Utente:Gianreali/prova 18
modifica- Infanzia (Детство)
- Adolescenza (Отрочество)
- Giovinezza (Юность)
- Guerra e pace, 1865-1869
- I Decabristi, 1868 drafts of an attempt to write a sequel to War and Peace
- [s:en:Anna Karenina|Anna Karenina]] (Анна Каренина, 1873-1877,
- Resurrezione (Воскресение), 1899,
- Padrone e Servitore (Хозяин и работник, 1895)
- Hadgi Maurat (Хаджи-Мурат), 1898, fictionalised story of an actual Avar rebel commander.
- La morte di Ivan Ilich (Смерть Ивана Ильича)
- I Cosacchi (Казаки), 1863
- La sonata a Kreutzer (Крейцерова соната),
- s:en:Katia (Катя), 1859 translated by William S. Gottsberger in 1887
- La mattina di un proprietario terriero, from an unfinished novel Tolstoy intended to entitle A Russian Proprietor.
- en:On Life[1]
Dramatic Plays
modifica- s:en:The Fruits of Culture, 1899, translated by Arthur Hopkins
- Redemption, 1900 play in which the main character doubts his wife's love, so runs away, leading to her re-marriage, his suicide, and closes with her realisation that she loved him.
- s:en:The Cause of it All, 1910.
- s:en:The Power of Darkness, translated by Arthur Hopkins
- s:en:The Overthrow of Hell and Its Restoration a "dramatic dialogue" between Beelzebub and his angels, published by The Free Age Press pre-1903
- s:en:The First Distiller
- s:en:The Light Shines in Darkness, published posthumously
Autobiographical writings
Short stories
Short story collections
modifica- The Works of Guy de Maupassant, translated by Leo Wiener, 1905
- A Criticism on Dogmatic Theology
- A New Translation and Comparison of the Four Gospels[3]
- The Quest for Meaning
- The Law of Love (Spiritual writings, U of T)
- Prophetic Forays (Spiritual writings, U of T)
- The Life of Faith (Spiritual writings, U of T)
- Maxims and Musings (Spiritual writings, U of T)
- A Calendar of Wisdom, 1910 collection of 365 different quotes, treatises and thoughts
- A Talk Among Leisured People, 1893, translated by Louise and Aylmer Maude
- Walk in the Light While There is Light, 1893, translated by Louise and Aylmer Maude
- Novels and other Writings, published by Charles Scribner in 1904
- An Efficient Remedy, 1910 article that appeared in the St. Petersbeurg Rietch
modifica- en:A Confession
- chi ha bisogno di mparare a scrivere e da chi? I ragazzi contadini da noi o noi dai ragazzi contadini?
- Writings on Civil Disobedience and Nonviolence, 1866 (incomplete)
- Church and State, 1882, translated by Nathan Haskell Dole
- A Project for a General Plan for Elementary Schools
- Sul significato dell'istruzione popolare, 1862
- Education and Instruction, 1872
- Progress and the Definition of, 1874
- Instruction, 1875
- What to Do?, 1887, translated by Isabel F. Hapgood
- Why Do Men Stupefy Themselves?, 1888 work condemning tobacco and alcohol consumption, translated by Louise and Aylmer Maude
- Why Do People Stupefy Themselves?, translated by Nathan Haskell Dole
- The First Step, 1891 essay advocating a vegetarian diet as being in line with Christian ethics of non-violence, translated by Louise and Aylmer Maude
- also published as The Morals of Diet
- Desire Stronger than Necessity
- Means of Helping the Population Suffering from Bad Harvests, 1891, translated by Nathan Haskell Dole
- Help for the Starving, January 1892, translated by Nathan Haskell Dole
- The Kingdom of God is Within You, 1894, translated by Constance Garnett
- To God or Mammon, 1895
- Shame!, 1895
- A Letter to Russian Liberals, August 31 1896
- The Beginning of the End, 1897, translated by Nathan Haskell Dole
- Two Wars, 1898, translated by Nathan Haskell Dole
- Carthago Delenda Est, 1899, translated by Nathan Haskell Dole
- Thou Shalt Not Kill, Response to the assassination of Italy's King Humbert, written in 1900 and banned in both Russia and Germany, it lays the blame for violence on the state itself.
