We investigate the post-quantum security of hash functions based on the sponge construction. A crucial property for hash functions in the post-quantum setting is the collapsing property (a strengthening of collision-resistance). We show that the sponge construction is collapsing (and in consequence quantum collision-resistant) under suitable assumptions about the underlying block function. In particular, if the block function is a random function or a (non-invertible) random permutation, the sponge construction is collapsing. We also give a quantum algorithm for finding collisions in an arbitrary function. For the sponge construction, the algorithm complexity asymptotically matches the complexity implied by collision resistance.
This work was supported in part by the Commission of the European Communities through the Horizon 2020 program under project number 645622 PQCRYPTO. CS and JC are supported by a NWO VIDI grant (Project No. 639.022.519). DU was supported by institutional research funding IUT2-1 of the Estonian Ministry of Education and Research, and by the Estonian Centre of Exellence in IT (EXCITE) funded by the ERDF, and the Estonian ICT program 2011–2015 (3.2.1201.13-0022).
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- 1.
We mean a situation in which the protocols and primitives that are studied are classical, but the attacker can perform quantum computations.
- 2.
More precisely, [18] shows that relative to certain oracles, a collision-resistant hash function exists that allows such attacks. In particular, this means that there cannot be a relativizing proof that the commitment scheme is binding assuming a collision-resistant hash function.
- 3.
For example, hash functions using the Merkle-Damgård construction are not well modeled as a random oracle. If we use \( MAC (k,m):=H(k\Vert m)\) as a message authentication code (MAC) with key k, we have that \( MAC \) is secure (unforgeable) when H is a random oracle, but easily broken when H is a hash function built using the Merkle-Damgård construction.
- 4.
It is not called a compression function, since the domain and range of \({\mathbf {f}}\) are identical.
- 5.
[5] shows that the sponge construction is indifferentiable from a random oracle in the classical setting. Together with the fact that the random oracle is collision-resistant, collision-resistance of the sponge construction follows.
- 6.
E.g., M could contain \(\sum _m 2^{-|m| /2}|m\rangle \). Then measuring H(m) will lead to the state \(\sum _{m\, \text {s.t.}\ H(m)=h}\frac{1}{\sqrt{|H^{-1}(h)|}}|m\rangle \) which is almost orthogonal for large \(|H^{-1}(h)|\) to the state \(|m\rangle \) we get when measuring m.
- 7.
The original construction requires that the last block of \( pad (m)\) is non-zero, this is important for other properties than collision-resistance/collapsing. In this work, we do not put any such requirement on \( pad \). We do, however, assume that \( pad \) outputs at least one block.
- 8.
In this proof sketch, when we use the expression “measure a” where a is some expression depending on the message m (e.g., a could be \(\mathbf {S}^{\textit{in}}(m)\)), then we mean that we measure the register M, but not with a complete measurement, but with a measurement that gives outcome a (e.g., \(\mathbf {S}^{\textit{in}}(m)\)) when M contains \(|m\rangle \). Formally, that measurement would consist of the projectors \(P_i\) defined by \(P_i:=\sum _{m\ \text {s.t.}\ a=i}|m\rangle \langle m|\). E.g., if we “measure \(\mathbf {S}^{\textit{in}}(m)\)”, the projectors are \(P_i:=\sum _{m\ \text {s.t.}\ \mathbf {S}^{\textit{in}}(m)=i}|m\rangle \langle m|\).
- 9.
Measuring “whether \(s_{-2}=\bot \)” means a measurement on M defined by projectors P and \(1-P\) where \(P:=\sum _{m\ \text {s.t.}\ s_{-2}=\bot }|m\rangle \langle m|\).
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Czajkowski, J., Groot Bruinderink, L., Hülsing, A., Schaffner, C., Unruh, D. (2018). Post-quantum Security of the Sponge Construction. In: Lange, T., Steinwandt, R. (eds) Post-Quantum Cryptography. PQCrypto 2018. Lecture Notes in Computer Science(), vol 10786. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-79063-3_9
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-79063-3_9
Publisher Name: Springer, Cham
Print ISBN: 978-3-319-79062-6
Online ISBN: 978-3-319-79063-3
eBook Packages: Computer ScienceComputer Science (R0)