This paper proposes an integrated optimization technique which combines the features of the cat swarm optimization (CSO) algorithm with the traditional differential evolution (DE) algorithm and applies it for the optimal design of digital infinite impulse response (IIR) filters. Traditional design methods treat the digital IIR filter design as a single-objective optimization problem by taking into account the minimization of magnitude response error only and lack in considering the linear phase response error and the order of the filter. The aim of this paper was to design an IIR filter in multi-objective framework by equally considering the minimization of magnitude response error, the linear phase response error and the order of the filter. Firstly, the CSO algorithm is applied for digital IIR filter design. In order to start with a better solution set, the opposition-based learning strategy is then incorporated. To further improve the performance of CSO for designing stable digital IIR filters, the DE optimization algorithm is combined with CSO hence producing an integrated algorithm called multi-objective cat swarm and differential evolution algorithm (MOCSO-DE) which has the capability to explore and exploit the solution search space locally as well as globally. The developed integrated algorithm is effectively applied for the designing of the digital IIR low-pass (LP), high-pass (HP), band-pass (BP) and band-stop (BS) filters. To evaluate the effectiveness of the developed integrated algorithm, the computational results are compared with some well-established algorithms and it is observed that the developed algorithm is superior or at least comparable to other algorithms in getting better magnitude response and linear phase response together with lowest filter order and can also be implemented for the higher-order filter designs.

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Dhaliwal, K.K., Dhillon, J.S. Integrated Cat Swarm Optimization and Differential Evolution Algorithm for Optimal IIR Filter Design in Multi-Objective Framework. Circuits Syst Signal Process 36, 270–296 (2017). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00034-016-0304-9
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00034-016-0304-9