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«Մասնակից:Prince of Nothing05/Ա ավազարկղ»–ի խմբագրումների տարբերություն

Վիքիպեդիայից՝ ազատ հանրագիտարանից
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Տող 1. Տող 1.
{{Infobox book series
| name = ''The First Law''
| image = The First Law covers.jpg
{{Տեղեկաքարտ Թերակղզի
| image_caption = UK hardback covers for the trilogy
|Անվանում =Փոքր Ասիա
| books = {{plainlist|
|բնագիր անվանում =Μικρά Ασία
* ''The Blade Itself''
|պատկեր = AnatolieLimits.jpg
* ''Before They Are Hanged''
|չափ = 300px
* ''Last Argument of Kings''
|նկարագրություն = Թերակղզու մոտավար սահմանները
|կոորդինատներ <!--*կոորդինատներ-->
|lat_d =
| lat_NS =
|long_d =
| long_EW =
|region =
|Տեղագրություն = [[Ասիա]]
|Ջրատարածություններ = Սև, Մարմարա, էգեյան, Միջերկրական ծովերի
|Տարածք =400 հազար կմ2
|Բարձրություն =
|Երկիր = {{Դրոշավորում|Թուրքիա}}
|երկիր =
|երկիր2 =
|երկրամաս =
|Շրջան =
|Բնակչություն =
|Թվական =
|բնակչության խտությունը =
|ծանոթագրություն =
|պատկեր2 =
|նկարագրություն2 =
|քարտեզի չափ = 280
|ալտերնատիվ քարտեզ =
|ալտերնատիվ քարտեզ2 =
|քարտեզի նկարագրություն =
|քարտեզի նկարագրություն2 =
|քարտեզի նկարագրություն3 =
|վիքիպահեստ =
| author = [[Joe Abercrombie]]
| cover_artist =
| country = United Kingdom
| language = English
| genre = [[Fantasy literature|Fantasy]]
| publisher = {{plainlist|
* [[Victor Gollancz Ltd|Gollancz]] (UK)
* [[Orbit Books]] (US)
| pub_date = 2006 – present
| media_type = Print
| pages =
| awards =
'''''The First Law''''' is a [[fantasy]] series written by British author [[Joe Abercrombie]]. It consists of a [[trilogy]], three stand-alone novels and a number of novellas set in the same world.

The trilogy is published by [[Victor Gollancz Ltd|Gollancz]] in the UK and [[Pyr (publisher)|Pyr]] in the United States. The stand-alone novels remain with Gollancz in the UK but will be published by [[Orbit Books]] in the USA.<ref>{{cite web |url=http://www.joeabercrombie.com/2008/08/07/ |title=Blog Entry |date=7 August 2008 |accessdate= }}</ref>

{| class="wikitable"
|+ The trilogy
! #
! Title
! Pages
! UK release
! UK hardback ISBN
| 1
| ''The Blade Itself''
| 529
| 4 May 2006
| ISBN 978-0575077867
| 2
| ''Before They Are Hanged''
| 539
| 15 March 2007
| ISBN 978-0575077874
| 3
| ''Last Argument of Kings''
| 603
| 20 March 2008
| ISBN 978-0575077898

;Standalone books
* ''Best Served Cold'' (June 2009)
* ''The Heroes'' (January 2011)
* ''Red Country'' (October 2012)<ref>{{Cite web|title=Joe Abercrombie - Books|url=http://www.joeabercrombie.com/books/|first=Joe|last=Abercrombie|work=''JoeAbercrombie.com''|accessdate=21 Jan 2013|archiveurl=http://www.webcitation.org/6DpqRLtTa|archivedate=21 Jan 2013|deadurl=no}}</ref>
* ''Sharp Ends'' (April 2016)<ref>{{Cite web|title=Joe Abercrombie - Books|url=http://www.joeabercrombie.com/books/sharp-ends//|first=Joe|last=Abercrombie|work=''JoeAbercrombie.com''|accessdate=}}</ref>

