We present a new strategy for the constrained global optimization of expensive black box functions using response surface models. A response surface model is simply a multivariate approximation of a continuous black box function which is used as a surrogate model for optimization in situations where function evaluations are computationally expensive. Prior global optimization methods that utilize response surface models were limited to box-constrained problems, but the new method can easily incorporate general nonlinear constraints. In the proposed method, which we refer to as the Constrained Optimization using Response Surfaces (CORS) Method, the next point for costly function evaluation is chosen to be the one that minimizes the current response surface model subject to the given constraints and to additional constraints that the point be of some distance from previously evaluated points. The distance requirement is allowed to cycle, starting from a high value (global search) and ending with a low value (local search). The purpose of the constraint is to drive the method towards unexplored regions of the domain and to prevent the premature convergence of the method to some point which may not even be a local minimizer of the black box function. The new method can be shown to converge to the global minimizer of any continuous function on a compact set regardless of the response surface model that is used. Finally, we considered two particular implementations of the CORS method which utilize a radial basis function model (CORS-RBF) and applied it on the box-constrained Dixon–Szegö test functions and on a simple nonlinearly constrained test function. The results indicate that the CORS-RBF algorithms are competitive with existing global optimization algorithms for costly functions on the box-constrained test problems. The results also show that the CORS-RBF algorithms are better than other algorithms for constrained global optimization on the nonlinearly constrained test problem.
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Regis, R.G., Shoemaker, C.A. Constrained Global Optimization of Expensive Black Box Functions Using Radial Basis Functions. J Glob Optim 31, 153–171 (2005). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10898-004-0570-0
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10898-004-0570-0