Українська: Реактивна установка "Град", вилучена у терористів під час антитерористичної операції 2014 p. в Донбасі. Музей Великої Вітчизняної війни. Київ. Україна
English: A captured BM-21 Grad seized during civil war in Donbass (Ukraine). Museum of the Great Patriotic War, Kiev, Ukraine. Ukrainian servicemen seized this MRLS near the town of Dobropillia, Donetsk region, on June 13, 2014. The vehicle contained parts of the Russian-made military ammunition. These included ballistic charts stamped with a special sign of the military base #27777. There was also a trace of the tactical sign shaped as rhombus in a square. After a careful research it was found that the MRLS belonged to the 18th motorized infantry brigade attached to the 58th Southern District of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation based in Chechen Republic.
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