;Short stories
* "The Fool Jobs" – appeared in the ''Swords & Dark Magic'' compilation (June 2010) and features Curnden Craw and his dozen in events prior to ''The Heroes''.
* "Yesterday, Near A Village Called Barden" – appeared as an extra in the [[Waterstone's]] hardcover version of ''The Heroes'' and focuses on Bremer dan Gorst on campaign prior to ''The Heroes''.
* "Freedom!" - appeared as an extra in the Waterstone's hardcover version of ''Red Country'' and focuses on the liberation of the town of Averstock by the Company of the Gracious Hand.
* "Some Desperado" - appeared in the ''[[Dangerous Women (anthology)|Dangerous Women]]'' anthology (December 2013) and features Shy South on the run during her outlaw days before ''Red Country''.
* "Tough Times All Over" - appeared in the ''[[Rogues (anthology)|Rogues]]'' anthology (June 2014) and follows courier Carcolf and the circuitous route one of her packages takes through the city of Sipani.
* "Two's Company" - appeared online on tor.com,<ref>{{cite web |url=http://www.tor.com/2016/01/12/twos-company-joe-abercrombie/ |title=Two's Company |date=12 January 2016 |accessdate= }}</ref> to be published in the forthcoming Sharp Ends collection, featuring a "female Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser style thief and warrior odd couple"<ref>{{cite web |url=http://www.joeabercrombie.com/2016/01/12/twos-company/ |title=Blog Entry |date=12 January 2016 |accessdate= }}</ref>

The First Law series is set in an epic fantasy world at war, reminiscent of medieval-era Europe and the greater Mediterranean world.

* '''The Union''' contains the provinces of Angland, the Midderlands, Dagoska, Starikland and the city of Westport in Styria.
* '''Gurkhul''' is a sprawling empire to the south of the Union.
* '''The North''' is referred to as such not only by The Union (for whom it really is to the north) but also by those who live there, who refer to themselves as Northmen.
* '''Styria''' is a large island continent to the east of the Union containing multiple warring city states and factions.
* '''The Old Empire''' is a former world power to the west of the Union, now reduced to a patchwork of squabbling warlords all vying for the throne.
* '''Far Country''' is a near lawless frontier region to the north of the Old Empire and west of Starikland province.

The books of the trilogy do not contain maps, as Abercrombie prefers not to use them.<ref>{{cite web |url=http://www.joeabercrombie.com/2007/10/02/maps-craps-2/ |title=Blog Entry |date=2 October 2007 |accessdate= }}</ref> However, the three stand alone novels do contain their own local maps.

==Plot overview==
The plot of the trilogy involves three major powers:
*'''The Union,''' a large kingdom similar to Western Europe.
*'''The Gurkish Empire''', which is similar to the large Middle-Eastern empires of antiquity.
*'''The Northmen''', a rough alliance of several northern tribes with Viking and Anglo Saxon overtones under the leadership of a warrior-king named Bethod.

There are two major theaters of war. The first takes place in the north between the Union and the Northmen, who invade the Union's northern province of Angland. The second is in the south between the Union and the Gurkish Empire, who attempt to annex the Union city of Dagoska. The trilogy centers on the fortunes of a variety of characters as they navigate through these and other conflicts.

===''The Blade Itself''===

The title of the first book is taken from a quote by [[Homer]] in [[The Odyssey]]: "The blade itself incites to deeds of violence."

===''Before They Are Hanged''===

The title of the second book references a quote by [[Heinrich Heine]]: "We should forgive our enemies, but not before they are hanged."

===''Last Argument of Kings''===

The title of the third book refers to the words Louis XIV had inscribed on his cannons: "Ultima Ratio Regum," which is Latin for "the last argument of kings."

===Standalone books===
The three standalone books are set in the same world as the trilogy. Some of the major characters are minor characters from the original trilogy while several major characters from the trilogy sometimes also appear in smaller roles, cameos or are mentioned in passing.

'''''Best Served Cold''''' is set in the same universe as the ''First Law'' series, roughly three years after the trilogy. It takes place in Styria, an island continent reminiscent of Italy during the [[Italian Wars]], focusing on the vengeance of a betrayed mercenary leader.

