We propose a quantile–based method to estimate the parameters of an elliptical distribution, and a battery of tests for model adequacy. The method is suitable for vast dimensions as the estimators for location and dispersion have closed–form expressions, while estimation of the tail index boils down to univariate optimizations. The tests for model adequacy are for the null hypothesis of correct specification of one or several level contours. A Monte Carlo study to three distributions (Gaussian, Student–t and elliptical stable) for dimensions 20, 200 and 2000 reveals the goodness of the method, both in terms of computational time and finite samples. An empirical application to financial data illustrates the method.

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There exists a tail–trimmed version of GMM (Hill and Renault 2012) that does not require existence of moments.
\(\varvec{\Sigma }\) is the variance–covariance matrix, up to a scale, if second moments exist.
The idea of using \(X \pm Y\) as a way to glean information about dependence is embedded in the concept of co–difference (see e.g. Rosadi and Deistler 2011). Co–difference and our proposal are however substantially different in several respects. First, our measure is not the sum but the projection onto the 45–degree line. Second, and more importantly, co–difference is a measure of dependence between two random variables, i.e. the equivalent of \(\sigma _{i\,j}\) in the elliptical family. Our projection is a way to estimate the latter.
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Yves Dominicy acknowledges financial support from a F.R.I.A. grant. Hiroaki Ogata acknowledges financial support from the Japanese Grant–in–Aid for Young Scientists (B), 22700291, and the International Relations Department of the Université libre de Bruxelles. David Veredas acknowledges financial support from the IAP P6/07 contract from the Belgian Scientific Policy. We are grateful to the associate editor, two anonymous referees, Dante Amengual, Piotr Fryzlewicz, Marc Hallin, Enrique Sentana, Davy Paindaveine, Esther Ruiz, and Kevin Sheppard for insightful remarks. We are also grateful to the seminar participants at CEMFI, LSE, the University of Melbourne and numerous conferences. Any error and inaccuracy are ours. Yves Dominicy and David Veredas are members of ECORE, the recently created association between CORE and ECARES.
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Appendix: eigenvalue cleaning
Appendix: eigenvalue cleaning
Let \(\hat{\varvec{\Gamma }}_N=diag(\hat{\varvec{\Sigma }}_N)^{-1/2}\hat{\varvec{\Sigma }}_Ndiag(\hat{\varvec{\Sigma }}_N)^{-1/2}\) be the estimated standardized dispersion matrix with spectral decomposition \(\hat{\varvec{\Gamma }}_N=\hat{\mathbf{Q }}_N\hat{\varvec{\Lambda }}_N\hat{\mathbf{Q }}_N^{^{\prime }}\), where \(\hat{\mathbf{Q }}_N\) is the orthonormal matrix of estimated eigenvectors and \(\hat{\varvec{\Lambda }}_N\) is the diagonal matrix of estimated eigenvalues. Let \(\hat{\lambda }_{(1)\,N} \ge \ldots \ge \hat{\lambda }_{(J)\,N}\) be the ordered eigenvalues (i.e. \(\hat{\lambda }_{(1)\,N}\) is the largest and \(\hat{\lambda }_{(J)\,N}\) is the smallest). Eigenvalue cleaning is based on replacing the eigenvalues less than a threshold \(\lambda _{max}\) by the average of the positive eigenvalues below \(\lambda _{max}\):
where \(L+1\) corresponds to the position, from the right, of the largest eigenvalue smaller than \(\lambda _{max}\).
The resulting estimated standardized dispersion matrix is \(\tilde{\varvec{\Gamma }}_N=\hat{\mathbf{Q }}_N\tilde{\varvec{\Lambda }}_N\hat{\mathbf{Q }}_N^{^{\prime }}\) and the positive definite estimated dispersion matrix is obtained by un–standardizing \(\tilde{\varvec{\Gamma }}_N\): \(\tilde{\varvec{\Sigma }}_N=diag(\hat{\varvec{\Sigma }})_N^{1/2}\tilde{\varvec{\Gamma }}_N diag(\hat{\varvec{\Sigma }}_N)^{1/2}\).
The threshold is given by \(\lambda _{max}=\left(1-\sum _{l=1}^{L^*}\hat{\lambda }_{(l)\,N}/J\right)\left(1+J/N+2\sqrt{J/N}\right)\), i.e. it is a function of the \(L^*\) largest eigenvalues. The smaller \(L^*\), the largest the difference between \(\hat{\varvec{\Sigma }}_N\) and \(\tilde{\varvec{\Sigma }}_N\). Laloux et al. (1999), Tola et al. (2008), and Hautsch et al. (2011) consider \(L^*=1\) on the grounds that \(\hat{\lambda }_{(1)\,N}\) represents the common dispersion. There is no reason however in our case to consider this value. After calibration we have found that \(L^*=10\) is the best compromise. Results for the Monte Carlo study and the empirical application with other values of \(L^*\) are available upon request.
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Dominicy, Y., Ogata, H. & Veredas, D. Inference for vast dimensional elliptical distributions. Comput Stat 28, 1853–1880 (2013). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00180-012-0384-3
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00180-012-0384-3