This special issue presents recent research designed to translate research into practice and policy so literacy interventions can make sustainable changes in schools worldwide. Integrating learning theories with a bioecological model of human development, we examine how research is translated for practice in policy, textbooks, and interventions. This compilation includes reports of PreK–Grade 8 interventions for reading, writing, science, and impact of evidence-based interventions for teacher practice-based professional development in reading comprehension. We further examine how professional development facilitates the adoption of reading and writing interventions. Finally, textbooks serve as the conduit for translating research and policy for classroom use and a previous special issue (2021) in this Journal reported on reading textbooks across the world. In this special issue, we update the review of textbooks to include writing and science. Our goal is to promote sustainable change by highlighting implementation challenges in school contexts worldwide.
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Wijekumar, K., Zhang, S. & McKeown, D. Introduction to the Special Issue: Misalignment, Misinterpretation, and Misappropriation of Literacy Research to Practice and Policy. Tech Know Learn 29, 1157–1167 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10758-023-09725-y
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10758-023-09725-y