In quasi-synchronous frequency-hopping multiple-access systems where relative delays are restricted within a certain correlation zone, low-hit-zone frequency-hopping sequences (LHZ-FHSs) are commonly employed to minimize multiple-access interferences. In this paper, we present two classes of optimal LHZ-FHS sets with respect to the Peng-Fan-Lee bound, which are obtained from an m-sequence and its decimated sequence, respectively. The parameters of these LHZ-FHS sets are new and flexible.
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This work was supported by National Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 61271244), National High Technology Research and Development Program of China (863 Program) (Grant No. 2015AA01A705), and National Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 61571373).
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Appendix A:
Proof Proof of Theorem 1
Clearly, \(\mathcal {U}\) contains q k(q−1) sequences of length q n−1 over V k . Let M i ={m i (l)} = b i ⋅M, 0≤i<q−1, 0≤l<q n−1. For any two FHSs \(U_{i_{1},j_{1}}, U_{i_{2},j_{2}}\in \mathcal {U}\), the periodic Hamming correlation \(H_{U_{i_{1},j_{1}}, U_{i_{2},j_{2}}}(\tau )\) at time delay τ can be calculated as follows:
where 0<τ<q n−1 when (i 1,j 1)=(i 2,j 2), and 0≤τ<q n−1 when (i 1,j 1)≠(i 2,j 2).
Since ϕ is one-to-one, then we have
Let \(S_{i_{1},i_{2}} = \{s_{i_{1},i_{2}}(l)\} = \{m_{i_{1}}(l)\}-\{m_{i_{2}}(l+\tau )\}\) be a sequence of length q n−1 and \(\mathbf {r}_{j_{1},j_{2}}=\phi ^{-1}(a_{j_{2}})-\phi ^{-1}(a_{j_{1}})\) a k-tuple. It then follows that
Equation (7) is equivalent to
Since α is a primitive element of \(\mathbf {F}_{q^{n}}\), then α W is a primitive element of F q . Let \(b_{i_{1}}=\alpha ^{Wd_{1}}\), \(b_{i_{2}}=\alpha ^{Wd_{2}}\), 0≤d 1,d 2<q−1, and τ = τ 1 W + τ 2, 0≤τ 1<q−1, 0≤τ 2<W. For all 0≤l<q n−1, we have
It is easy to check that \(S_{i_{1},i_{2}}\) is an m-sequence of length q n−1 when \(1-\alpha ^{(d_{2}-d_{1}+\tau _{1})W+\tau _{2}}\neq 0\).
In order to compute \(H_{U_{i_{1},j_{1}}, U_{i_{2},j_{2}}}(\tau )\), we divide the problem into four cases.
Case 1
i 1 = i 2, j 1 = j 2, 0<τ<q n−1. In this case, we have
Since 0<τ<q n−1, it is obvious that 1−α τ≠0. From Lemma 3 and (8), we obtain
Case 2
i 1 = i 2, j 1≠j 2, 0≤τ<q n−1. In this case, we have
From Lemma 3 and (8), we get
Case 3
i 1≠i 2, j 1 = j 2, 0≤τ<q n−1. In this case, we have
From Lemma 3 and (8), it follows that
Since 1≤|d 2−d 1|<q−1, there exist two FHSs \(U_{i^{\prime }_{1},j^{\prime }_{1}}, U_{i^{\prime }_{2},j^{\prime }_{2}} \in \mathcal {U}\), whose periodic Hamming correlation \(H_{U_{i^{\prime }_{1},j^{\prime }_{1}}, U_{i^{\prime }_{2},j^{\prime }_{2}}}(\tau )\) can be given by
Case 4
i 1≠i 2, j 1≠j 2, 0≤τ<q n−1. In this case, we have
From Lemma 3 and (8), it follows that
By summarizing the results of the above four cases, we have
for 0<τ<W when (i 1,j 1)=(i 2,j 2), and for 0≤τ<W when (i 1,j 1)≠(i 2,j 2). Thus, \(\mathcal {U}\) is a (q n−1,q k(q−1),q k,W−1,q n−k) LHZ-FHS set.
