In this paper we consider a dilemma that arises in bandwidth scanning problems associated with the design of agents’ scanning strategies based on the principle of rationality and the principle of insufficient reasons. On one hand, engaging tools that estimate a network’s parameters allows an agent to act rationally to maximize its payoff. On the other hand, utilizing such engagement incurs extra costs associated with scanning. In particular, if the agent does not employ such tools, then the involved expenses can be reduced, although such a strategy might also cause a reduction in detection probability since in such cases the agent has to design strategy based on the principle of insufficient reasons (also called principle of indifference). In this paper we model this dilemma as a non-zero sum stochastic game between two players (Scanner and Invader). The equilibrium is found in closed form in stationary strategies via solving the corresponding Shapley-Bellman equations, and its dependence on network parameters is illustrated.
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This work was supported in part by the U.S. National Science Foundation under grants CNS-1909186 and ECCS-2128451.
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A Appendix
A Appendix
1.1 A.1 Proof of Lemma 1
First, note that (12), (14) and (15) imply (a) and (b).
By symmetry, function \(\sum _{i=1}^n\gamma _i \sum _{i=1}^n (1/\gamma _i)\) achieves its minimum at such \(\gamma _i\in [0,1]\), \(i=1,\ldots ,n\) that \(\gamma _1=\dots =\gamma _n\). Meanwhile,
This jointly with (13) and (16), imply that
Finally, (b) and (30) imply (18), and the result follows. \(\blacksquare \)
1.2 A.2 Proof of Theorem 1
By (6)–(9), we have that \((\mathbb {R},\mathbb {R})\) is equilibrium with \(v_S\) and \(v_I\) as the corresponding accumulated payoffs if and only if the following relations hold:
Solving (31) and (32) by \(v_S\) and \(v_I\), respectively, imply (19). Substituting \(v_S\) and \(v_I\) given by (19) into (33) and (34) imply (20). \(\blacksquare \)
1.3 A.3 Proof of Theorem 2
By (6)–(9), we have that \((\mathbb {I},\mathbb {I})\) with \(v_S\) and \(v_I\) as the corresponding accumulated payoffs if and only if the following relations hold:
Solving (35) and (36) by \(v_S\) and \(v_I\), respectively, imply (21). Substituting \(v_S\) and \(v_I\) given by (21) into (37) and (38) imply (22). \(\blacksquare \)
1.4 A.4 Proof of Theorem 3
By (6)–(9), we have that \((\mathbb {R},\mathbb {I})\) is an equilibrium with \(v_S\) and \(v_I\) as the corresponding accumulated payoffs if and only if the following relations hold:
Solving (39) and (40) by \(v_S\) and \(v_I\), respectively, imply (23). Substituting \(v_S\) and \(v_I\) given by (23) into (41) and (42) imply (24). \(\blacksquare \)
1.5 A.5 Proof of Theorem 4
By (6)–(9), we have that \((\mathbb {I},\mathbb {R})\) is an equilibrium with \(v_S\) and \(v_I\) as the corresponding accumulated payoffs if and only if the following relations hold:
Straightforward calculation based on (43)–(46) implies the result. \(\blacksquare \)
1.6 A.6 Proof of Theorem 5
(b) follows from (a) and Theorem 1–Theorem 4.
Let us now prove (a). First note that by (2) we have that
Assume that (20) and (22) hold simultaneously. Then, (47) and the second of inequalities (20) imply
Combining this inequality with the second of inequalities (20) imply
Meanwhile, by (47),
By (50) and (51), we have that
This contradicts to (49). Thus, conditions (20) and (22) cannot hold simultaneously.
The remaining pairs of conditions can be checked similarly. \(\blacksquare \)
1.7 A.7 Proof of Theorem 6
First note that there exists at least one equilibrium in stochastic game \(\varGamma ,\) since \(\varGamma \) is a recursive game with discount factor \(\delta \in (0,1)\) [18].
By proofs of Theorem 1–Theorem 4, it follows that if equilibrium is in pure strategies, then it is given by Theorem 1–Theorem 4, and one of four conditions (20), (22), (24) and (26) have to hold. Moreover, by Theorem 5, only one of these four conditions can hold, and (a) follows.
Thus, if none of the four conditions (20), (22), (24) and (26) holds then the equilibrium is in mixed strategies. By (6)–(9), we have that \(((x,\overline{x}),(y,\overline{y}))\) with \(x\in (0,1)\) and \(y\in (0,1)\) is an equilibrium with \(v_S\) and \(v_I\) as the corresponding accumulated payoffs if and only if the following relations hold:
Solving (53) by y implies the second of two Eqs. (28). Solving (54) by y, we have that
Substituting this y into the second of two Eqs. (28) and solving by \(v_S\) implies the first of two Eqs. (27).
Solving (55) by x implies the first of (28). Solving (56) by x implies
Substituting this x into the first of two Eqs. (28) and solving by \(v_I\) implies the second of two Eqs. (27). \(\blacksquare \)
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Garnaev, A., Trappe, W. (2022). A Stochastic Bandwidth Scanning Game. In: Fang, F., Shu, F. (eds) Game Theory for Networks. GameNets 2022. Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, vol 457. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-23141-4_18
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-23141-4_18
Publisher Name: Springer, Cham
Print ISBN: 978-3-031-23140-7
Online ISBN: 978-3-031-23141-4
eBook Packages: Computer ScienceComputer Science (R0)