahmed Elgohary, Moustafa Farid Alzantot, He Wang
, Souvik Sen, Romit Roy Choudhury, Moustafa Youssef
SemanticSLAM: Using Environment Landmarks for Unsupervised Indoor Localization. 1770-1782 - Hulya Seferoglu, Eytan H. Modiano:
TCP-Aware Backpressure Routing and Scheduling. 1783-1796 - Gianlorenzo D'Angelo
, Daniele Diodati
, Alfredo Navarra
, Cristina M. Pinotti
The Minimum k-Storage Problem: Complexity, Approximation, and Experimental Analysis. 1797-1811 - Lorenzo Bracciale
, Pierpaolo Loreti, Giuseppe Bianchi:
The Sleepy Bird Catches More Worms: Revisiting Energy Efficient Neighbor Discovery. 1812-1825 - Dong-Hoon Shin, Saurabh Bagchi, Chih-Chun Wang:
Toward Optimal Distributed Monitoring of Multi-Channel Wireless Networks. 1826-1838 - Jia-Ming Liang, Jen-Jee Chen, Po-Chun Hsieh, Yu-Chee Tseng:
Two-Phase Multicast DRX Scheduling for 3GPP LTE-Advanced Networks. 1839-1849
Volume 15, Number 8, August 2016
- Peppino Fazio
, Floriano De Rango
, Cesare Sottile:
A Predictive Cross-Layered Interference Management in a Multichannel MAC with Reactive Routing in VANET. 1850-1862 - Ammar Gharaibeh, Abdallah Khreishah
, Bo Ji
, Moussa Ayyash
A Provably Efficient Online Collaborative Caching Algorithm for Multicell-Coordinated Systems. 1863-1876 - Hongwei Xie, Tao Gu
, XianPing Tao, Haibo Ye, Jian Lu:
A Reliability-Augmented Particle Filter for Magnetic Fingerprinting Based Indoor Localization on Smartphone. 1877-1892 - Yu Zhang, Loukas Lazos
, William Kozma
AMD: Audit-Based Misbehavior Detection in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks. 1893-1907 - Youngki Lee, Seungwoo Kang
, Chulhong Min, Younghyun Ju, Inseok Hwang, Junehwa Song:
CoMon+: A Cooperative Context Monitoring System for Multi-Device Personal Sensing Environments. 1908-1924 - Dongwon Kim, Nohyun Jung, Yohan Chon, Hojung Cha:
Content-Centric Energy Management of Mobile Displays. 1925-1938 - Jianping He, Lin Cai
, Peng Cheng, Jianping Pan
Delay Minimization for Data Dissemination in Large-Scale VANETs with Buses and Taxis. 1939-1950 - Yishuang Geng, Kaveh Pahlavan:
Design, Implementation, and Fundamental Limits of Image and RF Based Wireless Capsule Endoscopy Hybrid Localization. 1951-1964 - Yan Wang
, Yingying (Jennifer) Chen
, Jie Yang, Marco Gruteser, Richard P. Martin, Hongbo Liu
, Luyang Liu, Çagdas Karatas
Determining Driver Phone Use by Exploiting Smartphone Integrated Sensors. 1965-1981 - Yuan Zhuang
, Zainab Syed, You Li
, Naser El-Sheimy:
Evaluation of Two WiFi Positioning Systems Based on Autonomous Crowdsourcing of Handheld Devices for Indoor Navigation. 1982-1995 - Liangyin Chen, Yuanchao Shu, Yu Gu, Shuo Guo, Tian He, Fan Zhang, Jiming Chen:
Group-Based Neighbor Discovery in Low-Duty-Cycle Mobile Sensor Networks. 1996-2009 - Haoyi Xiong
, Daqing Zhang, Guanling Chen, Leye Wang, Vincent Gauthier
, Laura E. Barnes:
iCrowd: Near-Optimal Task Allocation for Piggyback Crowdsensing. 2010-2022 - Sen Bai, Xiangjiu Che, Xin Bai, Xiaohui Wei:
Maximal Independent Sets in Heterogeneous Wireless Ad Hoc Networks. 2023-2033 - Junmei Yao, Tao Xiong, Jie Zhang, Wei Lou
