Recently, as the Internet service technology has been activated and popularized, digital contents industry is increasingly attracting attention as a promising industry. Digital content is a material or information that appears with the development of information and communication technology. It is represented by a sign character, voice, sound, image and video. This digital content industry has been applied to various disciplines. P2P service model is being used as a new business model in the field of digital contents industry. P2P service model is the most important factor in constructing a collaboration system between users. In other words, as more users collaborate, such as sharing content, contributing computing resources, etc., the network becomes rich in data. In addition, smooth traffic processing can be ensured through contribution of computing power. Conversely, as collaboration between users decreases, the resources of the P2P system become exhausted, which can lead to system collapse. Therefore, this paper developed a system for creative English education for young children. To this end, we designed and developed an English education system that can generate interest by applying augmented reality(AR) and implemented which is based on the P2P network service model. Finally, we provide virtual multimedia education contents using augmented reality and build a system environment applying P2P network service model method. Based on this, we implemented the functions such as learning process, progress check, result feedback between instructor and learner in real time.

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Kim, HJ., Kim, BH. Implementation of young children English education system by AR type based on P2P network service model. Peer-to-Peer Netw. Appl. 11, 1252–1264 (2018). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12083-017-0612-2
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s12083-017-0612-2