Cyber-physical systems (CPSs) are the recent surfacing of engineered systems in which the integration of computing, communication, and control technologies are so secure. Many important application fields such as transportation, energy, and medical systems employ Cyber-physical systems as the basic engineering systems which we conclude from various researches. The rapid and important development of CPS is affecting many aspects of people's lifestyles, enabling a wide range of applications and services such as Smart Home, E-Health, and ecommerce. They have the capability to consolidate sensor networks with implanted processing to screen and control the actual environment, with input circles that permits this outside boost to self-initiate either correspondence, control or registering. In spite of their various benefits, CPS frameworks are inclined to different digital and additionally actual security dangers, assaults and difficulties. This is because of their heterogeneous nature, their dependence on private information, and their enormous scope arrangement. Thus, purposeful or unplanned openings of these frameworks can result in calamitous impacts, which makes it basic to set up vigorous safety efforts. Currently, there is an increase in the present security confrontation with the epidemic growth of cyber-physical systems. There has been an influx of susceptibility, risks, attacks, and controls for the emerging latest generation of CPS. This paper overviews the security of cyber-physical systems along with the exploration of various cyber-attacks associated with CPS. Furthermore, this paper gives us a clear picture of various applications in several domains as well as the CPS in various emerging technologies.

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Prasat, K., Sanjay, S., Ananya, V. et al. Analysis of Cross-Domain Security and Privacy Aspects of Cyber-Physical Systems. Int J Wireless Inf Networks 29, 454–479 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10776-022-00559-6
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10776-022-00559-6