On Eliminating the Exposed Terminal Problem Using Signature Detection. 2034-2047 - Gang Lu, Mingtian Zhou, Xiaoming Wang, Xiang-Yang Li, Xiaojun Wu, Yumei Zhang:
Principles of the Complete Voronoi Diagram Localization. 2048-2063 - Wen Ji, Yingying Chen
, Min Chen
, Bo-Wei Chen, Yiqiang Chen
, Sun-Yuan Kung:
Profit Maximization through Online Advertising Scheduling for a Wireless Video Broadcast Network. 2064-2079 - Heesu Im, Changhee Joo, Taeseop Lee, Saewoong Bahk:
Receiver-Side TCP Countermeasure to Bufferbloat in Wireless Access Networks. 2080-2093 - Chun-Hao Liu, Arash Azarfar, Jean-François Frigon, Brunilde Sansò, Danijela Cabric
Robust Cooperative Spectrum Sensing Scheduling Optimization in Multi-Channel Dynamic Spectrum Access Networks. 2094-2108 - Anh Pham, Kévin Huguenin
, Igor Bilogrevic, Italo Dacosta, Jean-Pierre Hubaux:
SecureRun: Cheat-Proof and Private Summaries for Location-Based Activities. 2109-2123 - A. B. M. Musa, James Biagioni, Jakob Eriksson:
Trading Off Accuracy, Timeliness, and Uplink Usage in Online GPS Tracking. 2124-2136
Volume 15, Number 9, September 2016
- Peyman Teymoori
, Khosrow Sohraby, Kiseon Kim:
A Fair and Efficient Resource Allocation Scheme for Multi-Server Distributed Systems and Networks. 2137-2150 - Majed Haddad, Piotr Wiecek, Habib B. A. Sidi, Eitan Altman:
An Automated Dynamic Offset for Network Selection in Heterogeneous Networks. 2151-2164 - Angelos-Christos G. Anadiotis, Giacomo Morabito, Sergio Palazzo:
An SDN-Assisted Framework for Optimal Deployment of MapReduce Functions in WSNs. 2165-2178 - Kate Ching-Ju Lin, Tung-Wei Kuo, Pei-Jiun Yan, Wan-Jie Cheng, Shyh-Kang Jeng:
Beam Configuration and Client Association for Access Points with Switched Beam Antennas. 2179-2192 - Jason Brown
, Nusrat Afrin, Jamil Y. Khan
Delay Models for Static and Adaptive Persistent Resource Allocations in Wireless Systems. 2193-2205 - Xuanzhe Liu
, Yun Ma, Yunxin Liu, Tao Xie, Gang Huang:
Demystifying the Imperfect Client-Side Cache Performance of Mobile Web Browsing. 2206-2220 - Mustafa Özger
, Etimad A. Fadel
, Özgür B. Akan:
Event-to-Sink Spectrum-Aware Clustering in Mobile Cognitive Radio Sensor Networks. 2221-2233 - Tie Luo
, Salil S. Kanhere
, Sajal K. Das
, Hwee-Pink Tan
Incentive Mechanism Design for Heterogeneous Crowdsourcing Using All-Pay Contests. 2234-2246 - Manjesh Kumar Hanawal, Mohammad J. Abdel-Rahman
, Marwan Krunz:
Joint Adaptation of Frequency Hopping and Transmission Rate for Anti-Jamming Wireless Systems. 2247-2259 - Jongwon Yoon
, Karthikeyan Sundaresan, Mohammad Ali Amir Khojastepour, Sampath Rangarajan, Suman Banerjee:
Joint Multicell Beamforming and Client Association in OFDMA Small-Cell Networks. 2260-2274 - Wenzhuo Ouyang, Atilla Eryilmaz, Ness B. Shroff:
Low-Complexity Optimal Scheduling over Time-Correlated Fading Channels with ARQ Feedback. 2275-2289 - Xudong Wang, Huaiyu Huang, Taewon Hwang:
On the Capacity Gain from Full Duplex Communications in a Large Scale Wireless Network. 2290-2303 - Zhuo Lu, Wenye Wang
, Cliff Wang:
On the Evolution and Impact of Mobile Botnets in Wireless Networks. 2304-2316 - Gildas Avoine, Xavier Carpent
, Julio C. Hernandez-Castro
