We propose an iterated version of Nesterov’s first-order smoothing method for the two-person zero-sum game equilibrium problem
This formulation applies to matrix games as well as sequential games. Our new algorithmic scheme computes an \({\epsilon}\)-equilibrium to this min-max problem in \({\mathcal {O}\left(\frac{\|A\|}{\delta(A)} \, {\rm ln}(1{/}\epsilon)\right)}\) first-order iterations, where δ(A) is a certain condition measure of the matrix A. This improves upon the previous first-order methods which required \({\mathcal {O}(1{/}\epsilon)}\) iterations, and it matches the iteration complexity bound of interior-point methods in terms of the algorithm’s dependence on \({\epsilon}\). Unlike interior-point methods that are inapplicable to large games due to their memory requirements, our algorithm retains the small memory requirements of prior first-order methods. Our scheme supplements Nesterov’s method with an outer loop that lowers the target \({\epsilon}\) between iterations (this target affects the amount of smoothing in the inner loop). Computational experiments both in matrix games and sequential games show that a significant speed improvement is obtained in practice as well, and the relative speed improvement increases with the desired accuracy (as suggested by the complexity bounds).
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A short early version of this paper appeared at the National Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), 2008.
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Gilpin, A., Peña, J. & Sandholm, T. First-order algorithm with \({\mathcal{O}({\rm ln}(1{/}\epsilon))}\) convergence for \({\epsilon}\)-equilibrium in two-person zero-sum games. Math. Program. 133, 279–298 (2012). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10107-010-0430-2
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10107-010-0430-2