Recent developments in generative artificial intelligence have made it once again important to investigate our relationship to emerging and disruptive technologies. A core question being asked is what it now means to be a human being, when we are no longer the sole creators. What is the role of the human when the creative act is being outsourced and externalised to our machines? Hyperhumanism offers an alternative path when conceiving our relationships with these powerful tools, by defining concepts that help us to rethink human-technology interaction. This is a follow-up paper to Techno-Hyperhumanism (Smith and Castaneda 2020) addressing the future work suggested, namely hyperhumanism's impact on human identity, comparing transhumanist and hyperhuman approaches and relationships to modern and future technologies, as well as developing the ethics of human improvement through a hyperhuman lens. Our main conclusion is that new technologies can give us new creative roles instead of eliminating them. Hyperhumanism is enabled through ontological design where we focus on context rather than content creation. We believe it is important to continue this work and develop hyperhumanism further due to the nature of our technological moment.
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