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Quality Factors for Agritouristic Websites—Comparative Study of Measurement Methods

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Marketing and Smart Technologies (ICMarkTech 2022)


In this paper, the authors continued research previously conducted on six selected websites of Polish agritourism farms. The aim of the conducted analysis was to determine whether the expert analysis, based on literature and distinguished quality websites factors, is coherent with the users’ analysis, based on the WebQual questionnaire. The conducted analysis involved an expert evaluation. The factors, which were taken under consideration during the analysis, were distinguished from literature and grouped accordingly with the WebQual questionnaire sections and focused on the aesthetics, functionality, and usability of each analyzed website. The main objective of the paper is to discover if there are any discrepancies between the two conducted assessments, as well as to answer the question about the quality of the websites of agritourism farms in Poland.

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Cicha, K., Rutecka, P. (2024). Quality Factors for Agritouristic Websites—Comparative Study of Measurement Methods. In: Reis, J.L., Del Rio Araujo, M., Reis, L.P., dos Santos, J.P.M. (eds) Marketing and Smart Technologies. ICMarkTech 2022. Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, vol 344. Springer, Singapore.

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