'''''The Heroes''''' focuses on a three-day battle set in the same world as the ''First Law'' trilogy, about seven years after events of the trilogy itself. Union commander Lord Marshal Kroy leads the Union forces against the much smaller Northern army led by Black Dow. The story features many characters seen in previous ''First Law'' novels like Bremer dan Gorst, Prince Calder, and the Dogman.<ref>{{cite web |url=http://www.publishersweekly.com/978-0-316-04498-1 |title=Fiction Review: The Heroes |work=[[Publishers Weekly]] |date=13 December 2010 |accessdate=13 October 2011 }}</ref>

'''''Red Country''''' is set about thirteen years after the ''First Law'' trilogy and revolves around a youthful female protagonist who is hoping to bury her bloody past, but she’ll have to sharpen up some of her old ways to get her family back. Her journey will take her across the barren western plains to a frontier town gripped by gold fever, through feud, duel and massacre and high into the unmapped mountains.

== Major Characters==
* '''Logen Ninefingers''', infamous barbarian warrior of the North named for his missing finger. Nicknamed the "Bloody-Nine" after losing a finger in battle during a berserker-rage, he strives to turn from the path of senseless violence he has followed for so long.
* '''Sand dan Glokta''', a dashing young swordsman before his capture and years of torture by the Gurkish. Now crippled, he has become a torturer himself in the Union's Inquisition.
* '''Jezal dan Luthar''', a self-centered, immature nobleman and swordsman training reluctantly for the greatest tournament in the nation.
* '''Bayaz, First of the Magi''', a wizard from an older time, his magical skill is only outstripped by his political savvy.
* '''Collem West''', a common born officer of the Union army. Intelligent and diligent but quick to anger and worried for his younger sister.
* '''Dogman''', a loyal member of Logen's band, a skilled scout with sharpened teeth and an incredible sense of smell.
* '''Ferro Maljinn''', an escaped slave from the south who puts her thirst for revenge over all else.

===Other Characters===
* '''Cawneil''', a book-loving Magus who tries to remain glamorous despite her age, she had previous relationships with both Khalul and Bayaz.
* '''Khalul''', a Magus who is the religious leader of Gurkhul, he has created an army of Eaters and is Bayaz's bitter enemy.
* '''Malacus Quai''', Bayaz's apprentice who grows disillusioned with his master.
* '''Yoru Sulfur''', an odd man with [[Heterochromia iridum]].
* '''Yulwei''', a black man with long grey hair and a rich voice. He mainly spends his time in Gurkhul.
* '''Zacharus''', a nature-loving Magus who lives in the Old Empire.

* '''Bethod''', a charismatic and ruthless leader. An excellent military tactician who intends to conquer Angland after he has defeated almost every clan in the North. He is Logen's bitter enemy after he betrayed him and his band of men. He has two sons, Calder and Scale.
* '''Black Dow''', a sharp-tongued member of Logen's band who is famed for his ruthlessness.
* '''Caul Shivers''', an amicable Northman who carries a bitter need for vengeance.
* '''Crummock-i-Phail''', regarded "the maddest bastard in the north" he leads a clan of Treemen, he wears a necklace of finger bones around his neck and has his three children carry his weapons around for him (unable to tell his daughter from his sons), he seems friendly if crazy.
* '''Forley the Weakest''', a member of Logen's band, nervous and cowardly but well liked for his decency, he acts to keep the group together and stop them fighting each other.
* '''Rudd Threetrees''', an older veteran member of Logen's band, a skilled and inspiring leader in his own right.
* '''Tul Duru "Thunderhead" ''', a giant of a northman and member of Logen's band, he is extremely tall and strong.
* '''Harding Grim ''', a masterful archer and member of Logan's band who is well known for hardly saying anything.

