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Dear Readers,
We would like to announce several changes with regard to the Springer Photonic Network Communications journal. First, we (Krishna Sivalingam, Professor, IIT Madras, India) and Byrav Ramamurthy (Professor, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA) took charge as Co-Editors-in-Chief in January 2013.
Second, we have added several members to the Editorial Board. At present, we have 38 members from all the world including USA, Canada, Europe, Australia, India, China, Taiwan, Korea, Singapore, and Saudi Arabia. We take this opportunity to extend a hearty welcome to the Editorial Board members and also thank them for spending their valuable time in handling papers.
We have expanded the journal’s International Advisory Board by adding several internationally reputed researchers and practitioners, including Dr. Eytan Modiano of MIT, Dr. Kumar Sivarajan of Tejas Networks and Dr. C. Sivaram Murthy of IIT Madras. We are particularly thankful to Dr. Biswanath Mukherjee of University of California Davis and Dr. Piet Demeester of Ghent University for their constant support, advice and encouragement.
Third, we have also identified special issues based on selected papers from upcoming conferences such as IEEE ANTS 2013 and ONDM 2014. A special issue on “Software-Defined Elastic Optical Networks” is being planned by Dr. Jason Jue and Dr. Vincenzo Eramo, with a submission deadline in January 2014.
We are also contacting authors of papers published in leading international conferences in an effort to encourage them to submit their manuscripts to this journal. We encourage you to submit papers to this journal and hope that you will encourage your colleagues to do so as well. The journal also strongly encourages survey/tutorial articles, especially on current and emerging research topics. We also invite Special Issue proposals on current and upcoming topics in photonic network communications, please contact the Editors-in-Chief for details.
The 2012 Impact Factor for this journal is 0.448. With the changes done so far and with the support of readers, authors, editorial board members and reviewers, we plan to take this journal to the next level by continuing to publish very high-quality articles.
We express our gratitude to Brett Kurzman and Rebecca Hytowitz of Springer, and Kamatchi Ulagappan, Ramya Raghavan, and other Springer Journals Editorial Office members for their outstanding support, understanding and patience in helping us put together this journal.
We look forward to receiving your research submissions to this journal. Please do contact us with your comments/suggestions regarding the journal.
Krishna M. Sivalingam and Byrav Ramamurthy
Springer Photonic Network Communications Journal
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Sivalingam, K.M., Ramamurthy, B. Editorial. Photon Netw Commun 26, 43 (2013). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11107-013-0421-3
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11107-013-0421-3