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Integrating and Evaluating Quantum-safe TLS in Database Applications

  • Conference paper
  • First Online:
Data and Applications Security and Privacy XXXVI (DBSec 2022)

Part of the book series: Lecture Notes in Computer Science ((LNCS,volume 13383))

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Quantum computing promises to build computers capable of solving complex problems much faster than today’s computers. This will benefit to many real-world applications such AI, machine learning, optimization problems, complex financial modelling, etc. Quantum computing will also have an impact on cryptology by allowing to break many public-key encryptions in use today. As a response to this threat the cryptography community is investigating Post-Quantum Cryptography (PQC). PQC provides encryption schemes that run on conventional computers and are believed to be secure against attacks from both classical and quantum computers. Such schemes are therefore called quantum-safe or quantum-resistant. In this work, we experiment with quantum-safe TLS to secure the communication for PostgreSQL which is an open source client-server database management system. In a client-server database, the database resides on a server, and client applications can access the database by sending requests to the server. These requests usually include requesting or modifying data. To establish a quantum-safe client-server communication, we first integrate quantum-safe TLS in PostgreSQL source code and evaluate connections between client and server. Our evaluation goal consists of measuring the overhead of TLS connections, especially when using quantum-safe algorithms. We experiment with different certificate chain lengths (from 0 to 4). Since NIST recommends applying hybrid schemes (combining both quantum-weak, i.e., current public-key crypto, and quantum-safe schemes) during the transition to quantum-safe algorithms, we also evaluate hybrid algorithms but first focus on lattice-based schemes (KYBER for key exchange and DILITHIUM for authentication) as they are believed to be the only TLS-ready alternative. Finally, we consider three security levels (128, 192, and 256), and evaluate both the running time and the bandwidth. Our results confirm that lattice-based schemes are promising, but come with significantly higher communication overhead.

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A Results for the WAN Setting

A Results for the WAN Setting

Figures 12, 13 and 14 show the elapsed time for a TLS Handshake in a WAN with 140 ms network latency. Figure 12 illustrates the case when the signature is RSA vs. DILITHIUM and the KEX/KEM is ECDH vs. KYBER. For security level 1, the handshake with RSA/ECDH is comparable to PQC, except for certificate chains with a length of 4, where PQC is a little slower. For security level 3, the handshake with RSA/ECDH is faster for certificate chain lengths of 1 and 2, and slower for lengths 3 and 4. At level 5, Handshake with RSA/ECDH is slower than PQC. Figure 13 illustrates the case when the signature is ECDSA vs. DILITHIUM and the KEX/KEM is ECDH vs. KYBER. With security level 1, the handshake with ECDSA/ECDH is comparable to RSA/ECDH, i.e., also comparable to PQC except for certificate chains with a length of 4, where PQC is a little slower. At security level 3, we observe comparable performance for certificate chain lengths 1 and 2, and a faster ECDSA/ECDH handshake for certificate chain lengths 3 and 5. Concerning level 5, Handshake with ECDSA/ECDH is a little faster than PQC. Figure 14 illustrates the case when the signature is RSA/ECDSA vs. Hybrids and the KEX/KEM is ECDH vs. Hybrids. As for the LAN case, we consider hybrids with combined algorithms at the same security level (e.g.: ECDSA-DILITHIUM, RSA-DILITHIUM, ECDH-KYBER) and the result is comparable to the results in Figs. 12 and 13.

We remark that, in the WAN setting, the handshake with PQC is a little slower than using classic algorithms. This is different in the LAN setting. We attribute this difference to the larger communication size that needs to be sent over a long distance. That is, the communication overhead of the handshake with PQC is noticeable in the WAN but not in the LAN setting.

Fig. 12.
figure 12

Elapsed time in milliseconds for a TLS handshake on WAN, comparing RSA/ECDH and DILITHIUM/KYBER with different certificate chain lengths and different security levels. PRIME256V1, SECP384R1, SECP521R1 are curves for ECDH.

Fig. 13.
figure 13

Elapsed time in milliseconds for a TLS handshake on WAN, comparing ECDSA/ECDH and DILITHIUM/KYBER with different certificate chain lengths and different security levels. PRIME256V1, SECP384R1, SECP521R1 are curves for ECDH.

Fig. 14.
figure 14

Elapsed time in milliseconds for a TLS handshake on WAN, comparing ECDSA/ECDH and DILITHIUM/KYBER in hybrid mode, with different certificate chain lengths and different NIST security levels. Each hybrid combines a classic and a quantum-safe algorithm. P256_DILITHIUM2 (resp. P256_KYBER512) stands for 256-bit ECDSA (resp. ECDH) together with DILITHIUM2 (resp. KYBER512).

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Tueno, A., Boehm, D., Choe, S.H. (2022). Integrating and Evaluating Quantum-safe TLS in Database Applications. In: Sural, S., Lu, H. (eds) Data and Applications Security and Privacy XXXVI. DBSec 2022. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 13383. Springer, Cham.

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  • Publisher Name: Springer, Cham

  • Print ISBN: 978-3-031-10683-5

  • Online ISBN: 978-3-031-10684-2

  • eBook Packages: Computer ScienceComputer Science (R0)

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