* '''Ardee West''', sister of Collem West, bored with her station in life and what is expected of her gender.
* '''Practical Frost''', a practical in the Inquisition, a strong [[albino]] with a lisp.
* '''King Gluslav the Fifth''', the obese, senile king of Adua, his health is rapidly failing and his mind is slipping.
* '''Lord Chamberlain Hoff''', a loud and impatient man who conducts the duties of the otherwise incapable king.
* '''Crown Prince Ladisla''', the vain and foppish heir to the throne.
* '''Brother Longfoot''', a talented Navigator whose constant talking gets on his companions nerves.
* '''High Justice Marovia''', leader of the King's Justice, an elderly man and Sult's bitter rival.
* '''Practical Severard''', a practical in the Inquisition whose eyes always appear to be smiling.
* '''Arch Lector Sult''', the elderly leader of the Inquisition, manipulative and greedy.
* '''Practical Vitari''', a practical in the Inquisition, she is a fearsome fighter with fiery red hair.
* '''Mauthis''', a representative of the banking clan Valint and Balk. A remarkably cold individual, he causes numerous problems for Glokta when he presents him with the demands of his mysterious masters.
* '''Bremer dan Gorst''', a muscled soldier and duellist. Despite his size and reputation he has a very high-pitched womanly voice that he's sensitive about.

'''Adua Military'''
* '''Lord Marshal Burr''', leader of the King's army, a skilled commander and mentor to Collem West who suffers from indigestion.
* '''General Kroy''', aloof and by-the-book commander who is the bitter rival of General Poulder.
* '''General Poulder''', a flamboyant commander who is the bitter rival of General Kroy.
* '''Jalenhorm, Kaspa and Brint''', Union officers and the drinking buddies of Jezal dan Luthar and Collem West, they often play cards together.

* '''Carlot dan Eider''', Magister of the Spicers aka "The Queen of Merchants", a beautiful, intelligent and skilled diplomat.
* '''Haddish Khadia''', spokesman and religious leader of the natives of Dagoska.
* '''Korsten dan Vurms''', the ambitious son of the elderly and incapable Lord Governor.
* '''Nicomo Cosca''', a notoriously treacherous, but charismatic and generally good-tempered mercenary who turns up repeatedly under different employers.
* '''General Vissbruck''', leader of Dagoska's garrison, reasonably competent though mostly he is considered "an ass".

''The Blade Itself'' was released to very positive reviews. Writing for ''[[The Guardian]]'', author [[Jon Courtenay Grimwood]] said that "for once, the novel comes close to living up to its publisher's hype",<ref>{{cite news |first=Jon Courney |last=Grimwood |authorlink=Jon Courtenay Grimwood |url=https://www.theguardian.com/books/2006/jun/10/featuresreviews.guardianreview16 |work=[[The Guardian]] |title=Murderous Impulses |date=10 June 2006 |accessdate=8 August 2012 }}</ref> and Strange Horizons's Siobhan Carroll said that "fans of character-driven epics who are willing to take their heroes with a grain of moral ambiguity should add this novel to their "must read" list."<ref>{{cite web |url=http://www.strangehorizons.com/reviews/2006/08/the_blade.shtml |title=Strange Horizons Reviews: ''The Blade Itself'' by Joe Abercrombie |publisher=Strange Horizons |first=Siobhan |last=Carroll |date=16 August 2006 |accessdate=8 August 2012}}</ref>

Reviews for ''Before They Are Hanged'' were also positive; Fantasy Book Review stated that it was "hard not to try and read it in one sitting" and that it "does not disappoint".<ref>{{cite web |url=http://www.fantasybookreview.co.uk/Joe-Abercrombie/Before-They-Are-Hanged.html |publisher=Fantasy Book Review |title=''Before They Are Hanged'' by Joe Abercrombie |date= |accessdate=8 August 2012 }}</ref>
Best Fantasy Reviews said it was "an excellent book, and accomplishes a fairly rare feat – the middle book of a trilogy that does a hell of a lot more than provide a stop gap between the beginning and the end."<ref>http://bestfantasybooks.com/blog/review-before-they-are-hanged-by-joe-abercrombie/</ref>

