Cluster analysis is an important task in data mining and refers to group a set of objects such that the similarities among objects within the same group are maximal while similarities among objects from different groups are minimal. The particle swarm optimization algorithm (PSO) is one of the famous metaheuristic optimization algorithms, which has been successfully applied to solve the clustering problem. However, it has two major shortcomings. The PSO algorithm converges rapidly during the initial stages of the search process, but near global optimum, the convergence speed will become very slow. Moreover, it may get trapped in local optimum if the global best and local best values are equal to the particle’s position over a certain number of iterations. In this paper we hybridized the PSO with a heuristic search algorithm to overcome the shortcomings of the PSO algorithm. In the proposed algorithm, called PSOHS, the particle swarm optimization is used to produce an initial solution to the clustering problem and then a heuristic search algorithm is applied to improve the quality of this solution by searching around it. The superiority of the proposed PSOHS clustering method, as compared to other popular methods for clustering problem is established for seven benchmark and real datasets including Iris, Wine, Crude Oil, Cancer, CMC, Glass and Vowel.

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Hatamlou, A., Hatamlou, M. PSOHS: an efficient two-stage approach for data clustering. Memetic Comp. 5, 155–161 (2013). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12293-013-0110-x
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s12293-013-0110-x