Pitfalls in Ultralightweight Authentication Protocol Designs. 2317-2332 - Mohammed Gharib
, Homayoun Yousefi'zadeh, Ali Movaghar
Secure Overlay Routing Using Key Pre-Distribution: A Linear Distance Optimization Approach. 2333-2344 - Jiyan Wu, Chau Yuen, Bo Cheng, Ming Wang, Junliang Chen:
Streaming High-Quality Mobile Video with Multipath TCP in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks. 2345-2361 - Chenren Xu, Bernhard Firner, Yanyong Zhang, Richard E. Howard:
The Case for Efficient and Robust RF-Based Device-Free Localization. 2362-2375 - Mattia Minelli, Maode Ma, Marceau Coupechoux, Jean-Marc Kelif, Marc Sigelle, Philippe Godlewski:
Uplink Energy-Delay Trade-Off under Optimized Relay Placement in Cellular Networks. 2376-2387 - Youngho Ahn, Ki-Seok Chung:
User-Centric Power Management for Embedded CPUs Using CPU Bandwidth Control. 2388-2397
Volume 15, Number 10, October 2016
- Yanchen Liu
, Myung J. Lee, Yanyan Zheng:
Adaptive Multi-Resource Allocation for Cloudlet-Based Mobile Cloud Computing System. 2398-2410 - Xiao-Yang Liu, Shuchin Aeron, Vaneet Aggarwal
, Xiaodong Wang, Min-You Wu:
Adaptive Sampling of RF Fingerprints for Fine-Grained Indoor Localization. 2411-2423 - Changyan Yi
, Attahiru Sule Alfa, Jun Cai:
An Incentive-Compatible Mechanism for Transmission Scheduling of Delay-Sensitive Medical Packets in E-Health Networks. 2424-2436 - Víctor Corcoba Magaña
, Mario Muñoz Organero
Artemisa: A Personal Driving Assistant for Fuel Saving. 2437-2451 - Anil Kumar Chorppath, Tansu Alpcan, Holger Boche:
Bayesian Mechanisms and Detection Methods for Wireless Network with Malicious Users. 2452-2465 - Xuefeng Liu
, Jiannong Cao
, Shaojie Tang, Jiaqi Wen, Peng Guo:
Contactless Respiration Monitoring Via Off-the-Shelf WiFi Devices. 2466-2479 - Marco Fiore
, Alessandro Nordio, Carla-Fabiana Chiasserini
Driving Factors Toward Accurate Mobile Opportunistic Sensing in Urban Environments. 2480-2493 - Zhice Yang
, Qian Zhang
Low-Cost and Accurate 3D Road Modeling Using Mobile Phone. 2494-2506 - Kai-Ten Feng
, Pei-Rong Li, Jui-Hung Chu:
Novel Design of Optimal Spectrum Sharing for Cognitive Radio-Enabled LTE-A Multi-Cell Networks. 2507-2521 - Ke Liu, Jack Y. B. Lee:
On Improving TCP Performance over Mobile Data Networks. 2522-2536 - Ömer Korçak, George Iosifidis
, Tansu Alpcan, Iordanis Koutsopoulos:
Operator Collusion and Market Regulation Policies for Wireless Spectrum Management. 2537-2549 - Xiaoshan Sun, Shaohan Hu, Lu Su, Tarek F. Abdelzaher, Pan Hui, Wei Zheng, Hengchang Liu, John A. Stankovic:
Participatory Sensing Meets Opportunistic Sharing: Automatic Phone-to-Phone Communication in Vehicles. 2550-2563 - Yin Yan, Shaun Cosgrove, Varun Anand, Amit Kulkarni, Sree Harsha Konduri, Steven Y. Ko, Lukasz Ziarek:
RTDroid: A Design for Real-Time Android. 2564-2584 - Cesare Alippi, Maurizio Bocca, Giacomo Boracchi
, Neal Patwari, Manuel Roveri
RTI Goes Wild: Radio Tomographic Imaging for Outdoor People Detection and Localization. 2585-2598 - Qian Ma, Ya-Feng Liu, Jianwei Huang:
Time and Location Aware Mobile Data Pricing. 2599-2613 - Xi Zhang, Junaid Ansari, Guangwei Yang, Petri Mähönen:
