Real social network datasets with community structures are critical for evaluating various algorithms in Online Social Networks (OSNs). However, obtaining such community data from OSNs has recently become increasingly challenging due to privacy issues and government regulations. In this paper, we thus make our first attempt to address two important factors, i.e., user willingness and existence of community structure, to obtain more complete OSN data. We formulate a new research problem, namely Community-aware Data Acquisition with Maximum Willingness in Online Social Networks (CrawlSN), to identify a group of users from an OSN, such that the group is a socially tight community and the users’ willingness to contribute data is maximized. We prove that CrawlSN is NP-hard and inapproximable within any factor unless, and propose an effective algorithm, named Community-aware Group Identification with Maximum Willingness (CIW) with various processing strategies. We conduct an evaluation study with 1093 volunteers to validate our problem formulation and demonstrate that CrawlSN outperforms the other alternatives. We also perform extensive experiments on 7 real datasets and show that the proposed CIW outperforms the other baselines in both solution quality and efficiency.

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Many other factors, such as relationship types of users are also important. Here, we discuss the two fundamental factors to crawl the community data for further analysis and discuss the other important factors in the future work.
We show undirected edges here for the clarity of presentation. Directed relations can be easily incorporated in our problem formulation.
We have implemented a light crawler using python 3.6, which is able to obtain the publicly accessible user data in OSNs.
We have built a simple machine learning model with SVM that predicts users’ willingness with their publicly accessible information on Facebook.
We can also consider directed influences in our problem formulation with a slight modification of the algorithm.
If \(\tau _{v}=0\), we define the value of the second term of Eq. 1 as 0. That is, if \(\tau _{v}=0\), \(\frac{\sum _{u \in N_S(v)} \delta _{u,\emptyset } \cdot w_{u,v}}{\tau _v}=0\).
In some extreme cases, for a user who is very unwilling to provide her data (i.e., with a small individual willingness), the influenced willingness may raise the value of Eq. 1 up to 1. To tackle this issue, an additional parameter \(\beta \in [0,1]\) can be added to the second term (i.e., influenced willingness) of Eq. 1 as follows. By setting a smaller \(\beta \), i.e., close to 0, the user’s individual willingness becomes more important in the computation of the average willingness.
The source codes are available online http://www.cs.nthu.edu.tw/~chihya/CIW_download/.
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This work was supported in part by the Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan, under Grant MOST 109-2636-E-007-019 and MOST 108-2218-E-468-002.
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Hsu, BY., Tu, CL., Chang, MY. et al. CrawlSN: community-aware data acquisition with maximum willingness in online social networks. Data Min Knowl Disc 34, 1589–1620 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10618-020-00709-5
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10618-020-00709-5