This paper presents a methodology of designing an amplifier integrated with a microstrip filter using an active coupling matrix. The microstrip filter is directly coupled to the active device, and the integrated filter amplifier can achieve filtering as well as matching functionalities, simultaneously, eliminating the need for separate matching networks. The filter amplifier is represented by an active coupling matrix, with additional columns and rows in the matrix corresponding to the active transistor. The matrix can be used to calculate the S-parameter responses (i.e., the return loss and the gain) and the initial dimensions of the integrated device. Moreover, the integration of a filter and an amplifier leads to a reduced loss and a more compact architecture of the devices. An X-band microstrip filter amplifier has been designed and demonstrated as an example. Microstrip technology has been chosen because of its appealing advantages of easy fabrication, low cost, and most importantly, easy integration with active devices.
提出一种基于有源耦合矩阵的微带集成滤波放大器的设计理论. 通过消除匹配结构, 微带滤波器可直接与放大器耦合, 同时实现滤波和匹配功能. 通过引入附加的行和列表示有源晶体管, 该放大器的拓扑结构可用耦合矩阵综合和表达. 该有源耦合矩阵可用于计算S参数 (回波损耗和增益) 和集成器件的初始物理尺寸. 该集成设计方法有效降低了电磁波损耗, 并且使器件结构更为紧凑. 由于微带线易加工、 低成本、 易于与有源器件集成等优点, 本文设计、 加工并测量了基于微带线工艺的X波段放大器.
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Yang GAO and Lei LI designed the research. Fan ZHANG and Jiawei ZANG manufactured and measured the device. Yang GAO drafted the manuscript. Lei LI, Yingying QIAO, and Xiaobang SHANG revised and finalized the paper.
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Yang GAO, Fan ZHANG, Yingying Qiao, Jiawei ZANG, Lei LI, and Xiaobang SHANG declare that they have no conflict of interest.
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Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 62001520)
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Gao, Y., Zhang, F., Qiao, Y. et al. A microstrip filter direct-coupled amplifier based on active coupling matrix synthesis. Front Inform Technol Electron Eng 22, 1260–1269 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1631/FITEE.2000292
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1631/FITEE.2000292