Historically, a species’ social system was perceived to be a fixed attribute and deviations were usually treated as aberrant or maladaptive. Over the last few decades, socioecologists have started to recognize that variation in social systems is normal and adaptive. Here I explore how ecological variation affects the mating system of a nocturnal primate, the spectral tarsier, Tarsius spectrum. Several studies of the spectral tarsier have illustrated variation in this species’ mating system. Although most groups exhibit a monogamous mating system, a small proportion of the population consistently exhibits a polygynous mating system. I conducted this study at Tangkoko Nature Reserve in Sulawesi, Indonesia during 2007. I found that group size was highly variable, ranging from 2 individuals to as many as 8 individuals per sleeping site. Although most groups (21 of 26) were composed of a single adult male and a single adult female, ca. 19% of the groups contained 2 adult females. Three of the 5 groups with 2 adult females contained 2 young infants. As might be expected, polygynous groups were larger than were monogamous groups. The mean group size of monogamous groups was 2.9, whereas the mean group size of polygynous groups was 6.0. Polygynous groups were also more likely to use Ficus caulocarpa trees than were the monogamous groups. Polygynous groups consistently used more sleeping sites as well as larger diameter sleeping trees, than did monogamous groups. The large-diameter fig trees are ideal homes for the spectral tarsiers in that they offer multiple entrances and exits as well as protection from the elements. Polygynous and monogamous groups exhibited no differences in insect biomass available, home range size, or height of sleeping tree. These results support the hypothesis that ecological variation is an important determinant of mating system within spectral tarsiers.
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The methods utilized in this study were reviewed and approved by Texas A&M University IACUC committee. In addition, I obtained permits from the Indonesian Institute of Sciences, and the research complied with the laws of Indonesia. Funding for this research was provided by: Primate Conservation Inc., Conservation International Primate Action Fund, and Texas A&M University. I thank the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI), the Directorate General for Nature Preservation, and Forest Protection (PHPA) in Manado, Bitung, Tangkoko, and Jakarta, SOSPOL, POLRI, the University of Indonesia, Jatna Supriatna, and Andayani Noviar for their sponsorship while in Indonesia. Special thanks go to my field assistants, Ben and Felik, for their help in collecting the data. I also thank the time and effort the reviewers and the editor spent in improving this article.
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Gursky-Doyen, S. Intraspecific Variation in the Mating System of Spectral Tarsiers. Int J Primatol 31, 1161–1173 (2010). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10764-010-9450-2
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10764-010-9450-2