Currently, a good portion of datasets on Internet are accessed through data services, where user’s queries are answered as a composition of multiple data services. Defining the semantics of data services is the first step towards automating their composition. An interesting approach to define the semantics of data services is by describing them as semantic views over a domain ontology. However, defining such semantic views cannot always be done with certainty, especially when the service’s returned data are too complex. In such case, a data service is associated with several possible semantic views. In addition, complex correlations may be present among these possible semantic views, mainly when data services encapsulate the same data sources. In this paper, we propose a probabilistic approach to model the semantic uncertainty of data services. Services along with their possible semantic views are represented in probabilistic service registry. The correlations among service semantics are modeled through a directed probabilistic graphical model (Bayesian network). Based on our modeling, we study the problem of compositing correlated data services to answer a user query, and propose an efficient method to compute the different possible compositions and their probabilities.
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Malki, A., Benslimane, D., Benslimane, SM. et al. Data Services with uncertain and correlated semantics. World Wide Web 19, 157–175 (2016). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11280-014-0317-x
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11280-014-0317-x