TRUMP: Efficient and Flexible Realization of Medium Access Control Protocols for Wireless Networks. 2614-2626 - Pavol Polacek, Chih-Wei Huang, Jia-Wei Chiang:
Unified Opportunistic Scheduling for Layered Multicast over Cognitive Radio Networks. 2627-2639 - Kun Zhu, Ekram Hossain:
Virtualization of 5G Cellular Networks as a Hierarchical Combinatorial Auction. 2640-2654
Volume 15, Number 11, November 2016
- Stavros Papadopoulos, Anastasios Drosou, Dimitrios Tzovaras
A Novel Graph-Based Descriptor for the Detection of Billing-Related Anomalies in Cellular Mobile Networks. 2655-2668 - Chaocan Xiang, Panlong Yang, Chang Tian, Lan Zhang, Hao Lin, Fu Xiao, Maotian Zhang, Yunhao Liu:
CARM: Crowd-Sensing Accurate Outdoor RSS Maps with Error-Prone Smartphone Measurements. 2669-2681 - Saba Nasseri, Mohammad Reza Nakhai
, Tuan Anh Le:
Chance Constrained Robust Downlink Beamforming in Multicell Networks. 2682-2691 - Andreas Pamboris, Peter R. Pietzuch:
C-RAM: Breaking Mobile Device Memory Barriers Using the Cloud. 2692-2705 - Andrea Gorrieri, Gianluigi Ferrari:
DiSIF: A Distance-Based Silencing Technique for Multi-Hop Broadcast Communications in Pedestrian Ad-Hoc Networks. 2706-2718 - Haiqing Jiang, Yaogong Wang, Kyunghan Lee
, Injong Rhee:
DRWA: A Receiver-Centric Solution to Bufferbloat in Cellular Networks. 2719-2734 - Vaibhav Singh, Matthew Lentz
, Bobby Bhattacharjee, Richard J. La, Mark A. Shayman:
Dynamic Frequency Resource Allocation in Heterogeneous Cellular Networks. 2735-2748 - Sihui Han, Xinyu Zhang, Kang G. Shin:
Fair and Efficient Coexistence of Heterogeneous Channel Widths in Next-Generation Wireless LANs. 2749-2761 - Yuedong Xu, Salah-Eddine Elayoubi, Eitan Altman, Rachid El Azouzi
, Yinghao Yu:
Flow-Level QoE of Video Streaming in Wireless Networks. 2762-2780 - Adisorn Lertsinsrubtavee, Naceur Malouch:
Hybrid Spectrum Sharing through Adaptive Spectrum Handoff and Selection. 2781-2793 - Khaqan Majeed, Sameh Sorour, Tareq Y. Al-Naffouri
, Shahrokh Valaee:
Indoor Localization and Radio Map Estimation Using Unsupervised Manifold Alignment with Geometry Perturbation. 2794-2808 - Peppino Fazio
, Mauro Tropea
, Floriano De Rango, Miroslav Voznák
Pattern Prediction and Passive Bandwidth Management for Hand-over Optimization in QoS Cellular Networks with Vehicular Mobility. 2809-2824 - Feng Xia
, Li Liu, Behrouz Jedari
, Sajal K. Das
PIS: A Multi-Dimensional Routing Protocol for Socially-Aware Networking. 2825-2836 - Amr Abdelnasser, Ekram Hossain:
Resource Allocation for an OFDMA Cloud-RAN of Small Cells Underlaying a Macrocell. 2837-2850 - Yanjie Fu, Hui Xiong, Xinjiang Lu, Jin Yang, Can Chen:
Service Usage Classification with Encrypted Internet Traffic in Mobile Messaging Apps. 2851-2864 - Yongpan Zou, Guanhua Wang, Kaishun Wu
, Lionel M. Ni:
SmartScanner: Know More in Walls with Your Smartphone! 2865-2877 - Jinkyu Jeong
, Hwanju Kim, Joonwon Lee:
Transparently Exploiting Device-Reserved Memory for Application Performance in Mobile Systems. 2878-2891 - Suk Hoon Jung, Byung-chul Moon, Dongsoo Han
Unsupervised Learning for Crowdsourced Indoor Localization in Wireless Networks. 2892-2906 - Guanhua Wang, Yongpan Zou, Zimu Zhou, Kaishun Wu
