With the advent of automated decision-making, governments have increasingly begun to rely on artificially intelligent algorithms to inform policy decisions across a range of domains of government interest and influence. The practice has not gone unnoticed among philosophers, worried about “algocracy” (rule by algorithm), and its ethical and political impacts. One of the chief issues of ethical and political significance raised by algocratic governance, so the argument goes, is the lack of transparency of algorithms.
One of the best-known examples of philosophical analyses of algocracy is John Danaher’s “The threat of algocracy” (2016), arguing that government by algorithm undermines political legitimacy. In this paper, I will treat Danaher’s argument as a springboard for raising additional questions about the connections between algocracy, comprehensibility, and legitimacy, especially in light of empirical results about what we can expect the voters and policymakers to know.
The paper has the following structure: in Sect. 2, I introduce the basics of Danaher’s argument regarding algocracy. In Sect. 3 I argue that the algocratic threat to legitimacy has troubling implications for social justice. In Sect. 4, I argue that, nevertheless, there seem to be good reasons for governments to rely on algorithmic decision support systems. Lastly, I try to resolve the apparent tension between the findings of the two preceding Sections.
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Accordingly, the conclusion of the amended argument would be something to the effect that (6’) Prima facie, under algocracy, the legitimacy of governments’ decisions is diminished.
Given that marginalized communities are in fact (sometimes intentionally) targeted by algorithm-driven policies, this makes the problem more acute.
Danziger et al., (2011) for evidence that judicial decisions tend to be more lenient just after food breaks, and get harsher the more time passed from the most recent food break.
See Eren & Mocan (2018) for evidence that juvenile court judges’ sentences are harsher after their local football team unexpectedly loses a game.
See e.g. Lemieux (2004) for a brief introduction to the way of thinking about public officials as self-interested utility maximizers rather than as exclusively concerned with the pursuit of the common good.
Nevertheless, there is some controversy about such claims. In a well-publicized article, Dressel & Farid (2018) have found that the infamous COMPAS recidivism prediction algorithm is no more accurate in its predictions than a random sample of non-experts. However, though the result has been replicated in subsequent work by Lin Zhiyuan et al., (2020), the latter authors have also found that changing aspects of the experimental setup reintroduced the machine advantage over humans, and that such new setups were importantly similar to what one can expect in real-world scenarios.
I set aside here the widely discussed issue of fairness of such decisions and assume that the increase in accuracy of judgments is not traded off against more biased decisions.
Some legal scholars embrace this type of legal skill: “Law is not all reasoning and analysis-it is also emotion and judgment and intuition and rhetoric. It includes knowledge that cannot always be explained, but that is no less valid for that [emphasis added]” (Gewirtz, 1995).
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Moreover, as Schwartzman (2008) catalogs, surprisingly many legal scholars have advocated for the view that judges ought sometimes to conceal the real reasons for their decisions from the public, the position sometimes explicitly justified by appeal to maintaining the judiciary’s legitimacy (e.g. (Idleman, 1994)). However, if such arguments were sound, they could also apply to algorithmic decision-making, where real reasons for some decision could remain obscured and insincere reasons provided instead.
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I am grateful to Daan Kolkman and Anthony Skelton for valuable comments about the manuscript.
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Chomanski, B. Legitimacy and automated decisions: the moral limits of algocracy. Ethics Inf Technol 24, 34 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10676-022-09647-w
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10676-022-09647-w