''Last Argument of Kings'' was well received by critics, with ''[[Publishers Weekly]]'' saying that "readers will mourn the end of this vivid story arc."<ref>{{cite web |url=http://www.publishersweekly.com/978-1-59102-690-7 |work=Publishers Weekly |title=Last Argument of Kings: The First Law, Book Three |date=7 July 2008 |accessdate=8 August 2012 }}</ref> ''[[SFX (magazine)|SFX's]]'' David Bradley gave the book a five star review and stated that Abercrombie "signs off the trilogy on a high, interspersing breathless skirmishes with thriller-like moments."<ref>{{cite web |url=http://www.sfx.co.uk/2008/03/26/book_review_last_argument_of_kings/ |work=[[SFX (magazine)|SFX]] |title=BOOK REVIEW Last Argument of Kings |first=David |last=Bradley |date=28 March 2008 |accessdate=8 August 2012 }}</ref>

[[Eric Brown (writer)|Eric Brown]] reviewed ''Red Country'' for ''The Guardian'' and said that Abercrombie was "tipping his hat to the Western genre but continuing his mission to drag fantasy, kicking and screaming, into the 21st century with his characteristic mix of gritty realism, complex characterisation, set-piece scenes of stomach-churning violence and villains who are as fully rounded as his flawed heroes" and concluded that the book was "a marvellous follow-up to his highly praised ''The Heroes''."<ref>{{cite news |first=Eric |last=Brown |authorlink=Eric Brown (writer) |url=https://www.theguardian.com/books/2006/jun/10/featuresreviews.guardianreview16 |title=Science fiction roundup – reviews |work=The Guardian |date=2 November 2012 |accessdate=6 November 2012 }}</ref>


==External links==
* {{official website|http://www.joeabercrombie.com/books/}}
* [http://www.goodreads.com/series/43644-the-first-law ''The First Law''] at [[Goodreads]]

{{Use dmy dates|date=May 2011}}
'''Փոքր Ասիա''' ({{lang-el|Μικρά Ασία}}), թերակղզի Արևմտյան Ասիայում։ Կազմում է ներկայիս Թուրքիայի մեծ մասը։ Տարածությունը մոտ 400 հազար կմ2 է, երկարությունը արևմուտքից արևելք ավելի քան 1000 կմ, լայնությունը՝ 400–600 կմ։ Ողողվում է Սև, Մարմարա, էգեյան, Միջերկրական ծովերի և Բոսֆորի ու Դարդանելի նեղուցների ջրերով։ Արևմտյան ափը կտրտված է ծովածոցերով ու խորշերով: Թերակդգու մեծ մասը գրավում է Փոքրասիական բարձրավանդակը։ Արևելքից սահմանակից է Հայկական լեռնաշխարհին: Ծովափերին կան միջերկրածովյան բուսածածկույթով դաշտավայրեր։

Չի կարելի շփոթել «Փոքր Ասիա» և «Անատոլիա» տեղանունները: Վերջինս 1941 թվականից սկսված թուրքական կառավորության կողմից հորջորջվում է որպես Թուրքիայի ողջ ասիական տարածքները, այդ թվում Արևմտյան Հայաստանը (որպես Արևելյան Անատոլիա), ընդգրկող շրջան:
[[Category:Fantasy novel trilogies]]
[[Category:Victor Gollancz Ltd books]]

17:26, 1 Մարտի 2017-ի տարբերակ

Կաղապար:Infobox book series The First Law is a fantasy series written by British author Joe Abercrombie. It consists of a trilogy, three stand-alone novels and a number of novellas set in the same world.

The trilogy is published by Gollancz in the UK and Pyr in the United States. The stand-alone novels remain with Gollancz in the UK but will be published by Orbit Books in the USA.[1]