, Lionel M. Ni:
We Can Hear You with Wi-Fi! 2907-2920
Volume 15, Number 12, December 2016
- Md. Saifur Rahman, Aaron B. Wagner
A Downlink Scheduler for Multicasting Wireless Video-on-Demand. 2921-2938 - Mario Lopez-Martinez
, Juan J. Alcaraz
, Leonardo Badia
, Michele Zorzi:
A Superprocess with Upper Confidence Bounds for Cooperative Spectrum Sharing. 2939-2953 - Domenico De Guglielmo, Francesco Restuccia, Giuseppe Anastasi, Marco Conti, Sajal K. Das
Accurate and Efficient Modeling of 802.15.4 Unslotted CSMA/CA through Event Chains Computation. 2954-2968 - Cong Wang, Songtao Guo, Yuanyuan Yang
An Optimization Framework for Mobile Data Collection in Energy-Harvesting Wireless Sensor Networks. 2969-2986 - Yanyan Han, Tie Luo
, Deshi Li, Hongyi Wu:
Competition-Based Participant Recruitment for Delay-Sensitive Crowdsourcing Applications in D2D Networks. 2987-2999 - Alessandro Redondi
, Luca Baroffio, Lucio Bianchi, Matteo Cesana, Marco Tagliasacchi:
Compress-then-Analyze versus Analyze-then-Compress: What Is Best in Visual Sensor Networks? 3000-3013 - Wei-Liang Shen, Kate Ching-Ju Lin, Wan-Jie Cheng, Lili Qiu, Ming-Syan Chen:
Concurrent Packet Recovery for Distributed Uplink Multiuser MIMO Networks. 3014-3027 - Esteban Egea-López
, Pablo Pavón-Mariño:
Distributed and Fair Beaconing Rate Adaptation for Congestion Control in Vehicular Networks. 3028-3041 - Pei Huang, Xi Yang, Li Xiao:
Dynamic Channel Bonding: Enabling Flexible Spectrum Aggregation. 3042-3056 - Satyam Agarwal, Swades De
eDSA: Energy-Efficient Dynamic Spectrum Access Protocols for Cognitive Radio Networks. 3057-3071 - Hung-Yun Hsieh, Tzu-Chuan Juan, Yun-Da Tsai, Hong-Chen Huang:
Minimizing Radio Resource Usage for Machine-to-Machine Communications through Data-Centric Clustering. 3072-3086 - Jacek Kibilda
, Boris Galkin, Luiz A. DaSilva:
Modelling Multi-Operator Base Station Deployment Patterns in Cellular Networks. 3087-3099 - Seungjae Shin
, Uichin Lee, Falko Dressler
, Hyunsoo Yoon:
Motion-MiX DHT for Wireless Mobile Networks. 3100-3113 - Novella Bartolini
, Stefano Ciavarella, Simone Silvestri
, Thomas La Porta:
On the Vulnerabilities of Voronoi-Based Approaches to Mobile Sensor Deployment. 3114-3128 - Akram Al-Hourani
, Kandeepan Sithamparanathan
, Ekram Hossain:
Relay-Assisted Device-to-Device Communication: A Stochastic Analysis of Energy Saving. 3129-3141 - Chih-Yu Wang, Hung-Yu Wei
, Wen-Tsuen Chen:
Resource Block Allocation with Carrier-Aggregation: A Strategy-Proof Auction Design. 3142-3155 - Md Abdul Alim, Xiang Li, Nam P. Nguyen, My T. Thai, Abdelsalam Helal:
Structural Vulnerability Assessment of Community-Based Routing in Opportunistic Networks. 3156-3170 - Hao Song
, Xuming Fang, Yuguang Fang
Unlicensed Spectra Fusion and Interference Coordination for LTE Systems. 3171-3184 - Ashwin Ashok, Chenren Xu, Tam Vu, Marco Gruteser, Richard E. Howard, Yanyong Zhang, Narayan B. Mandayam, Wenjia Yuan, Kristin J. Dana:
What Am I Looking At? Low-Power Radio-Optical Beacons for In-View Recognition on Smart-Glass. 3185-3199

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