This micro-library is made for you if:
- You have ever written something like this:
let interval: TimeInterval = 10 * 60
To represent 10 minutes.
- That's already enough
import Time
let tenMinutes = 10.minutes
let afterTenMinutes = Date() + 10.minutes
let tenMinutesAndSome = 10.minutes + 15.seconds
let tenMinutesInSeconds = 10.minutes.inSeconds
if 10.minutes > 500.seconds {
print("That's right")
Time is not just a bunch of Double
conversion functions. The main advantage of it is that all time units are strongly-typed. So, for example:
let tenMinutes = 10.minutes
Here tenMinutes
will actually be of type Interval<Minute>
(not to be confused with Foundation's TimeInterval
). There are seven time units available, from nanoseconds to days:
public extension Double {
var seconds: Interval<Second> {
return Interval<Second>(self)
var minutes: Interval<Minute> {
return Interval<Minute>(self)
var milliseconds: Interval<Millisecond> {
return Interval<Millisecond>(self)
var microseconds: Interval<Microsecond> {
return Interval<Microsecond>(self)
var nanoseconds: Interval<Nanosecond> {
return Interval<Nanosecond>(self)
var hours: Interval<Hour> {
return Interval<Hour>(self)
var days: Interval<Day> {
return Interval<Day>(self)
You can perform all basic arithmetic operations on time intervals, even of different units:
let interval = 10.minutes + 15.seconds - 3.minutes + 2.hours // Interval<Minute>
let doubled = interval * 2
let seconds = 10.seconds + 3.minutes // Interval<Second>
You can also use these operations on Date
let oneHourAfter = Date() + 1.hours
Time intervals are easily convertible:
let twoMinutesInSeconds = 2.minutes.inSeconds // Interval<Second>
You can also convert intervals to Foundation's TimeInterval
, if needed:
let timeInterval = 5.minutes.timeInterval
You can also use converted(to:)
let fiveSecondsInHours = 5.seconds.converted(to: Hour.self) // Interval<Hour>
// or
let fiveSecondsInHours: Interval<Hour> = 5.seconds.converted()
Although, in my opinion, you would rarely need to.
You can compare different time units as well
50.minutes < 1.hour
If, for some reason, you need to create your own time unit, that's super easy to do:
public enum Week : TimeUnit {
public static var toTimeIntervalRatio: Double {
return 604800
Now you can use it as any other time unit:
let fiveWeeks = Interval<Week>(5)
For the sake of convenience, don't forget to write those handy extensions:
public enum Week : TimeUnit {
public static var toTimeIntervalRatio: Double {
return 604800
extension Interval {
public var inWeeks: Interval<Week> {
return converted()
extension Double {
public var weeks: Interval<Week> {
return Interval<Week>(self)
extension Int {
public var weeks: Interval<Week> {
return Interval<Week>(Double(self))
Time is in very early stage. Some stuff will probably be broken at some point.
Time is available through Carthage. To install, just write into your Cartfile:
github "dreymonde/Time" ~> 0.1.0
You can also use SwiftPM. Just add to your Package.swift
import PackageDescription
let package = Package(
dependencies: [
.Package(url: "", majorVersion: 0, minor: 1),