We introduce Abstract State Services (AS2s) as an abstraction of data-intensive services that can be made available for use by other systems, e.g. via the web. An AS2 combines a hidden database layer with an operation-equipped view layer, and can be anything from a simple function to a full-fledged Web Information System or a Data Warehouse. We adopt the fundamental approach of Abstract State Machines to model AS2s and show that AS2s capture the fundamentals of approaches such as media types, meme media, SOA and web services excluding presentation issues. Then we show how tailored services can be extracted from available AS2s, combined with other AS2 components and personalised to user preferences.
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Ma, H., Schewe, KD., Thalheim, B. et al. A theory of data-intensive software services. SOCA 3, 263–283 (2009). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11761-009-0051-x
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11761-009-0051-x