Definition of the Subject
In this study, some semi‐analytical/numerical methods are applied to solve the Korteweg–de Vries (KdV) equation and the modifiedKorteweg–de Vries (mKdV) equation, which are characterized by the solitary wave solutions of the classical nonlinear equations that lead tosolitons. Here, the classical nonlinearequations of interest usually admit for the existence of a special type of the traveling wave solutions which are either solitary waves orsolitons. These approaches are based on the choice of a suitable differential operator which may be ordinary or partial, linear or nonlinear,deterministic or stochastic. It does not require discretization, and consequently massive computation.
In this scheme the solution is performed in the form of a convergent power series with easily computable components. This section isparticularly concerned with the Adomian decomposition method (ADM ) and the results obtained are compared to those obtained by the...
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- Korteweg–de Vries equation :
The classical nonlinear equations of interest usually admit for the existence of a special type of the traveling wave solutions , which are either solitary waves or solitons.
- Modified Korteweg–de Vries:
This equation is a modified form of the classical KdV equation in the nonlinear term.
- Soliton :
This concept can be regarded as solutions of nonlinear partial differential equations.
- Exact solution :
A solution to a problem that contains the entire physics and mathematics of a problem, as opposed to one that is approximate, perturbative, closed, etc.
- Adomian decomposition method , Homotopy analysis method, Homotopy perturbation method and Variational perturbation method :
These are some of the semi‐analytic/numerical methods for solving ODE or PDE in literature.
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Books and Reviews
The following, referenced by the end of the paper, is intended to give some useful for further reading.
For another obtaining of the KdV equation for water waves, see Kevorkian and Cole (1981); one can see the work of the Johnson (1972) for a different water-wave application with variable depth, for waves on arbitrary shears in the work of Freeman and Johnson (1970) and Johnson (1980) for a review of one and two‐dimensional KdV equations. In addition to these; one can see the book of Drazin and Johnson (1989) for some numerical solutions of nonlinear evolution equations. In the work of the Zabusky, Kruskal and Deam (F1965) and Eilbeck (F1981), one can see the motion pictures of soliton interactions. See a comparison of the KdV equation with water wave experiments in Hammack and Segur (1974).
For further reading of the classical exact solutions of the nonlinear equations can be seen in the works: the Lax approach is described in Lax (1968); Calogero and Degasperis (1982, A.20), the Hirota's bilinear approach is developed in Matsuno (1984), the Bäckland transformations are described in Rogers and Shadwick (1982); Lamb (1980, Chap. 8), the Painleve properties is discussed by Ablowitz and Segur (1981, Sect. 3.8), In the book of Dodd, Eilbeck, Gibbon and Morris (1982, Chap. 10) can found review of the many numerical methods to solve nonlinear evolution equations and shown many of their solutions.
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Kaya, D. (2009). Korteweg–de Vries Equation (KdV) and Modified Korteweg–de Vries Equations (mKdV), Semi-analytical Methods for Solving the. In: Meyers, R. (eds) Encyclopedia of Complexity and Systems Science. Springer, New York, NY.
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