This paper is concerned with the problem of the suppression of overflow oscillations in fixed-point state-space interfered digital filters using generalized overflow nonlinearities. The proposed linear matrix inequalities-based \(l_2 -l_\infty \) criteria not only assure asymptotic stability, but also minimize the effect of external interference to a prescribed attenuation level. The usefulness of the criteria is illustrated by numerical examples.

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Rani, P., Kokil, P. & Kar, H. \(l_2 -l_\infty \) Suppression of Limit Cycles in Interfered Digital Filters with Generalized Overflow Nonlinearities. Circuits Syst Signal Process 36, 2727–2741 (2017). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00034-016-0433-1
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00034-016-0433-1