On behalf of the steering committee and the program committee, it is our great pleasure to welcome you to the 8th ACM International Conference on Autonomic Computing -- ICAC 2011. We are pleased to hold this established conference at Karlsruhe, Germany.
About ten years ago, the research area of autonomic computing has been initiated by Paul Horn, IBM's senior vice president of research. This conference series is demonstrating the impressive and lasting impact of the Autonomic Computing Initiative. We are delighted that one of the authors of the seminal paper on Autonomic Computing, Jeff Kephart, will reflect in his keynote on "Autonomic Computing: The First Decade". Independently, another research initiative evolved in Germany started by a joint position paper of the German Informatics Society (GI) and the Information Technology Society (ITG) on "Organic Computing", which is driven by similar insights as Autonomic Computing. The sixth and final year of the resulting priority research program of the German Research Foundation (DFG) has been a motivation for having ICAC 2011 in Germany. We are pleased that Christian Müller-Schloer, one of the founders of Organic Computing will share his thoughts on the future of this research area in his keynote on "Organic Computing: Quo Vadis?" Both keynote talks will inspire thoughts on future directions of these fascinating research initiatives which have found widespread use in a broad range of application areas.
We are looking forward to an attractive conference program: Out of 89 submissions, 20 papers were accepted as full papers and 7 as short papers. We also welcome the participants of the five workshops that complement the main conference with topics from economics (ACE), bio-inspired methods in distributed system (BADS), feedback control of computer networks (FeBID), an eenergy market challenge (IEEMC), and organic computing (OC).