- Thoughts on God, published by The Free Age Press pre-1903
- A Great Iniquity, ~1903 by The Free Age Press
- What the Orthodox Religion Really Is, 1904 in the Revue de Paris
- Shakespeare and the Drama, 1906 (reprinted Feb 1907 SteadReviewAust)
- The Russian Revolution, 1907
- The Relations of the Sexes, 1908
- The Annexation of Bosnia and Herzegovina by Austria, 1908 (tr. Louise and Aylmer Maude)
- For a Single Word, 1908 (tr. Louise and Aylmer Maude)
- Take Me! I Will Not Cease Writing. A Challenge, published in London's Daily News, August 8, 1908
- I Cannot Be Silent, a response to the 1908 hanging of twenty peasants who had assaulted their landowner, condemning capital punishment (tr. Louise and Aylmer Maude)
- The Law of Violence and the Law of Love, 1908
- Tolstoy's Protest, 1908 (tr. Louise and Aylmer Maude)
- A Letter to a Hindu, 1908
- The Teaching of Jesus. A Simple Rendering, 1908 (tr. Louise and Aylmer Maude)
- The Inevitable Revolution, 1909
- It is Time to Understand, 1909 (Louise and Aylmer Maude)
- A Talk With a Wayfarer, 1909 (Louise and Aylmer Maude)
- A Comparison of America and Europe, 1909
- Last Message to Mankind, written for the 1909 International Peace Congress held in Stockholm., condemning military service and war.
- The Gospel in Brief (tr. Louise and Aylmer Maude)
- also, The Spirit of Christ's Teaching, trans. anonymously in 1887
- What I Believe, translated by Constantine Popoff
- Our Understanding of Life (Aylmer)
- Patriotism and Government
- To the Tsar and His Assistants
- To The Working People, translated by Dana Estes
- Children, Love One Another, a public address (tr. Louise and Aylmer Maude)
- The Law of Force and the Law of Love (tr. Louise and Aylmer Maude)
- The Slavery of Our Times
- The Memoirs of a Madman
- What is Art?
- The Only Commandment
- My Religion, translated by Huntington Smith
- The Tsar's Coronation (tr. Louise and Aylmer Maude)
- Work While Ye Have Light, translation by Constance Garnett
- How Shall We Escape?, published by The Free Age Press pre-1903
- The Christian Teaching, published by The Free Age Press pre-1903
- Bethink Yourselves!, on the Russo-Japanese war
- The Relations of the Sexes, published by The Free Age Press pre-1903
- The Root of the Evil, published by The Free Age Press pre-1903
- Demands of Love and Reason, published by The Free Age Press pre-1903
- The Meaning of Life, published by The Free Age Press pre-1903
- Right and Wrong, pre-1902 by Louise and Aylmer Maude
- Reason and Religion
- How to Read the Gospels
- The Feast of Enlightenment of January Twenty-Four
- Nikolai Palkin
- A Terrible Question
- In the Midst of the Starving
- Famine or Not Famine
- Persecution of Christians in Russia, tr. Nathan Haskell Dole
- Help!, tr. Nathan Haskell Dole
- The Emigration of the Doukhobors, tr. Nathan Haskell Dole
- Thoughts on God, tr. Nathan Haskell Dole
- The Physiology of War, published by Walter Scott
- The Inevitable Revolution, 1908
- The Meaning of the Russian Revolution, translated by Louise and Aylmer Maude
- What's To Be Done?, translated by Aylmer Maude
- An Appeal to Russians: To the Government, the Revolutionists and the People
- The Only Means
- Reason, Faith and Prayer
- An Appeal to the Clergy
- To the Working People
- An Appeal to Social Reformers
- The Christian Teaching
- Industry, or the Farmer's Triumph
Literary Criticism
modifica- Trust Yourself. An Appeal To Young People (tr. Louise and Aylmer Maude)
- The Hanging Czar. An Indictment of the Russian Government, pre-1909 socialist pamphlet by ILP publications
- Labour: The Divine Command, translated by Mary Cruger (NEEDS FORMATTING)
- Yasnaya Polyana School, 1862 description of a school he ran on his estate
modifica- Letter to his son Ilia, between 1882-1886 when Ilia was 16-20 years old
- Second letter to his son Ilia, between 1882-1886 when Ilia was preparing to marry
- Third letter to his son Ilia, between 1882-1886
- Letter to L. D. Urusov, May 5, 1885. Translated by Edward Bernstein.
