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Part of the book series: Studies in Computational Intelligence ((SCI,volume 408))

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Existing Educational Modeling Languages (EML), and especially the IMS LD specification, does not appropriately address data flow among Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) activities. Several solutions proposed in the literature, have tackled the important dimensions of data flow automation or the consistency of design, but they have not adequately covered the perspective of reusing scripts. Current data and tools binding specifications do not establish the dependencies between this setting and the structural design of the collaborative data flow situations. This preclude a complete design particularization and raise the issue of reusing data flow designs, which is especially important in the case of complex and adaptive real-world collaborative learning scenarios. This paper presents a case study in which the LeadFlow4LD approach, an IMS LD interoperable solution, is analyzed with respect to the reusability of data flow designs. Besides, the case study is performed using a real-world complex CSCL script in order to illustrate the adaptive characteristics that could be taken into account. Findings show limitations of the current approaches concerning reuse and structural design particularization of the data flow. Additionally an alternative solution based on abstract workflow templates that is briefly outlined in this paper.

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Bordiés, O., Dimitriadis, Y., Alario-Hoyos, C., Ruiz-Calleja, A., Subert, A. (2012). Reuse of Data Flow Designs in Complex and Adaptive CSCL Scripts: A Case Study. In: Daradoumis, T., Demetriadis, S., Xhafa, F. (eds) Intelligent Adaptation and Personalization Techniques in Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning. Studies in Computational Intelligence, vol 408. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.

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