Nowadays, Big Data management has become a key basis for innovation, productivity growth, and competition. The correlated exploitation of data of this magnitude remains primordial to discover valuable insights and support decision making for domains of major interest. Furthermore, despite the complex aspects of Big Data environments, users are usually looking for a unified and appropriate view of this huge and heterogeneous data, to support the extraction of reliable and consistent knowledge. Thus, Big Data integration mechanisms must be considered to provide a uniform query interface, to mediate across large datasets and provide data scientists with a consistent integrated view suitable for analytical exploitations. Thus, this paper presents a semantic-based Big Data integration framework that relies on large-scale ontology matching and probabilistic-logical based assessment strategies. This framework applies optimization mechanisms and leverages parallel-computing paradigms (Hadoop and MapReduce) using commodity computational resources, to efficiently address the Big Data challenges and aspects. Several experiments were conducted and have proven the efficiency of this framework in terms of accuracy, performance, and scalability.

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Mountasser, I., Ouhbi, B., Hdioud, F. et al. Semantic-based Big Data integration framework using scalable distributed ontology matching strategy. Distrib Parallel Databases 39, 891–937 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10619-021-07321-6
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10619-021-07321-6