The trilogy
# Title Pages Words UK release UK hardback ISBN
1 The Blade Itself 529 191,200 4 May 2006 ISBN 978-0575077867
2 Before They Are Hanged 539 198,300 15 March 2007 ISBN 978-0575077874
3 Last Argument of Kings 603 234,100 20 March 2008 ISBN 978-0575077898
Standalone books
  • Best Served Cold (June 2009)
  • The Heroes (January 2011)
  • Red Country (October 2012)[2]
  • Sharp Ends (April 2016)[3]
Short stories
  • "The Fool Jobs" – appeared in the Swords & Dark Magic compilation (June 2010) and features Curnden Craw and his dozen in events prior to The Heroes.
  • "Yesterday, Near A Village Called Barden" – appeared as an extra in the Waterstone's hardcover version of The Heroes and focuses on Bremer dan Gorst on campaign prior to The Heroes.
  • "Freedom!" - appeared as an extra in the Waterstone's hardcover version of Red Country and focuses on the liberation of the town of Averstock by the Company of the Gracious Hand.
  • "Some Desperado" - appeared in the Dangerous Women anthology (December 2013) and features Shy South on the run during her outlaw days before Red Country.
  • "Tough Times All Over" - appeared in the Rogues anthology (June 2014) and follows courier Carcolf and the circuitous route one of her packages takes through the city of Sipani.
  • "Two's Company" - appeared online on tor.com,[4] to be published in the forthcoming Sharp Ends collection, featuring a "female Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser style thief and warrior odd couple"[5]


The First Law series is set in an epic fantasy world at war, reminiscent of medieval-era Europe and the greater Mediterranean world.

  • The Union contains the provinces of Angland, the Midderlands, Dagoska, Starikland and the city of Westport in Styria.
  • Gurkhul is a sprawling empire to the south of the Union.
  • The North is referred to as such not only by The Union (for whom it really is to the north) but also by those who live there, who refer to themselves as Northmen.
  • Styria is a large island continent to the east of the Union containing multiple warring city states and factions.
  • The Old Empire is a former world power to the west of the Union, now reduced to a patchwork of squabbling warlords all vying for the throne.
  • Far Country is a near lawless frontier region to the north of the Old Empire and west of Starikland province.

The books of the trilogy do not contain maps, as Abercrombie prefers not to use them.[6] However, the three stand alone novels do contain their own local maps.

Plot overview

The plot of the trilogy involves three major powers:

  • The Union, a large kingdom similar to Western Europe.
  • The Gurkish Empire, which is similar to the large Middle-Eastern empires of antiquity.
  • The Northmen, a rough alliance of several northern tribes with Viking and Anglo Saxon overtones under the leadership of a warrior-king named Bethod.

There are two major theaters of war. The first takes place in the north between the Union and the Northmen, who invade the Union's northern province of Angland. The second is in the south between the Union and the Gurkish Empire, who attempt to annex the Union city of Dagoska. The trilogy centers on the fortunes of a variety of characters as they navigate through these and other conflicts.

The Blade Itself

The title of the first book is taken from a quote by Homer in The Odyssey: "The blade itself incites to deeds of violence."

Before They Are Hanged

The title of the second book references a quote by Heinrich Heine: "We should forgive our enemies, but not before they are hanged."

Last Argument of Kings

The title of the third book refers to the words Louis XIV had inscribed on his cannons: "Ultima Ratio Regum," which is Latin for "the last argument of kings."

Standalone books

The three standalone books are set in the same world as the trilogy. Some of the major characters are minor characters from the original trilogy while several major characters from the trilogy sometimes also appear in smaller roles, cameos or are mentioned in passing.

Best Served Cold is set in the same universe as the First Law series, roughly three years after the trilogy. It takes place in Styria, an island continent reminiscent of Italy during the Italian Wars, focusing on the vengeance of a betrayed mercenary leader.

The Heroes focuses on a three-day battle set in the same world as the First Law trilogy, about seven years after events of the trilogy itself. Union commander Lord Marshal Kroy leads the Union forces against the much smaller Northern army led by Black Dow. The story features many characters seen in previous First Law novels like Bremer dan Gorst, Prince Calder, and the Dogman.[7]

Red Country is set about thirteen years after the First Law trilogy and revolves around a youthful female protagonist who is hoping to bury her bloody past, but she’ll have to sharpen up some of her old ways to get her family back. Her journey will take her across the barren western plains to a frontier town gripped by gold fever, through feud, duel and massacre and high into the unmapped mountains.