- Letter to Great-Aunt Alexandra about his children, 1872
- Correspondence with the Doukhobor community in Canada, 16 letters from Tolstoy to Peter Vasil'evich Verigin, written from 1895-1910, and 22 replies from Verigin.
- Letter to Morrison Davidson, about a book that Davidson mailed him, September 10, 1895.
- Letter to Ernest Crosby, 1896 letter dealing with non-resistance
- Letter requesting a Nobel Prize be awarded to the Doukhbours, November 1897
- Letter on Suicide, 1898, written to a personal friend
- en:Letter to a Chinese Gentleman, written in 1899
- Letter to T. A. Ushakoff, 1900, June 9.
- Letter to Arvid Yarnefelt, 1900, June 20.
- Letter to Alexis C. Blakhopuloff, 1900, June 20.
- en:Letter to the Free Age Press, 1900
- Letter to the Persian ambassador to Russia, 1901
- Letter on the Religious Relation to Life, February 2, 1902
- Letter to Swedish scientists, writers and artists, 1902 upon being told that they regretted he had not received a Nobel Prize
- en:Letter to Aylmer Maude, 1903 regarding a dispute about his translations
- Letter to M. Sabatier, 7/20 Nov. 1906.
- Letter to Premanand Bharati, 16 Jan./3 Febr. 1907.
- en:Letter to a Peasant on Science, 1909
- en:Letter to a Student on Jurisprudence, 1909
- en:A Letter to a Student About Law, 1909
- en:Correspondence between Tolstoy and Gandhi, 1909 forward
- en: What to Teach Children, a letter published in the December 4, 1909 edition of The Nation
- Letter to V.A. Posse on the Importance of Studying Ancient Religions, 1910
- en:Letter to a Kind Youth, published in 1912
- Letter to a Non-Comissioned Officer
- Love letters, translated by Virginia Woolf in "Translations from the Russian"
- Letter to Isabella Grinevskaya, a letter discussing the Ba`hai faith structure
- Letter to Tcherktoff "On the Negro Question", dealing with the writings of William Lloyd Garrison, an abolitionist.
- Letter to the Czar on the Kishineff massacre of Jews
- en:Reason, Faith and Prayer: Three Letters, published by The Free Age Press pre-1903
- en:Letters on War, published by The Free Age Press pre-1903
- en:Reply to Critics, tr. Nathan Haskell Dole
- en:A Reply to Criticisms, tr. Nathan Haskell Dole
- en:Letter to Dr. Eugen Heinrich Schmitt, tr. Nathan Haskell Dole
- en:Letter on Henry George (I), tr. Nathan Haskell Dole
- en:Letter on Henry George (II), tr. Nathan Haskell Dole
- en:Letter to John Coleman Kenworthy[4]
- en:Patriotism, or Peace?
- en:Letter to the Peace Conference
- en:A Reply to Criticisms
- en:Reply to Critics
- en:Manual Labour and Intellectual Activity
- en:Letter to N. N.
modifica- In the Land of Stadling and Reason
- Napoleon and the Russian Campaign
- Life
- Christ's Christianity
- Que Faire? trans. to Fr. Marina Polonsky, 1887
- The One Thing Needful, booklet published by The Free Age Press pre-1903
- The End of the Age and the Crisis in Russia, booklet published by The Free Age Press pre-1903
- Forty Years, a religious legend published by The Free Age Press pre-1903
- Religion and Morality, published by The Free Age Press pre-1903
- On the Personal Christian Life, published by The Free Age Press pre-1903
- Some Social Remedies, published by The Free Age Press pre-1903
- My Husband and I, trans. pre-1907
- The Invaders, trans. pre-1907
- In Pursuit of Happiness, trans. by Aline Delano, 1887
Works about Tolstoy