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SPHN/PHRT – MedCo in Action: Empowering the Swiss Molecular Tumor Board with Privacy-Preserving and Real-Time Patient Discovery
Jean Louis Raisaro, Juan Ramòn Troncoso-Pastoriza, Sylvain Pradervand, Michel Cuendet, Mickael Misbach, Joao Sa, Francesco Marino, Nicolas Freundler, Nicolas Rosat, David Cavin, Alexander Leichtle, Jacques Fellay, Olivier Michielin, Jean-Pierre Hubaux
MedCo is the first operational system that makes sensitive medical-data available for research in a simple, privacy-conscious and secure way. It enables a consortium of clinical sites to collectively protect their data and to securely share them with investigators, without single points of failure. In this short paper, we report on our ongoing effort for the operational deployment of MedCo within the context of the Swiss Personalized Health Network (SPHN) for the Swiss Molecular Tumor Board.
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