We then check the optimality of \(\mathcal {U}\) with respect to the Peng-Fan-Lee Bound,
it follows that
According to Definition 2, \(\mathcal {U}\) is a (q n−1,q k(q−1),q k,W−1,q n−k) LHZ-FHS set with optimal maximum periodic Hamming correlation. □
Appendix B:
Proof Proof of Theorem 2
Clearly, \(\mathcal {G}\) contains q−1 sequences of length \(\frac {q^{n}-1}{t}\) over V k . Similar to the proof of Theorem 1. Let H i ={h i (l)} = b i ⋅H, 0≤i<q−1, \(0\leq l< \frac {q^{n}-1}{t}\). For any two FHSs \(G_{i_{1}}, G_{i_{2}}\in \mathcal {G}\), the periodic Hamming correlation \(H_{G_{i_{1}}, G_{i_{2}}}(\tau )\) at time delay τ can be calculated as follows:
where \(0<\tau < \frac {q^{n}-1}{t}\) when i 1 = i 2, and \(0\leq \tau < \frac {q^{n}-1}{t}\) when i 1≠i 2.
Since ϕ is one-to-one, then we have
Let \(P_{i_{1},i_{2}}= \{p_{i_{1},i_{2}}(l)\} = \{h_{i_{1}}(l)\}-\{h_{i_{2}}(l+\tau )\}\) be a sequence of length \(\frac {q^{n}-1}{t}\). It then follows that
Equation (9) is equivalent to
Let \(b_{i_{1}}=\alpha ^{Wd_{1}}\), \(b_{i_{2}}=\alpha ^{Wd_{2}}\), 0≤d 1,d 2<q−1, and τ = τ 1 W + τ 2, \(0\leq \tau _{1}<\frac {q-1}{t}\), 0≤τ 2<W. For all \(0\leq l<\frac {q^{n}-1}{t}\), we have
It can be seen that \(P_{i_{1},i_{2}}\) is a t-decimated sequence of m-sequence when \(1-\alpha ^{(d_{2}-d_{1}+t\tau _{1})W+t\tau _{2}}\) ≠0.
We distinguish the following two cases to calculate \(H_{G_{i_{1}}, G_{i_{2}}}(\tau )\).
Case 1
i 1 = i 2, \(0<\tau <\frac {q^{n}-1}{t}\). In this case, we have
Since \(0<\tau <\frac {q^{n}-1}{t}\), it is obvious that 1−α tτ≠0. From Lemma 4 and (10), we obtain
Case 2
i 1≠i 2, \(0\leq \tau <\frac {q^{n}-1}{t}\). In this case, we have
From Lemma 4 and (10), it follows that
Since 1≤|d 2−d 1|<q−1 and t|(q−1), there exist two FHSs \(G_{i^{\prime }_{1}}, G_{i^{\prime }_{2}} \in \mathcal {G}\) , whose periodic Hamming correlation \(H_{G_{i^{\prime }_{1}}, G_{i^{\prime }_{2}}}(\tau )\) can be given by
By summarizing the results of the above two cases, we have
for 0<τ<W when i 1 = i 2, and for 0≤τ<W when i 1≠i 2. Thus, \(\mathcal {G}\) is a \((\frac {q^{n}-1}{t},q-1,q^{k},W-1,\frac {q^{n-k}-1}{t})\) LHZ-FHS set.
We then check the optimality of \(\mathcal {G}\) with respect to the Peng-Fan-Lee Bound,
it follows that
According to Definition 2, \(\mathcal {G}\) is a \((\frac {q^{n}-1}{t},q-1,q^{k},W-1,\frac {q^{n-k}-1}{t})\) LHZ-FHS set with optimal maximum periodic Hamming correlation. □
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Han, H., Peng, D. & Parampalli, U. New sets of optimal low-hit-zone frequency-hopping sequences based on m-sequences. Cryptogr. Commun. 9, 511–522 (2017). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12095-016-0192-7
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s12095-016-0192-7
- Frequency-hopping sequences
- Low-hit-zone sequences
- Frequency-hopping multiple-access
- Quasi-synchronous systems
- m-sequence
- Decimated sequence