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See Huxley, Aldous,The Doors of Perception, bound withHeaven and Hell. New York and Evanston, Harper Colophon Books, 1963 (1954), p. 22.
James,op. cit. p. 371.
See Otto, Rudolf,The Idea of the Holy, tr. by J. W. Harvey. New York, Galaxy Books, 1958 (1932), esp. pp. 12–40.
Blofeld, John, “A High Yogic Experience Achieved with Mescaline,”Psychedelic Review, 1966, (No. 7) p. 29.
Tillich, Paul,The Courage to Be. New Haven and London, Yale University Press, 1952, p. 185.
Ibid. p. 164.
Stace,op. cit. pp. 50–51.
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Pahnke,op. cit..
Pahnke, Walter N., Paper presented to the conference on “Religion and Parapsychology,” St. Paul de Vence, France, June 1965. To be published in theInternational Journal of Parapsychology, 1966,8, No. 2. See also, “The Contribution of the Psychology of Religion to the Therapeutic Use of the Psychedelic Substances.” To be published in the proceedings of the Second Conference on the Use of LSD in Psychotherapy, Abramson, H. A., ed. In press, Bobbs-Merrill, 1966.
Quoted by LaBarre, Weston,The Peyote Cult. New Haven, Yale University Press, 1938, p. 23.
Zaehner, R. C., “The Menace of Mescalin,”Blackfriars, 1954,35 (Nos. 412–413), 310.
Zaehner's description of his experience is published in his book,Mysticism: Sacred and Profane, An Inquiry into Some Varieties of Praeternatural Experience. New York, Galaxy Books, 1961, pp. 212–226.
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Jaspers, Karl,Der philosophische Glaube angesichts der Offenbarung. Munich, R. Piper & Co. Verlag, 1962. See also Jaspers' dialogue with Heinz Zahrnt,Philosophie und Offenbarungsglaube: Ein Zwiegespräch. Hamburg, Furche-Verlag, 1963.
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Kurland, A., Unger S., and Shaffer, I., “Psychedelic Therapy with Alcoholic Patients.” Paper presented at the conference of theCollegium Internationale Neuro-psychopharmacologicum in Washington, March, 1966. See also from the same conference, Savage, C., “An Outline of Psychedelic Therapy.”
Leary, Timothy, Metzner, Ralph, Presnell, Madison, Weil, Gunther, Schwitzgebel, Ralph, Kinne, Sara, “A Change Program for Adult Offenders Using Psilocybin,”Psychotherapy, 1965,2 See also Leary, Timothy, and Clark, Walter H., “Religious Implications of Consciousness-Expanding Drugs,”Reliligious Education, 1963, May–June, 251–256.
Levine, J., and Ludwig, A., “Hypnodelic Therapy.” Paper presented at the Second International Conference on the Use of LSD in Psychotherapy, Amityville, New York, May 1965. This paper discusses the treatment of drug addicts. The use of this technique in the treatment of alcoholism was described by Ludwig in “An Outline of Hypnodelic Therapy,” presented at the conference of theCollegium Internationale Neuro-psychopharmacologicum in Washington, March, 1966.
Kast, Eric, “Pain and LSD-25: A Theory of Attenuation of Anticipation,” in Solomon,LSD: The Consciousness-Expanding Drug, op. cit..
Cohen, Sidney, “LSD and the Anguish of Dying,”Harper's Magazine, 1965,231 (No. 1384) 69–72, 77–78.
Chwelos,et al., op. cit. p. 589.
Prince, R. H., and Savage, Charles, “Mystical States and the Concept of Regression.” Paper presented at the conference of the R. M. Bucke Memorial Society on “Personality Change and Religious Experience,” Montreal, January, 1965.
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Rosenfeld, Albert, and Farrell, Barry, “The Spread and Perils of LSD,”Life, 1966,60 (No. 12) 28–33.
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Pahnke, W.N., Richards, W.A. Implications of LSD and experimental mysticism. J Relig Health 5, 175–208 (1966).
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