Self-compassion is a construct of positive psychology related to personality and cognitive factors. Perfectionism and interpersonal sensitivity are prevalent personality traits among university students and are associated with low self-compassion. Further research is required to comprehend how these mechanisms work in creating self-compassion. Consequently, the current study investigated the direct and indirect relationship between perfectionism and interpersonal sensitivity with self-compassion via repetitive negative thinking. To this end, a sample of 450 students studying in Tehran during the 2022 academic year was selected as the study sample. The results indicated that perfectionism and interpersonal sensitivity demonstrate a negative direct relationship with self-compassion, while perfectionism and interpersonal sensitivity exhibit an indirect relationship with self-compassion via repetitive negative thinking. Based on the findings, it can be concluded that the relationship between perfectionism and interpersonal sensitivity with self-compassion is not straightforward and that repetitive negative thinking can mediate this relationship. The results can be used to improve methods for increasing self-compassion and paying attention to personality, and cognitive factors can be an important step toward more effective self-compassion interventions.

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Editor: Frances Maratos (University of Derby), Marco Giancola (University of L'Aquila); Reviewers: Valeska Kouzak (University of Brasilia), Juan Alberto Castillo-Martínez (Universidad Del Rosario, Bogota), and a third researcher who prefers to remain anonymous.
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Neshat, Z., Farah Bijari, A. & Dehshiri, G. The relationship between perfectionism and interpersonal sensitivity with self-compassion in university students: the mediation of repetitive negative thinking. Cogn Process 25, 107–120 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10339-023-01163-z
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10339-023-01163-z