Optimizing real-life engineering design problems are challenging and somewhat difficult if optimum solutions are expected. The development of new efficient optimization algorithms is crucial for this task. In this paper, a recently invented grasshopper optimization algorithm is upgraded from its original version. The method is improved by adding an elite opposition-based learning methodology to an elite opposition-based learning grasshopper optimization algorithm. The new optimizer, which is elite opposition-based learning grasshopper optimization method (EOBL-GOA), is validated with several engineering design probles such as a welded beam design problem, car side crash problem, multiple clutch disc problem, hydrostatic thrust bearing problem, three-bar truss, and cantilever beam problem, and finally used for the optimization of a suspension arm of the vehicles. The optimum results reveal that the EOBL-GOA is among the best algorithms reported in the literature.

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Yildiz, B.S., Pholdee, N., Bureerat, S. et al. Enhanced grasshopper optimization algorithm using elite opposition-based learning for solving real-world engineering problems. Engineering with Computers 38, 4207–4219 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00366-021-01368-w
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00366-021-01368-w