Major Characters

  • Logen Ninefingers, infamous barbarian warrior of the North named for his missing finger. Nicknamed the "Bloody-Nine" after losing a finger in battle during a berserker-rage, he strives to turn from the path of senseless violence he has followed for so long.
  • Sand dan Glokta, a dashing young swordsman before his capture and years of torture by the Gurkish. Now crippled, he has become a torturer himself in the Union's Inquisition.
  • Jezal dan Luthar, a self-centered, immature nobleman and swordsman training reluctantly for the greatest tournament in the nation.
  • Bayaz, First of the Magi, a wizard from an older time, his magical skill is only outstripped by his political savvy.
  • Collem West, a common born officer of the Union army. Intelligent and diligent but quick to anger and worried for his younger sister.
  • Dogman, a loyal member of Logen's band, a skilled scout with sharpened teeth and an incredible sense of smell.
  • Ferro Maljinn, an escaped slave from the south who puts her thirst for revenge over all else.

Other Characters


  • Cawneil, a book-loving Magus who tries to remain glamorous despite her age, she had previous relationships with both Khalul and Bayaz.
  • Khalul, a Magus who is the religious leader of Gurkhul, he has created an army of Eaters and is Bayaz's bitter enemy.
  • Malacus Quai, Bayaz's apprentice who grows disillusioned with his master.
  • Yoru Sulfur, an odd man with Heterochromia iridum.
  • Yulwei, a black man with long grey hair and a rich voice. He mainly spends his time in Gurkhul.
  • Zacharus, a nature-loving Magus who lives in the Old Empire.


  • Bethod, a charismatic and ruthless leader. An excellent military tactician who intends to conquer Angland after he has defeated almost every clan in the North. He is Logen's bitter enemy after he betrayed him and his band of men. He has two sons, Calder and Scale.
  • Black Dow, a sharp-tongued member of Logen's band who is famed for his ruthlessness.
  • Caul Shivers, an amicable Northman who carries a bitter need for vengeance.
  • Crummock-i-Phail, regarded "the maddest bastard in the north" he leads a clan of Treemen, he wears a necklace of finger bones around his neck and has his three children carry his weapons around for him (unable to tell his daughter from his sons), he seems friendly if crazy.
  • Forley the Weakest, a member of Logen's band, nervous and cowardly but well liked for his decency, he acts to keep the group together and stop them fighting each other.
  • Rudd Threetrees, an older veteran member of Logen's band, a skilled and inspiring leader in his own right.
  • Tul Duru "Thunderhead" , a giant of a northman and member of Logen's band, he is extremely tall and strong.
  • Harding Grim , a masterful archer and member of Logan's band who is well known for hardly saying anything.


  • Ardee West, sister of Collem West, bored with her station in life and what is expected of her gender.
  • Practical Frost, a practical in the Inquisition, a strong albino with a lisp.
  • King Gluslav the Fifth, the obese, senile king of Adua, his health is rapidly failing and his mind is slipping.
  • Lord Chamberlain Hoff, a loud and impatient man who conducts the duties of the otherwise incapable king.
  • Crown Prince Ladisla, the vain and foppish heir to the throne.
  • Brother Longfoot, a talented Navigator whose constant talking gets on his companions nerves.
  • High Justice Marovia, leader of the King's Justice, an elderly man and Sult's bitter rival.
  • Practical Severard, a practical in the Inquisition whose eyes always appear to be smiling.
  • Arch Lector Sult, the elderly leader of the Inquisition, manipulative and greedy.
  • Practical Vitari, a practical in the Inquisition, she is a fearsome fighter with fiery red hair.
  • Mauthis, a representative of the banking clan Valint and Balk. A remarkably cold individual, he causes numerous problems for Glokta when he presents him with the demands of his mysterious masters.
  • Bremer dan Gorst, a muscled soldier and duellist. Despite his size and reputation he has a very high-pitched womanly voice that he's sensitive about.

Adua Military

  • Lord Marshal Burr, leader of the King's army, a skilled commander and mentor to Collem West who suffers from indigestion.
  • General Kroy, aloof and by-the-book commander who is the bitter rival of General Poulder.
  • General Poulder, a flamboyant commander who is the bitter rival of General Kroy.
  • Jalenhorm, Kaspa and Brint, Union officers and the drinking buddies of Jezal dan Luthar and Collem West, they often play cards together.


