User comments, as a large group of online short texts, are becoming increasingly prevalent with the development of online communications. These short texts are characterized by their co-occurrences with usually lengthier normal documents. For example, there could be multiple user comments following one news article, or multiple reader reviews following one blog post. The co-occurring structure inherent in such text corpora is important for efficient learning of topics, but is rarely captured by conventional topic models. To capture such structure, we propose a topic model for co-occurring documents, referred to as COTM. In COTM, we assume there are two sets of topics: formal topics and informal topics, where formal topics can appear in both normal documents and short texts whereas informal topics can only appear in short texts. Each normal document has a probability distribution over a set of formal topics; each short text is composed of two topics, one from the set of formal topics, whose selection is governed by the topic probabilities of the corresponding normal document, and the other from a set of informal topics. We also develop an online algorithm for COTM to deal with large scale corpus. Extensive experiments on real-world datasets demonstrate that COTM and its online algorithm outperform state-of-art methods by discovering more prominent, coherent and comprehensive topics.






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This work is funded by the State Key Development Program of Basic Research of China (973) under Grant No. 2013cb329600 and National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant Nos. 61672050, 61372191, 61472433, 61572492.
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Appendix: Details of deriving the collapsed gibbs sampling algorithm
Appendix: Details of deriving the collapsed gibbs sampling algorithm
Given the full posterior distribution in (1), we can easily get the full conditional posterior distributions for Θ, Φ, Ψ, ξ and P.
For 𝜃 d ,d ∈{1, 2,...,D}, its full conditional posterior distribution is:
For ϕ k ,k ∈{1, 2,...,K}, its full conditional posterior distribution is:
For ψ j ,j ∈{1, 2,...,J}, its full conditional posterior distribution is:
For ξ, its full conditional posterior distribution is:
For p d c ,d ∈{1, 2,...,D},c ∈{1, 2,...,C d }, its full conditional posterior distribution is:
Noting the posterior distributions of Θ, Φ, Ψ, ξ and P are all Dirichlet, conjugate with their priors, we can develop a collapsed Gibbs sampling algorithm by integrating out these parameters from the posterior distribution.
To describe this procedure, we start with introducing the Dirichlet distribution. Suppose X = (X 1,...,X K )T, following a Dirichlet distribution with parameter α = (α 1,...,α K )T. The probability density function of X is
Since the integral of f(X|α) is equal to 1, we can get
Similarly, given the conditional posterior distribution of Θ is Dirichlet, as described in (17), we can integrate it out and get:
Then we integrate out Φ, Ψ, ξ and P similarly and get the following results:
By integrating out Θ, Φ, Ψ, ξ and P, the full posterior distribution in (1) can be simplified as:
Thus, we can use the collapsed Gibbs sampling and only need to update z, x, y and b in each iteration. We then derive the conditional posterior distributions of z, x, y and b from (26).
Specifically, for the n th word in normal document d, z d n = k only influences \(l_{dk}^{(1)}\) and \(l_{kw_{dn}}^{(2)}\) in (26). Let z −d n denote z excluding z d n , and the full conditional distribution of z d n can be derived as:
where the subscript “ − d n” indicates counts excluding the n th word in normal document d, \(l_{d\cdot }^{(1)}\) and \(g_{d\cdot }^{(1)}\) are the sum of \(l_{dk}^{(1)}\) and \(g_{dk}^{(1)}\) over all formal topics k, and \(l_{k\cdot }^{(2)}\) and \(g_{k\cdot }^{(2)}\) are the sum of \(l_{kv}^{(2)}\) and \(g_{kv}^{(2)}\) over all words v. Noting \(l_{d\cdot }^{(1)}\) is equal to the total number of words in document d and \(g_{d\cdot }^{(1)}\) is equal to the total number of words in all short texts associated with normal document d, \(l_{d\cdot }^{(1)}\) and \(g_{d\cdot }^{(1)}\) are constant values. Using the characteristics of Γ function, which is Γ(x + 1) = xΓ(x), (27) can be simplified as
For b,x,y, we can derive their conditional posterior distributions from (26) similarly.
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Yang, Y., Wang, F., Zhang, J. et al. A topic model for co-occurring normal documents and short texts. World Wide Web 21, 487–513 (2018). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11280-017-0467-8
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11280-017-0467-8