Definition of the Subject
A jammed material is defined as one that is structurally disordered but, unlike a fluid, possesses an yield stress. In the field of traditional condensed matter physics, such a material would be called an amorphous solid. The broader use of “jammed” extends this concept to non‐traditional materials such as granular systems, foams and colloids. Jamming is, similarly, the extension of the concept of freezing to the transition from a fluid state to a jammed state. Understanding jamming in granular systems is important from technological, environmental, and basic science perspectives. Jamming of grains in silos causes catastrophic failures. Avalanches are examples of unjamming, which we need to understand prevent and control. The phenomenon of jamming in granular matter poses fundamental challenges in basic science because there is no known framework leading from the microscopic, grain level interactions to the macroscopic properties that...
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- Granular matter:
Material such as sand or sugar, which is composed of independent, macroscopic particles characterized by short range interactions that do not conserve energy. Energy is lost to excitations of internal degrees of freedom, and is then unavailable for macroscopic flow.
- Supercooled liquid:
A liquid cooled below its freezing point by avoiding crystallization.
- Shear deformation:
Deformation of a material in which internal clusters or layers slide past each other.
- Couette flow:
Flow between two surfaces one of which is moving with respect to the other.
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Chakraborty, B., Behringer, B. (2009). Jamming of Granular Matter. In: Meyers, R. (eds) Encyclopedia of Complexity and Systems Science. Springer, New York, NY.
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