Drought is a stochastic natural hazard that is caused by intense and persistent shortage of precipitation. Spatial and temporal patterns of drought have been analyzed by several methods, ranging from satellite images to historical records; however, drought is generally identified by climate elements. Drought indices are quantitative measures that characterize drought levels by assimilating data from one or several variables (indicators). A number of different indices have been developed to quantify droughts, each with its own strengths and weaknesses. In this paper, using the remote sensing image to acquire the vegetation cover data, and combined with meteorological data and the Geographic Information System (GIS) technology to discuss the spatial and temporal characteristics of the drought. Based on precipitation observations Pu’er City, Yunnan Province, ten counties (districts) ten meteorological observation stations from 1961 to 2010 monthly for 50 years, mainly in ArcGIS10.1 analysis platform, using Mann–Kendall nonparametric trend test method for time-series trends in precipitation was tested, using ArcGIS in inverse distance weighting interpolation tool were precipitation the amount and distribution of precipitation anomaly percentage. Finally, precipitation anomaly percentage grading standards drought intensity distribution of drought The results showed that: Pu’er City under the effect of temperature, altitude, vegetation cover, and many other factors, forming the situation that the rainfall is a little more in north–south and less in east–west, the drought incidence appears more in northwest and less in southeast, more in spring and winter and less in summer and fall.

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Ministry of Education, “Chun Hui Plan” Foundation, China (No. Z2012051) and the Yunnan University Resource Environment and Earth Science research project, China (No. 2013CG006, 2014JC004), The Scientific Research Project of Department of Education of Yunnan Province of China (No. 2015Y004), National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 41361020) funded.
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Xu, X., Xie, F. & Zhou, X. Research on spatial and temporal characteristics of drought based on GIS using Remote Sensing Big Data. Cluster Comput 19, 757–767 (2016). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10586-016-0556-y
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10586-016-0556-y