  • Carlot dan Eider, Magister of the Spicers aka "The Queen of Merchants", a beautiful, intelligent and skilled diplomat.
  • Haddish Khadia, spokesman and religious leader of the natives of Dagoska.
  • Korsten dan Vurms, the ambitious son of the elderly and incapable Lord Governor.
  • Nicomo Cosca, a notoriously treacherous, but charismatic and generally good-tempered mercenary who turns up repeatedly under different employers.
  • General Vissbruck, leader of Dagoska's garrison, reasonably competent though mostly he is considered "an ass".


The Blade Itself was released to very positive reviews. Writing for The Guardian, author Jon Courtenay Grimwood said that "for once, the novel comes close to living up to its publisher's hype",[8] and Strange Horizons's Siobhan Carroll said that "fans of character-driven epics who are willing to take their heroes with a grain of moral ambiguity should add this novel to their "must read" list."[9]

Reviews for Before They Are Hanged were also positive; Fantasy Book Review stated that it was "hard not to try and read it in one sitting" and that it "does not disappoint".[10] Best Fantasy Reviews said it was "an excellent book, and accomplishes a fairly rare feat – the middle book of a trilogy that does a hell of a lot more than provide a stop gap between the beginning and the end."[11]

Last Argument of Kings was well received by critics, with Publishers Weekly saying that "readers will mourn the end of this vivid story arc."[12] SFX's David Bradley gave the book a five star review and stated that Abercrombie "signs off the trilogy on a high, interspersing breathless skirmishes with thriller-like moments."[13]

Eric Brown reviewed Red Country for The Guardian and said that Abercrombie was "tipping his hat to the Western genre but continuing his mission to drag fantasy, kicking and screaming, into the 21st century with his characteristic mix of gritty realism, complex characterisation, set-piece scenes of stomach-churning violence and villains who are as fully rounded as his flawed heroes" and concluded that the book was "a marvellous follow-up to his highly praised The Heroes."[14]


  1. «Blog Entry». 7 August 2008.
  2. Abercrombie, Joe. «Joe Abercrombie - Books». JoeAbercrombie.com. Արխիվացված է օրիգինալից 21 Jan 2013-ին. Վերցված է 21 Jan 2013-ին. {{cite web}}: Italic or bold markup not allowed in: |work= (օգնություն); Unknown parameter |deadurl= ignored (|url-status= suggested) (օգնություն)
  3. Abercrombie, Joe. «Joe Abercrombie - Books». JoeAbercrombie.com. {{cite web}}: Italic or bold markup not allowed in: |work= (օգնություն)
  4. «Two's Company». 12 January 2016.
  5. «Blog Entry». 12 January 2016.
  6. «Blog Entry». 2 October 2007.
  7. «Fiction Review: The Heroes». Publishers Weekly. 13 December 2010. Վերցված է 13 October 2011-ին.
  8. Grimwood, Jon Courney (10 June 2006). «Murderous Impulses». The Guardian. Վերցված է 8 August 2012-ին.
  9. Carroll, Siobhan (16 August 2006). «Strange Horizons Reviews: The Blade Itself by Joe Abercrombie». Strange Horizons. Վերցված է 8 August 2012-ին.
  10. «Before They Are Hanged by Joe Abercrombie». Fantasy Book Review. Վերցված է 8 August 2012-ին.
  11. http://bestfantasybooks.com/blog/review-before-they-are-hanged-by-joe-abercrombie/
  12. «Last Argument of Kings: The First Law, Book Three». Publishers Weekly. 7 July 2008. Վերցված է 8 August 2012-ին.
  13. Bradley, David (28 March 2008). «BOOK REVIEW Last Argument of Kings». SFX. Վերցված է 8 August 2012-ին.
  14. Brown, Eric (2 November 2012). «Science fiction roundup – reviews». The Guardian. Վերցված է 6 November 2012-ին.

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